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Question & Answer session - 23-Feb-03

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Questions from "Answers to KC questions" conference:



1.Question submitted by Hari Haresh das: In SB 7.10 ("Prahlad: The Best of

My Exalted Devotees) Srila Prabhupada in the summary states that in the

family of a pure devotee, the forefathers for twenty-seven generations are

liberated. How do we understand this, as our forefathers may be in any

species of life according to their karma in any of the fourteen planetary

systems like Pitr loka etc? Will they be liberated after completing their

duration of their life? Also is it the same for any devotee who goes back to

Godhead? Will his forefathers for twenty-one generations be liberated?


Response by HH JPS: So in chapter 10, verse 18 where Narasimha Deva explains

Prahlad, "O great saintly person, your father has been purified, along with

twenty-one forefathers in your family. Because you were born in this family,

the entire dynasty has been purified." Srila Prabhupada in the purport says

the word, trih-saptabhih means seven multiplied by three. In one's family

one can count back four or five generations--to one's great-grandfather or

even one's great-grandfather's father--but since the Lord mentions

twenty-one forefathers, this indicates that the benediction expands to other

families also. Before the present family in which one has taken birth, one

must have been born in other families. Thus when a Vaisnava takes birth in a

family, by the grace of the Lord he purifies not only that family but also

the families of his previous births. Trih-saptabhih normally it says that

thirteen generations are liberated; seven before and seven after. For that

is the common thing. So the seven forefathers and the seven generations. But

in the case of Prahlad it was Trih-saptabhih, previous three births and the

seven generations of which of those three births were also liberated. As far

as this question do not be worried about where those people are whether they

have to finish out their bug birth or their pitra loka births-Krishna will

organize all that. The point is that they are going to be liberated.


2. Question submitted by Vakreswari dd: Could you please clarify the

following point? You wrote, "Some of the liberated jiva tattvas are

rendering personal assistance to the associates of Srimate Radharani.

Whatever devotional service they get as a manjari or other assisting

position they are fully satisfied in that." If the jivas get liberated while

still being situated in the material world, does the above statement refer

to them also? I mean can liberated jivas who are still situated in material

body render personal assistance to the associates of Radharani or do they

achieve this position after quitting their body? Thank you very much for

everything you are doing for me.


Response by HH JPS: I just remember some of the pastimes of great devotees

like Srinivas Acharya. Nearby here near Katwa, there is a place called

Jhajigram and there, there is a small temple built on the place where

Srinivas Acharya had gone by mediation to help find some missing jewelry of

Radharani. He was in samadhi for three days and transported himself to

Vrndavan looking for the lost jewelry piece. When he found it and gave it

back then he came back to his body. So here is an example of how a liberated

jiva could perform a personal service to Srimati Radharani and Her

associates. There are similar situations for Syamananda Pandit, Narattoma

Das Thakur and Ramachandra Kaviraj. But we also find that these liberated

jivas they were also rendering the service of preaching Krsna consciousness.

Just like Srinivas Acharya was also the raja guru of the king of Visnupur.

He established Radha Krishna temples and he preached to the whole people of

that kingdom. He also preached at other Vaisnava festivals in other places.

So such great liberated spiritual masters sometimes had this opportunity to

do personal service while they were here in this world but otherwise they

were engaged in preaching Krsna Consciousness. So at least we can engage in

preaching Krishna consciousness and if anyone is so fortunate to get that

blessing to be able to render a personal service for Radharani, well,

Haribol. All glories to your service.


3. Question submitted by Ganashyam Gopal das, Madurai: May I know the

pranam mantra of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, who is the first spiritual master of

all Gaudiya Vaisnavas, the one which one should chant on His Appearance Day,



Response by HH JPS: Generally we just take the first three pranam given in

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. That's what we use for the pushpanjali.


Thank you very much.


Your well wisher always,


Jayapataka Swami



Okay, now we are shifting over here to Mayapur for some live Questions.


1. Question submitted by Madhavendra Puri das: Regarding Srila Prabhupada's

instruction, "If you want to please me, distribute my books": Is this

instruction applicable to grand-disciples, and if yes, how much it has to do

with the life's goal?


