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Does anyone has a copy of this book?

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(Coburn Press, 2002)


Review by Sally Fallon


This is a practical guide to keeping a family milk cow, including

instructions for milking, feeding and dealing with health problems. But

even if you are not interested or able to keep a family cow, Grohman's book

is worth the price of admission for the first two chapters alone, in which

she describes the position of the cow in history and vents on the decline

in quality of the modern food supply.


To those who insist that a plant-based food system is the way to a better

world, Grohman begs to differ: "To produce grain in useful quantities

requires rich flat land such as flood plains. It requires a huge amount of

energy, available in antiquity only where complex cultures had developed.

This energy was provided by slaves. The more slaves you had, the more grain

you could grow. And the more grain you could grow, the more slaves you

could afford, thus giving rise to a wealthy class able to afford monumental

tombs and other durable artifacts of civilization. . .


". . . To herd animals requires only the availability of shepherds and can

be done on any kind of land from rocky mountain sides to kelp strewn

beaches. Wherever herbivores have been herded, their milk as well as their

meat became important parts of the diet. Herbivores form grass, bushes and

weeds into high-grade, readily available food. They do this with enormous

efficiency, whether in captivity or not. But when herded, they free up a

great deal of human time for other pursuits. Humans with extra time and

energy tend to engage in commerce, the arts, invention and war, not

necessarily in that order. Dairying has played its part in these pursuits."


Unlike other domestic animals who readily revert to feral conditions (pigs,

goats and sheep), the cow requires humans for her survival. In return, cows

provide humans with the basis of wealth. "Cattle are the original stock in

stockmarket. Ownership of cattle has always been a mark of wealth." People

who create wealth with a cow are "hard working and reliable," which are not

necessarily the characteristics of those in ancient times who created

wealth through the cultivation of grains.


The cow ". . . can support a family. She not only turns grass into milk in

quantities sufficient to feed a family but also provides extra to sell and

she contributes yearly a calf to rear or fatten. The by-products from

cheesemaking (whey) and from butter (buttermilk) will support a pig or two.

Her manure improves her pasture and when dug into the garden, results in

plant growth that cannot be surpassed by other growth mediums. The family

that takes good care of its cow is well off.


"The over-arching truth about the cow is that she drives the domestic or

small farm economy. By living on a constantly renewing resource, grass, she

is able to support not just herself and her calf, but your pig and your

chickens (neither of which can live on grass) and still provide milk for

the house. The reverse is never true. No pigs or chickens or any other non

grazing animals can live on grass or support another animal."


Grohman's description of the milk commerce in the later part of the 19th

century—an emphasis on cleanliness at the farm, milk trains from rural

areas to the cities, blocks of ice to keep the milk cool—contains a

fascinating tidbit. In the winter of 1886, the lakes didn't freeze. Without

fresh ice, dairy farmers were forced to sell their milk to middlemen. "They

have never been able to regain control over their own product," says

Grohman, (at least not until recently with the advent of direct farm sales

and cow share programs). This loss of control helped usher in the era of

pasteurization, a necessary step when fresh milk is pooled and transported

great distances. Pasteurization, says Grohman, was instituted for the

benefit of distributors.


Is the family cow an anachronism? Can there be any economic benefit to

keeping a family cow? For a family with small children and a little bit of

land, the answer is yes. Instead of joining the rat race and paying for

childcare, Mom can stay home with the children. The cow provides a good

portion of the family food, the children will need minimal health care, the

orthodontist budget will be zero, and with a bit of enterprise a

value-added product like butter or cheese can provide some supplemental

income. The family may even come out ahead financially, and Mom will

maintain her health so that she can join the job market, should she choose

to do so, at a later time.


And if you decide to keep a family cow, Grohman's provides a highly

readable how-to manual.






This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing


the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2003

This page was posted on 12/07/03




The Weston A. Price Foundation, PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW,

Washington, DC 20016

Phone: 202.333.HEAL, Email: WestonAPrice (AT) msn (DOT) com , Web:


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"Hrimati (dd) ACBSP (Mayapur - IN)" <Hrimati.ACBSP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

Monday, January 5, 2004 9:11 am

Does anyone has a copy of this book?




> (Coburn Press, 2002)


> Review by Sally Fallon


> This is a practical guide to keeping a family milk cow, including

> instructions for milking, feeding and dealing with health

> problems. But

> even if you are not interested or able to keep a family cow,

> Grohman's book

> is worth the price of admission for the first two chapters alone,

> in which

> she describes the position of the cow in history and vents on the

> declinein quality of the modern food supply.


> To those who insist that a plant-based food system is the way to a

> betterworld, Grohman begs to differ: "To produce grain in useful

> quantitiesrequires rich flat land such as flood plains. It

> requires a huge amount of

> energy, available in antiquity only where complex cultures had

> developed.This energy was provided by slaves. The more slaves you

> had, the more grain

> you could grow. And the more grain you could grow, the more slaves you

> could afford, thus giving rise to a wealthy class able to afford

> monumentaltombs and other durable artifacts of civilization. . .


