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> ould you tell us, Sergei, how someone who neglects you in this way

> inspires you? I admit I feel a little confused.


I privately wrote the same thing to Sergei. I feel confused and concerned. I

know that there are many of our godbrothers who are willing to give time,

energy, guidance and love to their disciples. This is their responsibility,

I feel.


Of course, one can truthfully point out to me that I am not a guru. However,

sastra states that one should not become guru, mother or father unless one

can liberate one's disciple or child. Certainly I cannot guarantee that I

can liberate my children, but the fact is that having taken up the

responsibility as a parent I can see the correlation between parent and

guru, and feel I have somewhat of an understanding of what a child or

disciple needs.


If I was raising my children as Sergei is saying he is being raised as a

disciple, I would likely be charged with neglect of my children! As a parent

or guru, one has rights and one has responsibilities. I'm not sure that

Sergei is getting what he needs a bhakta on the path of bhakti-yoga.


Your servant,

Madhumati devi dasi

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On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Babhru (das) ACBSP (San Diego - USA) wrote:

> daughter was considering initiation some years ago, but realized that her

> confidence in the devotees she was examining was not unreserved. She has

> more recently told me that there's only one devotee who does inspire such

> confidence. Unfortunately, I am that devotee (Houston, we have a problem).


This is the reality that led many of our predecessors to follow

the *other* mode of disciplic succession: sukra-parampara. Much the

same can be said about Deities; unless They're part of the family, most

people simply aren't going to care for Them that much. As much as Srila

Prabhupada criticizes the caste gosvamis who don't have brahminical

qualifications, to my knowledge he never once denies the authority of the

traditional system that gives them whatever validity they claim. Is it

better to be a dvija-bandhu from a mleccha family or a dvija-bandhu from a

brahmana family? The converse may give us a hint; I don't recall the exact

reference right now (please feel free if anyone else does), but I've heard

that Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that if one has faith in both a bonafide

guru who is born a brahmana and another bonafide guru who isn't born in a

brahmana family, one should take initiation from the brahmana-born guru.



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Dear Prabhus,


This is exactly the same feeling I have since 12 years and after the fall of

a previous guru. I hope this may lead to a serious discussion between the

godbrothers of concerned gurus to free the mind of those in my case and B

Sergei's case. This situation is simply unbearable cause scriptures have no

evident solution and apparently this is not anymore a priority in Sri GBC's

concern. Should we cultivate stoicism, now ? Taking a fifth initiation?.

What is the next step before complete despair?


Ys Vraja Gopal das (South of France)



"(Bhakta) Sergei Schmalz (Wiesbaden - D)" <Sergei.Schmalz (AT) pamho (DOT) net>



> However strange it may sound, my problem is rather to get the confidence

> FROM that initiating guru who has been inspiring me for over 8 years. At

> times I feel even sort of left out or overlooked, you know what I mean;


> that I am saying that I am THAT good, no, just that I dont feel like I am

> worse than many others who DID get that confidence from the same guru and

> got initiated. And this kind of problem doesnt seem to want to let me find


> solution in the nearest future...


> Your humble servant,

> Sergei.


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Dear Vraja Gopal Prabhu,

please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga and Sri Sri Radha-Govinda!


> This is exactly the same feeling I have since 12 years and after the fall

> of a previous guru. I hope this may lead to a serious discussion between

> the godbrothers of concerned gurus to free the mind of those in my case

> and B Sergei's case. This situation is simply unbearable cause scriptures

> have no evident solution and apparently this is not anymore a priority in

> Sri GBC's concern. Should we cultivate stoicism, now ? Taking a fifth

> initiation?. What is the next step before complete despair?


I guess I can understand your problem better than many others do. I have

never been initiated yet, that's the only difference. Thus, I wanted to

share with you my mind and try to raise your spirit, I hope.


First of all, never give up hope, dont ever let the despair get you down.

I've been there and know how it tastes to be "shot down" by the despair.

Now, of course, you would ask how to keep going in life. I personally keep

in mind these things:

1) It took Srila Prabhupada many years to get first initiation from his guru

after their first meeting in 1922.

2) If we are honest before the Lord, then He knows our needs, but this

doesnt mean He will rush to give us what we need right away, we should

always remember that who knows what kind of nonsense we've ever done in our

past lives, perhaps just that causes us to go through our present spiritual



Recently, I have found out what my name means. It originates from Roman name

Sergius which means "servant" or "attendant". This very much inspired me to

remember my consitutional position as Lord Krsna's servant/attendant. Looks

like the Providence "told" my parents what was the right name to give me.

Try to look for similar "drops of nectar" in your PRIVATE life. I stress the

word private, because our eternal devotional relationship with Krsna is to a

major extent a private relationship. Even in a family every single family

member has different feelings to different family members, similarly all of

us have their own special ways of loving Krsna. Dont spill any single "drop

of nectar" that you find in every "blooming flower" on the fast "field" in

Lord Krsna's world. It's about you and Him. And, oh well, the guru who links

us to him...


Your humble servant,


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Dear Sergei Prabhu,


Thank you so much for your kind words. As we may see, our big senior

devotees are not overworried by what is the most bigest problem in our



Actually I am not myself anymore so in "despair" cause I'm simply waiting


for the truth about Sri Guru and I am sure this will be disclosed soon or

later to all the devotees and followers of Srila Prabhupada.


Kali-yuga means also dividing the knowledge. From both, one part should be


truth and requires to be exponed beyond all fitting technical arguments .

This day will come when

all devotees will live and dance in reunited spiritual brotherhood, just

like before.


Hapiness should be shared by everybody to be complete, no?


Ys Vraja Gopal das



"(Bhakta) Sergei Schmalz (Wiesbaden - D)" <Sergei.Schmalz (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

"Applied Krishna Consciousness"

<Applied.Krishna.Consciousness (AT) pamho (DOT) net>


Thus, I wanted to

> share with you my mind and try to raise your spirit, I hope.


> First of all, never give up hope, dont ever let the despair get you down.

> Your humble servant,

> Sergei.


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