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Haribol, to all devotees listening...

please (always) accept my most humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


First of all, I am deeply affected by the continuing hard work, humility,

and "thankless" efforts put forth by our dear prabhus Balabhadra das and

Chayadevi! I am a most fortunate soul to have recently made their

inspiring aquaintances...Carry on ISCOWP!


I am moved to express some realizations that have been brought out of me

over the last several months: We are always discussing the future of

Prabhupada's mission, and we are always racking our brains as to how to

get this knowledge of KC out there.


One thing is clear; (and this is NOT a personal judgement of any one

individual, group, or sect, but a statement of fact):


The existing ISKCON is stagnant, petrified, and "constipated" with the

unavoidable dynamic of beauracracy; it happens in every human endeavor

without fail, as a general tendancy toward entropy, and it is obviously

accentuated by the influx of Kali.


(I am reminded of how the airline that my {late} father flew with as a

Captain (The Flying Tiger Line) was once the world's greatest and largest

all-airfreight airline. Their moto was, "If you can bring it to the

gate, we'll Fly IT!"


(My Dad actually flew 'Shamu the Killer Whale' from San Diego to Boston

once, and they couldn't climb out too steeply, or it would have killed

Shamu! This posed a serious threat to the Skyscraper buildings just off

the approach end of the runways, and NO OTHER AIRLINE would touch the

job! Tigers did it.)


Their success was the result of ONE MAN'S (the founder Bob Prescott's)

inpiration to "just deliver the goods". They had a "Can-do" spirit that

really did transcend the realm of just "making money". They loved Bob,

they loved what they did, it was infectious, and the profits followed.


With the founder's passing, the airline quickly was taken over by "Wall

Street" mentalities, and shortly thereafter met it's doom by being

purchased by Fed Ex.


The Moral of the story?


Our desires to get all this going for the betterment of the world's souls

isn't going to be fascilitated with the implementation of more and more

committees, or attempts to organize ourselves, no matter how good the

intentions are, and believe me......devotees have the BEST intentions

anywhere; which is to help deliver the misdirected souls back to home,

back to Godhead!


Nay, it will happen when we are fired up, convinced beyond a shadow of a

doubt, with full enthusiastic committment that there is simply NOTHING

ELSE IN THIS WORLD for us to engage ourselves in but Prabhupada's

Mission. It simply has to occupy and engross our minds, 24-SEVEN!

And.....from my studies of history......(which repeats itself



It happens despite ourselves too; it happens serendipitously, and always

when we don't expect it, or can't imagine how it will take form. It is a

type of buildup of collective realization that reaches a critical mass,

and then it is UNSTOPPABLE.


So, I am optimistic. I feel that the world's events are going to

gradually induce all of us to get into gear, and things will fall into

place according to Krishna's sweet will. We must be patient, not only

with the "karmis" (and ISKCON), but with ourselves individually too!

Lest we forget who we really are. And who PRABHUPADA really IS.


I am constantly reminded of something Prabhupada taught:

"The first thing you need to understand, is that you can't understand



And so, what is it that will make us receptive to Krsna's Divine Inflow,

so that we CAN understand?


(I hope this is received with the spirit in which it is being

transmitted:) The one thing, the only thing we need actually "DO" is to

simply Chant Hare Krishna.


As a recent neophyte, aspiring, "practicing to start to prepare to begin

to get ready to commence to plan to set out to maybe be a devotee of Lord

Krsna".....I can honestly say,


The Holy Names are the only way. So just Chant Hare Krsna.


I was given a thought recently through the ethers.


"I have a C.U.S.H. job"


All I have to do is:


Chant Until Something Happens!




Your eternally fallen servant,

James Spencer Seymour, II

(Bhakta Jim)

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