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Date sent: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 16:55:00 -0800

Vipramukhya Swami <vswami (AT) mindlink (DOT) bc.ca>

"Robert A. Koch" <rakoch (AT) worldnet (DOT) att.net>

Poisonings, etc.


Sun, 16 Nov 1997 16:31:28 -0800

pada (AT) netroplex (DOT) com

"Robert A. Koch" <rakoch (AT) worldnet (DOT) att.net>

Poisonings, etc.


Dear Pada,


I have sent you, in a separate Email file, an explanation of how, from the

vantage point of Jyotish (Vedic astrology), Srila Prabhupada could not

possibly have been poisoned. I am an initiated disciple of Srila

Prabhupada since 1970, and, for my own reasons, have chosen to stay out of

any organized preaching, within or without ISKCON, since 1989. Prior to

that, I was fully engaged in devotional service for 19 years. Anyway,

since 1989, after leaving the temple, I have been supporting myself full

time as a Vedic astrologer, and have been preaching KC at every opportunity

from within that venue. I have been published several times, I am a

faculty member of ACVA (American Council of Vedic Astrologers), and am

currently working on a book on the subject of astrological longevity. I

have clients from all over the world, and the numbers are growing.


So my purpose in writing to you is this: I do not know much about the

allegations about spliced tapes and so-forth, but recently I have been told

that Prabhupada was poisoned, and asked as to whether or not I would

validate that idea astrologically. So I looked at His Divine Grace's chart

very closely, and came to the conclusion, that there was no way, at least

astrologically, that this could have occurred. Since my expertise is in

astrology, and not politics or various forms thereof, I am herein issuing

a challenge to all other Jyotishis and astrologers, to see if they agree

with me, or not. If after taking the views of, say 5 or 10 astrologers

into account, they all arrive at a common conclusion, then that would be

very poignant evidence as to the truthfulness or otherwise of these

allegations. Allegations of poisoning are very serious, and should be

proven to be correct from astrology, in addition to other forensic methods,

if they are reliable.


So, evidently you are enthusiastic about seeking and finding the truth on

these issues, so I will put the above challenge before you, and if you so

desire, can forward my message to all those astrologers interested in

taking part.


Thanks in advance for your response to this message and request,


In service,

Patraka das (Robert Koch)


Robert A. Koch

Vedic Astrology: Forecasting and Consultations


317 N. 188th St.

Shoreline, WA 98133-3811

Phone: (206) 542-6688

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