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Thread #10: Proposal by Sri Rama das

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Dear Bhakta Rupa Prabhu,




> Shyamasundara Prabhu wrote as follows:


> > Does this mean real varnashrama dharma the way Srila Prabhupada meant it

> > to be and is explained in the Sastras like Srimad Bhagavatam

> > (especially 7th canto) and Manu Samhita, or "new age" varnashrama

> > dharma? In "new age" varnashrama dharma as is presently practiced by the

> > GBC women are leaders (GBC, TPs etc), in real Varnashrama Dharma they

> > are not.


> 1. I am surprised that you are giving the GBC credit for practicing even

> false varnasrama dharma. Last I heard they didn't even want to give

> lipservice to such an idea!



I admit defeat.



> 2. Just for the record, can you please give the quote(s) from Srimad

> Bhagavatam which exclude women from taking the role of GBC or TP? Since

> Anantarupa Prabhu has already established in this conference that our

> management by committee system has no precedent in vedic history it would

> be good to start with a sound sastric basis.


> Your servant, Bhaktarupa Das




Though originally invited by Sriram Prabhu to join this conference I did not

because of very busy schedule especially when I saw the quantity of texts

involved. I only stuck my nose in when a text was forwarded to me in which I

was quoted by Vaiyasaki Prabhu. That done I got off the conference. However,

recently because of email problems Sriram asked me to forward that last text

to this conference. After doing that service I again got off the conference.

But since my name was there as the sender all the responses were bounced to

me even though I am not on the conferences (GBC related) even now as I type.

I rarely use pamho now, nor do I plan to use it more in the future. For the

above reasons I will keep my answer to you request brief, though it is

deserving a greatly detailed answer.


First of all let us look at you initial inquirey:


> Just for the record, can you please give the quote(s) from Srimad

> Bhagavatam which exclude women from taking the role of GBC or TP?


This is of the neti-neti catagory, by that I mean indirect definition.

Indirect definition is not conclusive, as Hiranyakashipu will attest.


Let us first speak in general prinicples and then proceed to particulars.It

could be argued that if I can't find a sastra pramana that tells me not to

do something I should therefore be allowed to do it. Considering the vast

nature of this material world it would be literaly impossible to include

every possibility. For example: LSD, coffee, tea and various modern day

intoxicants are not to be found in Sastra. Therefore it could be argued that

Brahmanas can take these things since there is no injunction in the sastras

regarding these substances since they are not even mentioned.


However, there is a *direct* description in the sastras about what the life

style and duties of a Brahmana should be. Therefore by knowing what the

duties of a Brahmana should be it will be easy to deduce that indulgence in

such substances is against the sva-dharma of a brahmana.


To the point in hand the sastra (SB 7.11.25-29 complete quote below) does

describe the sva-dharma of women which is to serve her vaisnava husband and

family. A woman's duties in her husband's ashrama to her husband and

children are not trivial but rather a fulltime occupation. Krsna explains in

Gita (Bg 18.45-46 quote below) that to achieve perfection in this life a

person, in whatever position, should simply perform their (not someone

else's) prescribed duties as an offering to the Lord. On the other hand

Krsna has also explained in the Gita (not once but twice in 3.35 & 18.47

quote below) that doing someone else's duty is *dangerous* and is affected

by *sinful reactions*.


If you want to discuss this point further I am sure that Nayana Ranjana

Prabhu and others will be willing to continue. For myself this is as much

time as I have for this matter. If you would want to read more on this issue

you can contact me privately at my personal email:


shyama (AT) shyamasundaradasa (DOT) com


Your humble servant

Shyamasundara Dasa



Full quotes to texts cited.


