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Stop All Your Miseries in Less than One Second!

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Welcome to the KrishnaSoft's Electronic Newsletter.

This is the January 1999 issue entitled: "Stop All Your Miseries in Less

than One Second!".

WEB: http://www.krishnasoft.com; EMAIL: krishna (AT) krishnasoft (DOT) com


This newsletter now goes to over 1100 people who either have an

interest in Vedic science and/or spiritually entertaining multimedia




(1) Stop All Your Miseries in Less than One Second!

(2) Feedback from December 98 Issue

(3) Detailed Look at the Multimedia Bhagavad-gita CDROM

(4) Editorial Policy and Other Info





[The following is the second of a series of articles to present to

the benefits of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The multimedia Krsna CD published

by Krishnasoft presents the summary of the 10th Canto with parts from

the 5th Canto of this great spiritual masterpiece.]


Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the Absolute Truth

(1.1.1): janmady asya yatah....abhijnah svarat: Lord Sri Krsna is the

Absolute Truth, the cause of all causes. He is directly and indirectly

conscious of all manifestations, and He is independent because there is

no other cause beyond Him. This indicates that everything is perfectly

and completely present in Lord Krsna. All causes, reasonings, logic,

matter, spirit, etc. are emanations from Him. In the December 98 issue

we showed that the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the literary incaranation of Lord

Krsna Himself (1.3.40). Therefore, the Srimad-Bhagavatam is complete by

Himself and all questions are answered by this text. Not surprisingly,

the tenth chapter of the Second Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam is entitled:

"Bhagavatam is the Answer to All Questions". This is significant for anyone

that has some interest to solve the apparent miseries that face us in our

lives: (1) miseries caused by the body and mind, (2) miseries caused by other

living entities, and (3) miseries caused by natural catastrophes. The

solution to the miseries is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.3.32):


"O Brahmana Vyasadeva, it is decided by the learned that the best

remedial measure for removing all troubles and miseries is to dedicate

one's activities to the service of the Supreme Lord Personality of

Godhead [sri Krsna]."


And in (1.1.2):


"In the material conception, one falsely thinks himself the lord of all

he surveys, and therefore he is always troubled by the threefold miseries

of life. But as soon as one comes to know his real position as

transcendental servant, he at once becomes free from all miseries."


By avoiding the athiestic and impersonalistic theories, one can

easily engage himself in Lord Krsna's service and escape from the miseries of

material existence. The athiestic scientists are either too emotionally

biased for their ever-changing theories which they call "scientific" or never

put in the effort to read and apply the principles of the Bhagavatam to their

lives. The impersonalists who are also called

Mayavadis are worse than the athiests. Instead of saying the Srimad-

Bhagavatam is "myth" like the athiests say, the Mayavadis claim that the

Srimad-Bhagavatam is true but its actual meaning is something other

than what it directly states. For example, when the Srimad-Bhagavatam

states in (1.3.32) that one should engage in devotional service to the

Supreme Person Lord Krsna, the Mayavadis would counter by saying

that actually the impersonal brahmajyoti [spiritual light] is supreme.

Of course, this is their interpretation. They have added their 2 cents and

clouded the entire picture. If individuality is an attribute of the

living entities, then it must be an attribute of the cause of all causes, the

Absolute Truth. Lord Caitanya stated in this regard (Srimad-Bhagavatam



"The Vedic injunctions are self-authorized, and if some mundane creature

adjusts the interpretations of the Vedas, he defies their

authority....[Vyasadeva's] work, the Vedanta-sutra, is as dazzling as

the midday sun, and when someone tries to give his own interpretations on

the self-effulgent sunlike Vedanta-sutra, he attempts to cover this sun

with the cloud of his imagination."


Rationally speaking, if the Absolute Truth (Srimad-Bhagavatam)

required an interpretation not directly mentioned in the text itself, it

would indicate that the Absolute Truth is incomplete which is

contradictory to the definition of the Absolute Truth. Therefore, it

can be stated that everything is perfectly present in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

All other literatures either confirm and reinforce the principles stated in

the Srimad-Bhagavatam or are representations of the illusory energy.

