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Thread #8 - Proposal by Bhaktarupa Das

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> That then is our ISKCON business, as I see it. We should simply focus on

> learning the sastra and becoming adept teachers. Inject Krishna

> consciousness into society. Gradually varnashrama may unfold, and we can

> certainly set examples in that regard, establishing varnashrama colleges

> which teach all the various skills, but I don't see ISKCON ever comprising

> the totality of human society, government and all.


> What do you think?


> yhs

> KDd



I think you are not following Srila Prabhupada's recommendations and you

manufacturing you own ideas through speculation. Sorry to be candid but it

is a fact. If you want to put forth such ideas please reference Srila

Prabhupada's words. I think if you were aware of Srila Prabhupada's most

current ideas, those which were given closest to his disappearance you may

think differently.


Srila Prabhupada said in Vrindavana (October 21, 1977): "Therefore

varnasrama-dharma is so essential, for it can bring people to sattva-guna...

Therefore, they should be brought into sattva-guna by the establishment of



Room Conversation Mayapur, February 14, 1977

Prabhupada: Everywhere, wherever, Mayapura or anywhere. Question is that

here it is clearly said, sve sve karmany abhiratah. Brahmana has his duty,

ksatriya has his duty, vaisya has his duty, sudra has his duty. And if he

performs his duty nicely, then he also becomes perfect. So why artificially

he should be called a brahmana? Let them do, according to sastra, the work

of sudra, or vaisya. He'll get the perfect. Perfection is not checked. But

why artificially he should be made a brahmana or he should be made a

sannyasi and fall down and become a ludicrous? That is the point. Better let

him live in his position and become perfect. That's good. That looks very

nice. And that is possible. That is possible. Varnasramacaravata purusena

parah puman visnur aradhyate. Visnu, Lord Visnu, can be worshiped if you

perfectly follow the rules and regulation of four varnas and four asramas.

Here it is also said, sve sve karmani. You work as a perfect brahmana or a

perfect ksatriya, perfect sudra; you get perfection. The perfection is

available in your natural life. Why should artificially you become unnatural

and fall down and become ludicrous? Perfection is not checked.


Letter to: Sudama Rome 26 May, 1974


"You were present in Hawaii when I was there and was particularly stressing

that the presidents must be very careful on recommending gayatri

initiation. After all, we are criticizing false cast brahmanas, if we

ourselves are bogus brahmanas then our position is very bad. Now that we

are more and more trying to implement the varnasrama divisions of society,

we should not think that everyone has to become a brahmana. For example you

are developing a farm there; so those who work the farm do not necessarily

have to be a brahmana if they are not inclined to the brahminical

standards. In this way, be careful about awarding the second initiation."



daiva-varnasrama' mission by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura to Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati:

Therefore they attack the pure Vaishnavas, saying, 'They have taken birth in

low-class families because of their sins.' Thus they commit offenses. The

solution to the problem is to establish the order of daiva-varnasrama-dharma

- something you have started doing; you should know that to be the real

service to the Vaishnavas.


"Srila Prabhupada: ...So our GBC members must see that in every temple

everyone is engaged.

Devotee: That is the meaning of leadership."

Srila Prabhupada: Yes, that is the meaning of leadership." Varnasrama

morning walks 1974



Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, what should ksatriyas be taught?

Srila Prabhupada: Ksatriyas should be taught that he is manager. He must

see that everyone is engaged and if there is any fight he must come forward

to fight this is ksatriya business. There may be fight, somebody may

attack us. Not that they simply chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna

Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. No! (Srila Prabhupada

laughs) They must come forward. Yes, they are prepared to fight. That is

ksatriya." Varnasrama morning walks 1974


Srila PRabhupada:Just like our (name withheld). He

was not fit for sannyasa but he was given sannyasa. And five women he was

attached, and he disclosed. Therefore varnasrama-dharma is required. Simply

show-bottle will not do. So the varnasrama-dharma should be introduced all

over the world, and...

Satsvarupa: Introduced starting with ISKCON community?

Prabhupada: Yes. Yes. Brahmana, ksatriyas. There must be regular education.

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