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James Leininger DVD, subtitling.

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Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am again sending the text on a very spectacular, most interesting DVD-clip

on reincarnation that we want to subtitle. It was sent to me by Carol

Bowman from Philadelphia, US, she is a pioneer in recent reincarnation

research. The clip was broadcast on Prime Time in the US, just recently.

First I had a technical problem and I could not paste the file on a wincom

format like this one, now it seems to work. Malati Manjari dd will make the

subtitles in English, she is expert in setting up the right titles for good

understanding of the contents, as she has been working with a professional

TV-company. From her basic script anyone else who likes to translate it in

his language can partake in this project. It costs the same to subtitle in

more languages as it costs subtitling in just one language. Please reply if

you are interested in subtitling. I can send copies in plain english also.


your humble servant,

Ramananda Raya dasa



Once again. Charles Gibson


And now one of the biggest questions of life. What happens when it's over ?

Heaven, hell, nothing? Or might there be a fourth possibility,

reincarnation? Could we come back as someone else? Here is Chris Cuomo

with two down to earth parents who thought they understood the mysteries of

life, that is until their toddler began to talk.


On March 3 1945, a 21 year old Navy fighter pilot on a mission over the

Pacific was shot down by Japanese artillery. His name might well have been

forgotten, were it not for the remarkable, some might say unbelievable story

of a little boy, named James.


"OK, this is really tough; I need somebody to help me. All right, I am the

volunteer, what do you want me to do?" I just go climb this thing and you

have to hold me in case I fall". "Done" James Leininger is all boy, six

years old and full of spirit. "This is a special plane, it goes in reverse.

You don't see a lot of that. James knows a lot about planes, especially

warplanes. What kind of an airplane is that? It's a Coarse Air. His

parents, Andrea and Bruce Leininger say from an early age James would play

with nothing else. "He was obsessed with airplanes. You look around in the

house, that's all you see, airplanes, helicopters, aircraft-carriers. But

then, when he was two, the planes James loved, suddenly began to give him

frequent and frightening nightmares. I wake him up and he would be

screaming and he would be always lying on his back, kicking his feet up unto

the ceiling. And I said: "Baby, what were you dreaming about ?" He said :

"Airplane crashed on fire, little man can't get out." They sound like

typical kiddy nightmares, but Andrea said they went on for months. Maybe

too much TV, but his parents say James was just two when he was only

watching Barney and Tele-tubbies.. …"Tele-tubbies"… And Andrea and Bruce

say, they were not watching World War two documentaries or conversing about

military history..


So, what explains the nightmares and James strange obsession with airplanes?

I talked to my mam about it, a lot of times. And my mam said : " Maybe, he

is remembering a past life." "What did you say? " "Politely?" "Baloney!"

Andrea and Bruce of Lafayette at Louisiana are highly educated modern

couple. To them, the possibility that their little son James was

manifesting signs of a former life, was …well, a little out there.. "You

know, having a past life is not the initial conclusion that you come to.

You try and figure out any other way he could have… Did he see anything, has

there been anything on television, anything that we have discussed? But as

time went by, Andrea did not know what to believe… Here is James, at age

three, going over a plane as if he was doing a pretty flight check and he

continued to say and do things that were puzzling… Like at the time his mam

bought him a toy airplane.. And I said: " Oh, look, there is a bomb on the

bottom of it..! " He said: "That's not a bomb, Ma. It's a drop tank. "A

drop tank…" "I have never heard about a drop tank, I did not know what a

drop tank was… Andrea's mother suggested she look into the work of

councilor and therapist Carol Bowman. Bowman has written two books, both

supporting the proposition that sometimes the dead can be reborn. "We are

taught from a very early age, in this culture, in the Judeo-Christian

culture, that reincarnation does not exist. Once you observe this in a

child and the evidence is very compelling, you have to open up to another

explanation for what is going on. Bruce was deeply skeptical. "He said

there has to be a logical explanation." "I don't believe in past lives. I

don't believe in this stuff" But with the violent nightmares, recurring

three or four times a week, the Leiningers felt they have to do something.

