Guest guest Posted June 1, 1999 Report Share Posted June 1, 1999 Dear prabhus, PAMHO. AGTSP! This was a text which Kaunteya Prabhu put in Apocalypse 1999 conf. sometime ago. May be you all read it. Please don't get discouraged if this is the first time you read it. Even when Krsna was with Pandavas they didn't say Krsna is with us so no need to worry! Still they sharpen the sword and build up weapons for the battle. So we also sharp our knives (chant, preach and distribute books) at the same time prepare for the worst. > I am curious about the milk with turmeric? and black pepper. > Ah ....Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. The astrologer's comment was the yellow (turmeric powder) increase the jupitor's auspiciousness and the black pepper will reduce Saturn's debilitation. Your servant, Vaikunthapati das ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Text COM:2096821 (283 lines) [W1] Kaunteya (das) JPS (Mayapur - IN) 15-Feb-99 01:26 Apocalypse 1999? (Are you ready?) [488] Cc: Ekacakra (das) TKG (Chinese BBT) [5754] (received: 15-Feb-99 12:28) (sender: Amala (das) RSD (Taipei - TW)) Astrologers on the future --------------------------- I received the following from a friend, who summarized a compilation of opinions of various astrologers. your servant, Kaunteya das ---------- What Indian eminent astrologers say about the year 2000? The following is the synopsis of the book "Planets and the Next World War" (compiled by Dr.B.V.Raman and his son Gayatri Devi Vasudev, published by UBSPD, New Delhi. 1st edition - 1994, Reprint - 1996). Twelve eminent astrologers of India, each of them with experience of not less than 20 years of astrological studies, speak up on their research about the year 2000. The book begins with the condemnation of speculative Western "astrological" predictions, even made by the professors of famous Universities. Those kind of predictions are said to be in the category of Tamas, since they are not based on Vedic astrology, which is sacred science if taken in its original form. The proof that this kind of "predictions" are unauthoritative is that they never came true, unlike the ones made by Dr.Raman and other modern Vedic astrologers (some of them are in this book), who base their research on such Vedic astrological texts as Brihat-Samhita (by Varaha Mihira), and other texts by Parashara, Satyacharya, Kalyana Varma, Bimeshvara, etc. Whether the events described below will happen in 1999-2000 or not - we shall see ourselves, but as far as the astrological science is concerned - this is the most reliable information for today, given by twelve experienced Vedic astrologers. 1. Gayatri Devi Vasudev says: On May 28, 1998, conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurs in Krttika ruled by Agni. Consequently, invasions, flagrant violations may erupt, all humanitarian norms and international political niceties may be broken among the major powers of the world. The new year in 2000 begins on April 4, 2000, ruled by Mars (i.e.aggression and excitability). Political leaders get hot-headed, incapable of fair decisions. Africa, Middle East, Central Asia (+Russia joining) will be in war against 'democracy' of the West. Basically, it will be Baghdad vs. Washington. (Muslims proclaiming 'jihad' against 'unbelievers'). India will be spared most of the horrors of military clash of Western and West Asian powers. Russia and several parts of Europe will be the scenes of violent riots and bloodshed. Western Asian countries - crucial spot in war. 1998-2000 - tremendous changes in history, heavy carnage, incendiarism, etc. International bodies of peace will stand watching impotently. This WW-III will be 'religious' war. 2000 - particularly violent. Sanity will be trampled upon as brute force gains momentum. (USA is called hegemonic power). A new order can emerge out of the remains of the holocaust bringing in winds of hope for peace (as the planetary arrangement at the Jupiter- Saturn conjunction dismantles with time). But: Astrological indications are never deterministic, not even the most Severe afflictions. They only emphasize the need for extra effort and Exertion to overcome them and to augment good points (e.g. the urge to injure and covet must be sublimated into the urge for human welfare by the people at the helm of affairs). 2. Prof.P.S.Shastri says: Seeds of conflict will be sown near Indus and west of Mathura, then the conflict spot will move to Arabia, Syria, Israel, then - to Middle East. Many countries will be involved (including Russia and Georgia). India will be involved only indirectly (though Northern India and Tibet will directly take part in war). It will be same lunar and solar eclipses preceding, that happened before the WW-II. Conflict will be swift and disastrous. Muslim nations will be the most hit, then Britain, then USA. Countries worst affected: of Asia Minor, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Lebanon, Arabia, Morocco. Israel will survive. India will be forced to join the skirmish to protect its interests. From Aug.1998 on India is safe, but June-August 2000 needs to be watched. But South Eastern Asia will narrowly escape the holocaust. In Europe many rulers and citizens will die - like Germany, Lithuania, France, Russia (esp. Moscow). 