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Is Ramacceptable

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> > Dear Œrila Acaryapada,

> > Please accept my respectful obeisances. ALl glories to Œrila Prabhupada.

> > ALl glories to your service.

> >

> > I have been asked by one of my correspondents whether it is acceptable

> > to chant "Ram" instead of "Rama" in maha-mantra.

> > Your servant,

> > Krsnanuvada dasa


> While listening to Srila Prabhupada's japa tapes it is evident that

> sometimes, in fact the majority of times, it seems His Divine Grace is

> chanting "Raam" and not "Raama", therefore we could assume that leaving

> off the last a doesn't change things. IN other words, the last "a" is

> understood even if we don't chant it. I am open for more comments on this

> as I have no sastra. Srila Prabhupada's tape is what I am basing this

> on.


> I hope that this finds you in good health.


> Your ever well wisher,


> Jayapataka Swami


Dear Jayapataka Maharaja,

Dear Krsnanuvada Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Both in Hindi and Bengali final "a" is generally dropped in speech. This

does not change the meaning of the words. The Hare Krsna mantra is not a

tantric composition where the energies and properties of each syllable come

into play. The following passage from Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila

Chapter 3.60 illustrates this:




namaikam yasya vaci smarana-patha-gatam srotra-mulam gatam va

suddham vasuddha-varnam vyavahita-rahitam tarayaty eva satyam

tac ced deha-dravina-janata-lobha-pasanda-madhye

niksiptam syan na phala-janakam sighram evatra vipra



“If a devotee once utters the holy name of the Lord, or if it penetrates his

mind or enters his ear, which is the channel of aural reception, that holy

name will certainly deliver him from material bondage, whether vibrated

properly or improperly, with correct or incorrect grammar, and properly

joined or vibrated in separate parts. O brahmana, the potency of the holy

name is therefore certainly great. However, if one uses the vibration of the

holy name for the benefit of the material body, for material wealth and

followers, or under the influence of greed or atheism—in other words, if one

utters the name with offenses—such chanting will not produce the desired

result very soon. Therefore one should diligently avoid offenses in chanting

the holy name of the Lord.’ ”



This verse from the Padma Purana is included in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa

(11.527) by Sanatana Gosvami. Therein Srila Sanatana Gosvami gives the

following explanation: [follow some Sanskrit quotes etc.] .....


Your servant

Ekanatha dasa

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