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We do realize that for cow protection to work on the level that Srila

Prabhupada envisioned there needs to be a larger cohesive organized structure

of which cow protection is an integral part. This is no surprise to anyone on

this conference of whoose members some have put a great deal of time into

discussing and even writing and publishing books on varnasrama (Hare Krsna

dasi). Many long discussions have been had on this conference about what is

wrong with this movement and about varnasrama development. Unfiortunately

nothing productive has come of it. That is why on this conference we have

focused mostly on cow protection and agriculture. These aspects can be

influenced and education can be provided by the discussion.


We are not against a discussion on how to get the cowherds on the land in a way

they can spend their time taking care of the cows. But we have had that

discussion many times before and it always comes back to the leadership not

getting behind it and a lack of money to set it up. So i request that these

topics of faults with our movement and varnasrama be discussed only if the

writer has a concept of how to change the faults and how to set up varnasrama.

So far in all the proponents of these topics (since 1993) I have not seen the

discussion get beyond bashing and actually presenting a concept with practical

backing to correct our movement or institute a means of establishing varnasrama

by which cow protection can reach the development that Srila Prabhupada had




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>So far in all the proponents of these topics (since 1993) I have not seen


>discussion get beyond bashing and actually presenting a concept with


>backing to correct our movement or institute a means of establishing


>by which cow protection can reach the development that Srila Prabhupada had




We need only one community where the temple president is a cowherd or willing

to back a cowherd in a major way--we need one community in N. America where

the management is cowherd-friendly or actually is willing to understand the

purpose of the Hare Krishna rural community or is willing to support such an

endeavor. I am thinking Alachua simply because there are many devotees there


would be willing support a full scale ox-agriculture program and to purchase

produce from ox power and protected milk (if there is excess to sell). Also,

they are very close to the main highway in Florida (on the way to Disney World)


and the University of Florida. Also the growing season is long and the soil

fertile, deep, and very easy to plow. That community is growing every day in

every way except in the cow/ox protection field. It is not because the devotees


there do not want to see cow protection or participate, it is because there is

no momentum there to fire it up.


Their present cow situation is very manageable. We would only need one person

to go there and stir things up with the residents, congregation, and donors.

I was there a little over a year ago and everyone I spoke to wanted to see a

thriving agriculture and goshalla program. Previously, in the '80s, people

would stop and crowd the road in front of where the temple is now just to watch


the oxen plow the fields. Akinchina Krishna showed me pictures of the community


and the oxen that were published in Small Farmer's Journal around 1985.


The management (when I was last there) was also favorable to the idea. All we

would need is for the GBC an others (all of you) to endorse one person (or

family) to go there, be supported, and get things started. If one person


full-time, organizing with fundraising (going into a cow-trust) to get things

started, I believe it could very well happen. That community has many

resources. I am willing to do it. I moved here (Iowa) only because I had a

drive to

preach and be active (I did not want to simply go to mangal arotic every day

and work in a warehouse while things remained stagnant or deteriorated before




If done right, this cow/ox program would be the ultimate preaching. It would

be a vedic model farm that, although started with the help donations, would

become a sustainable, agriculturaly based program with oxen supporting cows


deity milk--[temple paying]) and growing excess veggies to support themselves

and the overall program. Once sustainable, any donations would be

supplemental (and there would be a lot if the right fundraising people were

involved--[Nrshinga Caitanya lives an hour away in Jacksonville]) and help to

support more

families and individuals that would participate full or part-time. There is an

enormous Vaisnava Youth resource there as well, with the Vaisnava Academy for

Girls, the Charter School and the Day-School. It would be directly

educational for the North American second and third generation--the future.

There would

be plenty of supplemental volunteer help. There is also a lot of land (and

devotee realtors) around that temple so expansion is possible. We need to

organize it and follow through (the hard part) but this is my goal. I can do


help and support.


My reason for talking about it is not to talk about it for another 10 years,

it is to do it. I know it sounds like a lot of talk, but you should know that

I am a fanatic (sorry) when it comes to this endeavor. For me, discussion

leads to action--I will have to do it. I have been relatively quiet since


NV, but my mind has been churning since that time with a single focus -- to

right the wrong. With one model that is working in N. America, the apathy and

pessimism in this movement, from the top down (or maybe from the bottom up),

would be reversed. If devotees could see this happen, they would understand


anything could happen, and Srila Prabhupada would smile at us all.


So please forgive me if I talk, I only do so because I am going to act and am

sharing my thoughts and feeling things out before hand.


Ys Gopal dasa



In a message dated 1/5/2004 10:00:29 AM Central Standard Time,

ISCOWP (AT) pamho (DOT) net writes:

We do realize that for cow protection to work on the level that Srila

Prabhupada envisioned there needs to be a larger cohesive organized structure

of which cow protection is an integral part. This is no surprise to anyone on

this conference of whoose members some have put a great deal of time into

discussing and even writing and publishing books on varnasrama (Hare Krsna

dasi). Many long discussions have been had on this conference about what is

wrong with this movement and about varnasrama development. Unfiortunately

nothing productive has come of it. That is why on this conference we have

focused mostly on cow protection and agriculture. These aspects can be

influenced and education can be provided by the discussion.


