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What Parasara Advocates...

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Dear Lakshmi,

I appreciate what you wrote in your mail. But, I want to strike a different note on the following thing you wrote:

> THere is so much variation, but now we read Parasara advocates

> offering a Vishnu form for Isthadevata , but modernizing it for

> different cultures and religions we can.

[background for non-SJC people: In the SJC tradition, the devata corresponding to a planet in the 12th house from AK in navamsa is called ishta devata and supposed to take one towards moksha.]

Can you please quote the verse in which Parasara advocates offering a Vishnu form for ishtadevata? I missed that verse when I studied BPHS.

Parasara did associate planets with Vishnu's avataras at the beginning of BPHS. But, as far as I know, Parsara he did not talk about Vishnu's avataras when he talked about worshipping a devata based on the planets in the 12th house from karakamsa.

The following verses are from the 33rd chapter in BPHS (on Karakamsa):

kArakAMshAd.h vyayasthAne svabhochchasthe shubhagrahe |

sad.hgatirjAyate tasya shubhalokamavApnuyAt.h || 64||

kArakAMshAd.h vyaye ketau shubhakheTayutexite |

tadA tu jAyate muktiH sAyujyapadamApnuyAt.h || 65||

meshhe dhanushhi vA ketau kArakAMshAt.h vyaye sthite |

shubhakheTena sandR^ishhTe sAyujapadamApnuyAt.h || 66||

vyaye cha kevale ketau pApayuktexitepi vA |

na tadA jAyate muktiH shubhalokaM na pashyati || 67||

raviNA saMyute ketau kArakAMshAd.h vyayasthite |

shivabhaktirbhavesyatta nirvishaMkaM dvijottama || 68||

chandreNa saMyute ketau kArakAMshAd.h vyayasthite |

gauryAM bhaktirbhavettasya shAktiko jAyate naraH || 69||

shukreNa saMyute ketau kArakAMshAd.h vyayasthite |

laxmyAM saJNjAyate bhaktirjAtako sau samR^iddhimAn.h || 70||

kujena saMyute ketau skandabhaktau bhavennaraH |

vaishhNavo budhasauribhyAM guruNA shivabhaktimAn.h || 71||

rAhuNA tAmasIM durgAM sevate xudradevatAm.h |

bhaktiH skande.atha herabhbhe shikhinA kevalena vA || 72||

kArakAMshAd.h vyaye sauriH pAparAshau yadA bhavet.h |

tadA.api xudradevasya bhaktistasya na saMshayaH || 73||

Here is a rough translation:

"If a benefic planet is in own sign or exaltation sign in the 12th house from karakamsa (AK in navamsa), the native will reach an auspicious loka. If Ketu is there, with benefic planet conjunction or aspect, then moksha/sayujya is obtained. If such a Ketu is in Aries or Sagittarius, aspected by a benefic planet, then sayujya (joining one of the deities - different from moksha, but almost as good) is obtained. If Ketu in 12th is alone or conjoined/aspected by malefics, the native neither gets moksha nor reaches higher lokas. If Ketu is with Sun in the 12th from karakamsa, devotion to Shiva is suggested without doubt.  If Ketu is with Moon in the 12th from karakamsa, devotion to Gouri is suggested and a Shaakta is born.  If Ketu is with Venus in the 12th from karakamsa, devotion to Lakshmi is caused and the native is blessed.  If Ketu is with Mars, native will be a devotee of Skanda.  Mercury and Saturn make one a Vaishnava, while Jupiter makes one a devotee of Shiva. In the case of Rahu, native worships tamasi form Durga or kshudra devatas. If Ketu is alone, then devotion is to Skanda or Ganesha. If Saturn in the 12th from karakamsa is in a malefic sign, then native devotes to a kshudra devata [instead of Vishnu] without doubt. "

The way we find ishta devata in the SJC tradition is NOT from Parasara. It has similarities, but you will see what Parasara said above and it is not the same as what SJC tradition teaches. Moreover, there is no reference to Vishnu's avataras here.

I have no disrespect for either tradition, but, as Parasara's name was brought up, I wanted to throw light on what I believe Parasara advocated.

May the light of Brahman shine within,



Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org


sohamsa, "lakshmikary" <lakshmikary> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha,

> Dear Sundeep,

> Rather you making judgements on each other etc,or decided yu are

> right or wrong, lets accept it is a personal thing/path ,isnt

> everyone on a unique path of self realization of life,? Just because

> I beleive this or that what does that mean to some catholic nun?


> THere is so much variation, but now we read Parasara advocates

> offering a Vishnu form for Isthadevata , but modernizing it for

> different cultures and religions we can.

> The 12th rashi from AK in navamsa can have so many influences to it.

> Also D-20 itself shows so much potential for variation,about ones

> attitude,devotion etc.

> So one is the same ! Thank-God.So there is no "ONE path" or God that

> we ARE ALL rigidly following.(or not following)

> Depends on our free will and individuality and our unique connection

> to the universe.

> Why dont you post your chart and show us your Isthadevata and

> palanadeveta and give some astro analysis, as this is an astro forum.

> I heard that some SJC people were compiling a number of charts of

> catholics and others and showing  ishtadeveta ,etc//as a good study.

> For example at one time I did many buddists and inpersonalists chart

> and many had Sun in the 12th house in rasi and  as their ISthadeveta.

> A big area of study as people from a wide variety of cultural back

> ground consults an astrologer.

> With regards,

> Lakshmi

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