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Accepting Jyotish

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To All Learned members.


  The following interesting statement and question from a forum member found its way to me and I have posted it here for open discussion and comment for all the list members.


    //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so called Hindu origin or may use deity of Hindu faith.  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic origin or basis. how do you convince those who have different faith to follow to accept Jyotish?  //


  My reply:


    You have asked a very complex question.  Which requires a through understanding and multi layered answer.


  I will give you a very basic explanation as best as I can -  where I will then defer to other learned members to respond with a more enlightened answer.



  First of all, one can not convince anyone to accept something they don't want to accept or believe.



    All faith is the same.  To believe in something higher than ourselves.  The "religion of our faith" is diverse in how we practice or act out our faith.  Religion is a complex outward expression derived from many years of cultural mythology,  coping mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning and traditions instituted for a civilized society or group.



  Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a deeply felt belief from the Veda Culture of the Indus Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first symbols of language were recorded on clay tablets) that each human being is the essence of their soul and not their body.  Their purpose was to transcend themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.  That everything comes from within and not from outside of themselves.  Also, they believed that we are all connected through our energies to the universe and its cosmos. 


  The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were based on the 7 heavenly bodies, known as the planets.  And then the Nodes of the Moon which were the ecliptic showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing and waning along with weather changes they experienced.  Great reverence was given to the mythologies of the cosmos reflected in deities representing not only the cosmos but the character of its people and their higher belief in transcendance of the soul. 



  Astrology in and of itself is humans first psychology  of characterization recognized through the energies we all carry and respond to in our cosmos and universe.  All civilizations have used and instituted in their cultural mythologies some form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the energies and reactions to the weather and the characterizations of their people. Up until 100 years ago, astrology too was used as the primary tool used in medicine to evaluate a person's ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were based on the cosmos as were patterns of living and politics. Eventually calendars were created from the cosmos for keeping track of time and the planets were then written in a chart form for practical show and following of movement through mathematical calculations along with character assessment.

  Astrology then can be said to have derived from Astronomy.



  Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is The Science of Lite.  The Lite represents the spiritual essence of all human beings.  To be with Lite is to be not only Self realized but God realized.  Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is  based on an ancient cosmology and philosophy born out of the deeply held belief that all of life experiences comes from within (Chakras - Third Eye, Kundalini) and our attainment of transcending ourselves to a higher purpose is to be aware and awaken to the realization that we are not our bodies but are of a higher purpose to be in touch with a higher self and return to our essence - God.  To extend beyond materialism and to know = That I Am


  From Sri Chinmoy author of "The three Branches of India's Life -Tree": Commentaries on The Vedas, The Upanishads & The Bhagavad Gita


  "Who Am I?"

  The answer is Tat  twam asi ("That Thou art")


  Whose am I? I am of That.

  Where have I come from? From That.

  To Whom am I returning? To That.

  For Whom am I here on earth? For That.



  Jyotish is a rich heritage of deeply held spiritual beliefs for Dharma, Karma and Enlightenment.  Its foundation, philosophy and religious practices are truly for modern civilization whether Eastern or Western, the true source of all the major religions today.


  As Always,








            "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  from A Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson





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Uttara <muttaraphalguni > wrote:  Mon, 29 May 2006 21:15:01 -0700 (PDT)

Uttara <muttaraphalguni >

re: Accepting Jyotish



  To All Learned Members,


  In my continuation of understanding the Vedas and bases of Jyotish and its fundamental basis of faith and its religion through its astrology, I quote a passage below from the book "The Secret Teachings Of The Vedas: The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life" authored by Stephen Knapp:


  "The Five Basic Stages Of Human Evolution"


  "How the consciousness and concerns of an individual in the human form evolve from the beginning to the end of human life can be explained according to the descriptions in the Vedic texts.   There are five basic stages.  In the first stage, when one is a child, the living entity is food conscious and most concerned about getting enough to eat.  When one has gotten  nice food to satisfy the tongue and stomach, he is satisfied.  This is called 'annamaya'.  After this stage, one becomes very concerned about continuing to exist by protecting or defending himself from being attacked or destroyed.  This is called 'pranamaya', the most primitive levels of consciousness.  Generally. living entities in the animal kingdom never evolve beyond this type of awareness.  So, if a person remains in these lower stages, he is still considered to be in animalistic consciousness.  Above this, the third stage, is 'manomaya'  in which one becomes involved on the mental platform of figuring out

his desires and values of life.


  These are the three stages in which most of society is absorbed.  But if one continues to evolve through the mental platform and reaches the intellectual platform of philosophical life, or 'vijnanamaya', and begins to progress into spiritual knowledge, understanding that he is not the body but the soul within, then he may also begin to understand the Supreme Soul.  By understanding one's relationship with the Supreme, one reaches the 'anandamaya' platform of bliss, spiritual knowledge, and eternity.  In the final stage, one reaches the goal of life and becomes liberated from further material existence and returns to the spiritual atmosphere".    


  In my opinion and belief, through the Vedic (Hindu) astrology, the Vimshottari dasa most reflects these beliefs. Basing this dasa on the Moon (psychological feelings and thinking) the above  passage and quotes most resembles the teaching of the Vedic texts which are taken from the highest form of spiritual gurus through time and existence.


  As Always,







              "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  from A Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson




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            "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  from A Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson





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I would like to add a few sentences to the excellent

clarifications provided by Uttara. My answers are

specific to the question about the "use of deity of

Hindu faith":


Any one who studied vedas would realize that the

deities are merely icons representing different forms

of suprapysical entities.


'Prajapati' is the first supraphysical entity to

evolve from the three supraphysical forces - Mana,

Prana and Wak. The rest of the entities in this

universe have evolved from this Prajapathi (the core

building block)


Over time, in the Hindu culture, Prajapthi was

popularly termed as the 'the creator of the Universe'.

Probably, this was done to explain the complex process

of creation of Universe to a lay man.


There are other forms of supraphysical entities

evolved from Prajapathi like 'Ishwara',

'Parameshwara', Vasudeva' etc., which are now being

worshipped as Hindu dieties as well.


Hence, when the ancient science of Astrology makes a

reference to 'Prajapathi', 'Iswara', 'Parameshwara' or

'Vasudeva', it referes to these supraphyscial entities

which are being worshipped as dieties now.


Hope this clarifies.





--- Uttara <muttaraphalguni > wrote:


> To All Learned members.


>   The following interesting statement and question

> from a forum member found its way to me and I have

> posted it here for open discussion and comment for

> all the list members.


>     //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so

> called Hindu origin or may use deity of Hindu faith.

