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Let them come to our farms

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Comment by Rohita:

Some devotees will buy their own property next to temple land; others will


land from the temple. Those that buy from the temple should purchase just

enough land for house and associated structures and a family garden


someone is so inclined, not all are).


Buying land from the temple has its problems.In New Govardhana, there was

the problem of this- a lot of taking of drugs and very hard to move such

peiople off, because they owned the house they were in. Same thing could

happen if they legally owned the land. Therefore lifetime lease with

conditions. Some conditions for extra security: the lifetime lease could be

extended indefinitely should one's dependents show an interest and ability

in self-sufficiency, and come up to the requirements in other ways, like 4

regs, etc. This would be more encouraging for the 2nd generation, and those

that plan for their welfare e.g. parents, and it would also encourage

long-term planning like orchards. Also I think that selling off ISKCON land

is not allowed by the GBC and is discouraged by the cow ministry as it means

(or can mean) less land for the cows.


Comment by Samba:

.. If you have your 'own house' quite a bit

of privacy is assured. Also the land that one 'leases' would also have

boundaries, (not necesarily physical). Or was your idea a kind of communal

lease? That would not work at all, as I am sure you would agree. As long as

one knows the bounds of his leased land there should not be any problem.


Areas of cooperation will exist, where one family specialises in certain

crops, and others with different ones, or in areas such as barn raising,

harvests, etc. But independance is an inalianable right. The glory comes

when independant individuals cooperate together for the greater spritual

good. As long as we have individual TV's, and technologies that satisfy our

social needs privateley, it will be very difficult to have good relations.

These are things the amish have recognised as threats to their community.


Community does not mean communism, it means indpendant individuals coming

together socialy, to worship the lord: at markets to exchange goods and

services, etc. Control of individuals by the ksatria and brahmin, fall in

the area of decisions regarding the impact of technologies or social

practices, that can be allowed to the individualy independant families, to

ensure social harmony, and cooperation. People who devitate from the

accepted norm are socialy ostracised, until they agree to abide by the

accepted rules.


So you can have your house and land, and privacy, but you must accept

certain moral rules, apart from the four regs, alhtough such rules may be

closely related ultimately. I mean, it may not be breaking the principles to

watch pornography, but we all know that a person doing so will have to fall

down. TV today is full of pornography, gross and subtle.


So independance is to be cherished, but the individuals also have to accept

certain moral imperatives, if they wish to be valued in society. The

cooperation of independant individuals towards the varnasrama system, and

ultimately pure love of god, is glorious. We can never force any individual

by removing their independance.


This comment by Samba is valuable, as it shows the benefits of the

varnasrama system. Utility is the principle- nothing is inherently bad

e.g. independence, if it can be used in Krsna's service for furthering KC,

and whether it can and how, has to be discussed, by brahmanas with sastric

wisdom. There is so much information in the vedas about varnasrama and now

we know it is the final wish of our Founder-Acarya. It is the method by

which he predicted KC could spread unlimitedly, because it is a very

attractive thing.

Just to study examples of Ramachandra, one can learn so much. He wanted to

hear criticism, so that he could improve his rulership, and be a better

father to his "children", the citizens...


Comment by Nistula:

Where are those leaders that can inspire such love & trust,

and whom we would willingly place our 'abused' faith in (our lives...and

our children's future)?


Well that's another reason why we need varnasrama...real ksatriyas...it is

not out of line I feel even to demand it. If you can do it, Nistula prabhu,

as was suggested by Rohita, your contribution towards pleasing Srila

Prabhupada and getting his blessings would be unsurpassed. I would

personally very much want to be in a temple, farm or any other place where

varnas are designated according to QUALITY, and leaders would model

themselves after Ramachandra, brahmanas after Srila Prabhupada, and vaisyas

after the residents of Vrindavan. But where is one example of this? YS,









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