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Since this subject came up recently, here is a selection of relevant

quotes...(please excuse the delay)


(23)760120mw.mayVol 18 P.258:Prabhupäda: Hm. Jaya. He is also. (break) Vedic

conception is that the birds and beasts, they should not be driven away. Let

them eat as much as it like. They must eat also.

Tamäla Krsna: So we shouldn't do that in our field?

Prabhupäda: Yes. That is the Vedic.

Jayapatäkä: Then we won't have anything to eat.

Prabhupäda: No, you produce more.

Jayapatäkä: What ha... In the... Because now this field is the only field

that is ripening, so that if he doesn't scare the bird away, all the bird

will come and eat his field. When all the wheat is ripening at the same

time, then nobody cares. They let the birds eat. But if one man only is

growing one crop at one time, then all the birds come. They will clean out

and they all get...

Prabhupäda: No, therefore everyone should grow seasonal grains. Everyone

should take wheat.


(24) 740605r2.gen Vol9 P.304:Prabhupäda: But first of all you take your

Bible. You are ordered not to kill. Why you are killing? Then go to

Bhagavad-gétä. When there is aggression you have the right to kill but not

unnecessarily you can kill. Suppose a tiger attacks you; you can kill. But

you cannot go in the forest and kill the tiger. That is sinful.


(25) 750827mw.vrnVol 15 P.338:French devotee (2): If a devotee step on the

ant, does the ant receive some benefit?

Prabhupäda: Hm?

French devotee (2): If a devotee step on a ant by mistake, the ant...

Prabhupäda: You should be careful. Why should you commit mistake? But if

unconsciously, by mistake it is done, that is another thing.


(26) 751004mw.mau Vol 16 P.96:Pusta Krsna: Prabhupäda, if every moment we

are killing in breathing and walking and doing so many things, and then it

says, "Thou shalt not kill," so then hasn't God given us an instruction

which is impossible?

Prabhupäda: No. Conscientiously you should not. But unconsciously, if you

do, that is excused.


(27) 760708ed.wdc Vol23 P.270:Guest (1): Prabhupäda? For every animal except

the cow, you said, like a..., does a person have to pay off a one-to-one

ratio for the animal killed? He just has to come back one time for, like,

killing a goat? Is it just one time then, instead of many times?

Prabhupäda: Hm?

Pusta Krsna: His question is that is there some formula, that if you kill

one animal or one thing then you get killed in the exact same ratio? You

kill one thing, you get killed once. So in other words, if you are

responsible for killing hundreds and hundreds of animals throughout your

lifetime, does one have to take birth hundreds and hundreds of times and be


Prabhupäda: Yes. For killing, you cannot kill even vegetable.


(28) 760625SB.NV So we have got everything in writing, in books, in

instructions. Our duty is to take them rightly and utilize it properly,

advance in Krsna consciousness. Otherwise we shall be on a platform of false

love. The platform of false love we know: today one pair is married, but

because the love is on the false platform, the next day there is divorce.

That is not love. That kind of love has no meaning, that kind of affection

has no meaning. It is simply bondage. So try to... Our aim is how to become

free from this material bondage and real sneha, real affection, real love

should be spread. And that can be done through Krsna consciousness.

Otherwise, it is all false. Sneha-päçair dåòhair baddham utsaheta. This mäyä

is so strong that we are taking this false thing as reality. It is very

difficult to give it up. That is explained by Krsna:

daivi hy esä guna-mayi

mama mäyä duratyayä

mäm eva ye prapadyante

mäyäm etäm taranti te


This is the only meaning. If we become pure devotee of Krsna, then my love

will be extended to everyone. Not only my society, but to everyone. It is

not that "This is my children, that is other's children." All children. All

human being. Not my countrymen--all other countrymen. Not only human beings,

but even animals also. That is sneha. It is not that "I am safe, and let the

animals be killed in the slaughterhouse." No, that is not love. Love means

for everyone. Samaù sarvesu bhütesu. Equality to all living entities. That

is real love. That is real concern, Krsna consciousness. A lover of Krsna

will hesitate to kill even one ant. You know the story, Mrgrari. That is

love. Because one has got... Just like this child. If I like I can kill him,

there is no difficulty. But does it mean that I shall kill him? No.

Similarly, a small ant, anyone can kill. No. Here is a living entity, part

and parcel of Krsna. Samaù sarvesu--he should not be unnecessarily killed.