>  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic origin

> or basis. how do you convince those who have

> different faith to follow to accept Jyotish?  //


>   My reply:


>     You have asked a very complex question.  Which

> requires a through understanding and multi layered

> answer.


>   I will give you a very basic explanation as best

> as I can -  where I will then defer to other learned

> members to respond with a more enlightened answer.



>   First of all, one can not convince anyone to

> accept something they don't want to accept or

> believe.


>   Second, 

>     All faith is the same.  To believe in something

> higher than ourselves.  The "religion of our faith"

> is diverse in how we practice or act out our faith.

> Religion is a complex outward expression derived

> from many years of cultural mythology,  coping

> mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning and

> traditions instituted for a civilized society or

> group.


>   Third:

>   Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a deeply

> felt belief from the Veda Culture of the Indus

> Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first symbols of

> language were recorded on clay tablets) that each

> human being is the essence of their soul and not

> their body.  Their purpose was to transcend

> themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.

> That everything comes from within and not from

> outside of themselves.  Also, they believed that we

> are all connected through our energies to the

> universe and its cosmos. 


>   The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were based

> on the 7 heavenly bodies, known as the planets.  And

> then the Nodes of the Moon which were the ecliptic

> showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing and

> waning along with weather changes they experienced.

> Great reverence was given to the mythologies of the

> cosmos reflected in deities representing not only

> the cosmos but the character of its people and their

> higher belief in transcendance of the soul. 


>   Fourth:

>   Astrology in and of itself is humans first

> psychology  of characterization recognized through

> the energies we all carry and respond to in our

> cosmos and universe.  All civilizations have used

> and instituted in their cultural mythologies some

> form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the energies

> and reactions to the weather and the

> characterizations of their people. Up until 100

> years ago, astrology too was used as the primary

> tool used in medicine to evaluate a person's

> ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were based

> on the cosmos as were patterns of living and

> politics. Eventually calendars were created from the

> cosmos for keeping track of time and the planets

> were then written in a chart form for practical show

> and following of movement through mathematical

> calculations along with character assessment.

>   Astrology then can be said to have derived from

> Astronomy.


>   Fifth:

>   Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is The Science of Lite.

>  The Lite represents the spiritual essence of all

> human beings.  To be with Lite is to be not only

> Self realized but God realized.  Jyotish or Hindu

> Astrology is  based on an ancient cosmology and

> philosophy born out of the deeply held belief that

> all of life experiences comes from within (Chakras -

> Third Eye, Kundalini) and our attainment of

> transcending ourselves to a higher purpose is to be

> aware and awaken to the realization that we are not

> our bodies but are of a higher purpose to be in

> touch with a higher self and return to our essence -

> God.  To extend beyond materialism and to know =

> That I Am


>   From Sri Chinmoy author of "The three Branches of

> India's Life -Tree": Commentaries on The Vedas, The

> Upanishads & The Bhagavad Gita


>   "Who Am I?"

>   The answer is Tat  twam asi ("That Thou art")


>   Whose am I? I am of That.

>   Where have I come from? From That.

>   To Whom am I returning? To That.

>   For Whom am I here on earth? For That.


>   Finally,

>   Jyotish is a rich heritage of deeply held

> spiritual beliefs for Dharma, Karma and

> Enlightenment.  Its foundation, philosophy and

> religious practices are truly for modern

> civilization whether Eastern or Western, the true

> source of all the major religions today.


>   As Always,


>   Uttara






>             "Our deepest fear is not that we are

> inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful

> beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness,

> that most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened

> about shrinking so that other people won't feel

> insecure around you...As we let our own light shine,

> we unconsciously give other people permission to do

> the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear,

> our presence automatically liberates others."  from

> A Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson





> Be a chatter box. Enjoy free PC-to-PC calls  with

> Messenger with Voice.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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To All Learned members,


   I would like to quote another passage from author Jeffrey Armstrong to validate and give another perspective on the subject - Accepting Jyotish.


  I quote from his book


  "God Goddesss - The Astrologer: Soul, Karma and Reincarnation: How we Continually Create Our Own Destiny"


  "Astrology As the First Science"

  "When I began my study of astrology, I didn't  understand it would lead me back into ancient history.  I certainly had no idea of its true nature or potential.    Like most people, I was interested in me.  What is my sign?  What does it say about me?  This is the appeal of the daily horoscope.  People are impatient to hear the part about themselves.  "Get to the point" and "give me the bottom line," they say.  I will, but first there are some important pieces of the cosmic puzzle that I need to share with you.  To do that we need to look at some basic astronomy and ancient history.  The secret hidden in astrology is much more profound than just our personal horoscope.


  Originally, there was no separation between astrology and astronomy.  What could be more natural than to study the Sun, Moon, planets and stars?  Our ancestors watched the sky at night the way we now watch television.  They noticed that the seasons of the year followed the movements of the Sun and Moon.  Since time is cyclic, they learned to predict the return of each season and thus the timing of rains and warmth or cold that were essential to growing food or for navigation when traveling.  They saw the stars in elegant  patterns that appeared to them as meaningful shapes.  It was as if the shapes of the constellation were telling a story.


  Those groups of stars were given names and used for navigation.  Their fixed arrangements were also perceived as part of a greater mystery, the secret of our origin and place in the Cosmos.  The signs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces - are groupings of the stars visible in the Northern Hemisphere.  that belt of stars extends to appriximately 8* either side of the ecliptic (Earth's planar path around the Sun).  There were also the visible planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, that move in their orbits upon that plane and thus through the starry belt of the zodiac situated behind, each at different speeds.  In recent times there are also the newly discovered outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.


  You would say that astronomy and astrology are both studying the light of the universe.


  Since both a visible and an invisible reality always surround us, there is always an objective and subjective side to everything that exists.  For example, the visible light we see through our eyes is objective.  In fact, that is how we see objects - with visable light.  the light of thought - memory and imagination - is subjective.  Energies like x-rays or microwaves are also real but to our normal perception they are invisible.  Now that modern science has proven the existence of so many invisible realities, it is much easier to understand how ancient thinkers looked at the light of the Cosmos and intuitively saw that it was influencing us in ways that were not immediately obvious.  It is for this reason that you could think of astronomy as the study of the objective reality of the stars and astrology as the science of the invisible meaning of those objective observations."


  I quote this lengthy passage from Jeffrey Armstrong's book "God Goddess The Astrologer: Soul, Karma And Reincarnation: How we Continually Create Our Own Destiny"

  as a pivotal example of how astrology is used today and how Jyotish as its own spiritual meaning was  incorporated in the modern science of Lite and observational western existence.


