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Dandavad. Prabhupada kijaya!


First I apologize for dropping out of touch. I have been keeping up my

reading on the conference but not responding. In the meantime we have made

progress here in Alachua with our CSA.


Around the end of August we put out a brochure (see below) and began signing

up members. The response was very good and we have over 50 members so far.

TOday we began deliveries and the produce is great in every respect. It is a

very good deal to get about half bushel of fresh organic veggies for just

under $7.


The dairy component is progressing slowly. WE are now planning out the milk

shed to meet state inspection requirements. One devotee has offered to

donate the first cow. We have worked out a breeding program as follows:


a) breed just one cow per year

b) breed a cow no more than twice a lifetime (unless one of her calves dies)


IN this way after some years we plan to have a stable herd of 20 animals of

which no more than 4 would be giving milk at any one time (depending on how

long they lactate sufficiently to make it worthwhile to milk them). Another

4 oxen would be engaged in plowing and other farm work, including

irrigation. THe rest would be either too young, in training (for oxen), or



WE plan to meet all the requirements for pasture, hay and grain from about

40 acres which we have in hand.


WE have located a mini-pasteurizing and bottling unit for about $17000 so we

should be able to pull this off without a large capital investment.


We are still working on the numbers for costing the operation, including the

retirement fund for the cows, but our preliminary costing is to charge about

$5-6 per gallon (local organic milk is available at $3.90 per gallon).


With some luck we will be in operation next spring.


WE are also working on a cooperative food store and a local barter system

(perhaps using hometown currency like Ithaca HOurs).


As we develop further I will keep you all posted.


Your servant,

Pancaratna das


Govinda's Farm CSA

Community Supported Agriculture and Dairy


Farming with love and devotion by devotees of Lord Krishna


Our Dream


Govinda's Farm began over 10 years ago on a 50 acres in rural Alachua,

Florida, about 20 minutes outside the city of Gainesville. Since then we

have become a fully certified producer of organic vegetables, herbs and

fruits for the wholesale market.


However our dream has always been to develop a model program of sustainable

agriculture and dairy production based both on the principles of

sustainable, organic farming and the vegetarian ethic of lifelong protection

for our farm animals.


Today, as we witness the growth in environmental awareness and concern for

the welfare of all God's creatures amongst our neighbors in Alachua and

nearby areas, we believe the time is right for a rebirth of our farm as a

CSA or community supported agriculture program.


What Is Community Supported Agriculture?


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a partnership of consumers and

farmers. The member shareholders provide a guaranteed market and income to

produce and distribute the food for a growing season. The farmers provide

weekly shares of fresh, seasonal, certified organically grown vegetables,

fruits, and herbs. Both partners share in the risks and rewards of

small-scale farming: weather, insect damage, and bumper crops.


The CSA movement is a grassroots alternative to agribusiness. Shareholders

know exactly where and how their food is grown. Shareholders are welcome to

volunteer on the farm and to enjoy the fields and woods.


What is organic farming?


We are committed to responsible use of precious agricultural land. Our

produce is grown without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or

genetically modified organisms. We make use of locally available cow manure

for compost, cover crops, and crop rotation to promote healthy soil and

plants. When you support a local organic farm you are helping to build

community while sustaining the environment.


Our vision for the future - Protected Cow Dairy


Once the agricultural products side of our CSA program is established we

will extend the CSA concept to include dairy products for a limited number

of shareholders. Our commitment is to care for and protect all of our cows

and calves, male and female, young and old, from birth to their natural

death. Unlike practically all dairy farms in the U.S., we will NEVER sell

any of our animals or their offspring for slaughter.


Rather we will practice controlled breeding practices so that our herd never

grows beyond our capacity to take care of them on our land. And we will

engage the male cows as oxen to cultivate and work our farm, gradually

replacing the tractor.


Shareholders in our CSA will have the first opportunity to purchase a

limited number of milk shares once this aspect is operating.




Each week during our prime growing season from October to June,

approximately 40 weeks, shareholders will receive 8 to 10 different freshly

picked vegetables and herbs.


The table at the end shows our projected harvest. Here in North Central

Florida our January can get pretty cold, so supply of winter vegetables

usually drops off at that time and the weekly box may have less than 8



Most of the vegetables are hand-picked and washed just hours before you

receive them. We grow a wide variety of seasonal vegetables so that you

will try new delights as well as the familiar stand-bys.


As far as possible we try to match individual member's preferences. We also

provide fruits and flowers from our farm when in season.


We are offering full and small shares this year. A full share is about a ¾

bushel box (the weight of a bushel varies, but for comparison's sake, a

bushel of carrots weighs about 50 pounds) and would easily provide enough

produce for a family (2-6 people).


A small share is about a 1/2 bushel box and would provide enough produce for

1-2 people. If you find your share isn't large enough you can purchase extra

individual items at pick up.




Pick up is available from 3:30pm to 6:30pm at the farm on Tuesdays. Also, we

will bring shares for pick up at ISKCON New Raman Reti, CR 235 in Alachua on

Sundays from 3:30 to 6:30 pm


You can also find us at the Alachua Farmers Market on Saturdays, and the

Gainesville Farmer's Market on Wednesday.


In anticipation of the harvest, we ask that you choose a designated pick-up

day for the duration of the season. We realize that scheduling conflicts

will arise and you are welcome to switch days occasionally. Members are

welcome to stop by the farm during weekdays to visit, lend a hand or pick

some herbs.


Real Food at an Affordable Price


Our goal is to provide our share holders with better value for money. We

eliminate middlemen, packaging and shipping expenses, and minimize marketing

costs. This means that the cost of our vegetables to shareholders is below

what it would cost to buy them elsewhere.


Also, while we strive to keep our share price affordable for those with a

modest income, we still must meet expenses and fairly compensate our team.


As this is our first year operating as a CSA, we have done our best to

project expenses accurately. We are preparing to grow enough for about 100

members and so we have arrived at a share price as follows.


What does it cost?


The price of a full share is $480/season ($12/week) payable in full by

October 1st or in three installments of $160.00. The price of a small share

is $270/season ($6.75/week) payable in full by October 1st or in three

installments of $90.


Installments are due by October 1st, January 1st and April 1st. Other

payment options are available.


Working Shareholders


We offer a substantial discount to a few hardworking shareholders in

exchange for work on the farm. We'll make arrangements individually. Please

contact us if interested.


More than just great vegetables...


Along with your share of the produce each week, you will receive a note

written by the farmers to update you about the farm. We often add tasty

recipes to help you become familiar with lesser known vegetables, plus give

storage tips and ideas for enhancing your cooking with nutritious grains and

fresh herbs.


We hope belonging to our farm will enrich not only your table, but also your

sense of community. Involvement in the farm (beyond the cost of a share) is

vital to making our community farm sustainable and is also lots of fun!

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