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Walmart's going organic and John Logan & Responses - Lengthy

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Dear Harsha and All,

Thank you for your kind words.


About the sun gazing.


Learning from experience is very important. (Mother can tell us "Don't

do that." When we do it anyway, we may be hurt and then we don't do

that anymore, and we listen to mother more carefully next time.)


I followed Hira Ratan Manek's teaching and advices, both morning and

evening - very carefully. I got past the 30 minute heading for 45

minutes. I also had my eyes checked by an opthamologist and despite my

feeling good, having wonderful realizations and connecting to many

fundamentals and awareness it was determined that I had macular

degeneration and its progression had only slowed. I felt that with my

age that further sungazing at that level was not good. So I terminated

regular practice.


Be it noted that the reduction in diet only occurs briefly in the

course of the sungazing, and only "takes" after the 45 minute level

coupled with the barefoot walking to "fix" it. Also the reduction in

diet is valuable, but the need to eat remains, just reduced. This does

NOT eliminate eating and the need for eating. It does make fasting

practices much easier. I have met several people who have completed

the course - and the results were most excellent for them.


>From a health standpoint the weight moves to what is a healthy

"normal" for the person as an individual, and with light exercise the

body tone seems to improve. Mentally and emotionally the individual

moves to a greater state of objective awareness with lowered emotional

reactions to problems in life. And just living becomes a kind of

meditative experience without the need for samadhis (trance states) to

condition the experience.


In my own case my sun gazing is now irregular. 3 - 15 minutes is usual

with an immediate calming within a few seconds. HRM as he is often

known indicates that wherever one stops there are good results and

benefits so I do not feel deprived because I stopped short of the

recommended total process.


I will caution people who take on HRM's method, follow it carefully.

Don't overdo. On the forums dedicated to this program many people who

tried to go beyond his instruction had problems, some quite severe.

Also my experience and that of some others was that after a few weeks

when one has reached the 5 minute time (adding 10 seconds a day, each

day) there is a strong desire to abandon clothes all together. This is

not recommended, though after the process is completed HRM recommends

nude sunbathing so the whole body can absorb sun "food". Again such

"bathing" should be done only in the prescribed hours. Outside those

hours the danger of skin cancer increases.


Also there can be a disturbing loss of libido, which actually is

temporary, and results from the cleansing action of the process.


In the forums people in extreme northern climes and in equatorial

climes had problems, in the north due to extreme cold, and in the

equatorial area due to extreme heat and excessive light. The colder

regions created real problems for the practice. The need for barefoot

contact with the earth created real problems for those who lived in

urban settings, especially in large cities. This issue is that those

who live in asphalt jungles lose contact with the earth itself.


Sungazing in my opinion and experience means the following:

the Sun come into our "antenna" with a connection through the eyes to

the intelligence of the nervous system, but the Earth, the planet, is

literally the "ground". Without the "ground", requiring barefoot

contact with the earth itself, the energy and nourishment from the Sun

only acts as a stimulant, but is not properly assimilated all the way

into the body.


To obviate this problem one must be extremely "earth conscious" to not

practice with barefeet daily during the "connecting" method (from 10

seconds to 45 minutes - which takes approximately 9 months). And there

must be as much "barefoot" connect as possible. Needless to say this

is very difficult in Canada in the winter for instance.


The most disturbing thing I ran into was the number of people on the

forums dedicated to Sun Gazing who had agenda which they added to the

process. For instance, many indicate that you must be vegetarian or

vegan to get the most benefit. HRM DOES NOT TEACH THIS. He only

teaches the method and its results, there are no other agenda. The

fact is that the process will determine what you need to be balanced

and healthy in body, mind and spirit. Further during the process

changes take place and the needs of the individual changes as well.


This is very important to understand about any truly spiritual

practice. NOW is very important; what is needed changes in the moment

and so, if we NEED to be vegan, we will naturally (Sahaja) move to

that - AND IF WE NEED TO BE VEGAN PERMANENTLY, we will do that also.

However, it is not required by the process.


The naturally arising intelligence of the process nurtured by the

purity of the sun's feeding will determine what and how we need to

behave, what and how we need to live, what our values are.


HRM, whom I met personally, says only, follow the instructions, DO IT,

and see what the results are in your life. "I only share my

experience, my results, and what I have learned from 30 years study.

There is nothing more. Don't worry about even my claims. Come and see

for yourself." He offers no religious doctrines at all. Whatever you

need will arise naturally as you simply do the work.


