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Kala-Sarpa and Kala-Amrita yogas

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> Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu,

> please accept my humble obeisances.

> All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!


> I have two questions:

> 1. There are two Yogas: Kala-Sarpa and Kala-Amrita. Can you tell a little

> of them, especially from Kala-Amrita Yoga. I read that they are very

> inauspipicios. What can one do against it? On what must one pay attention

> while upbringing, if a child has one of these Yogas in horoscope?

> 2. Can You tell about "cosmic triangle", if three Grahas are in three

> different Nakshatras with same Lord, and are removed from each other for

> five Rasis.


> Thank You very much.


> Your servant,

> bhaktin Julia


Dear Mataji,


Please accept my best wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Bhaktivignavinasa Nrsimhadeva Bhagavan kijaya!


Sorry for being so late in answering your question. But things have been a

bit hectic lately with travel and just now going through not one but two



Regarding your questions. Kala-sarpa Yoga is not recognized in classical

texts or at least is not mentioned by Parasara and others. It seems to be a

newly minted one. See also:




I remember back in the late 70s and early 80s much ink was spilt in the

columns of "Astrological Magazine" discussing this issue and others (like

Badakastana, etc) without much success. It is not really applicable to a

person's chart but is relevant in mundane astrology. No one yoga should ever

be stressed because many other factors must be taken into account. Though I

studied yogas intensely in my first years of study I gradually lost interest

as I saw that whole patterns must be taken into account and that of course

is what yogas are, just that you can't take one to the exclusion of others.


BV Raman has this to say about Kala Sarpa yoga:


"Kala Sarpa Yoga has its bright shades. It [is said to] makes one

industrious, hardworking, aware of one's own ability- despite mental

restlessness. It raises the natives to top positions in their respective

fields provided of course other Raja Yogas are present. Rahu-Ketu axis

favors rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in

spiritual matters. It is also found that Kala Sarpa Yoga natives get

betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives. Suffering due to

developments in life strengthens the mind and mellows one's outlook. This is

a blessing of Kala Sarpa Yoga."


"It occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to Kala Sarpa Yoga.

The view held by some astrologers that Kala Sarpa Yoga affects longevity and

adversely affects the operation of other yogas favoring a rise in life,

achievement, and accomplishment is not tenable. The overall assessment of

the horoscope is important. No single yoga, including Kala Sarpa Yoga, is

capable of marring or making a horoscope. In our view, Kala Sarpa Yoga plays

an important role in mundane astrology [assessment of world events] and is

not of much importance in individual charts."


I agree with him and ever since I read that many years ago I, for all

practical purposes, ignore this yoga and wonder why everyone gets all

excited about it.


Regarding Kala-Amrita Yoga it is a variation of Kala Sarpa yoga as mentioned

above by BV Raman whether ALL the planets are between Rahu-Ketu or between

Ketu-Rahu. For example if Rahu is in Mesha (Aries) and Ketu is Tula (Libra)

then if we were to go in the regular order of the signs from Mesha to Tula

and ALL the planets (ignore lagna) fall between Rahu and Ketu this is Kala

Sarpa Yoga. However if we were to go in the regular order of the signs from

Tula to Mesha and ALL the planets are found to be between Ketu and Rahu then

that is called Kala Amrita Yoga.


In a Kala Sarpa Yoga it is said that the planets have been eaten by Rahu.

Why? Because the motion of Rahu and Ketu is backward with Rahu the head and

Ketu the tail so when the planets are between Rahu and Ketu as described

above they are in the belly of the beast. But when they are between Ketu and

Rahu as described above they are outside of the beast. Which is why you get

the two different interpretations of the yogas as follows.


As BV Raman says: "Rahu-Ketu axis favors rise in mundane life while

Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters."


Hence Kala Sarpa Yoga favors rise in material life, while Kala Amrita favors

rise in spiritual matters. But I would suggest that you lay more stress on

the second paragraph that I quoted of his, that being:


"In our view, Kala Sarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane astrology

[assessment of world events] and is not of much importance in individual



The reason one should net get excited or depressed by a particular yoga will

now be explained.


Gajakesari Yoga is considered a very good yoga formed by Jupiter and Moon

being quadrants from each other. In his "300 Important Combinations" BV

Raman says this about the yoga:


GAJAKESARI YOGA - When Jupiter and Chandra

are in respective Kendras to each other they produce Gajakesari

Yoga. The Moon and Jupiter may be in one and the same house

or in the 4th, 7th, or 10th from each other.


RESULTS: Will have many and influential relations - polite and

generous, good life and high education, a happy turn of mind

and a strong determination to overcome any difficulties which

may come in the way of achieving real success, polite and obliging

in behavior, ruler or constructor of villages, towns and cites,

will do substantial charitable acts by which his name will be

remembered long after his death, and a real benefactor to



REMARKS: Here as elsewhere great difference in the enjoyment

of results should be pronounced. The original writers say that

the person born in this yoga will build villages and towns. A literal

interpretation of the results leads one nowhere. They have to

be adapted to suit modern conditions and climes. One born

in this yoga may become a member of Municipality and engineer

or if the yoga is really powerful, a mayor. The results ascribed

to a yoga are subject to qualificatio or modification according

as the yogakarakas are strong or weak. There are magistrates

from the villages to the district with different powers. From a

builder of a small village shrine or choultry to the builder of a

large and rich temple there is much difference. Combinations

are given but the results of the same conjunction will vary with

the strength or the planets, bhavas and the constellations. I

would give here two typical horoscopes illustrative of the different

variations in Gajakesari.