We are not against a discussion on how to get the cowherds on the land in a


they can spend their time taking care of the cows. But we have had that

discussion many times before and it always comes back to the leadership not

getting behind it and a lack of money to set it up. So i request that these

topics of faults with our movement and varnasrama be discussed only if the

writer has a concept of how to change the faults and how to set up varnasrama.

So far in all the proponents of these topics (since 1993) I have not seen the

discussion get beyond bashing and actually presenting a concept with practical

backing to correct our movement or institute a means of establishing


by which cow protection can reach the development that Srila Prabhupada had


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Hare Krishna. I'm heading for Florida so don't have much time. However I'm

formulating an idea based on something Gopal said, perhaps jokingly, a while

back. Why not sponsor a cowherd family? rather than a cow. I was thinking of

an ad I saw for a request for volunteers to build a buddhist temple in Calif.

The ad was in a paper in North Carolina. I considered helping till i noticed

the Calif.address. THey advertised learning new skills, and listed some of

them....good karma....building for the future, etc.


TP's might not like their money dipped into, but I was thinking the Indian

community, approached nicely, might be a good source for this sponsorship, I

can run it by some friends? obeisances ekaBuddhi

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> Hare Krishna. I'm heading for Florida so don't have much time. However


> formulating an idea based on something Gopal said, perhaps jokingly, a


> back. Why not sponsor a cowherd family? rather than a cow. I was

thinking of

> an ad I saw for a request for volunteers to build a buddhist temple in


> The ad was in a paper in North Carolina. I considered helping till i


> the Calif.address. THey advertised learning new skills, and listed some


> them....good karma....building for the future, etc.


> TP's might not like their money dipped into, but I was thinking the Indian

> community, approached nicely, might be a good source for this sponsorship,


> can run it by some friends? obeisances ekaBuddhi



You can't separate cowherders from cows. One way is to build housing and

give free rent in exchange for cow care, which is paid for from the Cow

Trust. Either way, the bottom line is cowherders are cared for. How to

market it one way or the other is out of my league.

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> Hare Krishna. I'm heading for Florida so don't have much time. However

> I'm formulating an idea based on something Gopal said, perhaps jokingly, a

> while back. Why not sponsor a cowherd family? rather than a cow.


Hey! Now your talking. We are looking for sponsors! Send that cash!


Of course we are not going for great big cow protection programs, we are

aiming for a more naturaly sustainable 'cows as an integral part of the

community' type program. Using the cow as a source of wealth, but in terms

of what she gives freely, and using it directly.


YS Samba das

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If the GBCs etc cannot do anything for cow protection forget about them

as it is no use to expect anything. If one wants to do something one has

to do it oneself. That was true even for book distribution. Krsna will

reciprocate as He wishes.


When in Vrindaban before Krsna and Balaram and on Goverdhan parikrama I

always prayed very hard that He would stop the slaughter of cows in

India and around the world too. Of course nothing happened. my prayers

were just silly. But Krsna is answering my prayers. Now i can see it

that He wants US to do it and He and Srila Prabhupada are showing me more nd

more how to connect with others who are protecting cows. It must be

difficult for Him to get through this muddy mind but slowly things are

happening . hopefully. ys labangala


ISCOWP (Balabhadra Dasa & Chaya Dasi - USA) <ISCOWP (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

Cow (Protection and related issues) <Cow (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

Monday, January 05, 2004 9:23 PM

Keep on the subject



> We do realize that for cow protection to work on the level that Srila

> Prabhupada envisioned there needs to be a larger cohesive organized


> of which cow protection is an integral part. This is no surprise to anyone


> this conference of whoose members some have put a great deal of time into

> discussing and even writing and publishing books on varnasrama (Hare Krsna

> dasi). Many long discussions have been had on this conference about what


> wrong with this movement and about varnasrama development. Unfiortunately

> nothing productive has come of it. That is why on this conference we have

> focused mostly on cow protection and agriculture. These aspects can be

> influenced and education can be provided by the discussion.


> We are not against a discussion on how to get the cowherds on the land in

a way

> they can spend their time taking care of the cows. But we have had that

> discussion many times before and it always comes back to the leadership


> getting behind it and a lack of money to set it up. So i request that


> topics of faults with our movement and varnasrama be discussed only if the

> writer has a concept of how to change the faults and how to set up


> So far in all the proponents of these topics (since 1993) I have not seen


> discussion get beyond bashing and actually presenting a concept with


> backing to correct our movement or institute a means of establishing


> by which cow protection can reach the development that Srila Prabhupada


> envisioned.



> Visit us at: www.iscowp.org


> -----------------------

> To from this mailing list, send an email to:

> Cow-Owner (AT) pamho (DOT) net

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> [Original Message]

> Rosalie Malik <labangalatika (AT) vsnl (DOT) net>

> Cow (Protection and related issues) <Cow (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

> 1/19/2004 11:20:05 AM

> Re: Keep on the subject


> If the GBCs etc cannot do anything for cow protection forget about them

> as it is no use to expect anything. If one wants to do something one


> to do it oneself. That was true even for book distribution. Krsna will

> reciprocate as He wishes.


I can't agree more. And by sharing our thoughts and knowledge we can help

each other "do it our selves" even if we can't help physically due to wide

geographic differences. If anyone of us becomes successful then other

successful projects will follow. Like a snowball rolling.


Visit us at: www.iscowp.org

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