  As Always,



  permission to reproduce a passage of Jeffrey Armstrong's book is being persued for reprrint here.  No reproduction in whole is granted by muttaraphalgun   for use or  commentary.





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Dear Uttara,


Good input :-)


Unfortunately I'm rather busy off-list today and not able to

contribute - hoping for an easier day tomorrow :-)


Best Wishes,

Mrs. Wendy




Uttara <muttaraphalguni > wrote:  Mon, 29 May 2006

21:15:01 -0700 (PDT)

Uttara <muttaraphalguni >

re: Accepting Jyotish



  To All Learned Members,


  In my continuation of understanding the Vedas and bases of Jyotish

and its fundamental basis of faith and its religion through its

astrology, I quote a passage below from the book "The Secret

Teachings Of The Vedas: The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life"

authored by Stephen Knapp:


  "The Five Basic Stages Of Human Evolution"


  "How the consciousness and concerns of an individual in the human

form evolve from the beginning to the end of human life can be

explained according to the descriptions in the Vedic texts.   There

are five basic stages.  In the first stage, when one is a child, the

living entity is food conscious and most concerned about getting

enough to eat.  When one has gotten  nice food to satisfy the tongue

and stomach, he is satisfied.  This is called 'annamaya'.  After this

stage, one becomes very concerned about continuing to exist by

protecting or defending himself from being attacked or destroyed.

This is called 'pranamaya', the most primitive levels of

consciousness.  Generally. living entities in the animal kingdom

never evolve beyond this type of awareness.  So, if a person remains

in these lower stages, he is still considered to be in animalistic

consciousness.  Above this, the third stage, is 'manomaya'  in which

one becomes involved on the mental platform of figuring out

his desires and values of life.


  These are the three stages in which most of society is absorbed.

But if one continues to evolve through the mental platform and

reaches the intellectual platform of philosophical life, or

'vijnanamaya', and begins to progress into spiritual knowledge,

understanding that he is not the body but the soul within, then he

may also begin to understand the Supreme Soul.  By understanding

one's relationship with the Supreme, one reaches the 'anandamaya'

platform of bliss, spiritual knowledge, and eternity.  In the final

stage, one reaches the goal of life and becomes liberated from

further material existence and returns to the spiritual atmosphere".


  In my opinion and belief, through the Vedic (Hindu) astrology, the

Vimshottari dasa most reflects these beliefs. Basing this dasa on the

Moon (psychological feelings and thinking) the above  passage and

quotes most resembles the teaching of the Vedic texts which are taken

from the highest form of spiritual gurus through time and existence.


  As Always,







              "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our

deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our

light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. There is nothing

enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure

around you...As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give

other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our

own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  from A

Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson




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Dear Krishna,


  Thanks so much.  The added information and testimony speaks for itself in authenticity.


  It is the involvement of members that make Jyotish-Vidya what it is.   I know I have benefited from your input.


  Thanks again for your knowledge, clarification and enlightenment.


  As Always,




Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 > wrote:

  I would like to add a few sentences to the excellent

clarifications provided by Uttara. My answers are

specific to the question about the "use of deity of

Hindu faith":


Any one who studied vedas would realize that the

deities are merely icons representing different forms

of suprapysical entities.


'Prajapati' is the first supraphysical entity to

evolve from the three supraphysical forces - Mana,

Prana and Wak. The rest of the entities in this

universe have evolved from this Prajapathi (the core

building block)


Over time, in the Hindu culture, Prajapthi was

popularly termed as the 'the creator of the Universe'.

Probably, this was done to explain the complex process

of creation of Universe to a lay man.


There are other forms of supraphysical entities

evolved from Prajapathi like 'Ishwara',

'Parameshwara', Vasudeva' etc., which are now being

worshipped as Hindu dieties as well.


Hence, when the ancient science of Astrology makes a

reference to 'Prajapathi', 'Iswara', 'Parameshwara' or

'Vasudeva', it referes to these supraphyscial entities

which are being worshipped as dieties now.


Hope this clarifies.





--- Uttara <muttaraphalguni > wrote:


> To All Learned members.


>   The following interesting statement and question

> from a forum member found its way to me and I have

> posted it here for open discussion and comment for

> all the list members.


>     //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so

> called Hindu origin or may use deity of Hindu faith.

>  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic origin

> or basis. how do you convince those who have

> different faith to follow to accept Jyotish?  //


>   My reply:


>     You have asked a very complex question.  Which

> requires a through understanding and multi layered

> answer.


>   I will give you a very basic explanation as best

> as I can -  where I will then defer to other learned

> members to respond with a more enlightened answer.



>   First of all, one can not convince anyone to

> accept something they don't want to accept or

> believe.


>   Second, 

>     All faith is the same.  To believe in something

> higher than ourselves.  The "religion of our faith"

> is diverse in how we practice or act out our faith.

> Religion is a complex outward expression derived

> from many years of cultural mythology,  coping

> mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning and

> traditions instituted for a civilized society or

> group.


>   Third:

>   Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a deeply

> felt belief from the Veda Culture of the Indus

> Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first symbols of

> language were recorded on clay tablets) that each

> human being is the essence of their soul and not

> their body.  Their purpose was to transcend

> themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.

> That everything comes from within and not from

> outside of themselves.  Also, they believed that we

> are all connected through our energies to the

> universe and its cosmos. 


>   The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were based

> on the 7 heavenly bodies, known as the planets.  And

> then the Nodes of the Moon which were the ecliptic

> showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing and

> waning along with weather changes they experienced.

> Great reverence was given to the mythologies of the

> cosmos reflected in deities representing not only

> the cosmos but the character of its people and their

> higher belief in transcendance of the soul. 


>   Fourth:

>   Astrology in and of itself is humans first

> psychology  of characterization recognized through

> the energies we all carry and respond to in our

> cosmos and universe.  All civilizations have used

> and instituted in their cultural mythologies some

> form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the energies

> and reactions to the weather and the

> characterizations of their people. Up until 100

> years ago, astrology too was used as the primary

> tool used in medicine to evaluate a person's

> ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were based

> on the cosmos as were patterns of living and

> politics. Eventually calendars were created from the

> cosmos for keeping track of time and the planets

> were then written in a chart form for practical show

> and following of movement through mathematical

> calculations along with character assessment.

>   Astrology then can be said to have derived from

> Astronomy.


>   Fifth:

>   Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is The Science of Lite.

