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The heavy artilary--: Braja Sevaki & I

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I'm not sure where you got this from Babhru, but it leaves me a little

bewildered. Raghu and I were 3 days ago emailing privately each other and

having some nice discussions, then he disappeared. Now I'm reading that he

is of the impression I blocked him, which I didn't do. I'm adding him to the

receiver list and hope he gets this, and the others I sent in response.



> > I'm very happy to hear that you will be moving down to Cal. KD has


> > the US by storm and I guess now moving in the heavy artilary--you. As

> > for Braja, yes, I had written a long, very friendly letter in reply to

> > her enthusiastic support for the reunions, unfortunately, by that


> > she had programmed her computer not to accept mail from me any more.


> > was late at night and so just let it go.


> > > I would be happy to connect her with those who do them which is

> > > something that happens at the last minute. I'll keep her (and you)

> > > updated once I know who is doing what and introduce her (you) to those

> > > who've been active over the years.

> > >

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I'm forwarding this for Raghunath, who seems to have been locked outof the

conference somehow.




>Fri, 22 Feb 2002 08:06:32 -1000

>"Raghunata (John) Anudasa" <raghu (AT) roopa (DOT) org>

>RE: The heavy artilary--: Braja Sevaki & I

>'Madhumati devi dasi' <madhu0108 >, Babru D

><williamr (AT) hawaii (DOT) edu>,

> Bill Reed <wreed (AT) mail (DOT) sdsu.edu>,

> "Babhru (das) ACBSP (HI - USA)" <Babhru.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>,

> "Anuttama (das) ACBSP (IC N.America)" <Anuttama.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

>Cc: "'Raghunata (John) Anudasa'" <raghu (AT) roopa (DOT) org>

>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2616

>Importance: Normal


>Dear Madhu


>Points well taken.


>India is a back room boys club, true, but there is nothing that does not

>have cumulative effect--even in India if not especially so. If we keep

>our goals small, focuses, and relentless then we will be successful.

>However, it is not about success. Women did not win their rights by

>being practicle. They stood up when it seemed most likely that they

>would be beaten down. That is true of civil rights, the over throw of

>the communist of Russia, the American revolution against the British and

>most every cause of genuine good. Prabhupada of course being the best

>example of all. His task was genuinely impossible.


>The cause of rightousness often requires that we do it in the face of

>seemingly impossible odds because it is about an act of faith rather

>then a practicle calculation of business. In fact, it generally means

>all calculations have to go out the window. It is an act of purification

>wherein we sacrifice something dear to us to maybe (thought unlikely) be



>When I started the guru-kula newsletters, everyone, everyone means

>everyone said it can't be done. Be practicle. ISKCON can not be

>reformed, the GBC will not act, kulis will not be interested and it was

>true--at first. Then it started, first small, a couple here, a few there

>and then a few more, then one day, we had our first guru-kula reunion.

>About 8 kids showed. The next year: 100 kulis showed up. The rest is



>The 2nd point is finding that thing that can be universally agreed upon.

>These teachers epitomize evil and the ways of abusers--put themselves in

>positions where in they have free access to children to abuse, but they

>rarely stop there. They then have to get the world to praise them and

>defend their set up. I know the abuses of these teachers first hand over

>the 6 years that they were mine. They are abusers--as much sexually as

>physically and mentally.


>The 3rd point is that as one of their many victims, I must speak. It is

>my duty to speak out much as a rape victim who sees their purpertator

>again abusing others must speak out. It does not matter that there are

>hundreds of millions of rapes a year. As a victim, you become the person

>of knowledge about the abuser and the obligation of that knowledge is to



>Now that we have covered the moral ground. Now the practicle. You can

>pay corrupt officials off as you suggest they may do. You can also bride

>officials with a new school all their own if they get rid of these

>abusers. More generally, ISKCON would be wise to use this case in place

>of their own child abuse profile in India. Going after these guys would

>be a powerful demonstration that ISKCON is now actively going after

>abusers even after they have left the society no mater how big or

>successful they may have become. It is a terrific public relations case

>for ISKCON. This is just one of dozens of things that can playout as

>this begins to unfold. There are enough prospects there to make it worth

>looking into.


>What is important is that we act together. That is why it is so

>disheartening to see some of these people detracting from these efforts.

>If you want to help with child abuse reform, this remains the mother

>case of all cases right now because it is an active case of child abuse

>going on the world already known about and has left everyone intimidated

>to act upon. That would start by working with your friends to better

>appreciate the significance of this effort both morally and practicly.





>Madhumati devi dasi [madhu0108 ]

>Thursday, February 21, 2002 8:54 AM

>Raghunata (John) Anudasa

>Re: The heavy artilary--: Braja Sevaki & I


>Hey, Raghu:


>About the resume: I had been contemplating posting my letter publicly so

>that's why I put all of that in. And I'm sure there are many things that

>you didn't know I was up to!


>I'm very much a person who tries to find the middle ground in


>so let me see what I can do.


> From your perspective, what do you think could be practically done

>regarding the orphanage?