Misinterpretations of the Srimad-Bhagavatam are also representations of the

illusory energy. Misinterpretations usually result from quoting only parts of

the text to support one's preconceived ideas without paying attention to the

rest of the text:


"No one has to discover the nature of the Lord. It is already spoken by

the Lord Himself in the Bhagavad-gita especially and in all other Vedic

literatures generally. We have simply to accept them IN TOTO and abide

by the orders of the Lord." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.36)


Throughout the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the stress is placed on

performance of devotional service (bhakti-yoga) to the Supreme Lord Sri

Krsna. This devotional service must come from the Supreme Lord

Himself or through His bona-fide representative. It cannot be a

concoction of our own material mind and intellect:


"The devotees are especially protected by the Lord so that they may

remain infallible. Therefore the process of devotional service always

begins in the service of the devotee who appears in disciplic

succession." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.6.34)


By being completely engaged in devotional service to Lord Krsna, we

are immediately placed above the three modes of material nature (brahma-

bhuta). This means above the threefold miseries and in a joyous state.

This can happen instantly without having to wait for another birth or

many years of struggle. It all starts with our eagerness to want to

perform devotional service (Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.6.35):


"...the Lord can be known only by the sincere mood of eagerness for






[We posted the December 98 issue: "The Srimad-Bhagavatam is Better

than the Physics Book!" in some Physics conferences on the internet

and here is some of the feedback.]


>>I can use this computer in total ignorance of the solid state theory that

>>drives many of it's components.

>>It is independent of my belief structure.

>>If I drop a ball it's going to fall even if I have a sincere belief that it

>>will not.


The existence of the computer does not prove the solid state theory. The

solid state theory is just one explanation of how the computer may be

functioning. There may be another theory which encompasses the

results obtained by your solid state theory and also explains more

things along with it, then that is by far superior. And there is no guarantee

that Physics is the only branch that can find this theory.


>>All this talk about Srimad Bhagavatam being better than Physics is of

>>course the same thing the Christians have proposed with the Bible


>>it to be the unchallenged word of GOD! Science however has made


>>strides in regard to showing that much of the old world thinking (that

>>came into being from following scriptures without question) to be

>>outdated. Also The Bible has been proven to have been written over

>>hundreds of years. The Srimad Bhagavatam has (as many Religious


>>do) many questions in regard to it's date, interpretations (and there



The taste of the pudding is in its eating. Anyone who has practiced

bhakti-yoga as outlined in the Srimad-Bhagavatam even for only a few

days knows that the process works. Who really cares how old it is or

whether it's comparable with other religious texts or not? As long as

it works!

[Modern] science has not shown anything to be outdated from the

Srimad-Bhagavatam. They have shown that their own theories become

outdated quite quickly and have to be revised, updated, trashed, etc.

But that's expected since the experimenters are not perfect; they make

mistakes and their vision is limited. And they can't guarantee that

their explanation is the ONLY explanation for the phenomena that they try to

explain [including computers]. Anyone who assumes that all phenomena

in the universe has to fall into the physically measurable arena in the

laboratory is short-sighted. An example was already given examples but

perhaps you need a more obvious example:


Love, hatred, sadness, anger, etc. are all non-physical phenomena; they

cannot be measured in the laboratory. Do they exist? Yes.


To say, Physics is the world of "proven" and Srimad-Bhagavatam (or

Krsna consciousness) is unproven is bologna. Most people who follow

physics have NOT proven ALL the experiments in physics; they assume

they have been proven. Many also assume that all phenomena WILL be

proven somehow by physics. This is FAITH not proof. I can also say

that many people have proven and realized the Srimad-Bhagavatam and

its results, but I am giving you more than that. I am saying that ANY

person who follows the procedure of Srimad-Bhagavatam even for a few

days will see the results.


NOTE: Physics is not to be completely rejected but we can apply the

principle of bhakti-yoga from the Srimad-Bhagavatam to Physics;

therefore, the best use of Physics is to use it in the service of Lord

Krsna wherever possible.