>  The Lite represents the spiritual essence of all

> human beings.  To be with Lite is to be not only

> Self realized but God realized.  Jyotish or Hindu

> Astrology is  based on an ancient cosmology and

> philosophy born out of the deeply held belief that

> all of life experiences comes from within (Chakras -

> Third Eye, Kundalini) and our attainment of

> transcending ourselves to a higher purpose is to be

> aware and awaken to the realization that we are not

> our bodies but are of a higher purpose to be in

> touch with a higher self and return to our essence -

> God.  To extend beyond materialism and to know =

> That I Am


>   From Sri Chinmoy author of "The three Branches of

> India's Life -Tree": Commentaries on The Vedas, The

> Upanishads & The Bhagavad Gita


>   "Who Am I?"

>   The answer is Tat  twam asi ("That Thou art")


>   Whose am I? I am of That.

>   Where have I come from? From That.

>   To Whom am I returning? To That.

>   For Whom am I here on earth? For That.


>   Finally,

>   Jyotish is a rich heritage of deeply held

> spiritual beliefs for Dharma, Karma and

> Enlightenment.  Its foundation, philosophy and

> religious practices are truly for modern

> civilization whether Eastern or Western, the true

> source of all the major religions today.


>   As Always,


>   Uttara






>             "Our deepest fear is not that we are

> inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful

> beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness,

> that most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened

> about shrinking so that other people won't feel

> insecure around you...As we let our own light shine,

> we unconsciously give other people permission to do

> the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear,

> our presence automatically liberates others."  from

> A Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson





> Be a chatter box. Enjoy free PC-to-PC calls  with

> Messenger with Voice.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Hi all,


I forgot to add that the explation of the terms

'Prajapathi' etc. are taken from the book "Before the

BEGENNING and After the END" by Rishi Kumar Mishra.





--- Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 >



> I would like to add a few sentences to the excellent

> clarifications provided by Uttara. My answers are

> specific to the question about the "use of deity of

> Hindu faith":


> Any one who studied vedas would realize that the

> deities are merely icons representing different

> forms

> of suprapysical entities.


> 'Prajapati' is the first supraphysical entity to

> evolve from the three supraphysical forces - Mana,

> Prana and Wak. The rest of the entities in this

> universe have evolved from this Prajapathi (the core

> building block)


> Over time, in the Hindu culture, Prajapthi was

> popularly termed as the 'the creator of the

> Universe'.

> Probably, this was done to explain the complex

> process

> of creation of Universe to a lay man.


> There are other forms of supraphysical entities

> evolved from Prajapathi like 'Ishwara',

> 'Parameshwara', Vasudeva' etc., which are now being

> worshipped as Hindu dieties as well.


> Hence, when the ancient science of Astrology makes a

> reference to 'Prajapathi', 'Iswara', 'Parameshwara'

> or

> 'Vasudeva', it referes to these supraphyscial

> entities

> which are being worshipped as dieties now.


> Hope this clarifies.


> Regards,

> Krishna


> --- Uttara <muttaraphalguni > wrote:


> > To All Learned members.

> >   

> >   The following interesting statement and question

> > from a forum member found its way to me and I have

> > posted it here for open discussion and comment for

> > all the list members.

> >   

> >     //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so

> > called Hindu origin or may use deity of Hindu

> faith.

> >  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic origin

> > or basis. how do you convince those who have

> > different faith to follow to accept Jyotish?  //

> >   

> >   My reply:

> >   

> >     You have asked a very complex question.  Which

> > requires a through understanding and multi layered

> > answer.

> >   

> >   I will give you a very basic explanation as best

> > as I can -  where I will then defer to other

> learned

> > members to respond with a more enlightened answer.

> >

> >   

> >   First of all, one can not convince anyone to

> > accept something they don't want to accept or

> > believe.

> >   

> >   Second, 

> >     All faith is the same.  To believe in

> something

> > higher than ourselves.  The "religion of our

> faith"

> > is diverse in how we practice or act out our

> faith.

> > Religion is a complex outward expression derived

> > from many years of cultural mythology,  coping

> > mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning and

> > traditions instituted for a civilized society or

> > group.

> >   

> >   Third:

> >   Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a

> deeply

> > felt belief from the Veda Culture of the Indus

> > Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first symbols

> of

> > language were recorded on clay tablets) that each

> > human being is the essence of their soul and not

> > their body.  Their purpose was to transcend

> > themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.

> > That everything comes from within and not from

> > outside of themselves.  Also, they believed that

> we

> > are all connected through our energies to the

> > universe and its cosmos. 

> >   

> >   The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were

> based

> > on the 7 heavenly bodies, known as the planets.

> And

> > then the Nodes of the Moon which were the ecliptic

> > showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing and

> > waning along with weather changes they

> experienced.

> > Great reverence was given to the mythologies of

> the

> > cosmos reflected in deities representing not only

> > the cosmos but the character of its people and

> their

> > higher belief in transcendance of the soul. 

> >   

> >   Fourth:

> >   Astrology in and of itself is humans first

> > psychology  of characterization recognized through

> > the energies we all carry and respond to in our

> > cosmos and universe.  All civilizations have used

> > and instituted in their cultural mythologies some

> > form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the

> energies

> > and reactions to the weather and the

> > characterizations of their people. Up until 100

> > years ago, astrology too was used as the primary

> > tool used in medicine to evaluate a person's

> > ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were

> based

> > on the cosmos as were patterns of living and

> > politics. Eventually calendars were created from

> the

> > cosmos for keeping track of time and the planets

> > were then written in a chart form for practical

> show

> > and following of movement through mathematical

> > calculations along with character assessment.

> >   Astrology then can be said to have derived from

> > Astronomy.

> >   

> >   Fifth:

> >   Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is The Science of

> Lite.

> >  The Lite represents the spiritual essence of all

> > human beings.  To be with Lite is to be not only

> > Self realized but God realized.  Jyotish or Hindu

> > Astrology is  based on an ancient cosmology and

> > philosophy born out of the deeply held belief that

> > all of life experiences comes from within (Chakras

> -

> > Third Eye, Kundalini) and our attainment of

> > transcending ourselves to a higher purpose is to

> be

> > aware and awaken to the realization that we are

> not

> > our bodies but are of a higher purpose to be in

> > touch with a higher self and return to our essence

> -

> > God.  To extend beyond materialism and to know =

> > That I Am

> >   

> >   From Sri Chinmoy author of "The three Branches

> of

> > India's Life -Tree": Commentaries on The Vedas,

> The

> > Upanishads & The Bhagavad Gita

> >   

> >   "Who Am I?"