My experience is that "teachers" teach and guide their followers in

their process - and come to believe that their way is the only way. As

I call it "The Process of True Connection" provides exactly what you

need to do and to be - naturally arising (Sahaja Yoga).


The Principle: Words come after the experience. So have the experience

and then the words of the teacher will make sense in proper

perspective and application to your life. The "true teacher" will

guide YOUR process not THEIR process. This is why the teacher/follower

relationship is often an apprentice relationship and the teacher

watches the follower and suggests actions and then observes the

result. The follower's results then determines the next and following

steps. The True Teacher waits for the follower to have their own

realization and then the ensuing dialogue can correct any

misunderstandings about what happened.


In the Sungazing process as given by HRM there are four elements:

the Sun, the Earth, the Person who is the connecting link between Sun

and Earth, and life itself including everything on the planet. Each

one of us is unique, has a raison d'etre for being here, has a history

and therefore has individual needs and purposes.


That "all is Brahman" is only words until realized. This is true of

all teachings.


Today is a beautiful day in which to have some fun (Lila),

Layman John Logan





, Harsha wrote:


> Dear John,


> Thank you for sharing about yourself. You had actually talked about


> recovery from cancer a few times before and I was aware of that but


> of the details are new. You are a very beautiful person John and your

> words have a quality of experience, healing, and wisdom. Michael Bowes,

> I think lives somewhere in your neighborhood and is a great soul. I


> to Scottsdale, AZ a few years ago in the winter and had a wonderful


> there. However, the cab drivers told me that summer is very very tough

> with temperatures over 100 every day.


> You mentioned Sun Gazing, which is an advanced yogic science. There is

> an Indian Jain gentleman Hira Ratan Manek who is supposedly a modern

> expert at it. He wrote an article on it and explained that it was

> through the direct absorption of energy from the Sun (through the eyes

> and the brain) that the ancient sage Mahavira was able to do without

> food for extended periods.


> http://niejedzenie.info/english/hiraratanmanek.htm


> He now has a website and claims that through sun gazing one can have

> abundant health and go without food for prolonged periods. I had

> received his permission to post his article on the HS website and he


> sent that but it fell through the cracks. Joyce still may have a

copy of

> that article and it will be worth putting it up. Perhaps I have it

> somewhere as well.


> My teacher's name is Chitrabhanu which means one who has gazed directly

> at the Sun, I think. Sun gazing is a science and has to be done

> carefully otherwise there are adverse consequences on the eyes. People

> start with very early morning sun for a few seconds, etc. Like most

> advanced yogic practices, help of an expert, and having some common

> sense are all helpful. There are many websites on it and one can do

> research. The body has a wonderful intelligence and tells us if we are

> doing something right or not.


> Perhaps you can share your method of sun gazing John, if you like.


> When I was young, I used to do advanced pranayama which involved

> bhastrika and breath retention. One day after practicing for three

> hours, I went outside and laid out in the Sun to relax with the sun

> falling on my closed eyes. After an hour, my whole body became so hot

> and I developed a headache I have never forgotten. I came inside the

> house and my head was pulsating like it was going to blow up. The

> headache was so totally ferocious and I knew right away that sitting in

> the hot sun after generating so much internal heat had been a terrible

> mistake. It took a day for the headache to wear off and it left me weak

> for a few days. Live and learn. That was in 1979! But like all of us, I

> learned from experience.


> Love to all

> Harsha



> John Logan wrote:

> > Dear Harsha,

> > Thank you for your response. I hope it was helpful.

> >

> > About my own eating habits.

> > I am in recovery from cancer in my throat and now do not swallow due

> > to surgery and radiation. After 6 years of survival from this I still

> > "eat" through a feeding tube directly into my stomach. The result is

> > that my food is "blended" in a blender and liquified. I therefore eat

> > both cooked and raw foods. I am not deprived at all as I can eat

> > anything anyone else can eat. (I don't eat much cheese, like on a

> > pizza as it is a lot of trouble to clean the blender afterwards.)

> >

> > Since I cannot actually taste the food I eat I don't have an urge to

> > eat food that is not good or nutritious for me. I am not vegan or

> > vegetarian as I am a "mixed metabolizer" and require at least a small

> > amount of animal protein, usually eggs, yoghurts, cottage cheese, fish

> > and chicken. Such meat as I do eat is sort of Chinese style, that is

> > small amounts in proportion to the rest of my diet, which is largle

> > raw or lightly steamed vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. I am

> > fortunate in that one of our vendors makes a wonderful nutrious (and I

> > am told) tasty granola. Due to a prior heart condition, which has now

> > been completely healed, I eat a lot of cooked oatmeal for breakfast

> > everyday.