Response by HH JPS: I don't think Srila Prabhupada was limiting to his

disciples. There were many bhaktas and members in ISKCON who may have not

been his disciples. Srila Prabhupada was speaking to every one, "If you want

to please me, you distribute my books" There are other things that

will also please Srila Prabhupada and that is not the only thing. But

definitely that was something that would please Srila Prabhupada and all the

devotees dedicating to trying to please Srila Prabhupada by distributing his

books, he also said to read his books - not just to distribute them he also

said to practice what is said in the books.


2. Question submitted by Bhakta Paul, Czech Republic: Could you please

describe the plan and project of the Vedic Planetarium and Mayapur City?


Response by HH JPS: That could take a few days, weeks but basically in a few

words the Vedic Planetarium is a microcosm of a macrocosm of the universe in

its architecture. The dimensions and the proportions are calculated

according to vastu measurement to correlate with the proportions and

dimensions of the solar system. This is also a planetarium because in the

temple Krishna (the deities) are correlating to Krishna descending in the

material worlds. There also will be different levels in the temple itself in

which there will be the material world, Devi Dham and Mahesh Dham. There

will be the boundary wall between the material world and spiritual world.

There will be the Vaikuntha Dham aspect of the spiritual world and Goloka

Dham aspect of the spiritual world. And so in the Goloka Dham there will be

another set of deities and people will be able to rise up to the Goloka Dham

and see the deities. (I don't know what the names of the deities would be,

Radha Goloka or something or Golokanath or whoever would be so we have Radha

Madhava in Goloka and Radha Madhava here.) There will also be exhibitions

which will include the more temporary planetarium and they explain about the

universe in more scientific terms and there will also be other exhibitions

highlighting things that mainly HG Sataputa Prabhu has discovered in terms

to Vedic science and the planetarium.


The Mayapur City is based on a 9 x 9 grid. So the 9 x 9 grid base into nine

sections of 3 x 3. In the center most part is where the temple is. Srila

Prabhupada's is in the middle. Western part, Srila Prabhupada's samadhi.

Again like that according to vastu there are different parts of the city

which are dedicated primarily to particular activities. So the northern

eastern side is education and that is where Sri Prahlad, the Bhaktivedanta

- that's the official name of the gurukula they are doing there and there

will be various kinds around the city. For more practical sense we are

trying to make it a sustainable ecologically favorable city. We are not

practicing everything right now, but the idea is that in the future we are

going to have a sewage system which would be recycled, we will be probably

be taking drinking water from the Ganges and that is for the latest. Then

we'll have a purifying system of settling the Ganges water. We so far have

taken the samples of the Ganges water and after nine days it purifies itself

from biological impurity. We had to test it for other type of contaminants

like pesticides and things that has entered into water but otherwise in our

subsoil here at lower depths we have problem of different kinds of arsenic

and other kinds of contamination. So it will all contribute to the quality

of **pump out the water. So all these things were been studied in the

Mayapur city.


We were going at a full speed and then things suddenly kind of crashed to a

stop and the funding came out but now things are picking up again. We are

planning to have deities installed in the year 2004 if Krishna allows. We

must pray to Lord Caitanya and Panca Tattva to come and manifest - these

deities are amazing! Right now they are almost 2.5 -3 tons for each Deity of

Lord Caitanya. It is going to be a little yajna to--- The model is already

been made and it is already been cast inside its mold so that they can pour

the model in the next few weeks. But I was just discussing with Bharat

Maharaja prabhu about metal samples because there is a slight variation of

color between the different deities; Lord Caitanya is molten gold color,

where Lord Nityananda is a color of slight reddish gold and Advaita Acharya

is a slight whitish gold. So accordingly there is a slight variation in the

alloy and they are supposed to be sending us the samples in four days. Let's

see. So this is the work in progress right now. Those who want to

participate in the baking of the deities there is going to be a program

where you can contribute kilos of the metals. Like you can contribute a kilo

of gold, there are other options you could also contribute copper and brass.

That is going to be announced sometime during the festival.


3. Question by Bhakta Gary, South Africa: Maharaja, what is the main

difference between siksa and diksa?


