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[vedic astrology] My research work on Kal Sarpa Yoga

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The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"



In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point

of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous

combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the

native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering

through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his

hardship doesn't yield any good result.

Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal Sarpa yoga?

It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu & Ketu, then it

becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous combination.

However, books are being published under this name, with suggested

remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy by discussing

about this topic in newspapers, television & internet with the

relevant information they have about the effects of this yoga.

The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as the "Kal" (meaning

a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) & troubles the

native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today are talking

about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Some of the

results, which they opine are, the native's fate is damned, he

cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not get a job or

his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may suffer from

financial problems, problems in having offspring etc. all such craps.

According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga, if all the

planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one or more planets

are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in between, then it

is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga). However if six

planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another one is located in

the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal Sarpa Yoga (Partial

Kal Sarpa Yoga).

Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga lead

more disastrous life than people having Total Kal Sarpa Yoga.


Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics of Vedic

astrology, but in this case the problem is that we don't find

anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra,

Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita, Phaladeepika, Jatak

Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar, Jatakabharanam,

Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati, even the modern

Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak anything about this

Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa Yoga in the

Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in the volume of

December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While discussing about

KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention about its root.

However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY. The sloka he

quoted is as under:-

agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

-the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front & ketu is at last

while all other planets are in between, then this combination is

called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king of destruction of


It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has nothing to do with

personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to mundane astrology

(Rashtriya Jyotish).

In that same magazine, another writer supported this combination by

refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by Varahamihira & he

wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is Sun, Mars & Saturn

in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses other than

kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the chapter of nabhas

Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, & in the texts of

Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the existence of Sarpa

Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas). According to

him, if malefics are in Kendras then that combination is known

as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi Parasara to

support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat Jatakam, also

named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga didn't include

Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu or Ketu hasn't

been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made it clear about

the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu triñu kendreñu

päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre bhabati saumya

graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means if Sun, Saturn &

Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other planets are not in

kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the Astrological

magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu has got nothing

to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference in classical

texts, nor supported by any astrological texts, because Maharshi

Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya, Kalidas, Baidyanath

Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj or famous

astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

Results of Rahu & Ketu

It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa Yoga will have

a ruined life will devastating results, as all other planets start

acting as malefics as they lose their potential to do good--- thus

violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi Parasara. In his

book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara has told us how

to analyse the results of Rahu & Ketu-"yad yad bhävagato rähuù

ketuçca janane nåëäm

yad yad bhäbeçasaàyuktastat falaà pradiçedalam" , Rahu & ketu will

give results according to their houses they are placed & according

to the conditions the lord of those houses that are placed in a

given chart. If rahu & ketu, who do not have any power of their won

to give results, then how the good results of planets placed between

Rahu & Ketu will nullify does not have any reasonable answer.

It is clear according to Maharshi Parasara, that Rahu & Ketu does

not have anything of their own(as they are Nodes).

So we cant agree that presence of all planets between Rahu & ketu

will nullify all the good results of the planets placed, & results

into Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Without any doubt, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefics and in Brihat

Parasara Hora sastra we find many yogas formed by Rahu & Ketu

alongwith any other malefics, but no yogas are mentioned, which is

formed by Rahu & Ketu. We know that a planet's role (both as a

benefic & a melefic) depends upon its natural, according to

lordships, according to its position, according to combinations

formed.As for Rahu & Ketu, they can't give results according to

lorshipd, but they have a major role to play according to their

placements. If Rahu & Ketu is posited in a benefic's house or

related to any benefic, then definitely it will give good results,

which has been seen in many of the charts.

Now let us discuss on Rahu & ketu according to various classical

literatures. In Laghu Parasari, in 2nd Chapter, 8th sloka, it is

clearly said that if Rahu or Ketu are posited in Kendras or Trikonas

& if they are related to lords of Kendras or Trikonas, then they

become Rajyogakaraks.

As you know, malefics if occupy Upachayas(3,6,10,11 houses from

Lagna) then they give good results. So if Rahu & Ketu occupies the

above said houses, no doubt they will give good results.

In Manasagari Paddhati, a very similar sloka is very appropriate in

the current context of discussion. In that very text, presence of

Rahu in Brishabh, Kark, Simha & in Kanya have been eulogised & it is

said that Rahu acts as a Rajyoga karaka. The results have been seen

in many natives life, where Rahu is posted in any of the above signs

of zodiac.

