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Stanza 67

udeernah sarvataschakshuraneesah saasvatasthirah

bhoosayo bhooshano bhootirvisokah sokanaasanah.


624. Udeernah –“The Great Transcendent.” He is the Infinite beyond all finitude, beyond all limitations and change, and therefore, beyond decay. Transcending all equipments of our experiences, as the Self in all, Sri Narayana revels as the Immutable Transcendental Reality, the sole substratum for the entire universe of forms and actions.


625. Sarvatah-chakshuh –“One Who has eyes everywhere.” Geeta declares Truth, the Pure Consciousness, as “Hands and legs everywhere, eyes-face-mouth everywhere.” Vishnu, as the Consciousness, is the One Self That sees through all eyes in the world, hence He, through all eyes, sees everywhere at all times. If He is not, the eyes are blind; when He is the indweller. The eyes then see-therefore, all eyes are only His.


626. Aneesah –“One Who has none to lord over Him.” The Supreme Lord is He. Mahanarayana upanishad says, “None rules over Him.”


627. Saasvata-sthirah –“One Who is ever Eternal and Stable”-never changing, thus permanent (Eternal) and ever-the-same (Stable). The body changes, the mind modifies, the intellect grows into new dimensions-but the Consciousness that illumines them all with Its Light of Knowledge is ever-the-same through childhood, through youth, in middle years and old-age. It is the Changeless throughout, hence Eternal and ever-the-same with- out any change.


628. Bhoosayah –“Resting on the Earth” is the word-meaning of this term, so it may signify One Who rested on the shores of the ocean, on His Way to Lanka- referring to Sri Ramachandraji. Or, one who slept (on) the Earth-meaning the Lord is Bhoo-Pati, the Husband of the Mother Earth. Or, its intention may also be: “One in whom the world rests” at the time of dissolution.


629. Bhooshanah –“One Who adorns the world”: physically with the infinite beauties of His Creation; emotionally He gives love and other finer instincts, and intellectually He is the One behind all great, noble and beautiful thoughts which have enriched human life, history and culture. Lord Narayana, in His various Incarnations, has also glorified the world.


630. Bhootih -One who is the Pure “BE”-ness or Existence. “ Bhooti” also means Glories (Aisvarya), so He is One Who is the treasure-house of all Glories.


631. Visokah -Narayana is sorrow-less; grief- less. He is the Self, transcending all matter vestures. At the body-mind-intellect level there are agitations and so there are sorrows. He is beyond them all, so He, as the Absolute Reality, is indicated as All-Blissful. Disturbances of sorrow or grief can never molest His nature of Infinite Bliss--ever contented, ever desire-less.


632. Soka-naasanah -The destroyer of all sorrows for His devotees. One who lifts the suffering ego- sense out of its meaningless identification with the changing, pain-breeding, equipments and gives it the true wisdom of Its Divine Nature. To those who truly worship “To them I shall be, err long, a Saviour from the Ocean of Samsar”, promises Lord Krishna in the Bhagavat Geeta.





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