We should be careful, not that "Trample over the ants and let them be

killed." No, everything should be carefully done. Of course, we cannot stop

this, but we should be careful, and if it is done, then if we remain Krsna

conscious, Krsna will excuse. <i>Yajïärthe karmano 'nyatra. Therefore the

business should be, if we walk at all, we shall walk for Krsna. Then if some

ant is killed--not knowingly, unknowingly--then we are untouched by these

sinful activities. Otherwise, we are immediately noted down, "Here is a man,

he has killed, he has..." The nature's law is so minute. Every minute, the

account is there. But if you remain in the business of Kåñëa consciousness,

then there is excuse. Otherwise, everyone is become obliged. If I take from

you one cent, I have to pay you with four cents, with interest, compound

interest. This is the law of karma. We are... Just like taking money from

others. Unless we spend it for Krsna, then we shall be obliged to return.


(29) 770428r2.bom Vol33 P.70:Bhagavad-gitä. And they are taking

Bhagavad-gitä for solving these problems. That's all. Ants' struggle.

Violence, nonviolence and... So such big, big rascals are guiding us. What

benefit they have given? And they are praised. Sva-vid-varähostra-kharaih

samstuta.. He's an animal, and he's praised by some small animals. That's

all. This is their position. They are not actual leader. They are animals,

but because we are small animals, we are praising. So it is very difficult

to understand our philosophy, but still, we have to preach. That is our

mission. A little drop, maybe like a film or less than that... Still, they

are... And again, when you cleanse this, you kill them--you become

implicated. You have killed. You have to suffer. They are disturbing; still,

you cannot kill them. This is your position. But people are with Flit (a bug

killer) killing thousands of mosquitoes and flies, becoming implicated.


(30) 760628 bj.nv Vol22 P.314:You are very good, you are following your

religious principle very strictly, adherently. That's all right. But what

about your love of God? "Oh, that I do not know." So sastra says, srama eva

hi... It is simply waste of time, and simply laboring. That's all. If you

have not learned to love God, then what is the meaning of your religion?

Then, when you're actually on the platform of love of God, you understand

your relationship with God, that "I am part and parcel of God. Not only I am

part and parcel of God, this dog is also part and parcel of.... Every living

entity." Then you'll extend love for animal also. If you actually love God,

then your love for insect also is there because you understand that "This

insect, it has got a different body only, but he is also part and parcel, or

my brother." Samaù sarvesu bhütesu.


(31) 7750623mw.la Vol14 P.73:Our endeavor is just to become a dog of a

Vaiñëava, not to become an animal like lion. We remain a dog, but of a

Vaisnava. And we refuse to become a big animal like lion. This is our

philosophy. Another song is Bhaktivinoda Thäkura's, janmaobi jadi icchä to

hara, kéöa-janma hau jaha das bhakta tuìhara: "I do not know what is my next

life. That depends on Your consideration. But if you think that I must take

another birth or another many births, it doesn't matter. Only I request You

that You make me an insignificant ant in the house of a devotee." Kita-janma

hau jaha das tuìhara. This is Vaisnava aspiration, that If become an ant

under the protection of a Vaisnava, that is also successful. And I don't

want to become a Brahmä who is not a devotee." So this Vaisnava philosophy

is very accurate. Therefore this life of a Vaisnava begins with surrender,

not the challenge. Sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm ekam saranam vraja. That is

Vaiñëava. Christ also said that "Kingdom of God is for the humble and meek."

Is it not?


(32) 690804lc.laVol 2 P.41:"My dear uncle, what is your religion that you

are killing father and mother?Why killing father and mother?Oh, you

are killing cow, your mother. You are drinking milk. And oxen, he produces

grains for you in the field; so he is your father. The father earns for the

children, so he is producing grains. And mother gives milk; so cow is giving

milk. So how is your religion that the father mother killing?" Then he could

understand that Caitanya is marking on the cow killing by the Mohammedans.

Then he said, "Oh, this cow killing is also in your Hindu religion." Then He

said, "How is that, Hindu religion cow killing?Oh, there is cow

sacrifice." Then He said that cow sacrifice is not like this. Cow sacrifice

is giving new life to the old cow. That is cow sacrifi... It is not killing.

And because at the present moment the brähmanas are not so qualified that

they can give new life, therefore that sacrifice is now forbidden. He cited

some verses



(33) 750624gc.la Vol14 P.126:Prabhupäda: First of all, try to understand

this. Just like Krsna says, mayä tatam idam sarvam: "I am expanded by My

energy everywhere." So the everywhere how you can go? You love Krsna, and

your love will go everywhere. You pay tax to the government, and the tax is

distributed in so many departments. So it is not your business to go every

department and pay tax. Pay to the treasury of the government; it will be

distributed. This is intelligence. And if you say that "Why shall I pay to

the treasury house? I shall pay the this department, that department, that

department, that department," you can go on, but it will never be

sufficient, neither complete. So you may love humanity, but because you do

not love Krsna, therefore you do not love the cows; you send them to

slaughterhouse. So your love will remain defective. It will never be

complete. And if you love Krsna, then you will love even the small ant. You

will be not interested even to kill even an ant. That is real love.

