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Haribol fellow warriors of the slug wars

Well isn't this nice, if you have a non necessary garden. Then this is

an interesting philosophical excersize. You probably have a job and can buy

food for your needs at the supermarket.

For us who farm for a living, or to actually keep from starving, then

the matter is much more serious. If you have a garden I propose that you

close all cupboards and just live off what your garden provides! I will bet

that in several months if it takes that long you will be murdering slugs with

the best of them. It will be a real attitude adjustment, to say the least!

Yes, to be a real advanced soul you will see that Krishna's critters deserve

to eat. But us lesser souls resent Krishna's critters robbing us of the

fruits of our labor, the food from our table, and the profits we should have

earned. Oh no you cry Profits are not acceptable we should grow just enough

to prevent starvation! YEA RIGHT! If profits are so wrong why do you beg

donations from the profitable devotees? Well, for one thing the poor have

nothing left except service. The profitable farmer is expected to give every

thing you can squeeze from them. But oh no we can't make a surplus. Get

real! There is very little profit in farming, most farmers in the USA Barley

break even and with the floods and droughts. We have been experiencing crops

that are even more marginal than before. I will not let my family or my self

starve for a questionable point of Vedic rhetoric. If the Gita said to let

all the critters have their fill then we get what ever is left, that is

crazy. I have a single persimmon tree. It had its first bumper crop. The

birds swept in and two weeks before they were ripe attacked the ripening

fruit. They destroyed most of my fruit. Now, I do not need these fruits to

survive. It is an exotic cash crop (or was) I could have made a good profit

from them. But now I have little enough to share with my friends and put a

little up for this winter. When the city's are destroyed what will you guys

do? Sit by smiling and chanting while the birds wipe you out? I have seen

famine in Ethiopia where as far as you could see was a barren brown dusty

waterless plain. I saw the eyes of the aphetic dying starved skinny children

you could count every bone in their bodies and knew from the dull hair and

huge heads these children had never had a break. We too will be facing this

sooner than any of us want to. What to do? I plan to defend my crops. I

can't believe that being wiped out by rodents and insects it is Krishna's

plan. If so, why bother to try, the deck is stacked against us. As I said

in a long winded rant on the same subject very recently.

This should be a non issue, We can fight to defiant our lives from human

burglars what is the difference if they are animals, insects or rodents. I

notice that Prabhupda, ordered his devotees to shoot to kill if the temple

got raided. The bad guys were "ONLY STEALING FROM THE DEITIES! Yet they did

not seek to destroy the deities only take cash and jewels that were in the

temple. If We can kill humans for that, we can protect our crops from the

tailed the scaled and the properly tentacled that are also burgerlers and

Krishna's critters!

Have any of our fearless leaders bothered to respond to an official

request for an answer to this perplexing question? Has any one made a

request? If not I will! What is the process? Write a letter? Send an

E-mail? We are spending far too much time on this question.


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<<Well isn't this nice, if you have a non necessary garden. You probably

have a job and can buy food for your needs at the supermarket.


Who doesn't ? Who can say he subsist solely from the land ? Even

professional farmers around here can't survive without goverment support OF



<< Then this is an interesting philosophical excersize.


It's not such. It's work on the conciousness, which I understood is the most

essential for us human beings.


<<Yes, to be a real advanced soul you will see that Krishna's critters

deserve to eat. But us lesser souls resent Krishna's critters robbing us of

the fruits of our labor, the food from our table, and the profits we should

have earned.


Yeah, and suffer the result of such 'resentment'.


<< Oh no you cry Profits are not acceptable we should grow just enough

to prevent starvation! YEA RIGHT! If profits are so wrong why do you beg

donations from the profitable devotees? Well, for one thing the poor have

nothing left except service. The profitable farmer is expected to give

everything you can squeeze from them. But oh no we can't make a surplus.


Why you bring up these arguements ? I have understood this conference has

put forward these topics clearly and in no way has depraved making profits

or promotes 'starvation-farming'. But, the laws of nature are what they are

.. Otherwise why did Srila Prabhupada go through all the trouble giving us so

many instructions.


<< Get real! There is very little profit in farming, most farmers in the

USA Barley

break even and with the floods and droughts. We have been experiencing


that are even more marginal than before.


You don't ask the question why this is so ? When in Vedic times the farmers

lived in opulence following the instructions in the scriptures.

Don't get me wrong : I'm not out see you & your family starved. But, if we

wish to be saved from calamities, we are advised to follow the instructions

in the scriptures and perform our duties according to our varna & asrama.


<< When the city's are destroyed what will you guys

do? Sit by smiling and chanting while the birds wipe you out?


Maybe it will be so. And there might not be much for the birds to eat

either. So we should pray for them too...


<< I can't believe that being wiped out by rodents and insects it is




I thought it was the laws of nature acting upon us. Or am I wrong ?


<< If so, why bother to try, the deck is stacked against us.


We all have our occuptional duties.




<<Have any of our fearless leaders bothered to respond to an official

request for an answer to this perplexing question? Has any one made a

request? If not I will! What is the process? Write a letter? Send an

E-mail? We are spending far too much time on this question.


Yes, we should spend more time farming. But unfortunately, we are not very

much supported. Good luck.

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> << Get real! There is very little profit in farming, most farmers in the

> USA Barley

> break even and with the floods and droughts. We have been experiencing

> crops

> that are even more marginal than before.


> You don't ask the question why this is so ? When in Vedic times the farmers

> lived in opulence following the instructions in the scriptures.


Because the ugrakarmic society is pumping the blood of the earth in the form of

oil and burning it, creating a totally artificial economy that is difficult to

compete with if using natural methods. You start at a disadvantage. We are


living in Vedic times. We can take some inspiration from Vedic times, adn


ideals, but we have to survive where we are with what we have in reality, not

with difficult to attain ideals.

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>We are spending far too much time on this question.



I peersonally beleive Rohini Suta prabhu (GBC) to be correct in this issue.


It is quite OK to protect your crops from destruction by killing the animals

that do. He made reference to sastra that states this and has asked us o do


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