So, with guidance from Bowman, they cautiously began to encourage James to

share his memories. They say: "The result was startling" "The nightmares

immediately started reducing in frequency. He went down from maybe four a

week to one every week, one every other week. And at that point was when he

started to articulate more about these past-life memories. Seems normal

enough, a little boy improving when his troubles are directly addressed.

But Bowman says : This is more, that James was forthcoming, because this is

the age when former lives are most easily recalled. They haven't had the

cultural conditioning, the layering over of experience in this life, so that

the memories can percolate up more easily. These memories tend to fade

between the ages of five to seven. His parents say between the age of two

till to four, James would reveal extraordinary details about the life of a

former fighter-pilot, mostly at bed time when he was drowsy. Bruce said:

"What happened to your plane?" He said: "It crashed on fire". And Bruce

said:"Why did your airplane crash?" And he said: "It got shot". And Bruce

said: "Who shot your plane?" And…I will never forget the look on his face.

He went: …"The Japanese!!!!" Still, despite these extraordinary stories

Bruce remained dubious; almost to prove they could not be true. He began to

piece together the details James was sharing. And what he found, he says,

shook him to the core. For many instances the stories appeared to match the

facts. James seemed to be recalling real events, real people, in the life

of a man who had been dead for almost sixty years.


Coming up…. A toddler, just three years old. So, how does he know the

pilots from a World War II squattering ? That was like falling mambo … You

could have poured out the brains from my ears. I just couldn't believe it.

When Prime Time continues…


With each passing month little James Leininger seemed to peeling back

memories of a past life…. " A plane"… Vivid memories that scared and

astonished his parents. Bruce said:" What kind of plane did you fly? He

said a Coarse Air." "He said a Coarse Air?" "Yes" Not only did James

remember flying a Coarse Air, he demonstrated knowledge of the plane's

peculiarities, at the time he was flipping through a book about planes when

he was four. We got to the Coarse Air, he said:"That's a Coarse Air". And

he goes: " You know what ?" They used to get flat tires all the time. In

fact, historians and pilots agree that the planes tires too a lot of

punishment on landing. Of course this is a fact that could easily been

found in books or on TV. But then, James began to offer the kinds of

specific details, his parents say are harder to explain away.


"Another night, Bruce had come in and he said: "Do you remember where your

plane took off?" And he said it took off from a boat. "Do you remember the

name of your boat?The Natoma" "Do you remember what your name was and he

would always say "James!" But his name is James! It never really occurred

to us; we thought he just wasn't understanding the question. So, I said:

"Do you remember any of your friends, anyone else that you flew with? And

he said Jack, Jack Larsson.


Bruce began doing some research. Almost immediately he discovered that the

Natoma was an actual ship, a small aircraft-carrier in the Pacific, called

the Natoma Bay. And Jack Larsson, the Navy body little James recalled.

Well, it turns out; there was a pilot, named Jack Larsson who served aboard

the Natoma Bay. In fact, he is alive and well and is living in Arkansas.

And it was like falling mambo… I mean really, you could have poured my

brains out of my ears. And I just, I just couldn't believe it. And there

were more clues. Around this time, James began signing crayon drawings and

other artwork, James 3. When they asked him why he is calling himself James

3, Well, he says: "I am the third James". And every once and a while you

ask him that today, he will still say the same thing.


And one day while leafing through a new book about the battle of Iwo Jima,

Bruce turned to an aerial photo of the Pacific Island. James was seated

nearby. He pointed to it and he goes:" Daddy, that's where my plane got

shot down". I said: "What?! That's my airplane got shot down there,

Daddy." And I just went blank". "I couldn't say anything….


By then, Bruce had become a man possessed, searching the Internet, culming

through military records and interviewing men who served aboard the Natoma

Bay. Finally a breakthrough. He learnt that there was just one pilot in

his squadron killed at Iwo Jima, that pilot: James N. Houston Junior. Is

this why little James was calling himself James 3 ? It just crossed my

mind:" This has to be who we are talking about. You know, my meter of

skepticism was starting to go over toward belief.