> >   The answer is Tat  twam asi ("That Thou art")

> >   

> >   Whose am I? I am of That.

> >   Where have I come from? From That.

> >   To Whom am I returning? To That.

> >   For Whom am I here on earth? For That.

> >   

> >   Finally,

> >   Jyotish is a rich heritage of deeply held

> > spiritual beliefs for Dharma, Karma and

> > Enlightenment.  Its foundation, philosophy and

> > religious practices are truly for modern

> > civilization whether Eastern or Western, the true

> > source of all the major religions today.

> >   

> >   As Always,

> >   

> >   Uttara

> >   

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >             "Our deepest fear is not that we are

> > inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are

> powerful

> > beyond measure.  It is our light, not our

> darkness,

> > that most frightens us. There is nothing

> enlightened

> > about shrinking so that other people won't feel

> > insecure around you...As we let our own light

> shine,


=== message truncated ===





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Dear krishna,


Thanks for referencing your material and giving credit where due.


I am also keen on the reference material for a personal look into

this book!


Always learning and always appreciative :-)


As Always,





jyotish-vidya, Krishnamurthy Seetharama

<krishna_1998> wrote:


> Hi all,


> I forgot to add that the explation of the terms

> 'Prajapathi' etc. are taken from the book "Before the

> BEGENNING and After the END" by Rishi Kumar Mishra.


> Regards,

> Krishna


> --- Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998>

> wrote:


> > I would like to add a few sentences to the excellent

> > clarifications provided by Uttara. My answers are

> > specific to the question about the "use of deity of

> > Hindu faith":

> >

> > Any one who studied vedas would realize that the

> > deities are merely icons representing different

> > forms

> > of suprapysical entities.

> >

> > 'Prajapati' is the first supraphysical entity to

> > evolve from the three supraphysical forces - Mana,

> > Prana and Wak. The rest of the entities in this

> > universe have evolved from this Prajapathi (the core

> > building block)

> >

> > Over time, in the Hindu culture, Prajapthi was

> > popularly termed as the 'the creator of the

> > Universe'.

> > Probably, this was done to explain the complex

> > process

> > of creation of Universe to a lay man.

> >

> > There are other forms of supraphysical entities

> > evolved from Prajapathi like 'Ishwara',

> > 'Parameshwara', Vasudeva' etc., which are now being

> > worshipped as Hindu dieties as well.

> >

> > Hence, when the ancient science of Astrology makes a

> > reference to 'Prajapathi', 'Iswara', 'Parameshwara'

> > or

> > 'Vasudeva', it referes to these supraphyscial

> > entities

> > which are being worshipped as dieties now.

> >

> > Hope this clarifies.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Krishna

> >

> > --- Uttara <muttaraphalguni> wrote:

> >

> > > To All Learned members.

> > >   

> > >   The following interesting statement and question

> > > from a forum member found its way to me and I have

> > > posted it here for open discussion and comment for

> > > all the list members.

> > >   

> > >     //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so

> > > called Hindu origin or may use deity of Hindu

> > faith.

> > >  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic origin

> > > or basis. how do you convince those who have

> > > different faith to follow to accept Jyotish?  //

> > >   

> > >   My reply:

> > >   

> > >     You have asked a very complex question.  Which

> > > requires a through understanding and multi layered

> > > answer.

> > >   

> > >   I will give you a very basic explanation as best

> > > as I can -  where I will then defer to other

> > learned

> > > members to respond with a more enlightened answer.

> > >

> > >   

> > >   First of all, one can not convince anyone to

> > > accept something they don't want to accept or

> > > believe.

> > >   

> > >   Second, 

> > >     All faith is the same.  To believe in

> > something

> > > higher than ourselves.  The "religion of our

> > faith"

> > > is diverse in how we practice or act out our

> > faith.

> > > Religion is a complex outward expression derived

> > > from many years of cultural mythology,  coping

> > > mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning and

> > > traditions instituted for a civilized society or

> > > group.

> > >   

> > >   Third:

> > >   Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a

> > deeply

> > > felt belief from the Veda Culture of the Indus

> > > Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first symbols

> > of

> > > language were recorded on clay tablets) that each

> > > human being is the essence of their soul and not

> > > their body.  Their purpose was to transcend

> > > themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.

> > > That everything comes from within and not from

> > > outside of themselves.  Also, they believed that

> > we

> > > are all connected through our energies to the

> > > universe and its cosmos. 

> > >   

> > >   The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were

> > based

> > > on the 7 heavenly bodies, known as the planets.

> > And

> > > then the Nodes of the Moon which were the ecliptic

> > > showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing and

> > > waning along with weather changes they

> > experienced.

> > > Great reverence was given to the mythologies of

> > the

> > > cosmos reflected in deities representing not only

> > > the cosmos but the character of its people and

> > their

> > > higher belief in transcendance of the soul. 

> > >   

> > >   Fourth:

> > >   Astrology in and of itself is humans first

> > > psychology  of characterization recognized through

> > > the energies we all carry and respond to in our

> > > cosmos and universe.  All civilizations have used

> > > and instituted in their cultural mythologies some

> > > form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the

> > energies

> > > and reactions to the weather and the

> > > characterizations of their people. Up until 100

> > > years ago, astrology too was used as the primary

> > > tool used in medicine to evaluate a person's

> > > ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were

> > based

> > > on the cosmos as were patterns of living and

> > > politics. Eventually calendars were created from

> > the

> > > cosmos for keeping track of time and the planets

> > > were then written in a chart form for practical

> > show

> > > and following of movement through mathematical

> > > calculations along with character assessment.

> > >   Astrology then can be said to have derived from

> > > Astronomy.

> > >   

> > >   Fifth:

> > >   Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is The Science of

> > Lite.

> > >  The Lite represents the spiritual essence of all

> > > human beings.  To be with Lite is to be not only

> > > Self realized but God realized.  Jyotish or Hindu

> > > Astrology is  based on an ancient cosmology and

> > > philosophy born out of the deeply held belief that

> > > all of life experiences comes from within (Chakras

> > -

> > > Third Eye, Kundalini) and our attainment of

> > > transcending ourselves to a higher purpose is to

> > be

> > > aware and awaken to the realization that we are

> > not

> > > our bodies but are of a higher purpose to be in

> > > touch with a higher self and return to our essence

> > -

> > > God.  To extend beyond materialism and to know =

> > > That I Am

> > >   

> > >   From Sri Chinmoy author of "The three Branches

> > of

> > > India's Life -Tree": Commentaries on The Vedas,

> > The

> > > Upanishads & The Bhagavad Gita

> > >   

> > >   "Who Am I?"