3. Buell D.Huggins says: The WW-III most probably will take place. Even apart from the astrological side, the political situation is such that the countries are at the edge of the war. 4. S.K.Kapoor says: Highly advanced techn. computerized civilization is unable to solve the world's problems, in fact it only goes on increasing them in number. The two world wars couldn't teach the people to settle the disputes in a sane, peaceful way. Obviously, the situation of the planets directly influence the historical events. E.g. it was a diabolic influence of Rahu on Saturn that instigated the destructive use of atomic weapons in 1945, by Americans on Hirosima/Nagasaki. Another example is that the Space Age (1957, Sputnik I) started during Jupiter's sway over Virgo. Electronic Revolution (launching of IBM PC in 1981) was the influence of Saturn + Jupiter in Virgo, spurred by dynamic influence of Mars in Gemini. Saturnian cycle (+ strong malefics of Mars and Sun) starts from April 1998 and continues till the middle of 2000. Leaders will try to achieve their personal ends, unmindful of the welfare of humanity. Jupiter entering Pisces on May 1998 in dwardwadasa to Saturn is in no position to bring order and stability. His entry into Aries in May 1999 joining the evil power of Saturn will positively invite serious turmoil with grave consequences. Mars opposes Jupiter-Saturn during July-August 1999, inciting violent confrontation. Mars conjoints Jupiter in April 1999 and finally Jupiter comes to an exact conjunction with Saturn in June 2000 in the last degree of Aries. Rahu transits Cancer angular to Jupiter-Saturn during January 1999 till July 2000. Natural and man-made calamities are ahead. They are expected in July-Aug.1999 and June-July 2000. The leaders now should strive for disarmament and peace. 5. P.N.Oak says: Large masses of humanity were being forcibly pulled away from the universal, sacred Vedic culture, first in the name of Christianity, then Islam (each – almost 600 years of converting people through terror), then both together. Since public memory is short, the present generations are practically unaware of the Devil dance of Christian and Islamic fanatic rulers across the continents. The rivalry of the Chr. And Islamic faiths, both foaming at the mouth for their lust to yoke the whole of humanity to their own dogma, resulted in three crusades of almost 170 years (1123-1291). But result was not decisive. Now Pan-Islamic block is itching to pick up a quarrel with Israel, Hindu India and Europe/America. When Saturn moves into Aries in the end of this decade, the hostility will erupt. Nostradamus clearly predicts it, and Muslim tradition also gives a prophesy: Jayegee Sadee Bisa To Rahega na Isa na Musa, "When the 20th century lapses, there will be neither Muslims nor Christians." The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction on May 28,2000, at 21:28, will be in the Kalasarpa Yoga. Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestina, Jordan, Pakistan, Lybia, Algeria, Morocco – this will be Islamic hard-core. Egypt and Saudi Arabia will soften their Islamic fanatism and cooperate with Western allies, to some extent. Astrologically all this is the consequence of the setting in of the Kali-yuga. Crime, strife and immorality (plus natural calamities) are expected to worsen in this age. 6. Dr.Valampuri John: World War III will start May 28,2000 and may continue to be longer than the first two wars. UN will be ineffective. Spiritual leaders with philosophical background will try to halt this impending war. West Asian Islamic block vs. Christian nations. Muslim leaders will be pacified by Chr. monks. Large scale destruction may occur in West Asian Islamic countries. Large scale annihilation is possible due to indiscriminate exchange of poisonous gases. India has every opportunity of being saved from devastating cataclysm. Let us pray to the Lord that in the name of religion more blood should not be shed. 7. N.Sundara Rajan says: The conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn on May 28,2000 will take place in the solar year of Vikrama. The Tamil text "Varshadi Nool" says about this year: "Rains will be scarce, many lives destroyed, crops perish, diseases/accidents prevail. After all this – heavy rain." India may be involved in war, in the area of Delhi. The planets are warning us now. 8. K.K.Pathak says: The end of Kali-yuga in 1999-2000, as prophecised by some, is not possible, since it’s only 5099 passed from the beginning, and ~427,000 solar years are ahead before even partial destruction. He says that the WWIII will not happen in 2000, because political powers are in nuclear-free direction now, and the fall of the USSR and Communism has made the possibility of a global nuclear war still more remote. Today there’s no one to challenge the power of US. There will be only local wars, on the pattern of the recent Gulf war, but not a global war. All previous world wars – there was no Jup.