> >

> > The diet I am on has resulted in my being healthier than I have ever

> > been before. I see doctors regularly and they all tell me I am most

> > healthy for a 73 year old man and am probably the equivalent of

> > someone in their 40s with a very healthy heart and all other organs

> > being quite healthy and normal.

> >

> > I do "sun gazing" intermittantly which supports my health and also my

> > meditation practice in my own version of Surya Namaskar. My regular

> > meditation practice is a blend of Zazen and Pratyahara, with an

> > attitude derived from Papaji's "teachings" about it all. I belong to

> > no sect, follow no dogmas, and after much study and practice have

> > decided that most people are trying soooo hard to be religious (a real

> > problem) or spiritual that they get tangled up in Nama-Rupa in the

> > guise of spiritual pursuit over explanations of their spiritual views.

> >

> > Buddhism and a personal practice in Advaita Vedanta carried me through

> > my recovery from cancer. I have found that most Buddhists are working

> > so hard at being Buddhist that they are just working at it a lot. And

> > so many people have Lucknow Disease in Vedanta....well enough said

> > about that. Ramana Maharshi got it right I think when he advised

> > seekers to seek "Who Am I?" and Papaji's point about that is that the

> > answer is only found in the instant when one is silent, like the

> > moment between one breath and the next.

> >

> > Actually what I have learned from Harsha is to take quite seriously

> > that "All is Brahman" in a spirit of gentle acceptance. Truthfully by

> > any name there is no place where Brahman is not. Accepting that one

> > begins to see and hear, feel and know deeply. In this "Deep

> > experiencing" beneath the surface of our experience we begin to truly

> > know what is real - and now we can see the surface as the

> > manifestation of That, and we enter the Lila.

> >

> > Alas we forget and are caught in the separation, and finally we learn

> > to love even the forgetting. This is very important.

> >

> > Today is a beautiful day in which to have some fun,

> > John Logan


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Guest guest

Hello John,

Thank you for this very good information on "sun gazing."

I have recently become quite interested in the "Breatharian" method but after reading the information that you posted here, I am tempted to also try "sun gazing."

Again, thank you.




John Logan <johnrloganis > wrote:

Dear Harsha and All,

Thank you for your kind words.


About the sun gazing.


Learning from experience is very important. (Mother can tell us "Don't

do that." When we do it anyway, we may be hurt and then we don't do

that anymore, and we listen to mother more carefully next time.)


I followed Hira Ratan Manek's teaching and advices, both morning and

evening - very carefully. I got past the 30 minute heading for 45

minutes. I also had my eyes checked by an opthamologist and despite my

feeling good, having wonderful realizations and connecting to many

fundamentals and awareness it was determined that I had macular

degeneration and its progression had only slowed. I felt that with my

age that further sungazing at that level was not good. So I terminated

regular practice.


Be it noted that the reduction in diet only occurs briefly in the

course of the sungazing, and only "takes" after the 45 minute level

coupled with the barefoot walking to "fix" it. Also the reduction in

diet is valuable, but the need to eat remains, just reduced. This does

NOT eliminate eating and the need for eating. It does make fasting

practices much easier. I have met several people who have completed

the course - and the results were most excellent for them.


>From a health standpoint the weight moves to what is a healthy

"normal" for the person as an individual, and with light exercise the

body tone seems to improve. Mentally and emotionally the individual

moves to a greater state of objective awareness with lowered emotional

reactions to problems in life. And just living becomes a kind of

meditative experience without the need for samadhis (trance states) to

condition the experience.


In my own case my sun gazing is now irregular. 3 - 15 minutes is usual

with an immediate calming within a few seconds. HRM as he is often

known indicates that wherever one stops there are good results and

benefits so I do not feel deprived because I stopped short of the

recommended total process.


I will caution people who take on HRM's method, follow it carefully.

Don't overdo. On the forums dedicated to this program many people who

tried to go beyond his instruction had problems, some quite severe.

Also my experience and that of some others was that after a few weeks

when one has reached the 5 minute time (adding 10 seconds a day, each

day) there is a strong desire to abandon clothes all together. This is

not recommended, though after the process is completed HRM recommends

nude sunbathing so the whole body can absorb sun "food". Again such

"bathing" should be done only in the prescribed hours. Outside those

hours the danger of skin cancer increases.


Also there can be a disturbing loss of libido, which actually is

temporary, and results from the cleansing action of the process.


