Guest guest Posted September 18, 1999 Report Share Posted September 18, 1999 Hare Krishna. I have a question regarding the following Bhaagavatam verse and its purport: dvijaatmajaa me yuvayordidR^ikShuNaa mayopaniitaa bhuvi dharmaguptaye | kalaavatiirNaavavanerbharaasuraan hatveha bhuuyastvarayetamanti me || bhaa 10.89.58 || dvija - of the braahmaNa; aatma-jaaH - the sons; me - My; yuvayoH - you two; didR^ikSuNaa - who wanted to see; mayaa - by Me; upaniitaaH - brought; bhuvi - on the earth; dharma - of the principles of religion; guptaye - for the protection; kalaa - (as My) expansions; avatiirNau - descended; avaneH - of the earth; bhara - who are burdens; asuraan - the demons; hatvaa - after killing; iha - here; bhuuyaH - again; tvarayaa - quickly; itam - come; anti - to the proximity; me - My. [Lord Mahaa-Vishnu said:] I brought the braahmana's sons here because I wanted to see the two of you, My expansions, who have descended to the earth to save the principles of religion. As soon as you finish killing the demons who burden the earth, quickly come back here to Me (bhaagavata puraaNa 10.89.58). In the purport to this verse, Vishvanaatha Chakravarti Thaakura is quoted as commenting on this verse as follows, "You two, who have descended along with your kalaas, your personal energies, should kindly return to Me after killing the demons who burden the earth." But in the translation above, the word "kalaa" is translated as meaning "as My (as in Maha-Vishnu's) expansions." Thus, the translation above reads as indicating that Mahaa-Vishnu is saying that Krishna and Arjuna are His expansions, instead of the other way around. Does this translation not contradict the comments by Vishvanaatha Chakravarti Thaakura quoted in the purport? Also, does this translation not contradict the commonly held Gaudiiya Vaishnava understanding that Mahaa-Vishnu is Krishna's expansion, and not vice-versa? I would appreciate clarification. your servant, Krishna Susarla Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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