> ". . . To herd animals requires only the availability of shepherds

> and can

> be done on any kind of land from rocky mountain sides to kelp strewn

> beaches. Wherever herbivores have been herded, their milk as well

> as their

> meat became important parts of the diet. Herbivores form grass,

> bushes and

> weeds into high-grade, readily available food. They do this with

> enormousefficiency, whether in captivity or not. But when herded,

> they free up a

> great deal of human time for other pursuits. Humans with extra

> time and

> energy tend to engage in commerce, the arts, invention and war, not

> necessarily in that order. Dairying has played its part in these

> pursuits."

> Unlike other domestic animals who readily revert to feral

> conditions (pigs,

> goats and sheep), the cow requires humans for her survival. In

> return, cows

> provide humans with the basis of wealth. "Cattle are the original

> stock in

> stockmarket. Ownership of cattle has always been a mark of

> wealth." People

> who create wealth with a cow are "hard working and reliable,"

> which are not

> necessarily the characteristics of those in ancient times who created

> wealth through the cultivation of grains.


> The cow ". . . can support a family. She not only turns grass into

> milk in

> quantities sufficient to feed a family but also provides extra to

> sell and

> she contributes yearly a calf to rear or fatten. The by-products from

> cheesemaking (whey) and from butter (buttermilk) will support a

> pig or two.

> Her manure improves her pasture and when dug into the garden,

> results in

> plant growth that cannot be surpassed by other growth mediums. The

> familythat takes good care of its cow is well off.


> "The over-arching truth about the cow is that she drives the

> domestic or

> small farm economy. By living on a constantly renewing resource,

> grass, she

> is able to support not just herself and her calf, but your pig and

> yourchickens (neither of which can live on grass) and still

> provide milk for

> the house. The reverse is never true. No pigs or chickens or any

> other non

> grazing animals can live on grass or support another animal."


Sounds like a lady with an agenda. I'm not sure that her historical analysis

is very sound. As far as I know, there has been only one agricultural system

which depended solely on slaves, and that was the Romans. Everyone else used

some sort of animal traction.


But the real reason why there is no historical example of a vegan society (as

opposed to individual adult vegans) is that in former times they would have all

died of vitamin B6 deficiency -- which is naturally present only in animals

sources, such as meat, milk and eggs.


In modern times vitamin B6 can be provided through seaweed and certain special

yeast products. But before the late 20th century, such technology was not

known. This is the real reason that there are no historical examples of vegan

society -- not the questionable analysis she presents above.




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> Sounds like a lady with an agenda. I'm not sure that her historical


> is very sound. As far as I know, there has been only one agricultural


> which depended solely on slaves, and that was the Romans. Everyone else


> some sort of animal traction.


Excuse me? Have you studied US history? Agriculture was based on slaves and

its variant, indentured servants.


> died of vitamin B6 deficiency -- which is naturally present only in


> sources, such as meat, milk and eggs.


B12 , incidentally.

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Mark Middle Mountain <gourdmad (AT) ovnet (DOT) com>

Monday, January 5, 2004 2:07 pm

Re: Does anyone has a copy of this book?




> > Sounds like a lady with an agenda. I'm not sure that her historical

> analysis

> > is very sound. As far as I know, there has been only one

> agriculturalsystem

> > which depended solely on slaves, and that was the Romans.

> Everyone else

> used

> > some sort of animal traction.


> Excuse me? Have you studied US history? Agriculture was based on

> slaves and its variant, indentured servants.


I guess I thought she meant using humans as a source of agricultural power

(instead of draft animals) which was done at a late period of Roman history.


I'm also thinking of Sir Albert Howard: "No permanent or effective system of

agriculture has every been devised without the animal. Many attempts have been

made, but sooner or later they break down. The replacement of live stock by

artificials is always followed by disease the moment the original store of soil

fertility is exhausted." (An Agricultural Testament)


I guess I'm not sure what she's getting at here. Is she proposing a diet which

does not include any grains? That sounds fairly radical. What are her

historical examples? The Innuit? The Masai?


> > died of vitamin B6 deficiency -- which is naturally present only in

> animals

> > sources, such as meat, milk and eggs.


> B12 , incidentally.


Right - B6 and B12.




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Islamic countries in the Mid-East had always (until very recently-[the 1960's

in Saudi Arabia]) used slavery as well.




In a message dated 1/5/2004 1:20:25 PM Central Standard Time,

gourdmad (AT) ovnet (DOT) com writes:

> Sounds like a lady with an agenda. I'm not sure that her historical


> is very sound. As far as I know, there has been only one agricultural


> which depended solely on slaves, and that was the Romans. Everyone else


> some sort of animal traction.


Excuse me? Have you studied US history? Agriculture was based on slaves and

its variant, indentured servants.


> died of vitamin B6 deficiency -- which is naturally present only in


> sources, such as meat, milk and eggs.


B12 , incidentally.

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