[Here is a detailed list of what is on the Multimedia Bhagavad-gita

CDROM published by Krishnasoft. All the features listed below have

been squeezed onto a SINGLE 650MB CD using lossless compression


(1) Entire text of Srila Prabhupada's English Bhagavad-gita As It Is

w/diacritic marks

(a) Roman transliterations

(b) Word-to-word meanings

© Translations

(d) Purports

(2) Over 250 moving/scrolling illustrations synchronized with the text

(3) Original verses in Sanskrit (Devanagari) and Gujarati

(4) Search by chapter and verse or by any phrase

(5) Narrations of English Translations and Sanskrit verses by Srila

Prabhupada and another devotee

(6) Background information on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is

(7) Multimedia presentation of the biography of Srila Prabhupada

(8) Multimedia presentation of greeting the Deities of NINE different


(9) Multimedia presentation of the glories of chanting the Hare Krsna


(10) Printing facility for printing any verse with fancy borders

(11) Extract feature for exporting text into other documents

(12) Multimedia presentation of the disciplic succession

(13) Multimedia presentations of some bhajans by Srila Prabhupada

(14) Multimedia presentations of TWENTY hours of lectures by Srila


(15) Full-screen video clips of various Krsna conscious festivals

(16) Multimedia presentation of Srila Prabhupada's books

(17) Multimedia presentation on vegetarianism and offering food to

Lord Krsna

(18) Easy-to-use with on-line user's manual and help





Krishna Software Inc. is dedicated to help people become peaceful and

happy via spiritual science presented using modern multimedia

technology. Our editorial policy as well as our mission is stated in

the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.37 Purport):

"One should engage in practical service to the Lord. In our Krsna

consciousness movement, *ALL* our activities are concentrated upon

distributing Krsna literature. This is very important. One may

approach any person and induce him to read Krsna literature so that in the

future he also may become a devotee.... By fully concentrating on distributing

books for Krsna, one is fully absorbed in Krsna."


Krishna Software Inc. has produced some multimedia CDROMs and all

the details of these CDROMs can be found at our website

http://www.krishnasoft.com. Here is our current list of products:


(a) Multimedia Krsna CD w/Vedic Astronomy game: The latest release

from Krishna Software Inc. This is a 51-hour audio-visual presentation

of the Krsna book and a Vedic Astronomy game based on the Fifth

Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. All on a single CDROM. Free sample

demo downloadable.


(b) Multimedia Bhagavad-gita As It Is CD: Lord Krsna's eternal

instructions to Arjuna and the rest of the world about Isvara (Supreme

Lord), jiva (the soul), karma (activities), kala (time), and prakrti

(nature). This is a 30-hour audio-visual CDROM.


© Multilingual Word Processor CD [version 4.00]: Type in diacritics,

Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, and Assamese without

knowing the alphabet. Free demo downloadable.


All of the above software was tested on various Intel 486 and Pentium

processors running Windows 3.1, Windows '95, Windows '98, and

Windows NT (client and server). All products are in stock.


Latest pricing and ordering information is at our web site:



High Scores of people who have flown to Mahavisnu in the Krsna Game


(1) 14816 Aksh Sharma

(2) 13101 Jahnaka Rishi Long

(3) 12183 Rajni Dayal

(4) 10105 Rishi Modi

[There will be an award to the highest scorer by March 1, 1999.]

We decided to hold contests instead of raffles as this would be more

orderly. Details are still not worked out yet.


End of Newsletter- written and edited by KSI staff; © 1998-1999

Krishna Software Inc. Our staff consists of: Hari Rama Dasa, Lovi, Rajni, and

Virender and a few part-time volunteers.


Please forward this newsletter to any friends who may be interested.


If you know anyone else who is interested to receive this free

newsletter, please email their email address to: krishna (AT) krishnasoft (DOT) com. On

the other hand, if you want your name removed from our mailing list, please

tell us and forgive us for sending you this. If you have any questions about

our products, company, or this newsletter you can email them to us and we will

respond in the next issue.


All glories to Lord Sri Krsna and His transcendental potencies! All

glories to the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the literary incarnation of the Lord

Sri Krsna!


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