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Q: Since our bodies were created by Krishna and the senses are of the body's

constitution, why are they impure?


A: Krishna is independent and we are part of Krishna. Krishna has also

given us independence. We can use our independence wisely in his service,

and then we can be liberated. Because our senses are created by Krishna, we

should use them in Krishna's service. Hrisikesha hrisikana sevanam bhakti

ushaka. Devotional service means to use our senses in the service of the

master of the senses. When we don't use our senses in Krishna's service,

then the senses become the cause of our bondage. And it is considered

sinful. Your senses since they are made by Krishna they are to be used for

Krishna. Why? Senses in themselves are not pure or impure. It is how we use

the senses. If we use the senses in Krishna's service, they are purified. If

we use them for sense gratification, then they become materially

conditioned. They are material senses, so their function is to experience,

gather knowledge from the material nature. What we do with that knowledge,

depending on our condition is how determines what type of reaction we get

for our activity.


Q: Do we have to read all the books: Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam,

Chaitanya-Caritamrita, in this order?


A: It is recommended by Prabhupada read Bhagavad-Gita first, then

Srimad Bhagavatam, then Chaitanya-Caritamrita. He said Bhagavad-Gita is the

High School course, Srimad Bhagavatam is university, undergraduate, and

Chaitanya-Caritamrita is postgraduate. At the same time, there are no hard

and fast rules. If somebody picks up another book, it is not like a big

apparadha or anything. But as far as studying it, this is the recommended

way. Because the philosophy in Bhagavad-Gita is a little more simple, then

that which is in Srimad Bhagavatam. When you get to Chaitanya-Caritamrita to

really understand and appreciate what is going on, it would help if you had

the knowledge that is in Srimad Bhagavatam.


Q: When someone wants to be a good devotee why does Krishna or Maya give too

many tests, and devotee has hard time?


A: Any of you experienced hard times? Yes. Has this made you more

determined to want to get back to Krishna. Yes. So Maya is doing a good job.

If we are very Krishna Conscious then the test aren't so difficult. Tests

make us tough. What's that saying? When the going gets tough, the tough get

going. Why do we get put into difficulty. Prabhupada has said that there are

three different situations. When we are forgetting Krishna, then we are put

under a test to make us stronger. Sometimes Krishna puts a devotee under a

test, as an example to teach other devotees. Just like the Pandavas, they

were put under a test but as an example for everyone. But someone else may

be put under a test because they have got some weakness. In order to help

them get purified from that they need to go through some tests. Sometimes

the devotees are not listening to the devotees of Krishna, and they make

mistakes. Then He has to put them under some Maya and give them a heavier

test. So that they can have a reality check. These are the reasons why. If

we get too attached to the material world, then we may not want to leave it.

That way also we are shown, this naked truth of the material world. There

are many factors. Many times we can look back and find personal errors we

have made. Sometimes we are just getting a test as a reaction from something

we have done in the past. That is another reason.



Q: How should we prepare for Y2K?


A: What does that mean? Why to love Krishna? (laughter) I think we

should prepare for love of Krishna by chanting Hare Krishna., eating Krishna

Prasada, worshipping the Deities. In India, they asked us about Y2K, and we

thought probably more dangerous than Y2K is Pakistan. Everywhere there is

some problem. If its not a Y2K, it might also be an earthquake, or maybe a

hurricane, or something. In New York, there was a blackout and people were

rioting. Prabhupada said his father would purchase food grains for the

entire year. He would always have a year's stock of grains. I heard the

Mormons do that also. Having a stock of grains for food for some months

could be in any case, since we are in the material world we cannot depend on

the supermarkets all the time. That's why Prabhupada wanted us to have farm

projects, in case logistics broke down in the city devotees could go to the

farms and survive. I don't know how many devotees have learned survival in

the country in ISKCON. That's the weakest part of carrying out Prabhupada's

instruction. There will always be some problem. It would be a good idea to

consider how we can be more self-sufficient. How we can use the farm project

we have. Sometime there was discussion about moving it closer, because some

thought it was too far. I always thought it wasn't so far, because I am used

to going to Mayapur. Everybody else seems to think its too far. Mainly, have

enough food to survive whatever happens. We should not be preoccupied by the

whole thing. It seems the biggest danger is the paranoia the people may get,

and everyone runs to the banks. That seems like the biggest danger. In

Mayapur, we have set up a self-sufficiency department. We have a group of

devotees and we brought over one expert on self-sufficiency from Arizona. A

50-60 year old lady who was very expert. She was teaching how to make paper.

How to do many things ourselves that we didn't know how to do. So in case

there was a breakdown, for whatever reason, we would be more

self-sufficient. We already have our own handlooms, we can make our own



Q: What attitude from the disciple is more pleasing to the Spiritual Master?


A: Didn't someone ask Prabhupada that here? You love Krishna. If

devotees are developing love for Krishna, natural enthusiasm to serve

Krishna. They have a very natural service attitude, which is very pleasing

to Guru and Krishna.


Q: How does the soul actually transmigrate to the spiritual world?


A: Well, how does the soul actually transmigrate in the material world?

It is under the higher authorities. Under the Devas, you are taken from one

body to the next. We keep transmigrating from one body to the next in the

material world. When we are qualified to go back to the spiritual world,

then Krishna has got his personal tour guides to take us back. They are

known as Vishnu Duttas. You are escorted back to the spiritual world. All

the doors are open, you don't have to worry. In the Srimad Bhagavatam First

Canto, what happened when Narada Muni left his body. He was a boy, and he

left his body. What happened? How did he transmigrate? Right, it was like a

big lightning flash and he saw his material body laying there. The ultimate

out-of-body experience. Death. But there was no pain, no suffering, no

trauma of any sort. He had achieved a sat-cit-anada form. His self had

expanded into its original spiritual form.

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