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Cow Quote #8 - 900,000 cows

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Gauranga Prema wrote:


> Light of the Bhagavata - 9


> Nanda MahArAja is said to have possessed nine

hundred thousand cows, and at the time of Lord zrI

KRSNa (about five thousand years ago) the tract

> of land known as VRndAvana was flooded with milk and





One may wonder from a mechanistic view point how it

would have been possible for so many cows to have been

in the Vrndavana pasturing grounds. One could

speculate, or say with Krsna anything is possible. But

if we look at the three principles of land use - env,

soc and econ - towards the land itself it must be

noted that in its maturer state of ecological harmony

the land would exhibit a high state of fertility. 100%

fertility would be "cintamani kalpa vriksa" (from the

Brahma Samhita, with Brahma seeing the 100% spiritual

reality) and this may have been the case as Krsna was



Yet even if we look at the less-than-100% model the

land around Vrndavana was not as it is now, which is

approaching >20% on the land fertility scale

principle. The difference is in the land fertility

shown by the 3D architecture of its forests and

agroforests. Again, the whole issue here is tree cover

raising the elements in the soil into the above-ground

biomass. Thus, earth, water and fire are lifted into

the air, via the breath of life, in the abundant flora

and fauna. With so much life trapped in elemental

bodies this allows for an abundant cornocopia of

diverse foodstuffs.


Under human dominion, cattle act as range managers

with their pasture grounds by keeping the high forest

at bay and allowing low forest of various 3D

architectures that would now be called forms of

silvo-pastoral agroforestry rangelands.

Thus with such land fertility combined with (a

non-specified) land area it would be entirely possible

for large herds to be kept.


(The environmental principle of land fertility is also

shown to work here on the development scale of 0 -




> Trade is meant only for transporting surplus produce

to places where the produce is scanty.....


The quantity of produce and services from protected

cows is indeed scant, so trade would be needed to

fulfil the requirement of relieving such a deficit;

but only once surplus can be achieved, or as a means

to obtaining self sufficiency and thus surplus.


>The industrialist and the capitalist do not want the

farmer to remain at home, satisfied with his

agricultural produce. When the farmers are satisfied

by a luxuriant growth of food grains, the capitalist

becomes gloomy at heart......Hence when food grains

are produced abundantly the farmers become financially

stronger, and thus the capitalist becomes morose at

being unable to exploit them.


Thus when "the farmers become financially stronger"

they will not be effected by the industrialist. Again,

all my debate on this conference is trying to show my

reading of Prabhupada who here it would seem to show

supports a financially strong vaisya community -

protecting cows, producing grains and horticulture,

and trading surplus for needed profit.


The whole movement of the VRDP, once the principles

are agreed upon, must be to bring forth management

practices to engender production and profit so as to

increase the development of the env, soc and econ

principles; thus bringing forth eden, golok, balanced







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