In Bhavarthratnakar by Shree Ramanujacharya, we find that presence

of Rahu in 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, & in Kendras & konas & presence of

ketu in 3rd bhava is considered to be auspicious & there it is said

that Rahu & ketu in their own dasas will give results of similar to

rajyoga (9th Chapter, Sloka-3-4). In the same text, Shree

Ramanujacharya has considered Rahu to be a Rajyoga Karak, even if he

occupies the 7th bhava.

As said earlier in the same text viz., Laghu Parasari it is said

that Rahu & ketu if occupies the kendras & konas & even if they are

not related to kendra or trikona lords, still in their own antar

dasas will give results similar to Raj Yogas (chapter 4, sloka 8).

While discussing about Rahu bhukti under Rahu dasa, Maharshi Parasar

says in his book that it is always auspicious to have Rahu in Kark,

Dhanush, Kanya or Brischik (chapter 41 sloka 1) & in Shani Dasa Rahu

Bhukti, he says that it is auspicious to have Rahu in Mesh,

Brishabh, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Dhanush or in Meen (chapter 43 sloka


As you all know that Sarbarth Chintamani is a good reference while

analysing dasa results. In the same text the dasa results of rahu

has been said to be good, provided it is posted in Mesh, Brishabh,

Karkata, Kanya, Dhanu or in Meen (chapter 16, sloka 21 & 22).

According to Phaladeepika dasa of Rahu is good when it is posted in

signs like Kanya, Brischik or Meen (chapter 19, sloka 16).

Moreover according to Maharshi Parasara, one should predict about

ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14 sloka 19). It is

expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a well-placed Rahu

in his dasa gives wealth.

While speaking about the dasa results of Rahu when it is well

placed, he says- All are beneficial for the native, be it regarding

to Kingdom, begetting son, money, wealth, vehicles, construction of

new home, patronised by the king etc. (chapter 36 sloka 42,46-49).

Both Parasara & Jaimini are of the opinion that when Ketu is

auspiciously placed it might result into Moksha.

All these above said conditions are stated to prove that Rahu & Ketu

are not always inauspicious & not at all inauspicious to minimise

all the good effects of planets posted between them. So, Kal Sarpa

Yoga is not established by the astrological writings & none of the

classics mention about it.

Predicting ones future using this Yoga

Many of the Astrologers, who all believe this Yoga, tries to prove

their prediction while using his yoga & if those natives have

experienced anything ominous, then they rule out that Kal Sarpa Yoga

is responsible for such ill effects. If one yoga is enough to

nullify all good results & if ones relies upon a single yoga, then

there is no point in talking about such yoga which is irrelevent.

All the charts published in the "Astrological Magazine" regarding

Kal Sarpa Yoga, was gone through by another learned astrologer & in

the same Magazine, he said that all the ill results caused to those

concerned persons are not due to Kal Sarpa Yoga, but due to the

presence of planets in inauspicious places.

Some examples

Still, we are ready to accept such yoga, which is not supported by

any classics. But for general belief, we need to give examples for

proving what we decide, as we do in Science & in Arts. It is

generally considered that one having Kal Sarpa Yoga suffers

throughout his life, while "Ardha" Kal Sarpa Yoga is much

more "poisonous" than "Purna" Kal Sarpa Yoga. Is it relevent to the

present situation?? Or is it possible?? But we are surprised to find

horoscopes of many famous personalities who had Kal Sarpa Yoga

according to the "present" astrologers, still they had no problem in

achieving success.

Some example of Purna Kal Sarpa yoga:-

1) Shree Shree Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev- Simha Lagna, Moon & Ketu in

Lagna, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Rahu in 7th, rest of the planets

between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- Karkata lagna, Rahu in 12th, Jupiter with

Ketu in 6th, rest of the planets between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Scientist Dr. K.S. Krishnan- Mesh Lagna, Mercury & Rahu in 9th,

Ketu in 3rd, rest of the planets between rahu & Ketu.

There are plenty of examples but I don't want it to be unnecessarily

large, so have refrained from giving more examples of Purna Kal

Sarpa Yoga.

Now, some examples of Ardha Kal Sarpa yoga or "Bhanga Kal Sarpa

Yoga": -

1) "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi- