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> Your entire text was an example of fascination with what other

> people do or don't do, and what they got to do or not to do..

> Is perhaps that what you have envisioned the "Applied Krishna

> Consciousness" forum is supposed to be? A kind of a military

> polygon for your personal training in "How to apply KC on other

> fellow people".


"We have to follow the footprints of pure devotees. It is said that tarkaƒ

aprati˜haƒ. If you want to become pure by your arguments and logic, that is

not possible. I may be defeated by another strong man who is stronger in

argument than me, so this is not the way of becoming purified, tarka, simply

arguing. Tarkaƒ aprati˜haƒ smtayo vibhinn€ƒ. ®rutayaƒ, scriptures. Suppose

somebody sticks to the scriptures. So scriptures, there are different types

of scripture. So they are vibhinna. Vibhinna means different types. So how

we can become purified by, even by following the scriptures? Tarko

’prati˜haƒ smtayo vibhinn€ na c€s€v ir yasya mataˆ na bhinnam. Muni

means thoughtful, philosophers. If we follow a particular type of

philosopher, that is also not perfect because I may be under the care of a

philosopher, frog philosopher. So that is also not sure. Tarko ’prati˜haƒ

smtayo vibhinn€ na c€s€v ir yasya mataˆ na bhinnam, dharmasya tattvaˆ

nihitaˆ guh€y€m.

Therefore to become pure or to understand the essence of purity is very

confidential. It is not to be acquired by our own efforts, by argument or by

being expert in scripture or by becoming a philosopher or a similar way. It

is very confidential. Then how? Mah€jano yena gataƒ sa panth€ƒ. You have to

follow a pure devotee, acknowledged devotee. Similarly, in the

Bhagavad-g…t€, if we follow Arjuna, then we understand Bhagavad-g…t€ as it

is. But if we don’t follow Arjuna, if we follow somebody, Dr. Frog, or

create our own interpretation, then we remain impure. So mah€jano yena gataƒ

sa panth€ƒ. We have to follow the footprints of mah€jana, great soul. So

here is directly you are meeting great soul, Arjuna. He is directly being

taught Bhagavad-g…t€ by the original teacher. Who can be greater authority

than Arjuna? So as Arjuna accepts Bhagavad-g…ta, if you accept Bhagavad-g…t€

in that way, then your study of Bhagavad-g…t€ is perfect. It is very simple.

Therefore I’m saying here that KŠa is the original teacher, and Arjuna is

the original student. So you follow the original student, you understand

Bhagavad-g…t€. Even KŠa is not present before you. He is present by His

words. This is the way of following what is pure. Yes?"


Srila Prabhupada lecture.

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