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RE: The recent controversial treatment of the First

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Respected Swamin,


I would like to contribute. Can you please send the address in the US ?Regards



Oppiliappan; Ramanujamission; saranagathi; Tiruvenkatam; desikasampradaya; ; acharya ; ParakalamathamFrom: yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) netDate: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 13:25:11 -0400 The recent controversial treatment of the First Tamil Naadu State wide prize winner : Kumari KaavyaSrI:Dear Fair Minded AasthikAs with equal reverence for Senthamizh (Agasthya BhAshai) and Deva BhAshaiof Sanskrit :We had a lot of exchanges on this topic recently about the deliberate and mischeivous act of the TN Govt , which came into political power and began to settle old scores rightaway . This "US versusTHEM " attitude is deplorable for a state that wants to enter the modernage of Electronics and Engineering .By an imperial and unfair edict , the new government has reversed the facts on field about Kumari Kaavyaa of the Oriental School , West Maambalam , who had earned the accolade of being the Topper ( Score of 1186 out of 1200Marks) . The Government committed to setttle scores with the opposition and lifted the second ranker , Sri Bharath by declaring him to be the first prizewinner because he chose Tamil Medium . His score is 1180/1200 . I am told that Sri Bharath is not very happy about this undeserved & unearned recognition .Kumari Kaavya seems to be gracious about this mistreatment by the local government , which has years of well honed policy of abusing the rights of citizens for amassing political power and distributing largesse to its inner circle .The concerned Members of our groups have made number of suggestions ranging from legal actions ( petitioning the Supreme court ) to writing as a group to the President of India to right the wrong . They alsosuggested an active involvement of the MatAdhipathis thru protests .Sri Krishna Moorthy has volunteered to raise some funds to recognize Kumaari Kaavya to undo somewhat the wrong things done .After consultations in India , a plan of action has been developed for your consideration recognizing the fact that (1) Tamil Naadu State's political philosophy is predictable and they will not budge fromtheir avowed position of being unfair (2) The Central Government is weak and will not do anything against a state , whose support they need (3) Education is the area reserved for the States and the states can do whatever they want as long as their power base is in tact (4) The Mataadhipathisare already in a constrained situation and they find themselves invery sensitive areas to operate with freedom . Their main worries areto serve their disciples and to provide spiritual guidance .They certainly do not relish the prospect of entering the dirty world of politicsand fight with corrupt politicians .Against this background , there is an actio plan . The highlights of this plan is to recognize KumAri Kaavya by the interested citizens in India and overseas with a purse to recognize her extraordinary talent and achievement and encourage her to go forward to put the talent to use thru the pursuit of higher education . Additional suggestions are : (1) We will take the high road and honor the second topper , Sri Bharat at the same function to demonsratethat we have no partiality of one or the other languages , since Tamil and Sanskrit are like the two eyes for our culture (2) we will alsorecognize the appropriate teachers of Kumari Kaavyaa and Sri Bahrath as well , if they wish to be honored for TRAININGsuch outstanding students . The estimated expenses for the awards to be conducted at the Oriental School , West Mambalam are20,000 Rs(~500$) .The amount can be made Tax free by sending the award funds through Sri Malolan Educational Trust ( Registered 80GHolder ) . We can also just honor Kumari Kaavyaa and give herthe total proceeds . There are thus these two options . Sri Krishna Moorthyof Chennai can coordinate the assembly of funds from Indiaand I will take care of the funds donated by Overseas lovers ofSanskrit and our ubhaya VedAntham culture that celebrates AzhwAr's AruLiccheyalhaLs and Vedams/Upanishads/Aagamams.It will be my pleasure to make all the other relevant arrangements including the award ceremony in cooperation with my counterpartsin India . May I request you to review these recommendations and send me private notes about your wish to join in this initativeto honor Kumari Kaavya for her achievements ? My e-mail is :pvaradhan Dr.V.Sadagopan President , Networked Multimedia Services

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Dear Sri Singapiran :


Many thanks for your indication of interest to participate in

assembling some funds to reconize the Top Rank student

Kumari Kaavya in presence of Srimath Azhagiya Singar

at MdhurAnthakam in the near future . She is a student of

the Oriental School of West Mambalam founded by

HH Srimath DevanArviLAgam Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam .


Few aasthikAs shocked by the cruelty of the Tamil Naadu

Government have come forward to recognize this brilliant student

outside that Government .


You and others interested are welcome to mark the checks

to "Sri Ahobila Mutt" and send it to me for forwarding them to

Chennai for the presentatation ceremony. Overseas sishyAs can send

your checks ranging from $25 to $100 to me at :


Apt 6B-1 , Scarborough Manor

P.O Box 307

Scarborough , NY 10510


Those in India , who wish to support this cause can forward your

checks to : Sri Karyam Swamy , Sri Ahobila Muth

30 Venkatesa Agraharam

Mylapore , Chennai 600 004


Please make a note in your check that it is for

the Prize for Kumari Kaavya .


