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Le Cow Quote Du Jour # 103

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Just as God supplies, the father supplies the money in the hands of the

mother and mother expends for the children, similarly, God is the supreme

father of the whole living entities, and the material nature is the agent of

the Supreme Lord, and she produces food for you.

You may have tractors, you may have very good arrangement for

producing food, machinery, but still, if the land or earth does not produce

food, your, this tractor or all other arrangements will be failure. So after

all, we should know the supply of things are in the hands of the material

nature. And material nature works under the direction of God. That is stated

in Bhagavad-gita, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram [bg. 9.10].

Prakrti means this material nature.

You don't think material nature is blind. Material nature has got

her intelligence, and she is taking intelligence from the Supreme Lord. And

according to that she is supplying food or grains and everything, because

you get everything from the earth. Either you take metal or this wood or

water or food grains, whatever you are taking, using, you are exploiting the

resources of material nature, but material nature is the agent of God.

Material nature is an energy of God. So if God does not wish to supply you,

however you may bring tractor and anything.

Just like desert. In desert you cannot make it fertile because that

particular tract of land is forbidden by God, "No, nothing should be

produced." You cannot do it. If you have got producing power, then why don't

you produce sufficient grains and vegetables in the desert. That is not

possible. So after all, we have to accept the supreme authority, the

Personality of Godhead. Even if you study scrutinizingly, very

scientifically or, whatever you may say, philosophically, you will have to

accept a supreme arrangement, a supreme hand over everything. That is called

Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness means a person who is Krsna

conscious, he can see everything. He can see in everything the hand of God.

That is Krsna consciousness.

If you see... A Krsna conscious person sees a flower. He sees the

flower -- creation of God, Krsna. "Oh, Krsna is so artistic that he has

created this flower by His energy so nicely, so decorately, so good flavor.

So it is Krsna's thing. Let me offer it to Krsna." This is Krsna


If you become in everything Krsna conscious, then your life is

successful. That we are teaching. It is a very scientific movement.

Actually, that is the position. You cannot create a flower so nicely

fragrant, so beautifully made. It is not in your power. But it must have

been done by somebody. You cannot say, "By nature." What is this nature?

They say, foolish persons say, "It is nature." But you explain what is

nature. Nature means God's nature, God's energy. That is nature. God's

energy is so fine and so subtle that we cannot see it, how it is working,

but it is working. The energy of God is working there.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 13.2 -- Melbourne, April 4, 1972

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