"It is far better to discharge one's prescribed duties, even though

faultily, than another's duties perfectly. Destruction in the course of

performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's duties, for

to follow another's path is dangerous." Bg 3.35


"By following his qualities of work, every man can become perfect. Now

please hear from Me how this can be done. By worship of the Lord, who is the

source of all beings and who is all-pervading, a man can attain perfection

through performing his own work." BG 18.45-46


"It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform

it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it

perfectly. Duties prescribed according to one's nature are never affected by

sinful reactions." BG 18.47



SB 7.11.25-29





strinam ca pati-devanam


tad-bandhusv anuvrttis ca

nityam tad-vrata-dharanam


strinam-of women; ca-also; pati-devanam-who have accepted their husbands as

worshipable; tat-susrusa-readiness to render service to her husband;

anukulata-being favorably disposed towards her husband; tat-bandhusu-unto

the friends and relatives of the husband; anuvrttih-being similarly disposed

(to treat them well for the satisfaction of the husband); ca-and;

nityam-regularly; tat-vrata-dharanam-accepting the vows of the husband or

acting exactly as the husband acts.


To render service to the husband, to be always favorably disposed toward the

husband, to be equally well disposed toward the husband's relatives and

friends, and to follow the vows of the husband-these are the four principles

to be followed by women described as chaste.


It is very important for peaceful householder life that a woman follow the

vow of her husband. Any disagreement with the husband's vow will disrupt

family life. In this regard, Canakya Pandita gives a very valuable

instruction: dampatyoh kalaho nasti tatra srih svayam agatah. When there are

no fights between husband and wife, the goddess of fortune automatically

comes to the home. A woman's education should be conducted along the lines

indicated in this verse. The basic principle for a chaste woman is to be

always favorably disposed toward her husband. In Bhagavad-gita (1.40) it is

said, strisu dustasu varsneya jayate varna-sankarah: if the women are

polluted, there will be varna-sankara population. In modern terms, the

varna-sankara are the hippies, who do not follow any regulative injunctions.

Another explanation is that when the population is varna-sankara, no one can

know who is on what platform. The varnasrama system scientifically divides

society into four varnas and four asramas, but in varna-sankara society

there are no such distinctions, and no one can know who is who. In such a

society, no one can distinguish between a brahmana, a ksatriya, a vaisya and

a sudra. For peace and happiness in the material world, the varnasrama

institution must be introduced. The symptoms of one's activities must be

defined, and one must be educated accordingly. Then spiritual advancement

will automatically be possible.

SB 7.11.26, SB 7.11.27, SB 7.11.26-27

TEXTS 26-27





svayam ca mandita nityam


kamair uccavacaih sadhvi

prasrayena damena ca

vakyaih satyaih priyaih premna

kale kale bhajet patim


sammarjana-by cleaning; upalepabhyam-by smearing with water or other

cleansing liquids; grha-the household; mandana-decorating;

vartanaih-remaining at home and engaged in such duties; svayam-personally;

ca-also; mandita-finely dressed; nityam-always; parimrsta-cleansed;

paricchada-garments and household utensils; kamaih-according to the desires

of the husband; ucca-avacaih-both great and small; sadhvi-a chaste woman;

prasrayena-with modesty; damena-by controlling the senses; ca-also;

vakyaih-by speech; satyaih-truthful; priyaih-very pleasing; premna-with

love; kale kale-at appropriate times; bhajet-should worship; patim-her



A chaste woman must dress nicely and decorate herself with golden ornaments

for the pleasure of her husband. Always wearing clean and attractive

garments, she should sweep and clean the household with water and other

liquids so that the entire house is always pure and clean. She should

collect the household paraphernalia and keep the house always aromatic with

incense and flowers and must be ready to execute the desires of her husband.

Being modest and truthful, controlling her senses, and speaking in sweet

words, a chaste woman should engage in the service of her husband with love,

according to time and circumstances.

SB 7.11.28


santustalolupa daksa

dharma-jna priya-satya-vak

apramatta sucih snigdha

patim tv apatitam bhajet


santusta-always satisfied; alolupa-without being greedy; daksa-very expert

in serving; dharma-jna-fully conversant with religious principles;

priya-pleasing; satya-truthful; vak-in speaking; apramatta-attentive in

service to her husband; sucih-always clean and pure; snigdha-affectionate;

patim-the husband; tu-but; apatitam-who is not fallen; bhajet-should



A chaste woman should not be greedy, but satisfied in all circumstances. She

must be very expert in handling household affairs and should be fully

conversant with religious principles. She should speak pleasingly and

truthfully and should be very careful and always clean and pure. Thus a

chaste woman should engage with affection in the service of a husband who is

not fallen.


