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Here is another idea of Srila Prabhupada that ISKCON could be run like a

business organisation. This is not a proposal but just another way / angle of

looking at things. Hope it is helpful for someone.




1.0 This manul describes the society management system that is proposed to be

adopted and implemented in ISKCON.

2.0 It also contains the systems which will be practiced and maintained in

accordance with requirements, with out deviating from the teachings of Srila


3.0 This manual defines the responsibilities and authorities of those who

manage, perform and verify work affecting the growth of our society.

4.0 This manual is meant for internal usage only which provide information on

our society objectives, and the way our society management system will be

implemented. It also serves as a guide to enable all our members to understand

ISKCON’s committement to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and their roles in this

ISKCON’s management system.









ISKCON started it’s international operations, after the founder Acarya ..A.C.

Bhakti Vedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, regestered this society at New York in

July 1966.


Key Members in the initial years were his Western/European disciples who gave

up their lives to serve Guru and Gauranga and serve this mission.


When the society was regestered they had … number of temples, and …… number of



Today after 35 years we have……number of temples, …..no of farm communities,

……no of restaurants,…….number of Preaching Centers,……..number of Nama Hattas,

…….number of Bhakti Vriksha Groups,………..number of Life Members. ……….number of

books have been distributed,……number of Prasadam Plates distributed…etc,.


In 1966 we had representation in 3 countries, and today we have a

representation in over 120 countries. In 1966 we were having ………thousands of

devotees, and today we have 200,000 devotee members and many more Life Members.


The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is the spiritual

institution founded by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, in

July 1966, as a continuation of the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya. ISKCON

was personally directed by its founder-acarya Srila Prabhupada until his

departure on November 14, 1977. According to Srila Prabhupada's Will, ISKCON

continued thereafter under the ultimate managing authority of the Governing

Body Commission. Accordingly, ISKCON is that institution founded by Srila

Prabhupada and originally directed by him, which continues to be directed after

his departure by the GBC.





Society Mission Statement Or Goals


At the time of ISKCON's incorporation in July 1966 in New York City Srila

Prabhupada set down seven points describing the goals of the Krishna

consciousness movement:


 To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large,

and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life, in order to

check the imbalance of values in life, and to achieve real unity and peace in

the world.

 To propagate consciousness of Krishna, as it is revealed in

Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam.

 To bring the members of Society together with each other and nearer to

Krishna, the prime entity, thus developing the idea within the members, and

humanity at large, that each soul is part and parcel of the quality of Godhead


 To teach and encourage the sankirtan movement, congregational chanting

of the holy names of God, as revealed in the teachings of Lord Sri Caitanya


 To erect for the members and for society at large holy places of

transcendental pastimes dedicated to the personality of Krishna.

 To bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a

simpler, more natural way of life.

 With a view toward achieving the aforementioned purposes, to publish

and distribute periodicals, books, and other writings.




1.0 Society Policy


ISKCON shall deliver Krishna to the world.



2.0 Society Objective


To create an environment in which devotees live peacefully in association with

each other and help each other to go back to Godhead.



3.0 Society Strategy


3.1 To make all the members in the society aware of the above background,

Goals, Policy, and Objective of our society, so that every member of our

society understands, his/her individual goal (going back to godhead) in the

right perspective of the Society’s goals, objectives, policies.


3.2 Involve our members and well wishers equally committed to our goals

through co-operation.


3.3 Build in Bhakti/ devotion through




Training in Vaishnava Etiquette/Respect to Vaishnavas, Guru, & Krishna.







This organisation chart shall be displayed in all offices, temples, projects

run by ISKCON.


2.0 General Responsibilities.


2.1 GBC


As per Srila Prabhupada



2.2 Temple President


As Per Srila Prabhupada



2.4 Temple Secretary.


As per Srila Prabhupada


2.5 Temple Commander


As Per Srila Prabhupada


2.6 All Devotee Members


As per Srila Prabhupada….

Rise Early. Mangalarati.

They must chant 16 rounds and follow four regulative principles, every day.

Read (two and a half hours?) Srila Prabhupada books every day. Follow

Ekadashi and all festivals.




(This is like a quality department in a business organisation. What I

personally understand is this is the missing link in our organisation. We are

having all departments, but no departments to measure and compare and assure

the quality and progress of our Society.)




Management Relationship Chart


Responsibility and Authority

MRBB shall define and document the responsibility and authority for all staff

within the society, with the respective job description.


Management Representative (Brahminical?) Board. Responsibilities. (MRBB)


This is answerable for all the matters pertaining to our society.

To ensure proper and effective implementation of this management system

according to this manual.

Reviewing all society related problems and ensuring that all problems are

resolved in a satisfactory manner.

To Conduct periodic management reviews.

Ensuring that the recommendations arising from management reviews are


Liaison with devotee members on matters relating to the management system.


Organisational Interfaces


MRBB must establish a multi-disciplinary approach for decision making and have

the ability to communicate necessary information and data between management

and all the members.


Information to Top Management


MRBB must promptly inform non-compliance of the system requirement in

respective ISKCON projects to ISKCON top management – GBC / EC.


Management Review


MRBB is responsible for conducting management review.

The management review must be conducted biannually or when there is compelling


Records of the proceedings of the management review must be kept for a minimum

of 3 years period.

Management review must be conducted with a multi disciplinary approach with the

following personnel




TPs (two big, two medium size, two small temples)

Congregation Directors.(two big, two medium, two small congregations).


Authorised representatives may attend on behalf of any of the above if need



The agenda of each management review meeting will be as follows.

a) Analysis of internal audit conducted by MRBB across the globe.

b) Analysis of various complaints (top 5 serious complaints) across the globe.

c) Analysis of the devotee/member feedback.(a feedback form can be designed and

a sample survey conducted)

d) Analysis of system related problems.

e) Organisation and Personnel Changes.

f) New working methods.

g) New goals

h) New legislation.




GBC/EC shall utilise a formal documented, comprehensive business plan. The

business plan shall be a controlled document. Business Plans shall be reviewed

with the respective project leaders such as TPs etc. The plan must typically

include the following:

a) All the 7 goals set by Srila Prabhupada must be translated into a measurable

goal.(A number such as number of books distributed).

b) Growth projections of these 7 goals.

c) Member/Devotee satisfaction plans. (health, safety, Prasadam, shelter)

d) Devotee/Member satisfaction index (a number such as the satisfaction level

this year is 5as compared to 4 last year out of a maximum of an absolute number



Goals and plans will cover short and long term.




ISKCON shall use global level data on the above 7 measurables. Trends in data

and information will be used for comparison over the years, regions etc,. and

progress towards overall business objectives and translated actionable

information to support:

a) Development of priorities for prompt solutions to member related problems

b) Determination of key devotee/member related trends and correlation to

support status review, decision making, and long term planning.





MRBB shall maintain a measurement system to access effectively devotee/member

satisfaction and dissatisfaction. These key indicators will be supported by

objective information, which are used for comparison, benchmarking and reviewed

by management.




ISKCON shall continuously improve in Sadhana, Service, Tapasya and etiquette to

benefit all members and outside world. Appropriate continuous improvement

measures and methodologies shall be used.




ISKCON shall establish and maintain procedures for identifying the training

needs and provide the training of all members performing activites affecting

the quality of devotion, in our society.


This is a rough sketch but can be refined.


Your humble servant,

Bhadra Govinda Das.





























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