Response by HH JPS: For all gurus siksa is a kind of the common

denominator. All gurus are giving siksa, or instruction. Siksa means

instructions which is representing Krishna, the Supreme Personality of

Godhead accurately. Srila Prabhupada mentions in his books that usually when

a person is getting siksa who is helping him the most in siksa giving him

the biggest contribution to his faith that person usually one takes

initiation from. Taking initiation, or diksa, is really a commitment to the

guru parampara and the spiritual master also is having responsibilities for

the initiated disciple. So the diksa guru is simultaneously diksa and siksa

guru. Srila Prabhupada said, "I am both the diksa and siksa for my

disciples." There maybe other siksa gurus also who help the diksa guru in

instructing the devotee to get to serve Guru and Krishna. When a siksa guru

gives instruction, he is also obliged to give the instruction which is

according to sadhu and sastra and the previous gurus. If he gives

mis-instruction then he will be also held responsible. So there can be many

siksa gurus but there can only be one diksa guru. Diksa means getting the

mantra, siksa means getting instruction. With diksa, siksa is included.


4. Question by Amrta Gopal dasi: Please comment on the difference between

faith and belief. Is our Krishna conscious dharma a faith-based religion

with the faith rooted in the scientific process of bhakti yoga? Also, why is

our Krishna consciousness dharma often called a science? What does science

mean? How in our preaching can we explain science as a religious path?


Response by HH JPS: Srila Prabhupada was explaining how generally religions

are considered as faiths, or beliefs change their faith. So people

converting sometimes from Christian and Muslim to Hindu (usually it goes in

the other direction) but Absolute Truth, or sanatana dharma, is something

which is always there, eternal truth. We are basing our Krishna

consciousness on the eternal truths. Of course someone may believe the

truths or not, that is another thing because it's not just a belief process.

There are underlying realities. Just like in the Bhagavad-gita, 2.13, it



dehino 'smin yatha dehe

kaumaram yauvanam jara

tatha dehantara-praptir

dhiras tatra na muhyati


You grow from childhood to youth to old age, in this way you change your

body so many times. And in a similar way you change your body at the time of

death and take a new body. Srila Prabhupada explained it doesn't matter

whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, Jewish, whatever it

maybe, everybody is going through this change of bodies. Therefore,

Bhagavad-gita is sometimes described as the science of the atma, or the

self, science of self. Many of these things can be verified; some things we

don't have the estimation to verify but it doesn't mean it is not the truth

it is universally applicable.


It is just like the Vedas say that the bones and stool of animals and humans

are not clean. If you touch them you should wash yourself. But cow dung or

cow urine are pure and conch shells are pure. But these are stool, urine and

the bones of the animals. So there are some exceptions and apparently even I

read recently a scientific study that putting cow dung in people's houses

and courtyards works as a mosquito and fly repellant, and has antiseptic

properties. Someone told that if you get a cut and you put cow dung on it-at

least from the Indian cows-that it cures the infection. If you put stool

from something else on you, you would probably die from gangrene. So some of

these things you could verify. There are some things that Srila Prabhupada

wanted some scientists to try to verify such as the presence of the soul in

the body. It is difficult to prove Krishna. Every body has a soul and they

could try to prove that.


5. Question by Jaya Radha Krsna das, Mayapur: While chanting Hare Krishna

Mahamantra, if sometimes one chants the mantra with improper pronunciation,

what is the effect? Should one endeavor to pronounce properly? Even if the

tongue is not habituated is it offensive chanting? What about the persons

who are unable to pronounce properly Hare, Rama, Krishna?


Response by HH JPS: Thank you for your question. Despite we should try to

chant the mantra properly, and we should try to hear the mantra properly.

Inattentive chanting is offensive. So if we are attentive then we ought to

try to pronounce properly. At the same time it says that even if someone is

not able to pronounce perfectly, the fact that they are trying to chant Hare

Krsna. It's not just a mechanical process. In the Vedas, if you mispronounce

a mantra, it will produce a different result. This is not that kind of a

mantra. If you are chanting Hare Krishna even improperly, Krsna understands

that you are trying to chant His Holy Names and He will bless you. Just like

a little child is chanting the name of the parent, "Ba Ba, Daddy, Papa." The

parents are really happy. He recognizes me, she recognizes me, my name. So

like that, Krsna also appreciates when we try to chant His Holy Names. This

is mentioned in SB 7.5.23 on the nine practices of devotional service.


