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No women in management positions

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I totally agree with Bhaktarupa's suggestion that we must be in this for the

long haul and remain patient and focused on the goal. Otherwise, we will just

fall by the wayside, exhausted and frustrated, like many others.


If we approach this in a passionate mood, we are bound to run out of energy

before the result is achieved. We should not be attached to a particular


or an immediate result. Most struggles are determined, not by out-and-out


but by who has the resolve to continue in spite of opposition and setbacks.


type of inner strength is best maintained through cultivation of the pure mode

of goodness.


Your servant,

Sri Rama das


[srirama.acbsp (AT) pamho (DOT) net]





|Bhaktarupa.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net [bhaktarupa.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net]

|Tuesday, October 24, 2000 3:54 AM

|GBC Unmoderated

|No women in management positions



|Krishna Kirtan Mataji commented as follows:


|> I do agree with you, that it is a

|> managerial issue and should be left to the new, fresh and qualified

|> restructured GBC.


|Well, I sincerely hope we have a new, fresh, and qualified restructured GBC

|sometime soon. It is going to require a lot of additional patience. Calls

|for reform from the rank and file have been there before, but seldom have

|the reformers exhibited sufficient patience to see the process through to a

|meaningful conclusion. Too many reformers have lost heart due to resistance

|from the powers-at-be (they have learned to be expert at trying the patience

|of reformers and wearing down their resolve -- which is natural, I guess). A

|big problem also is that due to lack of organization and mutual trust among

|the reformers there manifest vast differences concerning the necessary

|strategy required to achieve the reform goals, and internal disputes arise,

|further weakening the resolve. Many, many have become discouraged also at

|this and have gone away.


|It seems we should be careful to avoid setting specific time frames for

|anything to come from the other side. If we actually want to reform ISKCON

|we need to be in it for the longterm and with a desire simply to do our duty

|for our own purification. We should see our reform efforts as simply service

|to Srila Prabhupada and the vaisnavas, not as an opportunity for us to

|develop some niche for ourselves which we don't have in the current regime

|-- keeping in the back of our mind that if such a niche is not forthcoming

|then we will strike out on our independent program in the not too distant

|future. (Or even worse still, seeing reform as an opportunity to settle a

|few scores with those leaders who have hurt us in the past.)


|Taking up the banner of reform is a very heavy responsibility. It is a

|struggle in itself, with so many setbacks to be encountered -- and then if

|it is successful it is even more of a struggle to actually implement the

|promises of reform.


|But I am very encouraged by the mutual respect and cooperative mood, in

|general, of the participants in these conferences. It has given some hope.

|Let's keep moving forward.


|I suggest we vote on Sri Ram's proposal and accept it as a first step (not

|cast in stone).


|Your servant, Bhaktarupa Das

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>> But I am very encouraged by the mutual respect and cooperative mood, in

>> general, of the participants in these conferences. It has given some

>> hope. Let's keep moving forward.


>> I suggest we vote on Sri Ram's proposal and accept it as a first step >>

(not cast in stone).


>I second Bhaktarupa Prabhus motion and the rest of what he stated in the

>above text. There is no end to how much we can discuss a plan of action;

>but at the end on the day, we have to start somewhere. And if we accept at

>the outstet that there will be some mishaps along the way then that will

>help us not to fall into the illusion that what we have conceived is

>perfect. We are simply striving combinedly to improve Srila Prabhupada's

>mission according to the guidlines he so mercifully gave us.


I also think it is time to vote and see if we are anywhere near a consensus.

We can discuss forever but we have to move forward.

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