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Om Sri Sai Ram

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Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters,


Om Sri Sai Ram. Prayers to Our Beloved Swami that His Blessings are with

everyone of you and your Loved ones always.


Swami's wonderful ways touches each and everyone of us, each and everyone of

us who have come into Bhagawan's Divine Fold have been touched by Swami's

Divine leela's one way or the other, everyone of us have been Touched by

Swami's Divinity, that Divine spark is enough to make all of us be with

Swami throughout our lives and Beyond.


In 1982, when I was a Student in Swami's college in Prasanthi Nilayam, Swami

had hardly spoken to me even once, But Sitting in the Portico of the

Prasanthi Mandir(Before Kulwanth hall was built) and having Swami's

Darshan's everyday was a wonderful experience out of the world, During the

start of that semester, My parents had come to Prasanthi Nilayam and Swami

out of the Blue called them for an interview, Swami told me to "Sit where I

was" when I got up to go with my parents, In the interview, Swami said that

"I will always be with you always, Don't worry", wonderful Soothing words

from Swami, Just before my parents were leaving the Next day, Swami called

me in front of the Portico and gave me Vibuthi Prasadam and specificaly told

me that "Give it to your father", As My parents were leaving immediately

after evening Darshan, I disastrously kept that Vibuthi packet in my pocket

and did not even recognise it the next day. My parents suffered a disastrous

accident just on the outskirts of my town where I lived "Venkatagiri",

Although my Mother survived with minor Bruises, my father suffered major

head and leg injuries, I got the news in the Morning via telegram and was

devastated, As I sat for darshan asking for permission to go to my place,

Swami did not even glance at me even though I sat in the front of the

Portico, That night I hardly slept, My parents were in hospital and here

Swami did not even look at me forget about giving permission to go home and

be with my parents, the next day I took special permission from my warden to

go for morning darshan, Swami did not even look at me even though I got up

twice, I thought that I should leave in the afternoon bus, I lied to the

warden that Bhagawan had given me permission and that I have to leave, the

bus was at 05.00 P.M in the evening, just as I took my luggage to board the

Bus in the Bus stand, one of the Students ran towards me saying that "Swami

was calling me", I ran to the Portico of the mandir immediately, Swami was

in the interview room then, Just before bhajan Swami came out and said"

Where is the Prasadam that I told you to give your father?, where is it?,

Did you give it, No. you think I tell you something simply, If you would

have given the Prasadam to your father, Things would not have come to this

stage, Why are you leaving without telling me?, You think I do not know, It

paines Swami a Lot, seeing his Boys lying to him, If something happned to

you, what should I answer your parents, I told them yesterday that I will

take care of you. See I had to give the Prasadam to your father

myself"(These are the exact words of Swami as I remember them word to word

even today and also I wrote them in my diary). So saying Swami told me to go

and then said "Don't worry tell your Amma and Nanna to come for the

Birthday", Swami gave me Namaskar and then put His hand on my head. I left

For my palce, when I reached there in the night, My father was consiuos but

both his legs were fractured, He told me that "A Person whom I knew" had

come and given the Doctors Prasadam to give it to Him an said that "He

should take it everyday". My father recovered and came for Swami's Birthday,

Swami gave my Father namaskar and Prasadam.


That is the will of the Lord, that is How Swami touches Lives, that is How

Swami's Love touches us and everyone. Can anyone tell me that if one is

touched by Swami's Grace in such a way like Me as mentioned above and as

many of you have also experienced how can anyone of us say that one should

leave those people who try to malign Swami's name, Of course none can do so

but I feel that It is the duty of all of us to try to do something in our

own small way to show our Gratitude and Love for Bhagawan who has given us

so much Love in our lives.


Om Sri Sai Ram









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