6. Question by Vrndaranya devi dasi, Mayapur: If we must be careful of bad

association, how can we be merciful and friendly with all kinds of people?


Response by HH JPS: You see that is why preachers take a certain amount of

risk to preach Krishna consciousness, and that is why they are so dear to

the Lord because they are taking that risk. At the same time, by being

merciful and friendly with all kinds of people to preach to them Krishna

consciousness we try to give them our association. We can tell them about

Krishna, tell them about devotional service, tell them about things related

or just be friendly and establish the relationships so we can tell them

about these things. We don't go to the extent where we engage in

non-devotional activities with these people usually. We are careful about

how far we associate so as not to become engaged in some kind of sinful

activity. So we give association rather than taking. Srila Prabhupada

mentions that some times over a period of time by preaching to materialistic

people, their vibration or their consciousness can affect us. That's why

visiting the Holy Dham like Mayapur and Vrndavan is purifying from that

contamination. Therefore Srila Prabhupada recommended that preachers

periodically visit the Holy Dham. So we have Gaura Purnima Festival and

people are coming to the festival to get re-aligned spiritually and

purified. You are living in the Dham so you have lot of protection.


7. Question by Prahlad Nrsimha das: Gurudeva koti dandavat. Can the safari

go towards Mamalapuram to chant and preach meanwhile the casting goes on?


Response by HH JPS: Mamalapuram is near to Chennai. I think that the casting

is done on Kumbakonam. In any case we are not going to go out on the ocean

because we will have to raise the safari cost quite a bit if we are going to

take the ocean crews. It may cost about thousands of dollars. If

Bhagavatamrta prabhu can investigate for us in the future if we have some

you know….usually our budget is quite tight. Marici tries to keep it down.

We don't know if we can even pay for the ships that go on the Ganges. But

while we are going in that direction our hope is that according to the

present plan of the safari is to retrace the route of Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu basically from here to Katwa to Santipur down to Jagannath Puri.

And so part of the way in the middle portion we plan to go along on the

riversides, to Kardah, Panihati and then down to some other places. So we go

that route then when Lord Caitanya crossed over the Ganges we just take a

little detour, a couple hundred kilometers and then go down to the ocean and

there we will see the asrama of Kapila Muni where he burnt the sons of

Sagara Maharaja to ashes and where they were delivered. Then we will bathe

in the confluence of the ocean and the Ganges. Then we come back again and

join up where Lord Caitanya crossed over on the other side of the Ganges and

then we continue by land through Vidyapur, Balasore, Orissa, Remuna where

Ksira Ksora Gopinath is, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Bhubhaneswar, and then to

Jagganath Puri. That is the present plan we are trying to implement.

Originally we were thinking about going to Bangladesh but when this Iraq

situation is potentially exploding at any moment I didn't want to go with a

hundred foreigners in a predominately Muslim country for obvious reasons.

While we are bathing in the ocean we can all make a prayer. We can every

day make a prayer for the Panca Tattva to manifest.


8. Question by Bhakta Thruses, Cypress : A sign of a liberated devotee is

that he doesn't have material desires, why do we find prolonged

discrepancies in financial matters? My humble obeisances.


Response by HH JPS: Every devotee in the Krsna consciousness movement is not

necessarily liberated. Srila Prabhupada was liberated, and those who purely

follow him they are also liberated by following him but some times people

may not follow accurately either due to inefficiency,or maybe due to

material desires or to immaturity or so many other factors, I don't know

particularly what. If you find some prolonged discrepancies in financial

matters you could report to your local GBC or if it is GBC then could report

to GBC Executive Committee, I don't know exactly European RGB (Regional

Governing body) I don't know what is it in reference to.


Bhakta Thruses: I wrote that when I was last year in Vrindavan some small

discrepancy in the temple ……


Response by HH JPS: There is a new management system in Vrindavan and they

claim there has been an improvement but.

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