³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ Rah ³ Mar ³ ³ Jup ³ ³ Lag ³ Lag ³ ³ Mar ³

³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Sun ³ ³ ³ ³


³ ³ ³ Ven ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ ³ ³ Mer ³ ³ ³ ³ Ven ³

³ ³ ³ Sun ³ ³ ³ ³ ³


³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ ³ #2 ³ ³ ³ ³ #2 ³ ³

³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³


³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ Mon ³ Lag ³ ³ Ket ³ ³ Jup ³ Mon ³ Mer ³ Sat ³

³ ³ ³ ³ Sat ³ ³ ³ ³ Rah ³ ³



³ ³ Sat ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ ³ Mar ³ ³ ³ ³ Lag ³ Mon ³ ³ ³

³ ³ Rah ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³


³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Sun ³ ³ ³

³ ³ ³ Lag ³ ³ Jup ³ ³ ³

³ ³ ³ Sun ³ ³ Ven ³ ³ ³


³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ Moon ³ #3 ³ Mer ³ ³ ³ #3 ³ Rah ³

³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³


³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³

³ ³ ³ Jup ³ Ven ³ ³ Sat ³ Mar ³ Mer ³ ³

³ ³ ³ Ket ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³




Above are given two charts - illustrative of Gajakesari


CHART #2 - Yogakarakas are Jupiter and the Moon.

Lagna is Scorpio, hence BENEFIC lords are the Moon, the Sun

and Jupiter. MALEFICS are Mercury and Venus. NEUTRALS are

Mars and Saturn.


MOON (a) The Moon is a benefic lord ....... 1 unit

(b) The Moon occupies a friendly sign . 1 "

© The Moon's aspect strength ....... 5/8 "

(d) The Moon is not associated ...... 0 "

Total 2 5/8 Units


JUPITER (a) Jupiter is a benefic lord ....... 1 unit

(b) Jupiter has no association ....... 0 "

© Jupiter's aspect strength ....... 1 "

(d) Jupiter is in a neutral sign ..... 3/4 "

Total 2 3/4 Units


Both the Moon and Jupiter are beneficially disposed and

as Jupiter gets more units he will fulfill the larger part of the

blessings of the yoga. As the native enjoys Venus Dasa at birth

(about 2 years), the Moon in his Dasa (8 to 18 age) gives rise

to the results of the yoga to some extent while the larger part

of it (particularly regarding finance and fortune) will be raised

in Jupiter's Dasa to begin from the 43rd year. The extent of

the results depends upon the residential strength.


CHART #3 - The ascendant is Cancer. Therefore

BENEFICS are Mars and Jupiter; MALEFICS are Venus and Mercury;

and NEUTRALS are the Sun, the Moon and Saturn.


MOON (a) The Moon is a neutral ....... 1 unit

(b) The Moon is not associated ....... 0 "

© The Moon's aspect strength ....... 3/4 "

(d) The Moon is in enemy's house ...... -1 "

Total 1/4 Unit


JUPITER (a) Jupiter is a Benefic ....... 1 unit

(b) Jupiter is with Ketu ....... -1 "

© Jupiter's aspect strength .......1 1/8 "

(d) Jupiter is in an unfriendly sign .. -1 "

Total 1/8 Unit


Jupiter and the Moon are feebly benfic. The Moon will

give rise to a larger part of the yoga results than Jupiter. The

Moon can fulfill his part of the resultas as major lord and sub-lord

particularly in Jupiter's Dasa. The yoga is practically neutralised

if the positive and negative units of strength obtained by both

the planets are equal.


Regarding your last question:


> 2. Can You tell about "cosmic triangle", if three Grahas are in three

> different Nakshatras with same Lord, and are removed from each other for

> five Rasis.


The result will vary greatly according to what the planets are, what houses

they are lords of, what nakshatras and signs are involved, what the lagna

is, etc. It wouldn't be wise to give any general statement on such a matter,

as any of the above would change the meaning.


Yours in the service of my eternal master Srila Prabhupada,


Shyamasundara Dasa




PS in reference to my remark about minting new yogas this is not necessarily

a bad thing. What is a yoga? In astrology a yoga is a pattern consisting of

certain planets, signs, houses, amsas etc associated with a certain good or

bad result. The number of possible patterns is VERY VERY large so it is

entirely possible for an astrologer to note a new previously unstated

pattern associated with a certain result. It would be wise however to

understand the basis of how things work in astrology than to simply look for

particular yogas for as we can see from the examples regarding Gajekesari

Yoga that there will be variations of intensity of that yoga. To be able to

judge that requires an understanding of the basis of jyotish.

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