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I think he also erred with SP's chart

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"When Sri Dinnatha dasa of ISKCON showed the horoscope of Srila

Prabhupada as that of Capricorn raising with Deva Guru Jupiter in the

eight house in Leo, certain doubts arose. Eight house Jupiter is said

to generate an Asura Yoga with quite tamasik (base) qualities that

was in contrast to the Sattwa Guna of Srila Prabhupada who lived

among the drunks and downtrodden people in the USA and preached the

name of Sri Krishna to them without himself ever getting into those

habits or ever becoming materialistic. So overwhelming was the

strength [of] his Sattwa that thousands of people chose a pure and

pious Vaisnava life. His faith and teachings are centered on the

Namakirtana expounded by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu [...]


"Birth: 01 September 1896 at around 16:00 in Calcutta 22N30 88E23

(given by himself). A jyotish had cast his horoscope and made the

family happy by the auspicious prediction that at seventy he would

cross the ocean nd become a great exponent of religion and open 108



"The time recorded in the 19th century India is quite variable [...]


"The first consideration is that Srila Prabhupada was one of the

greatest devotees of Sri Visnu avatar Jagannatha Krishna. Hence,

Jupiter should be fortified in a quadrant or trine. There should also

be specific combinations in the chart to show this devotion like the

ascendant lord in the ninth house with the ninth lord makes one a

great devotee of Visnu. If the planets involved in this yoga have

Sattwa guna like Jupiter, Sun, or Moon, the native will do a lot of

service like building temples (significators: Jupiter & Sun).

Secondly, when we talk of crossing the ocean, the 7th, 9th, or 12th

house comes into the picture. Since the prediction of foreign travel

is linked to preaching and building temples, the ninth house should

indicate both and should have the yoga. The third vital hint comes

from the age "70 years". In the table [...] the secondary years of

the Sun to affect fortune (9th house) are 48 years and 70 years.

Thus, the Sun should be either the lord of the 9th house or strongly

associating with the 9th house or its lord for the jyotish to have

made this prediction.


"Accordingly, the chart of Srila Prabhupada has been corrected: birth

on 1 September 1896 at 15:24 LMT at Calcutta.


[Rasi & Navamsa charts and planetary details omitted]


"Sagitarious a very honest, truthful and God-fearing sign is in the

ascendant in vargottama with its lord Jupiter in the 9th lord Sun and

Moksakarak Ketu in the religious sign Leo. This alone can fully

explain his great devotion for Sri Jagannatha Krishna as well as the

strong Sattwik Guna [...] This also explains the fact that Abhay

Charan (Prabhupada) had learnt all the prayers and religious

practices from his father (lagna lord conjoins ninth lord in the 9th

house) and that his father was not very long-lived (father expired in

his 35th year in the Pitri Shoola dasa of Scorpio that is in trines

to Cancer the 8th house...). The dwadasamsa (D 12) chart has Mars in

Scorpio in the ascendant showing birth in an upper middle class

family [..]


"1902: Asked his father to have his own Radhakrishna murtis to

worship and offer his food. Rahu dasa Rahu antardasa. Rahus is the

Atmakarak and the lord of the Vimsamsa lagna. Hence his period will

make the native very religious [...]


"1904: started learning Sanskrit & in 1905 he was initiated by his

kul guru.Mercury signifies learning of languages, while Jupiter rules

Sanskrit. Saturn give traditional knowledge. These planets

influencing the ninth house in the Rasi chart by placement, aspect or

argala (intervention) and placed in trines, especially first or fifth

in the Navamsa, will show learning and good knowledge of Sanskrit and

traditional literature. Jupiter is the lagnesh in the 9th house

having the aspect of Rahu and conjoined the Sun. It has the argala of

a powerful exalted mercury in the 2nd from the 9th and the argala of

an exalted Saturn in the 3rd from the 9th house. These three planets

along with Moksakarak Ketu are placed in the 5th house from the

Navamsa lagna giving perfect knowledge of Sanskrit and the ability

and drive to translate/comment on such voluminous and divine

literature as the Srimad Bhagavatam. The learning started in the Rahu

dasa Jupiter antardasa. In the caturvimsamsa (D 24) chart Rahu is

the ninth lord aspecting the nonth house as Jupiter is the dispositor

of the lagna lord Mercury and aspects it to show the beginning of

education in Sanskrit.


"1916: began college at Scottish Church & in 1920 passed BA

examination but was disinclined to take the degree because of a new

nationalistic fervor. [...] As the lagnesh in the ninth house,

Jupiter, makes the person very independent it was natural that he

felt strongly about the independence of India.


"1921: first born son; 1924 birth of daughter. In the saptamsa the

fifth lord ruling the first child is Venus exalted (male) in Pisces

(male) and conjoined Saturn (female). Male factors dominate and a son

was born in Jupiter dasa (lord of Pisces having argala on lagna lord

mercury) [...]


"1954 left his wife after she traded his precious Srimad Bhagavatam for tea.

"1959: September, accepted sannyas from Keshav Maharaj in Mathura.

"This separation happened at the beginning of Mercury dasa. Natural

benefics in the third & sixth house from arudha lagna will give the

time of sannyas (renunciation). Mercury in exaltation is in the sixth

house from arudha lagna and will gradually lead the native to

renunciation.It is also in the eight from the upapada in Aquarius

(Rahu) and conjoins debilitated Kalatrakarak Venus [...]


"1977, November 14: moksa at around 7:25 pm. [...] Ketu in the

seventh house from Atmakarak shows that the native will pass away in

the first one-third portion of the longevity compartment [...] 72-84

years. This will give two shoola dasas 72-81 years in Aquarius and

81-84 years in Pisces. The former has the Atmakarak and will not kill

while the latter has the aspect of debilitated Venus. This gives the

range 81-84 years. . Now the second lord from lagna is Saturn and

[...] Saturn rules the 82nd year. Srila Prabhupada departed fro

Vaikuntha in his 82nd year. The Sun was in Libra defying the standard

rules and probably indicating that Srila Prabhupada actually attained

moksa. The ascendant raising was Taurus, the sign occupied by the

lord of arudha lagna."


Sanjay Rath, Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events. Delhi: Sagar

Publications -- pp. 382-390.

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