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Home Base: Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, Sri Mayapur Dham, WB, India

Camp: ISKCON Radha Govinda Mandir, Tirupati Dham, Andhra Pradesh, India


Dear Kannanps,


Please accept my best wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thankyou

for your letter which I have read carefully. My comments are given below.


> forming groupsm

> Mon, 21 Apr 2003 14:29:46 +0530


> hare krisna,


> all glories to srila p.p and gowrananga


> I heard some thing about K.C that is for understand kc.

> with out knlowdge of dharma`,vedic shastras can fllow anybody

> ffighrtting;gourpism; blame other acharayas then some of them are in

> follow k.c and know all these shastras which one is better but p.p have

> full knowlege of shastras now devootes are like thate tell the solustion .


> kannan p.s.

> tvpm

> kerala


Your question is a bit difficult to understand, but I am trying to do so.

Yes, if one has some religious sentiment but inadequate spiritual knowledge

then it can turn into fanaticism.


Yes, Srila Prabhupada has the full knowledge of Krishna consciousness and

his books present Krishna consciousness in a pure and consistent manner. If

one follows Srila Prabhupada's explanations of Vedic Sastra and utilized the

solutions he has given then surely people will be happy.


Your well wisher always,




Jayapataka Swami



Note: For more information kindly check out the following web sites:


For audio recordings of my lectures: www.hearjps.com


For information on my travels, help from my office and other details:



For vyasa puja and other information: www.victoryflag.com


For asking Krishna conscious philosophical questions which are of a general

nature you can write to <Answers.to.KC.Questions (AT) pamho (DOT) net>.


I hope this finds you blissful in Krsna consciousness and healthy.


Your well wisher always,



Jayapataka Swami

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