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We shall give them employment on our farms

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Dear Hare Krsna dasi


Thank you for your observations and insightful Prabhupada quotes.


> In January of 2000 will come the computer crashes and the fall of different

> business that can't afford to fix problems. That will create some

> unemployment.


Unfortunately, we may not have until then. At least, If you take into account

that the fiscal year 2000 in the UK, for example, starts in April this year,

less than 4 months away. The idea is that the computers will have to manage Y2K

problems in quite a few places much earlier than many anticipate, at least in

the Inland Revenue, what to speak of other accounting systems.


> After January will come the bulk of the high-dollar lawsuits against hundreds

> or thousands of businesses and institutions around the world who caused

> damages because they were not Y2K compliant.


Its recently become more glaringly obvious that the reason there is so little

disclosure from companies generally, about how well they're doing with their

preparations, is that they've been told not to say anything by their lawyers.

So the simple solution, if you want to keep your contract, is to give a bland

reassurance to your customer that you'll be compliant, or simply lie to keep

the business if pressed for a more explicit answer.


On the one hand the lawyers are getting fired up to be the only ones in

business in a while, as you point out, while on the other either the companies

are sued for either giving false or misleading information about their

preparedness, or sued for negligence for having said, or done, nothing. Catch

22. Therefore lie or say nothing - its expedient, and it keeps you in business

until someone somewhere sorts out the whole God damned mess.


> More money to pay out. More layoffs. More unemployment.


Exactly. And no high level accountable bosses, who are actually in the know,

want to spill the beans and be laid off. After all, the tendency is to shoot

the messenger. Would you say anything?


Time to get cracking. At least in the UK we're having a high-level managers

meeting on Friday simply to discuss programmes of addressing these issues. At

last. Any encouraging progress reports from elsewhere? (Not that we want you to

be swamped by the world's vaisnava poulation in months to come, you understand,

rather to give some impetus to preparation with those who are and aren't yet

getting into gear.)


One more point - early problems will bring early panics, so time is of the



your servant, Tribhangananda das

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> I find it interesting the bonafide predictions of astrologers concerning

> the near future. It of course is dependent on Krishna's desire, but I

> would like to hear someone such as yourself just give what you really feel

> according to your gleanings is in store.


Dear Dvibhuja Prabhu,

please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am not an astrologer. What I hear--from those who are astrologers--is that

particularly tough times might start in 4-5 months.


Another thing I hear is that in 1999 there is a very similar arrangement of

the planets as in the beginning of World War Two.


Some take also seriously the fact that later this year there will be 2 very

close eclypses.


I am planning to post more texts dealing with astrological analysis.



your servant, Kaunteya das

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