When little James would describe being shot down he described how his plane

had sustained a direct hit on the engine. We had an airplane and I said : "

Well, can you show me where it was. He pointed right up to the front of the

engine." That's what makes this man's story so intriguing. His name is

Ralph Clarber. Clarber was a rear gunner on a TVM-avenger that flew off the

Natoma Bay. On March 3 1945 he took part in a raid near Iwo Jima. As it

happened Clarber's plane was right next to the one flown by James N. Houston

Junior. It used to be Houston's last mission before leaving for home the

following day. As Clarber recalls the sky was thick with enemy flack. "We

experienced pretty heavy anti-aircraft fire, but this was the most intense

that I experienced at any time. Suddenly a flash at the nose of Houston's



I saw the hit, I would say he was hit head on, right on the middle of the

engine. "Just as little James had described it." "So, what do you believe

now, about your son James?" "I believe that he had a past life, I believe

that in his past life he was James N. Houston Junior and he came back

because he wasn't finished with something. That's essentially what I



"Dear Bruce and Andrea…" And he is not the only one. This past October the

Leiningers received a letter from a woman named Ann Houston Barron, the

sister of James N. Houston. Andrea and Bruce had contacted her about their

little boy. Barren heard about what young James was saying and she

believes: "All this is still overwhelming, I can only imagine how this has

affected you, but I believe with my love to you. Ann. "The child was so

convincing and coming up with all these things. There is no way in the

world he could know. Unless there is a spiritual thing.


"I think that the parents are self deceived, that they are fascinated by the

mysterious and they build up a fairy tale." Professor Paul Kurtz of the

University of Buffalo heads an organization that investigates claims of the

paranormal. He is overhearing conversations of his parents, he is looking

at cues, he may talk to his friends or hear from neighbors. And then this

conviction that builds up, that yes, he was this pilot, he will come to

believe that himself. "Did you ever rag your brain and say "Ji, I hope I

didn't say anything or do anything to put this in James head? Do you ever

question yourself? "No, because we were talking to a two year old. I mean,

what am I going to do? Set him in a corner and say:"Listen, we are going to

concoct this elaborate scheme and you are going to imagine that you went

through all those things." "I knew what he watched on television, I knew

what stories I read to him. I am a protective first time Southern mother.

There was no other place he could have been getting this information.

Assuming the Leiningers are acting in good faith, what we have here is a

classic conflict between what we call faith versus science. Hard facts

against beliefs that often can't be easily explained. There is no doubt

where Paul Kurtz stands: "People have the right to believe, surely in

America, there is freedom of conscience. On the other hand, you want to

believe in something that is false? So, how do you rationalize something

that is bigger then ourselves, if you have to fall back on science all the

time? Not simply science, on the facts. On common sense."


Once upon a time the Leiningers might have agreed, but that was before the

amazing story told by their young son forced them to consider the

possibilities and to examine their faith. "Whether you believe in

reincarnation or not. It's about the eternal life of the human spirit and

that is something God promises to us. There is something else out there,

after this, it's not over when we die."


James' vivid recollections are starting to fade as he gets older but among

his prized possessions are two gifts sent to him by pilot James Houston's

sister, a bust of George Washington and model of a Coarse Air aircraft.

They were amongst the personal affairs of James Houston, sent home after the



Do you feel differently about James? Has it changed your relationship with

him? No, we have always felt that he is a special little boy, because he is

our son. He appears to have experienced something that I don't think is

unique but the way it's been revealed is quite astounding, but it doesn't

change how we think, I don't look at James thinking, that's not my son, it's

someone else… That's my boy.


It might be a natural assumption that it's just Hindus and Buddhists who

believe in reincarnation but would it surprise you to know that one out of

every four Americans, Christians and Jewish alike, believe that souls do

return again. We'll be right back.

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