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unacceptible - edcatuion

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As we are talking about what is unaceptible, in a more subtle way what has

occured to me to be "unacceptible" is in accordance with the Vicktor

Sheuberger understanding that, among other things, ploughing (turning the

soil) the land with heavey metal ploughs and requesting cows to lie on

concrete are also unacceptible due to their nature of seemingly fast results

to acheive an end.


>From a sastric point of view we could say that ploughing in this way, which

turns over the soil and leaves a clean look (but in fact bury's the top soil

and brings up the weed seeds and breaks up and spreads the weed roots),

looks like a quick clean result, and making the cows lie on concrete is

seemingly less work as you simply wash away the urine, but someone has to

heave the dung over the wall to get rid of it onto an endless heap of just

dung that sits there losing nitrogen may seem quicker and initally cheaper

and your work is finished earlier - is in the mode of passion whereas the

task of careful surface cultivation and the bringing together of different

elements (materials) and combining to prepare a compost from waste materials

may seem a waste of time or the thinking about it an uneccessary mental

exercise and it may seem to give a less fast result, is in fact more in the

mode of goodness because the effects are sustainable and creating future

health (without the use of factory made drugs) and fertility rather than

encouraging pollution, flies and disease.


The process becomes a meditation rather than an operation


Now we have'nt mentioned ignorance.

So what in this regard is ignorance?

Obviously mistreating the cow is ignorance, but also ploughing up ground

from its natural state and allowing weeds to seed rather than be harvested

at their peak of productivity of nitrogen production (which if simply cut

and left on the ground would create fertility) but rather left to dwindle

where they stand and become sticky ...and loose all their nitrogen and seeds

- I would say is in the mode of ignorance.


Sheuberger says in a chapter named




(and synthesis means - combination, composition, putting together, building

up of seperate elements):

'More importantly, however, this interaction between threshold magnitudes

can actually be copied with the use of specially shaped devices. These

function according to natural principles and at the same time ensure the

almost controllable replenishment of foodstuffs. Moreover, the interaction

also provides an almost free source of power, thereby making this purely

creative work a delight instead of a duty.'


The more natural we can become in our approach the more we really are

solving our problems.


If we are going to improve the standard of care for our cows within ISKCON

and try at improving the standard and sustainability of health and food

production for them and for the devotees from that of chemical food

production and allopathic medication which seem to go hand in hand, then the

practice of providing bedding for the animals becomes essential. (in

climates like India and Europe)


As this is the major turning point in implementing and understanding the

above I feel this should be made general policy in cow protection standards.


Sheuberger goes on to say: 'The technologist is thus a parasite or the Devil

who destroys Creation. The ecotechnologist on the other hand, furthers the

will of Creation. Through his or her activities all shortages in the

necessities of life and all drudgery unworthy of human beings will cease

instantly. Everyone will become independant and free, and will have time to

devote themselves exclusively to the environmental activity that corresponds

to their natural abilities and particular interest. In this fashion every

more or less talented person will become an artist in their own particular

field of endeavour and through the general improvement in everything they

produce, the general standard of living will also rise.'



in the same section he goes on further to say:


'Matter and the movement of qualigen arising from it will be under the full

control of future human beings, who will become the highest servants and at

the same time the masters of Nature. Fabulous harvests will provide them

with the highest quality food and at the same time they will enjoy the

almost absolute freedom of movement on land, in water and in the air, in

recognition of the services they have rendered Creation and therefore God.

With this, all struggle for survival, for social equality, and for existence

itself, indeed all wars over food and raw materials will automatically come

to an end. By activating the right impulse. peace will be assured throughout

the world, because no one will need to take bread away from another.

Whoever helps another is never his enemy.'


....'Space and land will be available in sufficient measure to those who

through their very existence will enable the building up of raw materials

throughout the whole evolutionary chain to occur. Deserts will be made to

bloom again. Where milk and honey once flowed, we humans created wastelands

through our senseless greed, whence all water fled. As the source of life it

could neither reproduce, regenerate or upwardly evolve itself, nor could it

increase and improve in quality. As a result it developed into the most

dangerous legacy of human endeavour. The fields became barren and the

noblest high forest, the natural donor of fresh blood, slowly, but surely

began to die.'





Thinking of heating houses by composting tequniques which is now relevant as

we have had a request to do this from Govindawipa - Innisrath temple,



'..Heat makes fructigens (carbons) inactive and more easily bound. Every

increase in heat occurs at the expense of the development of life. In order

to heat up a 1m cube of water by 0.1 degree C an input of energy equal to

42,700 kilogram-metres (Kgm) is required. From this it can perhaps be

appreciated just how much energy is lost if it is not bound up in organic


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