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Foot Rot

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On 06 Sep 1999, Samba das wrote:


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> One of the cows at our farm here, has a reccuring problem with an infected

> hoof. The problem has been persisting for about 6 months. The vet comes to

> attend to it but after sometime the foot again gets infected and worms

> appear.


> I looked up a treatment in my copy of 'The complete Herbal Handbook for Farm

> and Stable'.


> It reccomends using a poultice of linseed, and finaly annointing the foot

> with 'Stockholm tar' and keeping it covered. Does anyone know how this tar

> is made? It does not appear to be available in this country.


> Also I would appreciate any other remedies for foot rot.


> This is only occuring with one cow, so it may be due to a hoof problem, and

> ideas on that?


> Thanks prabhus

> Your Servant

> Samba das


> (Please note: this article implies that the bacteria are the cause of the

problem, this is not so the problem is the decay of tissue due to lack of

cleanliness. The foot must be kept dry and clean and disinfected. The

bacteria's function is to remove the decaying flesh. This animal's hoof has

not had the opportunity to properly heal. It is essential that it undergo a

purification of the blood by feeding of garlic and an application of tar.

Stockholm tar is a resin from a tree that has been heated and distilled

[destructive distillation] the most common source are pine trees. A mixture of

castor oil and tar [50%] after the correct healing will keep the hoof in

proper health. If you do not have the required ingredients look under wounds

in the index and there you may find something that you have easier access to.

Also read all other articles in the book related to hooves and wounds

regardless of species it will give a fuller understanding of the situation.I

have included the following article with comments in brackets so you will

understand the vets vision of modern medicine is based on the fallacy that

germs cause disease. If you read in the initial introduction of all Ayurvedic

books, holistic ones too, you will find a description of the origin of

disease. Removal of the cause and strengthening the animals natural immune

system is the method of cure, many times the required ingredients are close at

hand and there is no need to go to the store - just the field and woods.)



A common condition that often necessitates the use of antibiotics in cattle is

"footrot" or what is medically termed interdigital phlegmon (mucus between the

hoof claws). It is an infection of the soft tissue between the claws (digits)

of the feet and is caused by two anaerobic bacteria (these are bacteria that

grow in the absence of oxygen), Fusobacterium necrophorum and Bacteroides

melaninogenicus. These bacteria are common in the environment and F.

necrophorum is present in the rumen and feces of normal cattle. Once these

bacteria invade the skin of the foot, they rapidly cause the condition we

recognize as footrot. Injury or damage to the skin between the claws allows

this invasion to occur. Common factors that can cause damage of this sort

include stubble fields, small rocks and pebbles, and abrasive surfaces.

Additionally, high temperatures and excess moisture or humidity causes the

skin between the claws to chap and crack allowing these bacteria to invade.

With the wet winter and spring this year, the advent of hot weather should

provide the ideal conditions for footrot to become a major problem this summer

(wet winter hot dry summer). The appearance of footrot is fairly typical and

begins as a swelling of the skin between the claws. (the skin has been broken

and dirt has lodged it self between the tissues) This swelling usually begins

within 24 hours of the onset of the infection. The toes become separated due

to the swelling and the skin appears reddened. The foot is very painful and

the animal can be quite lame at this time. A fissure or crack develops along

the swollen area for part or all of the length of the interdigital space.

Yellow to grayish tissue extends from this crack and the lesion has a

characteristic foul odor. The area around the coronary band can be swollen and

red. Affected cattle can have a mild fever, refuse feed, lose weight, and be

mildly to severely lame. (the animal must fast 24 hours and should be fed a

very green diet - no grains or concentrates, immediately after the 24 hour

period feeding of garlic or if you have access to neem leaves) Also, it is

common for affected cattle to loss a considerable amount of weight during a

bout with footrot. If the footrot lesion does not heal satisfactorily, very

serious problems can develop. (the foot must be thoroughly cleaned and

encouraged by using black pepper on the wound to promote healing) The

structures just beneath the skin of the foot include the bones of the foot, the

tendons, and joint of the foot. If these underlying structures are invaded by

bacteria-particularly the joints, bones, or tendons, therapy is very difficult

and the chances of recovery are much lower. (this maybe where you are now, the

above feeding and cleaning will need to be done twice daily if there is no

change after five days other means must be employed.)OTHER POSSIBLE

CAUSES:(NOTE, the causal organisms appear to be different but in reality it is

due to lac!

k of cle

anliness following stress by injury.) Footrot can usually be recognized in

typical cases; however, a number of conditions can be confused with footrot.

