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> Churches pay dearly for silence on abuse

> Criticism grows in pedophile cases


> By Julia Lieblich

> Tribune religion reporter

> Published February 11, 2002


> Despite two decades of warnings that when churches allow pedophiles to

> remain in their ranks they risk not only grave damage to children but also

> huge financial liability, many groups still appear more concerned with

> protecting clergy than stopping the abuse, critics say.


> Religious organizations as diverse as the Roman Catholic Church and the

> Hare Krishnas are entangled in costly litigation charging clergy with

> sexually abusing children.


> And although the problem is not new, many groups continue to foster a

> climate of secrecy and carry out policies detrimental to victims, said

> David Clohessy, head of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.


> Rather than investigate cases openly, which would encourage more victims

> to come forward, experts say, most religious groups quietly pay cash

> settlements. Even the Roman Catholic Diocese of Belleville, Ill., heralded

> as a rare model of how to handle abuse cases, has asked victims to agree

> not to disclose details as a condition of compensation.


> Clohessy said that in 10 years he has found no religious group that

> punishes clergy who fail to turn in pedophiles. And too few organizations

> insist that suspected abuse be reported the police unless required by law.


> Even the review boards are often staffed by inexperienced people who lack

> the tools to evaluate claims or by clergy reluctant to remove colleagues,

> said Rev. Patricia Liberty, executive director of Associates in Education

> and Prevention in Pastoral Practice in North Kingstown, R.I.


> Guardian found guilty


> The Hare Krishnas formed a child protection office only to discover that

> the director had committed child abuse, said the office's director, Dhira

> Govinda, of Alachua, Fla.


> Recent events have only highlighted the extent of the problem.


> On Sunday, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston vowed he would not step down

> despite increasing pressure over a sexual abuse scandal involving priests

> who had worked in the archdiocese


> In late January, the archdiocese of Boston released documents showing that

> the church had transferred from parish to parish a priest repeatedly

> accused of child abuse. Last week the archdiocese submitted to prosecutors

> the names of 22 priests, bringing the total number of accused priests to

> at least 60.


> Law has apologized to abuse victims and announced a policy of "zero

> tolerance" for sexual abuse. Also in January, the diocese of Tucson

> settled a suit brought by 16 plaintiffs who said they were molested by

> priests--and that the diocese did nothing to stop it.


> The Hare Krishnas announced plans last week to declare bankruptcy to

> protect their assets from a $400 million damage suit charging that the

> group leadership knew about the abuse of hundreds of Hare Krishna children

> in the 1970s and '80s. The leaders deny the charges.


> Roman Catholic officials defend church policy, arguing that great strides

> have been made in addressing a problem that is widespread in society.


> Progress seen by some


> "In the past 10 to 15 years, there has been major improvement in terms of

> both screening people who enter seminaries and the response when there are

> allegations something has occurred," said William Ryan, a spokesman for

> the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. But observers like Liberty think

> much more work is needed. "On a scale of 1 to 10, things have changed to a

> 2," she said. Liberty acknowledges that some individual congregations have

> instituted effective programs of prevention and disclosure, "but there is

> not one denomination universally doing a good job," she said.


> In 1985 Rev. Tom Doyle, a canon lawyer then at the Vatican embassy in

> Washington, co-wrote a confidential report warning U.S. bishops that if

> they didn't weed out pedophiles they could lose an estimated $1 billion in

> 10 years. "We couldn't even get them to consider the report," said Doyle,

> now a chaplain at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.


> In 1992 Ray Sinibaldi, a teacher of at-risk youth who was abused by a

> Roman Catholic priest in Weymouth, Mass., met with Law. When the cardinal

> sought his advice on a new child abuse policy, Sinibaldi said he urged the

> Boston archdiocese to require priests to report suspects to the police.


> Not until January 2002 did Law institute such a policy after mounting

> public pressure.


> Lawsuits a last resort


> James Poling, a pastoral theology professor at Garrett Evangelical

> Theological Seminary in Evanston, said clerics often perceive critics--and

> potential lawsuits--as a threat to institutional survival. The irony, he

> said, is that abuse victims rarely think of suing when they initially

> inform religious leaders of their experiences.


> Clohessy agreed: "Litigation only happens as a last resort when survivors

> feel nothing else will get their perpetrators removed from ministry." Last

> month it was disclosed that new Vatican rules specified that

> ecclesiastical courts will handle abuse allegations in secret, though the

> policy does not rule out legal proceedings. And religious groups continue

> to keep settlements under wraps, said A.W. Richard Sipe, a psychotherapist

> and former priest who counsels victims.


> "I've been in on cases where I've gone to the bishop's office with the

> victims," said Sipe. "The bishop says, `I believe your story is logical.

> How much do you want to settle?' Literally in an hour a man can get a

> quarter of a million dollars' settlement."


> Defenders of such action say it protects the victim's privacy and the

> integrity of proceedings. But Liberty believes handling allegations this

> way does not encourage other victims to come forward. "There is a

> difference between confidentiality and secrecy," she said. "In 100 percent

> of the cases there is some kind of gag order attached to the settlement.

> Requiring silence is another form of abuse."


> Victim advocates say such policies should provide concrete mechanisms for

> reporting and reviewing cases as well as compensating victims. They also

> want educational programs for clergy and laity. Clohessy's group has

> honored Belleville Bishop Wilton Gregory, president of the U.S. Conference

> of Catholic Bishops, for quickly removing priests accused of sexual

> misconduct, for openly stating the reasons and providing therapy for most

> survivors and accused priests.


> The archdiocese of Chicago also has a "state-of-the-art policy" that

> requires abuse allegations to be reported to the authorities, said

> Indiana-Purdue University sociologist Anson Shupe, who studies religion

> and criminology.


> Punishment for silence


> Still, all religious groups should add procedures for disciplining clergy

> who remain silent when someone is suspected of harming children, Clohessy

> said.


> "If a cleric suspects one of his colleagues of abusing and does not turn

> him in, that cleric should be hung out to dry," said Clohessy, whose group

> is based in St. Louis. "Men who prey on children are like mad dogs. They

> have a compulsive sickness."


> Many religious organizations have yet to adopt abuse policies of any kind.

> Shupe said that although some of the major Protestant groups have

> "self-policing measures," a 1998 survey he conducted of all U.S.

> Protestant groups indicated the vast majority do not.


> "Most groups said, `We don't have a problem so we don't have a policy,'"

> he said.

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