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Sai Inspires - 30th May 2006 from Prashanti Nilayam

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Forwarding the message recieved from Heart2Heart Team, Prashanthi Nilayam.



a:link { color: #005570; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #dd0000; text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: #005570; text-decoration: none; } Dear Reader,

Loving Sairam from the Heart2Heart Team.

Saicast.org is updated with Swami's visit to Kodai Kanal - 2006 Video.


How can we receive more and more of His Grace? Swami tells us today.


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Bhajan Tutor of the current issue?


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Sai Inspires - 30th May 2006


The Lord’s grace is conferred on each devotee according to the level of that person’s spiritual consciousness. The ocean is vast and boundless, but the amount of water you can carry from it is determined by the size of the vessel you take. If the vessel you carry is small, you cannot fill it beyond its capacity. Likewise, if your heart is constricted, divine grace will be equally limited. Broaden your heart and receive the plenitude of God’s grace.

-Divine Discourse, 23rd Feb 1990.


To earn the grace of the divine, the easy way is surrendering at the Feet of the Lord. - Baba

With Love and Regards,

"Heart2Heart" Team.

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