These conditions include corns, puncture wounds due to nails, needles, or other

sharp objects, sole abscesses, fractures of the bones of the foot, and a newly

recognized condition that primarily affects dairy cattle, "hairy footwarts".

All lame feet should be carefully examined and it should not be assumed that

all lame cattle have footrot. If you have any questions regarding the condition

affecting your cattle, you should contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and

advice. Treatment of footrot is relatively straightforward and if instituted

early in the course of the disease is usually successful. For mild cases, local

treatment can be accomplished by thoroughly cleaning the foot, applying an

astringent (such as 5% copper sulfate), and then applying an antibacterial

dressing. For moderate or severe cases, systemic antibiotic t!

herapy i

s usually recommended. Antibiotics that are usually effective include

penicillin, oxytetracycline, ampicillin, or sulfa drugs. All label directions

should be carefully followed including withdrawal times before slaughter. If a

dose higher than that listed on the label is used, the antibiotic is being used

in an extra-label manner and a veterinarian's prescription is needed and an

extended withdrawal time determined by your veterinarian must be observed. If

deeper structures of the foot become infected, consult your veterinarian.



The most important preventative measures are to insure that damage to the feet

of cattle is minimized. Other preventive measures include footbaths, feeding

of organic iodine, feeding of zinc methionine, and/or vaccines.



Footbaths can be used to prevent cases; however, they are not particularly

useful in the face of an outbreak. The most common solutions used are (1) 2%

formalin, and (2) 5% copper sulfate. Both compounds must be used with caution

from both animal health and environmental aspects. The formalin solution is

very caustic and will damage your skin or eyes if splashed or spilled. The

copper sulfate can be fatal to cattle if they drink it and must be disposed of

carefully to avoid damaging aquatic plants or animals. Footbaths should be

used 3 to 4 times per week to be effective and should not be used for long

periods of time (greater than 3 weeks, longer than this is determental). The

cattle should have clean feet before entering the foot baths ,pre-washing is

necessary, and only about 300 head can be done before the solution should be

changed. Using formalin footbaths too frequently (daily for 4-5 days) can

cause irreversible damage to the cattle's feet. (note they understand the

source is lack of cleanliness, 'pre-washing is necessary'.)


B. FEEDING IODINEFeeding organic iodine (ethylenediamine dihydriodide; EDDI)

can help prevent footrot. The EDDI should be fed at 10-15 milligrams per head

per day. Feeding more than this will not be any more effective and can cause

the cattle to have excess salivation. EDDI fed in loose salt mixes works very

well, while EDDI should not be fed in salt block formulations as it does not

seem to be available to the cattle. Zinc methionine (Zinpro) is also thought

to be helpful in preventing footrot in feedlot situations and might be of

value in range or pasture situations. (Iodine is a very active element and

cleaning - disinfectant agent)


C. VACCINES(Vaccines are in opposition to Ayurvedic practices, if you read

Srila Prabhupada's comments - LCL lectures 1976 - you will see that he

respects the research of Louis Pasteur, but points out how his research was

altered by those that followed). There are commercial vaccines that have

limited effectiveness in preventing footrot in cattle; it is important to

strategically time the administration of these vaccines so that maximum

protection is achieved during the time of year when cattle are most at risk.

Your veterinarian will also know of local factors that may be of importance in

preventing footrot, so be sure to discuss this matter with him/her before

spending a lot of time, money, or effort on control and prevention measures.

Since footrot is an infectious disease it is important that your cattle's

immunity is not abnormal and thus a good feeding and supplementation program

is necessary. The key to managing footrot is prevention, because treating a

large number of individual animals can take a lot of the fun out of summer.


John Maas, DVM, MS Diplomate, ACVN & ACVIM Extension Veterinarian School of

Veterinary Medicine University of California-Davis.


Ys, Rohita dasa

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