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Lord Rama Dates

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Letter PAMHO:7054796 (65 lines)

Internet: "Gauranga Das" <gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net>




Dear members,




Some further comments on the age issue:


This is from PVR Narasimha:


Somehow, you are looking at a wrong verse. The following is the verse

Shyamasundara referred to:


uuna SoDasha varSo me raamo raajiiva lochanaH |

na yuddha yogyataam asya pashyaami saha raaxasaiH || 1-20-2


The above verse only says that Rama was not even sixteen. Sixteen may have


mentioned just as a yard-stick for maturity. The statement does not imply


Rama is just short of 16 (i.e. 15 years as interpreted by Shyamasundara). It

only says Rama is not even sixteen.


When Mareecha recounts his encounter with Rama while giving advice to


he actually mentions twleve years of age as opposed to sixteen:


pratyuvaaca mahaabhaagam vishvaamitram mahaamunim |

uuna dvaadasha varSo ayam akR^ita astraH ca raaghavaH || 3-38-6


This verse says Rama was not even twelve at the time.


There may be an error in one of the two verses. It is also possible that


are right and Rama was not even 12 at the time.


Also the Sanskrit from the Skanda Purana:



Skanda Purana, Brahma Khandam, Dharmaranyakhandam, Chapter 30.


Shloka 12


Saptavimshatime varshe yauvarajyapradayakam

rajanamatha kaikeyi varadvayamyachata


The King (Dasharatha) coronated Rama as the crown prince in his 27th year.

Kaikeyi asked for two varas.


Shloka 13


tayorekena ramastu sasitaH sahalakshmanaH

jatadharaH pravrajatam varshanniha chaturdasha


The first was, that along with Sita and Lakshmana, Rama should spend 14

years of vanavasa as a mendicant (pravrajak) with matted locks.


Shloka 14


bharatastu dvitiyena yauvarajyadhipohastu me

mantharavachananmrira varametamayachata


The second was that Bharat should reign as the Crown Prince. These varas

were claimed largely under the provocation of Manthara.


Your servant,


Gauranga das

(Text PAMHO:7054796) ------


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