Dr. Pore: I agree with you that we love very badly and we slaughter the


Prabhupäda: Yes. So badly love is not love.

Dr. Pore: But is the converse true, that we chant very well and that we can

love Kåñëa even when we cannot love our fellow people?

Prabhupäda: Oh, that... We are not... Chanting... We are also working. It is

not that we are simply sitting down and chanting. Because we are chanting,

therefore we are loving everyone. That is a fact. These Hare Kåñëa chanters,

they will never agree to kill any animal, even a plant, because they know

everything is part and parcel of God. Why unnecessarily one should be

killed? That is love.


(34) 740420mw.hyd Vol. 8 P.346:Prabhupäda: First of all, try to understand.

A devotee is neither brähmana nor sudra. He may act like a südra, but he is

not südra. He may act like a brähmana; he is not brähmana. He is Vaisnava.

Just like gopis. The gopis, they are village cowherds women. They are,

according to social construction, they are not very high class. They did not

belong to the brähmana class. But their worship, method of worship, has been

taken the highest. Ramyä käcid upäsanä vrajavadhü-vargena. They were village

girls, and practically their character was also not good. Because at dead of

night they are going to Krsna. But why they have been taken as the most

topmost devotee of Krsna? Because the love was so high class. It is the

test, how much one has learned to love Krsna. That is wanted. Apparently he

may appear as a brähmaëa, a südra or vaisya. It doesn't matter. It doesn't

matter. The only business is to see: sa vai puàsäm paro dharmo yato bhaktir

adho... Aiye. Hare Krsna. Jaya. That is wanted.

Pancadravida: What if the person cannot chant sixteen rounds a day. He says,

"I can't..."

Prabhupäda: Then he is not even a human being. He is a rascal. That's all.

He is not a human being. What to consider of talking...? Don't talk about

him if he cannot chant sixteen rounds. He is not even a human. He is animal.



(35)750801rc.no Vol 15 P.252:Prabhupäda: No, no, unless our men are trained

up, why you should allow to stay here and to wife. We want trained up men,

not third-class picked-up. We want men who will follow the rules and

regulations and fully trained up. Otherwise we don't want. We don't want

ordinary karmis and... And if he agrees to be trained up, then we'll take.

Otherwise what is the use of bringing some useless men? He must agree to

produce his own food, and work. Our rules and regulations, he must follow.

Then it will be ideal community. Otherwise, if you bring from here and there

some men and fill up, that is not good thing. This is a training

institution, to become devotee.




(36) 740527mw.rom Vol9 P.127:Prabhupäda: No, you engage yourself. If you

want book, that book, you copy yourself. Why someone should be engaged for

you? You have got enough time. You are not going to the factory or hundred

miles for your earning livelihood. You are on the local space. You have got

enough time. You just take, copy. That's all. Minimize your unnecessary

waste of time. Save time. Chant Hare Krsna. Go back to home. This is our

idea. Instead of chanting twenty-five rounds, you chant hundred rounds. That

is utilization of proper time. Instead of begetting cats and dogs, you just

beget one child, Kåñëa conscious. This is the ideal life. What is the use of

using sex life unnecessarily? Therefore only for begetting nice child one

should have sex life. This is ideal life. Not that you use sex life,

contraceptive method. This is all demonism. But they cannot do without it.

Because they have no other engagement, they do not know how nice Krsna is

and how pleasurable it is to reciprocate with Krsna, Therefore they go to

the dog's pleasure, sex life on the street and there, on the beach. That's

all. They have been educated like dogs. Therefore they want it.


(37) 760803r3.par Vol 25 P.100: Prabhupäda: Very light. In the morning you

can give them this puffed grains, then fruits and milk, very good breakfast.

I mean to say all self-dependent. Yes. We should save time, as much for this

purpose, for chanting, discussing grantha. Not for any personal so-called

comforts. We can sit down anywhere on the grass here, and whatever available

we make our food. This is the idea. Life will be sublime. Man-manä bhava

mad-bhakto mad-yäji mäm. That is real business.


(38)771008r2.vrn Vol.35 P.131:Prabhupäda: No luxuries. Live very simple life

and you save time for chanting Hare Krsna.

Haàsadüta: Yes, Prabhupäda.<p>

Prabhupäda: That is my desire. Don't waste time for bodily comforts. You

have got this body. You have to eat something. You have to cover yourself.

So produce your own food and produce your own cloth. Don't waste time for

luxury, and chant Hare Krsna. This is success of life. In this way organize

as far as possible, either in Ceylon or in Czechoslovakia, wherever... Save

time. Chant Hare Krsna. Don't be allured by the machine civilization.<p>

Haàsadüta: Yes, Prabhupäda.