>Firstly, it's not an Iskcon project, and secondly, it's India. If such


>orphanage were elsewhere in the world, I could see that we could have


>influence. But in India where so much happens by the greasing of palms,


>fear we would not have the impact required.


>Please excuse me that I haven't been following things attentively. Is


>some organisation outside of India who is involved who could bring some

>pressure to bear? What is Prince Charles's connection?


>Has Ananta Rupa's abusive nature been proven? Sorry, I'm not at home but


>in Portland, Oregon, so I cannot access my files which show the results


>all the completed Iskcon child abuse cases.


>I'd also want to ensure that we respond in a mature way that doesn't

>reflect badly on SP and his movement. Any suggestions?


>Look forward to seeing once again in the near future.


>Heavy artillery devi dasi!!!

>--- "Raghunata (John) Anudasa" <raghu (AT) roopa (DOT) org> wrote:

> > So great to hear from you. I'm a little amuzed that you gave me your

> > resume, given that I know all about in detail already like a big


> > Of course I know who you are and touched and charmed that you would

> > think I wouldn't or that you would take the time to share with me in

> > this way.

> >

> > I have to admit that I felt close with you because of KD. Who is not

> > charmed by that sweetie. She was my soap opera starlet through all her

> > drama's in LA. I'll have to get her autograph one of these days. Lol

> > When I see you, I see KD's charm.

> >

> > I'm very happy to hear that you will be moving down to Cal. KD has


> > the US by storm and I guess now moving in the heavy artilary--you. As

> > for Braja, yes, I had written a long, very friendly letter in reply to

> > her enthusiastic support for the reunions, unfortunately, by that


> > she had programmed her computer not to accept mail from me any more.


> > was late at night and so just let it go.

> >

> > In short, I told how I"ve now moved on from an immediate active role


> > the reunions given that they have now taken on a life all their own,


> > I would be happy to connect her with those who do them which is

> > something that happens at the last minute. I'll keep her (and you)

> > updated once I know who is doing what and introduce her (you) to those

> > who've been active over the years.

> >

> > Give my regards to Braja. I hope she can see the connection between

> > staying actinve on fronts such as the boarding school where our ex

> > teachers are still molesting students and the reunions. The reunions


> > the direct result of kulis feeling inspired by the matter of justice

> > coming into play. With out it, there would be no reunions. The same

> > kinds of consolidation of community that we see of kulis will happen


> > the older devotees between themselves and their preaching the more we

> > tend to these seemingly unrelated issues of justice. You know this


> > is why you have spent as much time and resources to the child reform

> > efforts. I thank you for that as a devotee, as kuli and as a distant

> > friend of yours.

> >

> > Raghu

> >

> > Madhumati devi dasi [madhu0108 ]

> > Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:05 AM

> > Raghunata (John) Anudasa

> > Braja Sevaki & I

> >

> > Dear Raghu:

> >

> > This is Madhumati, Kd's mom. How are you doing?

> >

> > I've been following a bit of the discussion on child abuse, although


> > attentively. BUT not because I don't care.

> >

> > Just to establish things:

> >

> > I'm the mother of four, two of whom are devotee engaged full time in

> > service. One of the other four left his body while saving the life of


> > young woman (therefore seeming to have an understanding of protection


> > woman and youth). My youngest is 14. I'm doing my best to protect him,

> > both

> > materially and spiritually.

> >

> > I'm running the Child Protection Team in Vancouver.

> >

> > I counsel the young devotees there.

> >

> > I'm on the board of Children of Krsna.

> >

> > I recently took training in Alachua to assist in ajudicating cases of

> > alleged child abuse. I also took, for the second time, Dhira Govinda's

> > Vaisnava counselling skills workshop.

> >

> > I attended the first Family and Youth Conference in Alachua.

> >

> > I would like to thank you for all the work you've done in getting the

> > reunions going. I know that those reunions were instrumental in

> > furthering

> > both Krsna-devata's and Govinda's interest in spiritual life.

> >

> > Braja Sevaki tells me that she's let you know she'll do as much as she

> > can

> > do to facilitate the youth. I feel the same way. It looks like she and


> > and our families (her husband/my son) will be sharing accomodation


> > in

> > or near San Rafael, so we'll be in a good position to work together to

> > do

> > the needful.

> >

> > Are you living in Hawaii now? I'll be over there in June so perhaps we

> > can

> > connect again in person over there. Or perhaps you'll visit the


> > again soon?

> >

> > Affectionately, Madhumati devi dasi, or as one friend calls me,

> > Madhumataji

> >

> >

> >

> > Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

> > http://sports.

> >

> >

> >





> Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games


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At 01:35 AM 2/23/2002 +1000, you wrote:

>I'm not sure where you got this from Babhru, but it leaves me a little

>bewildered. Raghu and I were 3 days ago emailing privately each other and

>having some nice discussions, then he disappeared. Now I'm reading that he

>is of the impression I blocked him, which I didn't do. I'm adding him to the

>receiver list and hope he gets this, and the others I sent in response.


I am sure where I got it. When I was at his house yesterday, he asked me to

post it for him; he felt he suddenly had no access to the list, for some

reason. There's nothing more to it.



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