> > >   The answer is Tat  twam asi ("That Thou art")

> > >   

> > >   Whose am I? I am of That.

> > >   Where have I come from? From That.

> > >   To Whom am I returning? To That.

> > >   For Whom am I here on earth? For That.

> > >   

> > >   Finally,

> > >   Jyotish is a rich heritage of deeply held

> > > spiritual beliefs for Dharma, Karma and

> > > Enlightenment.  Its foundation, philosophy and

> > > religious practices are truly for modern

> > > civilization whether Eastern or Western, the true

> > > source of all the major religions today.

> > >   

> > >   As Always,

> > >   

> > >   Uttara

> > >   

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >             "Our deepest fear is not that we are

> > > inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are

> > powerful

> > > beyond measure.  It is our light, not our

> > darkness,

> > > that most frightens us. There is nothing

> > enlightened

> > > about shrinking so that other people won't feel

> > > insecure around you...As we let our own light

> > shine,

> >

> === message truncated ===





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You are welcome Uttara.


This book is published by  Rupa & co. And, the ISBN

number is 81-7167-501-8. This book gives lot of

insight into the scientific concepts covered by the

Vedas. It is a good read, though might be difficult to

understand in one go (it was difficult for me for






--- muttaraphalguni <muttaraphalguni > wrote:


> Dear krishna,


> Thanks for referencing your material and giving

> credit where due.


> I am also keen on the reference material for a

> personal look into

> this book!


> Always learning and always appreciative :-)


> As Always,


> Uttara



> jyotish-vidya, Krishnamurthy

> Seetharama

> <krishna_1998> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I forgot to add that the explation of the terms

> > 'Prajapathi' etc. are taken from the book "Before

> the

> > BEGENNING and After the END" by Rishi Kumar

> Mishra.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Krishna

> >

> > --- Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998>

> > wrote:

> >

> > > I would like to add a few sentences to the

> excellent

> > > clarifications provided by Uttara. My answers

> are

> > > specific to the question about the "use of deity

> of

> > > Hindu faith":

> > >

> > > Any one who studied vedas would realize that the

> > > deities are merely icons representing different

> > > forms

> > > of suprapysical entities.

> > >

> > > 'Prajapati' is the first supraphysical entity to

> > > evolve from the three supraphysical forces -

> Mana,

> > > Prana and Wak. The rest of the entities in this

> > > universe have evolved from this Prajapathi (the

> core

> > > building block)

> > >

> > > Over time, in the Hindu culture, Prajapthi was

> > > popularly termed as the 'the creator of the

> > > Universe'.

> > > Probably, this was done to explain the complex

> > > process

> > > of creation of Universe to a lay man.

> > >

> > > There are other forms of supraphysical entities

> > > evolved from Prajapathi like 'Ishwara',

> > > 'Parameshwara', Vasudeva' etc., which are now

> being

> > > worshipped as Hindu dieties as well.

> > >

> > > Hence, when the ancient science of Astrology

> makes a

> > > reference to 'Prajapathi', 'Iswara',

> 'Parameshwara'

> > > or

> > > 'Vasudeva', it referes to these supraphyscial

> > > entities

> > > which are being worshipped as dieties now.

> > >

> > > Hope this clarifies.

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Krishna

> > >

> > > --- Uttara <muttaraphalguni> wrote:

> > >

> > > > To All Learned members.

> > > >   

> > > >   The following interesting statement and

> question

> > > > from a forum member found its way to me and I

> have

> > > > posted it here for open discussion and comment

> for

> > > > all the list members.

> > > >   

> > > >     //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some

> so

> > > > called Hindu origin or may use deity of Hindu

> > > faith.

> > > >  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic

> origin

> > > > or basis. how do you convince those who have

> > > > different faith to follow to accept Jyotish?

> //

> > > >   

> > > >   My reply:

> > > >   

> > > >     You have asked a very complex question.

> Which

> > > > requires a through understanding and multi

> layered

> > > > answer.

> > > >   

> > > >   I will give you a very basic explanation as

> best

> > > > as I can -  where I will then defer to other

> > > learned

> > > > members to respond with a more enlightened

> answer.

> > > >

> > > >   

> > > >   First of all, one can not convince anyone to

> > > > accept something they don't want to accept or

> > > > believe.

> > > >   

> > > >   Second, 

> > > >     All faith is the same.  To believe in

> > > something

> > > > higher than ourselves.  The "religion of our

> > > faith"

> > > > is diverse in how we practice or act out our

> > > faith.

> > > > Religion is a complex outward expression

> derived

> > > > from many years of cultural mythology,  coping

> > > > mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning

> and

> > > > traditions instituted for a civilized society

> or

> > > > group.

> > > >   

> > > >   Third:

> > > >   Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a

> > > deeply

> > > > felt belief from the Veda Culture of the Indus

> > > > Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first

> symbols

> > > of

> > > > language were recorded on clay tablets) that

> each

> > > > human being is the essence of their soul and

> not

> > > > their body.  Their purpose was to transcend

> > > > themselves to a higher purpose of being with

> God.

> > > > That everything comes from within and not from

> > > > outside of themselves.  Also, they believed

> that

> > > we

> > > > are all connected through our energies to the

> > > > universe and its cosmos. 

> > > >   

> > > >   The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were

> > > based

> > > > on the 7 heavenly bodies, known as the

> planets.

> > > And

> > > > then the Nodes of the Moon which were the

> ecliptic

> > > > showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing

> and

> > > > waning along with weather changes they

> > > experienced.

> > > > Great reverence was given to the mythologies

> of

> > > the

> > > > cosmos reflected in deities representing not

> only

> > > > the cosmos but the character of its people and

> > > their

> > > > higher belief in transcendance of the soul. 

> > > >   

> > > >   Fourth:

> > > >   Astrology in and of itself is humans first

> > > > psychology  of characterization recognized

> through

> > > > the energies we all carry and respond to in

> our

> > > > cosmos and universe.  All civilizations have

> used

> > > > and instituted in their cultural mythologies

> some

> > > > form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the

> > > energies

> > > > and reactions to the weather and the

> > > > characterizations of their people. Up until

> 100

> > > > years ago, astrology too was used as the

> primary

> > > > tool used in medicine to evaluate a person's

> > > > ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were

> > > based


=== message truncated ===





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Dear Uttara, Wendy, Krishna and List,



I just want to add something to this, as well as thank you all for this

excellent discussion and all the information you've provided here as well as

book titles.



It ties in a bit also with Padre Pio's chart in that my example to share

concerns the Moon and chanting to Our Beloved Mary.



