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Cow Quote Du Jour # 56

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Anna Conan Doyle: And even you people you have to have people donate like we

have the Catholic church...

Prabhupada: The difficulty is...

Anna Conan Doyle: ...is to make from the people are working, we are

dependent on the materialistic man also...

Prabhupada: No, the difficulty is that we are not satisfied with our living

condition. Suppose I am, I have got this body. To maintain this body, I

require my food, and for getting the food, I must have some money. I must

have some occupation. This is one thing. But people are now... Suppose one

thousand francs will provide his family, himself. He's not satisfied with

one thousand francs. He wants ten thousand. That is the fault. Therefore he

does not find time for Krsna consciousness.

Anna Conan Doyle: That's right.

Prabhupada: Yes. That is the disease. Otherwise, if, if everyone is

satisfied when the necessities is supplied and balance time he saves for

Krsna consciousness, there is no difficulty. But he is, he is always,

twenty-four hours busy, how to increase, how to increase. Yes.

Anna Conan Doyle: It becomes a vice.

Prabhupada: (indistinct) Yes. Yes. Greediness. Atyaharah prayasas ca

prajalpo niyamagrahah [NoI 2]. Atyahara. Atyahara means eating more, or

collecting more. So they want to eat more, collect more than necessity.

Anna Conan Doyle: That's true. They do not need all the things they have

around. It is perfectly...

Prabhupada: For livelihood, one has to work. That is material world. So you

work. And what is that work? If one, one works for three months on the

field, he can get his whole years' food. That is economically fact. How many

mounds of grains we can produce per acre? Do you know that? We know, in our

Indian calculation, we can produce at least ten mounds of grain per bigha.

So if one has got ten bighas of land, he can produce hundred mounds of

grains. So how much you can eat daily. Just compute it. Utmost two pounds.

Utmost. So if you eat two pounds grains per day. In a month, sixty pounds.

And eighty-two pounds makes one mound. You are getting one thousand mounds.

One thousand mounds. Then? Ten bighas of land...

Bhagavan: One hundred mounds.

Prabhupada: One hundred.

Guru Gauranga: Mounds.

Prabhupada: So you get enough food by working three months. But they'll not

work in the field. They'll work in the factory. The... Now the world

situation is there that they have invented so many artificial work. So

people are embarrassed with this kind of work. He doesn't find any time.

Anna Conan Doyle: He's not trained.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Anna Conan Doyle: He's not trained.

Prabhupada: Yes. This is the... So if we make our living condition very

simple, there is enough time, enough time. But we don't say that you go back

to the primitive stage of life. That is not possible. We simply request that

wherever you are, simply chant Hare Krsna. There is no difficulty. Then

everything will be clear. And we are not charging anything for that, that:

"You give me so many pounds. I'll give you a mantra." Not like that. [break]

There is no necessity. Unnecessarily they are killing animals, and becoming

sinful. So they have created their own field of activities just to become

bereft of Krsna consciousness. Formerly, in the human society, there was no

slaughterhouse. If they wanted to kill one animal, they went to the forest

or anywhere. Kill one animal and eat it. But here it is now regular

business. Somebody's supplying cows regularly by increasing livestock. That

has become his business. And somebody's killing. So we have invented so many

things like that, simply for sinful activities. How we can become happy? It

is not possible. So many big, big factories for producing beer and liquor.

But they have become accustomed to this. And the net result is now we

increasing the hippie population. This irresponsible life is producing

children, most irresponsible, brainless. Yes. But they have no eyes to see,

that "How we are degrading.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation with Anna Conan Doyle,

daughter-in-law of famous author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- August 10, 1973,


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