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prasada to poor people; some relevant quotes

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Dear Hari-sauri prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances also. All glories to Srila



> I rather think that you are reading into my comments things that you see

> but I never said nor intended. I have already stated very clearly that

> provided the bhoga is properly offered to Krsna and becomes prasadam then

> its distribution to any class of man is always beneficial for all involved

> even if it is done only to the materially poor.


I am rather thankful to you for your non-judgmental approach

that you had initially expressed. That is why I asked the question

to you to eventually explain what did you mean with your simple

remark that those quotes were "just to the point" instead of my

reading myself into it.


> I repeat what Srila

> Prabhupada said, for a sannyasi the distribution of prasadam to the poor

> is his duty -- but being poor means anyone who doesn't have contact with

> Krsna. That means materially poor and materially rich both alike.


"Prabhupada: But America has money. Here they have no money. So

preference should be given in India. They're poor."


Prabhupada had a perfect understanding of the meaning of "poor"

in both regards "spiritually poor" and "materially poor". And

he applied these, according to different situations.


Do you mean to say that Prabhupada, when he was speaking about

and approving the free distribution of prasada to particularly

poor, in the certain occasions, that he actually did not mean

"materially poor" but "spiritually poor"?

(I am rather asking than reading into your comment here.)



> Whatever I have said does not exclude or contradict the very relevent

> statements quoted from our previous acaryas.


As far as I am concerned, that a quoted statement is to be

taken as very relevant, it is necessarily that its _application_

be carefully considered -- to *whom* you apply it. One may quote

the entire chapter of the BG on demons, for example. But who is

actually that demon that your are applying the quote to in

order to prove the invalidity of his activities? That is of

some relevance too, wouldn't you agree?


Those quotes specifically referred to that kind of materialistic

activities that are devoid of any aspect of Krsna consciousness.

There was no any "if" there. A clear cut.


First you have to establish that the devotees in the Hare Krsna

FFL ISKCON program are actually mundane fruitive welfare workers

with no reference to Krsna. Then only you may pull out the quote

that would authoritatively establish the supremacy of a mere ringing

a bell of a neophyte Vaisnava devotee over their activities. Otherwise,

you are shooting your cannon into darkness where you can blow to "hell"

some fellow Vaisnava devotees too.


First you have to establish that the food they distribute to the

poor actually is not prasada. Then only you can apply a quote that

would compare such food distribution to a feeding of a snake with

milk that only "entraps men in maya". If you have not established

that yet, then you got no case to bring your "authoritative evidence"

that would speak against FFL in such a manner.


Like that. I hope I am making my point somewhat understandable.

"Just to the point" would have to include not only a right choice

of the ammo that can kill but also a bit of a precision in selecting

the target on which to fire out such a deadly ammo. You may shoot

your own people instead of your enemy, otherwise.




- mnd

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