My thoughts on this are that although we've been and are blessed with

information of the mantras for the individual planets, as well as other

forms of upayas, I have used other culture's similar energies, if it's not

possible for the person to use the Sanskrit chanting. Anything is possible,

and of course the native could choose to use the mantras we are blessed to

have, however some are not in a place where they can really understand this

or feel comfortable using these. My thoughts at the time were that perhaps

then it wouldn't be as strong as chanting in Sanskrit, but still would have

a positive effect, in a similar way that we do other actions as well for




A friend of mine has a chart that I had a special experience with. Although

my studies were pretty new, I connected well immediately with her chart and

also had some dreams concerning it. Although I hadn't been looking at her

chart, as I was going to sleep I had been thinking about her deep depression

as well as just the sense I get from her mind/emotions and really was

feeling her energy relating to Moon. Although I didn't know about Gandanta

at that time really, I found that word in my thoughts and on my lips when I

awakened. I remembered seeing something about it in Light on Life and ran to

look it up.



Sure enough, there it was and I immediately found her chart to look and

check for this. Indeed the Moon in Gandanta (right on her first house.) As

well she has Aries lagna, Mars Neechabhanga in her 4H Cancer, and Mars only

planet in Moon's star and this in Navamsa chart. Cancer lagna in Navamsa.



As it turns out, interestingly she had gone to Harvard Theological School

and become a nun, although she is no longer one today and has not been doing

anything related to that for many years.. I found that quite intriguing that

her natural instincts had lead her and brought about her chanting to Mary as

a nun. She was not open to chanting to the Moon and after discussing this

with her, I suggested she chant to Mary again, and explained that the Moon

represents this energy as well.



She had immediate results and some wonderful and interesting things came

about in the next days that followed her beginning to chant. It was all

quite magical.



I hope this is helpful.


My best wishes,








jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya]

On Behalf Of Uttara

Monday, May 29, 2006 2:54 PM


Accepting Jyotish



To All Learned members.


  The following interesting statement and question from a forum member found

its way to me and I have posted it here for open discussion and comment for

all the list members.


    //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so called Hindu origin or may

use deity of Hindu faith.  I feel you believe that jyotish has cosmic origin

or basis. how do you convince those who have different faith to follow to

accept Jyotish?  //


  My reply:


    You have asked a very complex question.  Which requires a through

understanding and multi layered answer.


  I will give you a very basic explanation as best as I can -  where I will

then defer to other learned members to respond with a more enlightened




  First of all, one can not convince anyone to accept something they don't

want to accept or believe.



    All faith is the same.  To believe in something higher than ourselves.

The "religion of our faith" is diverse in how we practice or act out our

faith.  Religion is a complex outward expression derived from many years of

cultural mythology,  coping mechanisms,  learned behaviors, conditioning and

traditions instituted for a civilized society or group.



  Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a deeply felt belief from the

Veda Culture of the Indus Valley 8,000 years ago, (where the first symbols

of language were recorded on clay tablets) that each human being is the

essence of their soul and not their body.  Their purpose was to transcend

themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.  That everything comes

from within and not from outside of themselves.  Also, they believed that we

are all connected through our energies to the universe and its cosmos. 


  The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were based on the 7 heavenly

bodies, known as the planets.  And then the Nodes of the Moon which were the

ecliptic showings in the sky along with the Moon waxing and waning along

with weather changes they experienced.  Great reverence was given to the

mythologies of the cosmos reflected in deities representing not only the

cosmos but the character of its people and their higher belief in

transcendance of the soul. 



  Astrology in and of itself is humans first psychology  of characterization

recognized through the energies we all carry and respond to in our cosmos

and universe.  All civilizations have used and instituted in their cultural

mythologies some form of Astrology based on the cosmos, the energies and

reactions to the weather and the characterizations of their people. Up until

100 years ago, astrology too was used as the primary tool used in medicine

to evaluate a person's ailments and projected recovery. Seasons were based

on the cosmos as were patterns of living and politics. Eventually calendars

were created from the cosmos for keeping track of time and the planets were

then written in a chart form for practical show and following of movement

through mathematical calculations along with character assessment.

  Astrology then can be said to have derived from Astronomy.



  Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is The Science of Lite.  The Lite represents

the spiritual essence of all human beings.  To be with Lite is to be not

only Self realized but God realized.  Jyotish or Hindu Astrology is  based

on an ancient cosmology and philosophy born out of the deeply held belief

that all of life experiences comes from within (Chakras - Third Eye,

Kundalini) and our attainment of transcending ourselves to a higher purpose

is to be aware and awaken to the realization that we are not our bodies but

are of a higher purpose to be in touch with a higher self and return to our

essence - God.  To extend beyond materialism and to know = That I Am


  From Sri Chinmoy author of "The three Branches of India's Life -Tree":

Commentaries on The Vedas, The Upanishads & The Bhagavad Gita


  "Who Am I?"

  The answer is Tat  twam asi ("That Thou art")


  Whose am I? I am of That.

  Where have I come from? From That.

  To Whom am I returning? To That.

  For Whom am I here on earth? For That.



  Jyotish is a rich heritage of deeply held spiritual beliefs for Dharma,

Karma and Enlightenment.  Its foundation, philosophy and religious practices

are truly for modern civilization whether Eastern or Western, the true

source of all the major religions today.


  As Always,








            "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest

fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our

darkness, that most frightens us. There is nothing enlightened about

shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let

our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the

same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically

liberates others."  from A Return To Love: by Marianne Williamson





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Dear Patrice,


//My thoughts at the time were that perhaps

then it wouldn't be as strong as chanting in Sanskrit,

but still would have a positive effect, in a similar

way that we do other actions as well for upayas.//


You are right. Mantra chanting, in fact, need not

necessarily be in Sanskrit. I know very little about

mantras. But, what I read is that it is a function of

number of words and number of syllables that matter.

Different vibrations get generated with different

combination of these two parameters. I have read

somewhere that "Namoshivaya" in Sanskrit and

"Allahoakbar" in Urdu produce exactly the same effect.






--- Patrice Curry <patricecurry (AT) adelphia (DOT) net> wrote:


> Dear Uttara, Wendy, Krishna and List,



> I just want to add something to this, as well as

> thank you all for this

> excellent discussion and all the information you've

> provided here as well as

> book titles.



> It ties in a bit also with Padre Pio's chart in that

> my example to share

> concerns the Moon and chanting to Our Beloved Mary.



