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> Was geschehen ist, kann zwar nicht rückgängig gemacht werden, aber es gibt

> auch innerhalb von ISKCON und GBC ernstgemeinte Bemühungen der

> Wiedergutmachung. Wie z.B. die großzügige Spende von 1 Million US$ von

> Bhakti Charu Maharaja für den Fond, der eingerichtet wurde, um

> misshandelten Gurukulis zu helfen:


Dazu könnte man nun auch wieder einiges sagen, aber ich lass' es lieber. Mir

reichts dann fürs Erste.


Y.s. Hb dd-









> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------



> As of most of you know, ISKCON North America owes a very large financial

> debt for the recent child abuse court case. Last March in Mayapur, at an

> important GBC meeting to discuss fund-raising, Bhakti Charu Maharaja

> pledged one million dollars. Below are recent letters of appreciation from

> Kuladri Prabhu and Badrinarayana Prabhu for Guru Maharaja's gesture:





> Dear Bhakti Charu Maharaja:


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> I am writing this as I fly back to San Diego from the meetings in Alachua.

> As

> you know, we made our presentation to the temple presidents, appealing to

> them

> for their assistance to complete the installments on the Youth Fund. You

> may have heard already but just in case, the response was very

> heart-warming. Even

> though it is a real challenge and major sacrifice for many of the temples,

> they

> agreed to do it, in the spirit of solidarity and to free ISKCON from this

> karmic weight.


> Your letter was very helpful. Even more so was the example you set by

> pledging

> $1 million in Mayapur. No devotee could fail to be moved to do their own

> fair

> share when inspired by such an enormous sacrifice as yours. The simple

> truth is

> that your gesture broke the log jam in Mayapur and allowed this entire

> process

> to start moving forward. If you had not stepped up to the plate and hit

> that home run, I don't know what we would have done.


> Please accept this short note as a small token of gratitude felt towards

> you by

> myself and devotees around the world.


> Your servant,

> Badrinarayan dasa





> Dear Bhakti Caru Maharaj,

> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> On behalf of the devotees in New Vrindaban and on a personal level, I

> wanted to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for your kind gesture

> to commit $1 million to the Youth Fund, as well as your offer to

> manufacture prasadam bars and murtis at a minimal cost to temples,

> providing another means for

> temples to meet their financial obligations for the Youth Fund.


> Your example of dedication to this important cause is a source of

> inspiration for me. Such commitment on your part sustains me to continue

> being

> a part of the core team addressing this karmic fog that hangs over us due

> to past

> abuses. Rebuilding the relationships with the next generation will happen

> only

> by heartfelt gestures from leaders like yourself. Thank you for showing

> the way.


> Ramabhadra prabhu said that in Mayapur, during the meetings, this was the

> darkest point, apparently no hope of reaching the Youth Fund goal....until

> you

> stepped forward. He said it was like the sun rising to dissipate the

> darkness.


> Also your demonstration leadership is a reflection of Srila Prabhupada's

> example in the same regard. Leadership is so wanting, and Srila

> Prabhupad's consummate leadership was transcendentally extraordinary. As a

> son, following

> in his footsteps, you make our Father proud and me proud to be your

> godbrother.


> I am at your service.


> Your servant,

> Kuladri das


> PS Thank you for the encouraging and heartfelt letter to the temple

> presidents.



> -----------------------------



> Maharaja replied as follows:



> Dear Kuladri Prabhu,


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> Thank you very much for your kind letter. I was very moved by your words

> of appreciation.


> Actually I am not really doing very much. Srila Prabhupada has arranged

> everything. Through the institution of ISKCON he made such wonderful

> arrangements that today it has become possible for us to undertake all

> kinds of massive projects involving millions of dollars. Personally what

> qualification and ability do I have? All that I am able to do today is

> simply because I have somehow became connected to ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada

> saved me from the miserable state of existance I was rotting in.

> Therefore, I must offer myself completely to his lotus feet, and during

> his absence from this planet the only way I can display this surrender by

> surrendering myself whole-heartedly to his institution. I know how much

> ISKCON meant to him and therefore I must do whatever is necessary to

> protect and promote this institution.


> I am happy to know that I have been able to do something to promote our

> unity, which is most important for acheiving our mission to spread the

> sankirtan movement all over the world. Our real strength actually lies in

> our unity.


> If you feel that there is anything I can do to serve Srila Prabhupada's

> ISKCON, please let me know.


> Your servant,


> Bhakti Charu Swami

> (Text PAMHO:11658785) -----


> ------- End of Forwarded Message ------

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