According to the injunction of Yajnavalkya, an authority on religious

principles, asuddheh sampratiksyo hi mahapataka-dusitah. One is considered

contaminated by the reactions of great sinful activities when one has not

been purified according to the methods of the dasa-vidha-samskara. In

Bhagavad-gita, however, the Lord says, na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante

naradhamah: [bg. 7.15] "Those miscreants who do not surrender unto Me are

the lowest of mankind." The word naradhama means "nondevotee." Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu also said, yei bhaje sei bada, abhakta-hina [Cc. Antya 4.67],

chara. Anyone who is a devotee is sinless. One who is not a devotee,

however, is the most fallen and condemned. It is recommended, therefore,

that a chaste wife not associate with a fallen husband. A fallen husband is

one who is addicted to the four principles of sinful activity-namely illicit

sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication. Specifically, if one is not a

soul surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is understood to

be contaminated. Thus a chaste woman is advised not to agree to serve such a

husband. It is not that a chaste woman should be like a slave while her

husband is naradhama, the lowest of men. Although the duties of a woman are

different from those of a man, a chaste woman is not meant to serve a fallen

husband. If her husband is fallen, it is recommended that she give up his

association. Giving up the association of her husband does not mean,

however, that a woman should marry again and thus indulge in prostitution.

If a chaste woman unfortunately marries a husband who is fallen, she should

live separately from him. Similarly, a husband can separate himself from a

woman who is not chaste according to the description of the sastra. The

conclusion is that a husband should be a pure Vaisnava and that a woman

should be a chaste wife with all the symptoms described in this regard. Then

both of them will be happy and make spiritual progress in Krsna





ya patim hari-bhavena

bhajet srir iva tat-para

hary-atmana harer loke

patya srir iva modate


ya-any woman who; patim-her husband; hari-bhavena-mentally accepting him as

equal to Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; bhajet-worships or

renders service to; srih iva-exactly like the goddess of fortune;

tat-para-being devoted; hari-atmana-completely absorbed in thoughts of Hari;

hareh loke-in the spiritual world, the Vaikuntha planets; patya-with her

husband; srih iva-exactly like the goddess of fortune; modate-enjoys

spiritual, eternal life.


The woman who engages in the service of her husband, following strictly in

the footsteps of the goddess of fortune, surely returns home, back to

Godhead, with her devotee husband, and lives very happily in the Vaikuntha



The faithfulness of the goddess of fortune is the ideal for a chaste woman.

The Brahma-samhita (5.29) says, laksmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanam. In

the Vaikuntha planets, Lord Visnu is worshiped by many, many thousands of

goddesses of fortune, and in Goloka Vrndavana, Lord Krsna is worshiped by

many, many thousands of gopis, all of whom are goddesses of fortune. A woman

should serve her husband as faithfully as the goddess of fortune. A man

should be an ideal servant of the Lord, and a woman should be an ideal wife

like the goddess of fortune. Then both husband and wife will be so faithful

and strong that by acting together they will return home, back to Godhead,

without a doubt. In this regard, Srila Madhvacarya gives this opinion:

harir asmin sthita iti

strinam bhartari bhavana

sisyanam ca gurau nityam

sudranam brahmanadisu

bhrtyanam svamini tatha

hari-bhava udiritah

A woman should think of her husband as the Supreme Lord. Similarly, a

disciple should think of the spiritual master as the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, a sudra should think of a brahmana as the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, and a servant should think of his master as the Supreme Personality

of Godhead. In this way, all of them will automatically become devotees of

the Lord. In other words, by thinking this way, all of them will become

Krsna conscious.

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