> My thoughts on this are that although we've been and

> are blessed with

> information of the mantras for the individual

> planets, as well as other

> forms of upayas, I have used other culture's similar

> energies, if it's not

> possible for the person to use the Sanskrit

> chanting. Anything is possible,

> and of course the native could choose to use the

> mantras we are blessed to

> have, however some are not in a place where they can

> really understand this

> or feel comfortable using these. My thoughts at the

> time were that perhaps

> then it wouldn't be as strong as chanting in

> Sanskrit, but still would have

> a positive effect, in a similar way that we do other

> actions as well for

> upayas.



> A friend of mine has a chart that I had a special

> experience with. Although

> my studies were pretty new, I connected well

> immediately with her chart and

> also had some dreams concerning it. Although I

> hadn't been looking at her

> chart, as I was going to sleep I had been thinking

> about her deep depression

> as well as just the sense I get from her

> mind/emotions and really was

> feeling her energy relating to Moon. Although I

> didn't know about Gandanta

> at that time really, I found that word in my

> thoughts and on my lips when I

> awakened. I remembered seeing something about it in

> Light on Life and ran to

> look it up.



> Sure enough, there it was and I immediately found

> her chart to look and

> check for this. Indeed the Moon in Gandanta (right

> on her first house.) As

> well she has Aries lagna, Mars Neechabhanga in her

> 4H Cancer, and Mars only

> planet in Moon's star and this in Navamsa chart.

> Cancer lagna in Navamsa.



> As it turns out, interestingly she had gone to

> Harvard Theological School

> and become a nun, although she is no longer one

> today and has not been doing

> anything related to that for many years.. I found

> that quite intriguing that

> her natural instincts had lead her and brought about

> her chanting to Mary as

> a nun. She was not open to chanting to the Moon and

> after discussing this

> with her, I suggested she chant to Mary again, and

> explained that the Moon

> represents this energy as well.



> She had immediate results and some wonderful and

> interesting things came

> about in the next days that followed her beginning

> to chant. It was all

> quite magical.



> I hope this is helpful.


> My best wishes,


> Patrice




>   _____ 


> jyotish-vidya

> [jyotish-vidya]

> On Behalf Of Uttara

> Monday, May 29, 2006 2:54 PM

> jyotish-vidya

> Accepting Jyotish



> To All Learned members.


>   The following interesting statement and question

> from a forum member found

> its way to me and I have posted it here for open

> discussion and comment for

> all the list members.


>     //  Most of remedies of Jyotish have some so

> called Hindu origin or may

> use deity of Hindu faith.  I feel you believe that

> jyotish has cosmic origin

> or basis. how do you convince those who have

> different faith to follow to

> accept Jyotish?  //


>   My reply:


>     You have asked a very complex question.  Which

> requires a through

> understanding and multi layered answer.


>   I will give you a very basic explanation as best

> as I can -  where I will

> then defer to other learned members to respond with

> a more enlightened

> answer.



>   First of all, one can not convince anyone to

> accept something they don't

> want to accept or believe.


>   Second, 

>     All faith is the same.  To believe in something

> higher than ourselves.

> The "religion of our faith" is diverse in how we

> practice or act out our

> faith.  Religion is a complex outward expression

> derived from many years of

> cultural mythology,  coping mechanisms,  learned

> behaviors, conditioning and

> traditions instituted for a civilized society or

> group.


>   Third:

>   Hinduism is a mystical religion based on a deeply

> felt belief from the

> Veda Culture of the Indus Valley 8,000 years ago,

> (where the first symbols

> of language were recorded on clay tablets) that each

> human being is the

> essence of their soul and not their body.  Their

> purpose was to transcend

> themselves to a higher purpose of being with God.

> That everything comes

> from within and not from outside of themselves.

> Also, they believed that we

> are all connected through our energies to the

> universe and its cosmos. 


>   The Hindu deities of the ancient cosmos were based

> on the 7 heavenly

> bodies, known as the planets.  And then the Nodes of

> the Moon which were the

> ecliptic showings in the sky along with the Moon

> waxing and waning along

> with weather changes they experienced.  Great

> reverence was given to the

> mythologies of the cosmos reflected in deities

> representing not only the

> cosmos but the character of its people and their

> higher belief in

> transcendance of the soul. 


>   Fourth:

>   Astrology in and of itself is humans first

> psychology  of characterization

> recognized through the energies we all carry and

> respond to in our cosmos

> and universe.  All civilizations have used and

> instituted in their cultural

> mythologies some form of Astrology based on the

> cosmos, the energies and

> reactions to the weather and the characterizations

> of

=== message truncated ===





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dear group,


  mantra's are based on sound energy i.e. positive vibrations, as we know energy can not be destroyed but only be converted in some other forms may be positive or negative .

  whatever we speak always remain present in "brahmand" i.e. in universe.wecan reproduce or listen to same sound if we develope a demodulator. there are people who

  can listen to sound during as back as "mahabharats" period.

  every sound produced has its own effects, bad or good.

  hindus have done a lot of work in this field and came out with some word such as

  OHM, HRIM, KLIM etc which has energy level as good as power equivelent to NUCLEAR BOMB.

  same thing can be developed in other languages also.







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Hi Krishna and Vijendra,



Thanks for your thoughts and information on this. All information concerning

this is helpful and it's great to have such a varied group.



Vijendra, I am enjoying envisioning these people who are able to listen to

sound as far back as the Mahabharats Period, very interesting.



Kindest regards,





You are right. Mantra chanting, in fact, need not

necessarily be in Sanskrit. I know very little about

mantras. But, what I read is that it is a function of

number of words and number of syllables that matter.

Different vibrations get generated with different

combination of these two parameters. I have read

somewhere that "Namoshivaya" in Sanskrit and

"Allahoakbar" in Urdu produce exactly the same effect.







mantra's are based on sound energy i.e. positive vibrations, as we know

energy can not be destroyed but only be converted in some other forms may be

positive or negative .

  whatever we speak always remain present in "brahmand" i.e. in

universe.wecan reproduce or listen to same sound if we develope a

demodulator. there are people who

  can listen to sound during as back as "mahabharats" period.

  every sound produced has its own effects, bad or good.

  hindus have done a lot of work in this field and came out with some word

such as

  OHM, HRIM, KLIM etc which has energy level as good as power equivelent to


  same thing can be developed in other languages also.












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Dear Vedic experts,


I have been on the forum and reading it keenly and do come across advise/remedy/mantras regarding all sort of physical or mental condition. I just thought can any learned fellows have come across any advise/remedy or mantra for obesity or controlling eating . If any one is aware of this it will be big blessing on the whole of human race.

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