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Boilings on body and head

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Hello there,

     Can some one help me, I tried to up lift kundalini by practicing Maha bandhas. I started getting pimples like on my body, face and head. Is it normal.  If not what am I doing wrong. Is there a way to clear the black spots left over my body because of these pimples.


  Thanx in advance,


  with Love,


  Murali Jambu




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Dear Murali:



Are you supervised by a teacher?


If you are doing everything correctly then I would look at your diet. I

think that whatever you are doing is helping detox your body, especially

your liver. Could you tell me more about your diet and medications if you

have taken any?





Awtar S


Rochester, NY

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Dear Awtar,

          I am not supervised by a teacher.

         My regular practices are

             1) Vamana Dhauthi (cleanising stomach)

             2) PranaYama

             3) Prayer

             4) Chakra meditation.

             5) Uddiyana Bandhas or Maha Bandhas.


        My diet is normal indian food (not hot and spicy).

         I do not take any medications.


        If you could advice me would be great.

        Is there any classes around melbourne Australia.


     thanx and regards,


      Murali Jambu


kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com wrote:

  Dear Murali:




Are you supervised by a teacher?


If you are doing everything correctly then I would look at your diet. I

think that whatever you are doing is helping detox your body, especially

your liver. Could you tell me more about your diet and medications if you

have taken any?






Awtar S


Rochester, NY

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Dear Murali Jambu


Sat Nam!


My name is Hari Atma Singh,

I just read your message to Awtar,

I am attending the Teacher training retreat in Hawaii in August led by


When i return i intend on doing some classes to share what i have learnt.

Maybe you would be interested?

I had also considered moving to Melbourne!

Maybe you could help me and i you at some point!

Thanks Murali

May we forever serve the highest!

Hari Atma Singh.


murali jambu

06/05/06 12:37:39


RE: Kundalini Yoga Boilings on body and head

Dear Awtar,

          I am not supervised by a teacher.

         My regular practices are

             1) Vamana Dhauthi (cleanising stomach)

             2) PranaYama

             3) Prayer

             4) Chakra meditation.

             5) Uddiyana Bandhas or Maha Bandhas.

        My diet is normal indian food (not hot and spicy).

         I do not take any medications.

        If you could advice me would be great.

        Is there any classes around melbourne Australia.

     thanx and regards,

      Murali Jambu

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Dear Murali:



I don't see what should cause your ailments from what you describe.



I would need to give you a healing session to see more clearly.


It could be the quality of the water you drink. Is it filtered?


Or have you been aware of something emotionally irritating to you that

happened around the same time as you started the regimen you describe?






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