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A Man's Country?


> -- By Ellen Goodman



BOSTON Globe -- There's a photograph of Afghan leaders gathered at

a Pakistan border town to plan for a post-Taliban government.


> The picture shows a diverse group of elders in their robes.


What's wrong with this picture?


> You see, these leaders who assembled didn't include a single woman.


Those who were deciding decided there would be no women at the table.


> Looking at this portrait, the Taliban has succeeded in erasing memory --

and especially the history of Afghan women.


> Afghanistan wasn't a showplace of feminism but it was by no means the

> same country that placed women under house arrest and forced families

> into exile simply to educate their daughters.


> In fact, Afghan women, who are now 54 percent of the population, gained

> rights slowly during the 20th century. In 1964 they helped write their

> country's first constitution. Even before the Soviet takeover, women

> served in parliament, went to universities, became doctors and teachers.


> As Jamila, from the Afghan Women's Network told a session of the

U.N. Security Council on Tuesday: "I often hear that peace and security


> man's work. I am here to challenge that illusion."


> America has shared that illusion . Indeed, one official told the New

York Times,

"We have to be careful not to look like we are imposing our values on



> I understand that caution and double standard . In the late 19th

> century, Lord Cromer famously blasted Egyptians for degrading women

> while back home in Britain he helped found the Men's League for Opposing

> Women's Suffrage.


> On the other hand, we had no such fear of "imposing our values" on the

> Japanese when equal rights for women were written into their postwar

> constitution. Even Gen. Douglas MacArthur, no liberated male, became

> convinced that if the world wanted to end fascism, if we wanted freedom,

> we needed to ensure rights to women.


> That's where we are today. The international community has begun to

> acknowledge that women's rights are universal.


On Oct. 31, the United Nations celebrated a groundbreaking Security

> Council resolution that committed governments around the world should


women in negotiations.


We learn from history that peace, security and freedom are "cultural


that we should not be afraid to impose.


> © 2001, the Boston Globe Newspaper Co.

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