Prabhupäda: This is soul-killing civilization, this kind way of life,

especially European countries. Anywhere you can inhabit it. It is not very

difficult. A cottage; you can produce your own food anywhere. Am I right?

Hamsadüta: Yes, Prabhupäda. We will do it.

Prabhupäda: And money, spend for Krsna--for Krsna's palace, for Krsna's

temple, for Krsna's worship, gorgeous, as gorgeously as... Not for false...

This is the human civilization. And to organize this, varnasrama will help

you to divide the society--brähmana, ksatriya, vaisya--as there is division

in the body. That will help. Don't waste human form of body for sense

gratification. I wanted to introduce this. Now I have given you ideas. You

can do it. You are all intelligent. For Caitanya Mahäprabhu's

para-upakära... So you do good to others. Not exploit others. Any human

being who has been bestowed by this body has the capacity to chant Hare

Krsna. Give them chance and make situation favorable. Is that clear?<p>


(39)771024rc.vrn Prabhupäda: Chanting is our life.<p>


740611r2.par Vol 10 P.12:Prabhupäda: Yes. Still, if you have got a garden,

somebody says, "I want to eat some fruits.Yes, come on. Take as much

fruit as you like." But you cannot take it away. Any number of men can come

and eat. They even do not prohibit the monkeys. "All right, let him come in.

It is God's property." That is the system. That is mentioned in Bhägavata.

If the animals like monkeys, they come to your garden to eat, don't

prohibit. Let him. He's also Krsna's part and parcel. Where he will eat if

you prohibit? It is very practical. I have got another. This is told by my

father. My father's elder brother was keeping a cloth shop. My father also

was keeping a cloth shop. So it is in the village. So my uncle, what he

would do, that before closing the shop, he'll bring one, what is called...?

Bhagavän: A bowl?

Prabhupäda: Bowl, big bowl. Or it is... What do you call, where you keep


Bhagavän: Pot.

Prabhupäda: Basin, basin. So one basinful rice he will keep in the middle of

the shop. And there are rats. So the rats will take the rice, and not cut

even a single cloth. It is practical. Yes. They are also animals. Give them

food. They'll not create any disturbance. Give them food. Yes. Because cloth

are very costly. And there are rats. If one cloth is cut by the rat, then it

is great loss. So to save from this loss, he'll put in a basin... Rice was

nothing. Rice... In our childhood, we have seen, two änäs per seer. That is

with profit. You see. So one basinful rice, it doesn't cost even one änä. So

by giving one änä worth food, he saves so many, hundreds of rupees cloth.

Otherwise, if they're hungry, they'll cut it. Everyone has got obligation.

Even the tiger. Even the tiger... One saintly person was in the jungle. His

disciples said the tigers will never come and disturb in the äsrama because

the asrama head, they'll keep some milk little far away from the äsrama, and

the tigers will come and drink and go away. He'll call, "You tiger, come and

take your milk here!" Just like we call the dogs. They'll come and take the

milk and go away. And they'll never attack any inmates of the äsrama. He'll

say, ämära ajni hana isko bolo naya (?): "They are my men; don't harm them."

Yes. Tigers can be trained up. Just like dog. They are a dog species. More

ferocious, that's all. More ferocious dog. That's all. So you can train

them. I have seen in the World Fair. One man has trained... I think most of

you have seen. One tiger and one lion. And he was playing with that tiger,

lion, just like one plays with dog. They can be trained up. They can

understand also that "This man loves me. He gives me food. He's my friend."

They also appreciate. Just like this picture, you have seen, Haridäsa

Thäkura? The big snake is going. The snake also knows that "He's saintly

person. He may not be disturbed. Let me go away." And from reason also,

<i>isvaram sarva-bhütänäm hrd-dese... Krsna is everyone's heart. He's

dictating. So Krsna can dictate to the animals, to the serpent, to the man,

everyone. Such nice foodstuff. And mostly they are made of milk. These

people, they do not know. They kill the cows and throw the milk away to the

hogs. And they are proud of their civilization. Like jackals and vultures.

Actually, Krsna consciousness movement will transform these uncivilized men

to real civilization. Their civilization is now compact in masonry work,

collecting stones and bricks and piling them. This much, their civilization.

Actually, apaçyatäm ätma-tattvam grhesu grha-medhinäm. The explanation I

gave this morning. They do not know what is ätma-tattvam.

Bahir-artha-mäninaù. The external feature, material nature, they're

interested. These scientists, these philosophers, the man, they're simply

interested in the external features. Internally, what is important, they do

not know.



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