-Saturn conjunction at that time. Had Mars also join Jup. and Saturn, there would be world war, but Mars is 15 degrees ahead. But this Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in May 28,2000 does bring the structural changes of the countries. The next 130 years US, Japan, Egypt may undergo such changes (may split like the USSR). And the formation of Kalasarpa Yoga and combination of Sun with other 4 planets will definitely bring accidents of large scale, crime increased, more cases of high blood pressure and heart ailments, epidemics, etc. According to Varaha Mihira and Parasara when Jupiter and Saturn arte in the same constellation, the capitals of the states will be stormed and the subjects will suffer terribly. This conjunction on May 28, 2000 will definitely bring evil (destruction of people and towns through wars or revolts), but not as great as the world war usually does. Rulers at Delhi will indulge in bad acts and perhaps will be hunted down by the people, Central Govt. will be overthrown. There will be significant structural changes through beneficial legislation, but India will not break up. In the past, the significant events took place not at the time of conjunction, but within a period of 1-15 years from its settlement. Indo-Paki war is possible. India must have nuclear bombs to check Pakis, who have acquired such. But there’s no fear of the world war in 2000 or after that. Maybe Jup.-Saturn conjunction will even herald an era of world peace. 9. R.M.Banerjee says: (Quotes from Dr.Raman – Jupiter-Saturn conjunction with Rahu and Mars influence brings political changes, social revolution, econ. crisis and violent attempts on leaders.) In the beginning of the WW-II there was Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, also with Mars and Rahu involved. The same type of planetary pressures will be in 1997-2000. Nostradamus predicted that ~1995 there will be a terrifying war. First phase of it – 1993-1995, final – in 1999, when Saturn and Jupiter will move into Aries (June 1999). 10. Bepin Bihari says: God is nobody’s enemy, He doesn’t want to destroy His creation. When the wars or diseases occur, usually it’s for the purpose of making the radical change in one’s life of the course of the countries/world. Nostradamus predicted: "In the year 1999 seventh month/ From the sky would come a great king of Terror/ To again arouse the great king of Angolmois/ Before Mars reigns for goodluck." Anglomois may be "Mongols" or something else. After July 1999 many important changes will take place in the planetary relationships. Ethical values pf the people will attain low, sane and ethical advices will not be listened to. Lack of resistance in the body metabolism. Thoughtless living, self-centredness will increase. People will be giving strong arguments for justifying secular, "scientific", "democratic", but in fact materialistic view-points, just for personal consideration. September 1999 – disaster, may be nuclear explosion, much destruction. First half of 2000 – a great movement for reconstruction of human civilization. Life, especially for peace loving public, will be difficult. For India there is not much cause to worry at the turn of the century, but after May 2000 days will be hard, the karmic forces will be insurmountable. Much indecision in the country. War will take place in the area of Delhi, North India. After June 2000 the situation will become better. 11. J.C.Luthra says: The mind of Americans (Govt and military scienctific circles) is deeply absorbed in atomic field and Star Wars programs. Their dream is to create a new world order under their leadership. Around May 28,2000 there is frightening possibility of atomic war, which will be started by the US. Rahu represents atomic weapons, so they will be used in this war. Mars conjoints Pluto in the middle of September 1999, and this may involve the US in conflict with other country(ies), which will escalate into a world war on May 28,2000. All evil combinations preceding 2000 will show full effect during the year of 2000. There will be no clear victor in war. Even Us will be crippled and unable to fight further. It will be a stalemate only, even after enormous destruction of lives and property. In India – Delhi will be target of nuclear attack. Only prepearation of India for nuclear war will keep India out of war. Atomic war will cause widespread destruction, leaving only a few souls behind to live in misery and sorrow afflicted by long, mysterious, unknown diseases. Some countries will cease to exist. Leaders can avert the tragedy now, the chance is still there. 12. Jayamohan D.Kuppurru says: The outbreak of hostilities will be in the period of January 1997 – April 1999. Period of calamities in the world: Dec.1995-Dec.2007. ----------------------end (Text COM:2096821) -------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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