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Letter COM:2350862 (160 lines)

Dadhibhaksa (das) HKS (Cakovec - HR)

27-May-99 11:18

Yadu-srestha (das) PVS (Melbourne - AU) [1290]

examples - 2


>From BV Raman book ( I copy it from Padmanabha das):








longevity, legacies, gifts, nature of death, degradation


afflictions by Mars,Sat,Rahu or Ketu: "unacceptable" marriage, chronic




R8 in 1 debts, misfortune (no so bad if weak or inn navmsa 6,8,12 - disease,

disfiguration,weakness, trouble w/superiors


R8 in 2 domestic quarrels, unhealthy foods, eye, tooth, illness

less if in Navamsa 6,8,12


R8 in 3 ear problems, deafness, quarrels w/brothers, hallucination,s debts

w/R6 or R12: beneficial results


R8 in 4 no mental peace, domestic quarrels, mother ill, problems

w/house, land, cars

M: live abroad, more losses, professional trouble


R8 in 5 trouble w/children (criminal)

- death of children

less serious if in Navamsa 6,8,12

more serious if in Navamsa kendra


R8 in 6 RAJAYOGA affluence, but still some diseases

still better if R6 strong


R8 in 7 short life, sick wife

- diseased

R7 wR8 strong in /: diplomate, distinguished mission


R8 in 8 + long life, happiness, lands, position

weak: no serious trouble, but crisis for father

- failures, big mistakes and losses (Hitler)


R8 in 9 w/Mals: loose father's property, misunderstandings w/him

if Sun also afflicted: father dies

w/Ben enjoys fathers property, harmonious relationship

if weak: hardship, unhappiness, deserted, trouble w/sup.

less serious if R8 in Navamsa 6,8,12


R8 in 10 slow advancement in career, obstacles, merit unnoticed


if R2 also afflicted w/R8: debts, loss of reputation

gains through death of elders


R8 in 11 trouble with close friends, troubles through elder



R8 in 12 RAJA YOGA: w/Ben trouble with firends (treachery)

if R12 in Trikone or Kendra: gain in religious learning

piety, position

- vicious, clandestine acts like smuggling, counterfeit





Sun in 8 exalted: long life, charming, eloquent

- sores in face, disgruntled, weak eyes, uneventful life


Moon in 8 mental abberation, psychological complexes, capricious,

unhealthy, loose mother early, fighting


Mars in 8 short life, lose of partner, few children, extra-marital

sex, hates relatives,piles


Merc in 8 good qualities, courteous disposition, inherit and earn

wealth, scholarship, long life but weak


Jupiter in 8 unhappy but generous, long life, pretends to be

noble, marries widow, painless death


Venus in 8 many blesings, wealth, comfort, danger to mother

emotional disappointments as youth. later pious


Saturn in 8 good longevity, many responsibilities, many

obstacles but much perseverance, associate w(low class women

- pain through children, w/Moon: flatulence, spleen


Rahu in 8 public censure, humiliation, ailments,

vicious, unscrupulous, if Moon w/M mental disorders


Ketu in 8 wealth and long life

- covet others' wives and wealth




Death :


B in 7 from Mandi in Navamsa: happy death


M in 7 from Mandi in Navamsa: painful

sat: snakes or thieves

mars: fight, battle

Sun, Moon: political death

Moon: aquatic animal


M in 8: painful disease or violence


B in 8: natural peaceful death


MERC-SAT: gallows

MERC-MOON in 6 or 8: poison

Mars in 6: weapon

Rahu-R4 in 6: robber, violence

Moon in Mars sign: fire weapons



22 Drekana

(not 8th cusp, next drekana)


If no other indication


Aries 1 pitta or poison Libra 1 wound from animal

2 kapha 2 indigestion

3 drowning 3 water, snakes


Taurus 1 horse,ass,mules Scorp 1 poison, weapons

2 pitta, fire or murder 2 prostrate, over exert.

3 fall 3 stones, eath (mines)


Gemini 1 lungs, bronchitis Sagit 1 bowels

2 typhoid 2 poison, arrows

3 fall 3 abdominal, complaints


Cancer 1 drinks, thorns Capri 1 wild animal, scorpion

2 poison 2 snake

3 tumour 3 thieves, gun, fever


Leo 1 bad water Aquar 1 woman, pelvis, VD

2 water in lungs 2 internal org. , VD

3 travel sickness, surgery 3 infection


Virgo 1 vata Pisces1 dysentery, oesophagis

2 fall 2 dropsy, oesphogis

3 explosion, drowning 3 distendsion of stomach




Sun: fire Jupiter: unknown cause

Moon: water Venus: excesses

Mars: weapon Saturn: starvation

Merc: fever




Place of death :

sign of navamsa lagnesa


8th movable: far awway from home

fixed: at home

common: travelling

(Text COM:2350862) --------

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