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Last Call - Global Excellence - BVPM problem

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Samba (das) SDG wrote:


>>Fear of Vaisnava aparada becomes one of the big reasons that parts of

>>ISKCON have become like the mafia.


>>Fear of Vaisnava aparada is why we have a known child abuser heading one

>>of the Mayapura gurukulas.




>Are you speaking of Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja?


I certainly am speaking of him.



>If so as far as I know he was never guilty of abusing any child. From what I

>heard, it was because some of the boys were abusing each other while he was

>the director of the gurukula that he was therefore held responsible.


The CPO found him guilty of child abuse -- by neglect and by refusing to

hear the complaints of children who had been abused. He also dismissed

at least one instructor who complained to him about it. In addition, he

administered severe punishments to children.



>Also it was recently clarified by Sri Prahlad who actualy runs the school,

>as to what the Maharajas position is.


This is not at all clarified in my mind, since there is a clear conflict

of interests in this case -- seeing as how Sri Prahlad was a student of

Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja.


This cannot be clarified until there is a qualified outside

investigation. So far nothing has happened.


Also, the CPO ruling is suprisingly lax and has a number of questionable

features about it. BVPM stated that he believed that for children to

have sex with each other was just a problem of the rainy season. He was

also in complete denial that older children were raping younger

children. However, in spite of his being completely out of touch with

decent standards of child psychology and what was actually happening in

the gurukula he was responsible for, the CPO saw fit to state that he

had "exceptional knowledge of child psychology."


There are various private letters from several of his victims who are so

uneducated that they are still in a dependent position in Mayapur -- but

because of their dependence, they are afraid to speak out because they

are afraid that one of Maharaja's strong men will beat them up.


And this is a man who is still a central force at a school in Mayapur.

As I understand it, this great expert will also be coordinating a lot

of the ritual for the installation of the new Panca Tattva Deities. It

turns my stomach to think of it. I admire the faith of all those who

can see beyond his contaminated personality and appreciate that the

Deities are actually there to bless all the sincere devotees, no matter

who oversees their installation.


Furthermore, he is regarded as an expert on varnasrama, but the only

paper that I have seen that he is written on varnasrama promotes a

vision which is precisely condemned by Srila Prabhupada -- namely that

all householders are automatically in the karma kanda category, and that

all sannyasis are above varnasrama. He is a Hinduizer, promoting

materialistic Hindu values instead of Srila Prabhupada's teachings.


But having said all this, we probably should not continue this

discussion much further on the cow conference. I'll let everyone write

in a letter about the danger of me committing Vaisnava aparadha, and I

won't try to defend myself.


I only ask this of all of you:


1. After you send your warning to me, please write to Dhira Govinda

prabhu, head of the CPO, and request the complete information about

BVPM's case,

2. Go on Chakra and read all the letters there pertaining to this case.

3. If you go to Mayapur, ask questions about what is going on here.

Ask why the Ministry of Education never did the outside investigation

they promised to do in December, why they never bothered to inform the

public about the progress of this case.


Sorry. This man is a destroyer of Srila Prabhupada's movement, and I'm

very sorry to see how his opinion can be held in such high esteem in ISKCON.


your servant,


Hare Krsna dasi



>I am forwarding some letters.


>Your servant

>Samba das



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