In the forums people in extreme northern climes and in equatorial

climes had problems, in the north due to extreme cold, and in the

equatorial area due to extreme heat and excessive light. The colder

regions created real problems for the practice. The need for barefoot

contact with the earth created real problems for those who lived in

urban settings, especially in large cities. This issue is that those

who live in asphalt jungles lose contact with the earth itself.


Sungazing in my opinion and experience means the following:

the Sun come into our "antenna" with a connection through the eyes to

the intelligence of the nervous system, but the Earth, the planet, is

literally the "ground". Without the "ground", requiring barefoot

contact with the earth itself, the energy and nourishment from the Sun

only acts as a stimulant, but is not properly assimilated all the way

into the body.


To obviate this problem one must be extremely "earth conscious" to not

practice with barefeet daily during the "connecting" method (from 10

seconds to 45 minutes - which takes approximately 9 months). And there

must be as much "barefoot" connect as possible. Needless to say this

is very difficult in Canada in the winter for instance.


The most disturbing thing I ran into was the number of people on the

forums dedicated to Sun Gazing who had agenda which they added to the

process. For instance, many indicate that you must be vegetarian or

vegan to get the most benefit. HRM DOES NOT TEACH THIS. He only

teaches the method and its results, there are no other agenda. The

fact is that the process will determine what you need to be balanced

and healthy in body, mind and spirit. Further during the process

changes take place and the needs of the individual changes as well.


This is very important to understand about any truly spiritual

practice. NOW is very important; what is needed changes in the moment

and so, if we NEED to be vegan, we will naturally (Sahaja) move to

that - AND IF WE NEED TO BE VEGAN PERMANENTLY, we will do that also.

However, it is not required by the process.


The naturally arising intelligence of the process nurtured by the

purity of the sun's feeding will determine what and how we need to

behave, what and how we need to live, what our values are.


HRM, whom I met personally, says only, follow the instructions, DO IT,

and see what the results are in your life. "I only share my

experience, my results, and what I have learned from 30 years study.

There is nothing more. Don't worry about even my claims. Come and see

for yourself." He offers no religious doctrines at all. Whatever you

need will arise naturally as you simply do the work.


My experience is that "teachers" teach and guide their followers in

their process - and come to believe that their way is the only way. As

I call it "The Process of True Connection" provides exactly what you

need to do and to be - naturally arising (Sahaja Yoga).


The Principle: Words come after the experience. So have the experience

and then the words of the teacher will make sense in proper

perspective and application to your life. The "true teacher" will

guide YOUR process not THEIR process. This is why the teacher/follower

relationship is often an apprentice relationship and the teacher

watches the follower and suggests actions and then observes the

result. The follower's results then determines the next and following

steps. The True Teacher waits for the follower to have their own

realization and then the ensuing dialogue can correct any

misunderstandings about what happened.


In the Sungazing process as given by HRM there are four elements:

the Sun, the Earth, the Person who is the connecting link between Sun

and Earth, and life itself including everything on the planet. Each

one of us is unique, has a raison d'etre for being here, has a history

and therefore has individual needs and purposes.


That "all is Brahman" is only words until realized. This is true of

all teachings.


Today is a beautiful day in which to have some fun (Lila),

Layman John Logan





, Harsha wrote:


> Dear John,


> Thank you for sharing about yourself. You had actually talked about


> recovery from cancer a few times before and I was aware of that but


> of the details are new. You are a very beautiful person John and your

> words have a quality of experience, healing, and wisdom. Michael Bowes,

> I think lives somewhere in your neighborhood and is a great soul. I


> to Scottsdale, AZ a few years ago in the winter and had a wonderful


> there. However, the cab drivers told me that summer is very very tough

> with temperatures over 100 every day.


> You mentioned Sun Gazing, which is an advanced yogic science. There is

> an Indian Jain gentleman Hira Ratan Manek who is supposedly a modern

> expert at it. He wrote an article on it and explained that it was

> through the direct absorption of energy from the Sun (through the eyes

> and the brain) that the ancient sage Mahavira was able to do without

> food for extended periods.


> http://niejedzenie.info/english/hiraratanmanek.htm


> He now has a website and claims that through sun gazing one can have

> abundant health and go without food for prolonged periods. I had

> received his permission to post his article on the HS website and he


> sent that but it fell through the cracks. Joyce still may have a

copy of

> that article and it will be worth putting it up. Perhaps I have it

> somewhere as well.


> My teacher's name is Chitrabhanu which means one who has gazed directly

> at the Sun, I think. Sun gazing is a science and has to be done

> carefully otherwise there are adverse consequences on the eyes. People

> start with very early morning sun for a few seconds, etc. Like most

> advanced yogic practices, help of an expert, and having some common

> sense are all helpful. There are many websites on it and one can do

> research. The body has a wonderful intelligence and tells us if we are

> doing something right or not.


