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Dear all,


We have been engendering the fromulation for WHY and

WHAT, this is entirely necessary and must have its

wordings concise and exact to the point of why and


it is we intend to do. WHAT is generally a Vision,

followed in close stead by a Mission Statement. The

differences here is that the vision outlines the

ultimate goal and The Mission Statement outlines a

clear path to go down to reach the vision. The

HOW then leads on to Action Plans, which with WHO,

WHERE and WHEN get to the very intricate details

needed to fulfil the overall goal that the WHY first



The above structure is not rigid, but is generally

used across the board in development, business,

government, et al.


So according to the above WHY and WHAT, which is still

in debate and according to the reiterative approach

should be always open to change, I have outlined a

Vision. This takes from my last post, but should

follow from the WHY wordings in the initial

presentation pre-amble that we have been working on.

So when that has a more solid take then the vision

will change to echo it. Please, this is only my take.




The Rural Development Project Vision is of ISKCON

farms managed according to established sustainable

farming principles and practices, thus encouraging

participation in a lifetime-protected cow-based

agricultural system giving lifestlyle security to the






Mission Statement


Now I will not make one here, I have done this before.

What I will say though is that after the Earth Summit

in Rio a Sustainability Plan was envisaged and two

leading practices came out of this Agenda 21 (local

participation of a broad group of stakeholders, both

local and global) and Environmental Management System

(EMS) that leads to ISO 14000 certification (this is

highly sort after in large businesses and local

governments - as well as ISO 9000 - Total Quality



An EMS leads to a full plan in sustainable terms - the

first stage is Audit - What have you got? Then

Accounting - What are you doing with it - inputs,

stores, flows, outputs? Then a Management Plan.


The above, I outlined in the plan I posted here and

sent to some as a document. Once we have finalised the

wording of WHY and WHAT then we need to look carefully

at HOW. But this involves to WHOM are we ‘playing the

game’ with.


If a really good Sustainability plan were to be made

it could have many effects. One could be "WOW! Check

that out, it's easy to follow, makes complete sense,

and at the end of the day could yield results". An

other could be "Oh my God! Some Technobabe got to

this, they've gone totally secular in appeal, it’s far

too complicated and fits not into our way of thinking

and being".


The above is very important. For example, I came on

this conference 8 months ago and because of varied

factors, what I presented was rejected. Now, with a

greater understanding and bridges being built, and a

new enthusiasm for progress, then real progress is

being made. For this to be sustained though we need

participation from a wide grouping both on the

conference and in the ISKCON bases who will be the

ultimate benefactors of the Project.


Another factor must be taken into consideration. This

is that people often need to be lead, so there must be

a balance between seeking consensus and not being

bogged down by trying to please everone and in the end

not pleasing anyone.


Please excuse my pertinance but I would like to

outline my personal Vision for this project -


A) Bottom-up grassroots development:


1) To get the devotees who work on the farms, and the

"non-devotees" to believe in the value of what they

are doing and to feel sufficiently "life-style

remunerated", thus to have a greater chance of

engendering success.


2) To get the consumers of the goods and services from

the farms to have absolute confidence in the system

and its practitioners, and to be active stakeholders

in the LVCSA system.



B) Top-down impositional development.


1) To get the ‘Big Shots’ behind an ultra professional

Project, both in content and presentation.

By ‘Big Shots’ I mean i) On this conference Balahbadra

and Chayadevi prabhus, Syamasundra, Hare Krsna Devi

Dasi and many others, ii) To get the GBC fully behind,

or if not fully then at least in principle, iii) To

get prominant ‘names’ behind it - Hinduja, McCartney,

Ford, etc.




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