Please send e-mail to me for tracking these contributions

sent to Chennai .


We should have no difficulty in raising 20,000 Rs for

the awards to the REAL 1st Rank and the 2nd Rank Students

and if it is deemed necessary , their teachers as well .


We will take the high road and set an example .


NamO Sri NrusimhAya ,




Thank you all




You are most welcome to send a check marked to

Sri Ahobila Mutt




"Parimukan Singapiran" <hayamal (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>


Friday, June 02, 2006 9:09 PM

RE: The recent controversial treatment of the First

Tamil Naadu State wide prize winner : Kumari Kaavya



> Respected Swamin,


> I would like to contribute. Can you please send the address in the US

> ?Regards



> Oppiliappan; Ramanujamission;

> saranagathi; Tiruvenkatam;

> desikasampradaya; ;

> acharya ; ParakalamathamFrom:

> yennappan (AT) computer (DOT) netDate: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 13:25:11 -0400

> The recent controversial treatment of the First Tamil Naadu

> State wide prize winner : Kumari KaavyaSrI:Dear Fair Minded AasthikAs with

> equal reverence for Senthamizh (Agasthya BhAshai) and Deva BhAshaiof

> Sanskrit :We had a lot of exchanges on this topic recently about the

> deliberate and mischeivous act of the TN Govt , which came into political

> power and began to settle old scores rightaway . This "US versusTHEM "

> attitude is deplorable for a state that wants to enter the modernage of

> Electronics and Engineering .By an imperial and unfair edict , the new

> government has reversed the facts on field about Kumari Kaavyaa of the

> Oriental School , West Maambalam , who had earned the accolade of being

> the Topper ( Score of 1186 out of 1200Marks) . The Government committed

> to setttle scores with the opposition and lifted the second ranker , Sri

> Bharath by declaring him to be the first prizewinner because he chose

> Tamil Medium . His score is 1180/1200 . I am told that Sri Bharath is not

> very happy about this undeserved & unearned recognition .Kumari Kaavya

> seems to be gracious about this mistreatment by the local government ,

> which has years of well honed policy of abusing the rights of citizens for

> amassing political power and distributing largesse to its inner circle

> .The concerned Members of our groups have made number of suggestions

> ranging from legal actions ( petitioning the Supreme court ) to writing as

> a group to the President of India to right the wrong . They alsosuggested

> an active involvement of the MatAdhipathis thru protests .Sri Krishna

> Moorthy has volunteered to raise some funds to recognize Kumaari Kaavya to

> undo somewhat the wrong things done .After consultations in India , a plan

> of action has been developed for your consideration recognizing the fact

> that (1) Tamil Naadu State's political philosophy is predictable and they

> will not budge fromtheir avowed position of being unfair (2) The Central

> Government is weak and will not do anything against a state , whose

> support they need (3) Education is the area reserved for the States and

> the states can do whatever they want as long as their power base is in

> tact (4) The Mataadhipathisare already in a constrained situation and

> they find themselves invery sensitive areas to operate with freedom .

> Their main worries areto serve their disciples and to provide spiritual

> guidance .They certainly do not relish the prospect of entering the dirty

> world of politicsand fight with corrupt politicians .Against this

> background , there is an actio plan . The highlights of this plan is to

> recognize KumAri Kaavya by the interested citizens in India and overseas

> with a purse to recognize her extraordinary talent and achievement and

> encourage her to go forward to put the talent to use thru the pursuit of

> higher education . Additional suggestions are : (1) We will take the high

> road and honor the second topper , Sri Bharat at the same function to

> demonsratethat we have no partiality of one or the other languages , since

> Tamil and Sanskrit are like the two eyes for our culture (2) we will

> alsorecognize the appropriate teachers of Kumari Kaavyaa and Sri Bahrath

> as well , if they wish to be honored for TRAININGsuch outstanding students

> . The estimated expenses for the awards to be conducted at the Oriental

> School , West Mambalam are20,000 Rs(~500$) .The amount can be made Tax

> free by sending the award funds through Sri Malolan Educational Trust (

> Registered 80GHolder ) . We can also just honor Kumari Kaavyaa and give

> herthe total proceeds . There are thus these two options . Sri Krishna

> Moorthyof Chennai can coordinate the assembly of funds from Indiaand I

> will take care of the funds donated by Overseas lovers ofSanskrit and our

> ubhaya VedAntham culture that celebrates AzhwAr's AruLiccheyalhaLs and

> Vedams/Upanishads/Aagamams.It will be my pleasure to make all the other

> relevant arrangements including the award ceremony in cooperation with my

> counterpartsin India . May I request you to review these

> recommendations and send me private notes about your wish to join in this

> initativeto honor Kumari Kaavya for her achievements ? My e-mail is

> :pvaradhan Dr.V.Sadagopan President , Networked Multimedia

> Services

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