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> Dear Friend in Krishna Consciousness,


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


> I am writing to invite you to attend my seminar on Spiritual Economics the

> first Saturday in October, the 6th, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Krishna

> Community Center at New Ramana Reti.


> This course has been given previously at Gita Nagari and at Mayapur to the

> appreciation of many devotees. It is NOT a course on how to make money.

> Rather, I present an altogether different way of approaching economic

> activity based

> our relationships with each other in light of Lord Krishna's teachings in

> the Bhagavad-gita.


> It is sometimes supposed that economics is "material" and therefore not

> something of interest to devotees. Actually, however, in the sense that I

> use it, economics is about relationships-how we relate to each other and


> world in meeting our material needs. And as many have learned, the manner


> which we do that has a direct impact on how we are able to meet many of


> spiritual needs as well. Srila Prabhupada has encouraged us to live simply

> saving time for spiritual life. However, the demands of modern life often

> leave little time for anything but "doing the needful." This is one of the

> problems that result from not understanding Spiritual Economics.


> Economic behaviors are historically founded on religious principles, but


> the current age our economic behavior has become divorced from religious

> beliefs for people all around the world. Indeed, one of the main points


> I make in this seminar is that many devotees have had to, by force of

> necessity, compromise to the point of dissociating themselves from the

> philosophy of Krishna Consciousness in order to function effectively in


> money-seeking world. Not understanding the subtleties of our actions we


> in danger of becoming armchair speculators who espouse a philosophy but

> cannot practically live it. We may read or hear the Srimad Bhagavatam


> morning, but then when its time for work we go out into the world and are

> often forced to think in ways, and do things, that undermine that which we

> are trying to achieve in our spiritual pursuits.


> Here is but one example: Srila Prabhupada repeatedly stresses in his


> and speaking that we, his followers, can show the world how to solve the

> economic problem by living simply depending on Krishna, the land and the

> cows, and in this way save time for spiritual life. To many who have

> attempted this it has been problematic to say the least, if not down right

> impossible. And although most of the devotees in Alachua live on five or

> more acres, few, if any, are even attempting to follow Srila Prabhupada's

> prescription. Why not? Simply put-we haven't yet figured out how. But it


> be done by our united cooperation in Krishna Consciousness making use of

> Spiritual Economics.


> Instead of depending on the land and cow for our maintenance these days,

> mostly everyone depends on money, and acquiring it has a great impact on


> we are able to execute our devotional activities. As one devotee commented

> after Srimad Bhagavatam class: "I've observed that it's only those


> who are unemployed, self-employed or are working for Sacred Threads that


> see in class regularly." It would seem the others can't attend to their

> sadhana because of the demands of "making a living." This is another item

> that can be positively affected by our understanding of Spiritual




> Additionally, the people of the world are looking for the leadership out


> the chaos of the present financial quagmire that results in exploited

> people, exploited animal kingdom, and an exploited earth. Dozens of books

> have been written, in part seeking answers to the problems that the

> cash/credit economic systems creates. The huge protests at the meetings of

> the World Trade Organization, IMF and G7 are also because of the


> caused by international economic policies. Although these people recognize

> the problem, they don't know the answers! They are pleading for the

> leadership that only the devotees can provide with the solutions offered


> the Bhagavad-gita. These topics are also covered in the course.


> The fact is that the current economic system works well for the


> as it serves to enhance their material concept of life in terms of "I and

> Mine." However, it is an anathema to the devotee who would rather live a

> life in service to Lord Krishna and His devotees, instead of service to


> bankers and their "almighty dollars." Our understanding of Krishna

> Consciousness is meant to change our lives and the way we live in this

> world, and it can if we but heed the message. Those who attend this course

> will learn the differences between the two and how we can act for our best

> self-interest and the interest of all the world.


> As devotees of Lord Krishna doesn't it make sense that we would relate to

> each other differently than the materialists who have arranged the


> system in such a way as to enjoy this world? I have developed these ideas


> Spiritual Economics by studying the matter for more than a decade, and I

> have some thoughts to share with you on how the practice of Spiritual

> Economics will support us economically, allow us to live our philosophy,

> save time for spiritual life, and provide a model of practical Krishna

> Consciousness living for all the world. I hope you can join us, and


> bring a friend!

> Please pre-register for the seminar by phoning Manu Prabhu at the KCF

> Center, 462-5248. Seminar fee is $20, which includes printed materials and

> lunch prasadam.


> Yours in Srila Prabhupada's service,


> Dhanesvara das


> P.S. I hope that you will forgive the impersonal greeting that is


> an unavoidable necessity when communicating with so many.



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