> Perhaps you can share your method of sun gazing John, if you like.


> When I was young, I used to do advanced pranayama which involved

> bhastrika and breath retention. One day after practicing for three

> hours, I went outside and laid out in the Sun to relax with the sun

> falling on my closed eyes. After an hour, my whole body became so hot

> and I developed a headache I have never forgotten. I came inside the

> house and my head was pulsating like it was going to blow up. The

> headache was so totally ferocious and I knew right away that sitting in

> the hot sun after generating so much internal heat had been a terrible

> mistake. It took a day for the headache to wear off and it left me weak

> for a few days. Live and learn. That was in 1979! But like all of us, I

> learned from experience.


> Love to all

> Harsha



> John Logan wrote:

> > Dear Harsha,

> > Thank you for your response. I hope it was helpful.

> >

> > About my own eating habits.

> > I am in recovery from cancer in my throat and now do not swallow due

> > to surgery and radiation. After 6 years of survival from this I still

> > "eat" through a feeding tube directly into my stomach. The result is

> > that my food is "blended" in a blender and liquified. I therefore eat

> > both cooked and raw foods. I am not deprived at all as I can eat

> > anything anyone else can eat. (I don't eat much cheese, like on a

> > pizza as it is a lot of trouble to clean the blender afterwards.)

> >

> > Since I cannot actually taste the food I eat I don't have an urge to

> > eat food that is not good or nutritious for me. I am not vegan or

> > vegetarian as I am a "mixed metabolizer" and require at least a small

> > amount of animal protein, usually eggs, yoghurts, cottage cheese, fish

> > and chicken. Such meat as I do eat is sort of Chinese style, that is

> > small amounts in proportion to the rest of my diet, which is largle

> > raw or lightly steamed vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts. I am

> > fortunate in that one of our vendors makes a wonderful nutrious (and I

> > am told) tasty granola. Due to a prior heart condition, which has now

> > been completely healed, I eat a lot of cooked oatmeal for breakfast

> > everyday.

> >

> > The diet I am on has resulted in my being healthier than I have ever

> > been before. I see doctors regularly and they all tell me I am most

> > healthy for a 73 year old man and am probably the equivalent of

> > someone in their 40s with a very healthy heart and all other organs

> > being quite healthy and normal.

> >

> > I do "sun gazing" intermittantly which supports my health and also my

> > meditation practice in my own version of Surya Namaskar. My regular

> > meditation practice is a blend of Zazen and Pratyahara, with an

> > attitude derived from Papaji's "teachings" about it all. I belong to

> > no sect, follow no dogmas, and after much study and practice have

> > decided that most people are trying soooo hard to be religious (a real

> > problem) or spiritual that they get tangled up in Nama-Rupa in the

> > guise of spiritual pursuit over explanations of their spiritual views.

> >

> > Buddhism and a personal practice in Advaita Vedanta carried me through

> > my recovery from cancer. I have found that most Buddhists are working

> > so hard at being Buddhist that they are just working at it a lot. And

> > so many people have Lucknow Disease in Vedanta....well enough said

> > about that. Ramana Maharshi got it right I think when he advised

> > seekers to seek "Who Am I?" and Papaji's point about that is that the

> > answer is only found in the instant when one is silent, like the

> > moment between one breath and the next.

> >

> > Actually what I have learned from Harsha is to take quite seriously

> > that "All is Brahman" in a spirit of gentle acceptance. Truthfully by

> > any name there is no place where Brahman is not. Accepting that one

> > begins to see and hear, feel and know deeply. In this "Deep

> > experiencing" beneath the surface of our experience we begin to truly

> > know what is real - and now we can see the surface as the

> > manifestation of That, and we enter the Lila.

> >

> > Alas we forget and are caught in the separation, and finally we learn

> > to love even the forgetting. This is very important.

> >

> > Today is a beautiful day in which to have some fun,

> > John Logan


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Harsha wrote:

> *Shirley and others. You can check out the official site for solar

> healing. The whole method according to Hira Ratan Manek (HRM) is given

> there.


> Harsha*


> shirley sharma wrote:

>> *Hello John,*

>> * Thank you for this very good information on "sun

>> gazing."*

>> * I have recently become quite interested in the

>> "Breatharian" method but after reading the information that you

>> posted here, I am tempted to also try "sun gazing."*

>> * Again, thank you.*

>> *Namaste,*

>> *Shirley*

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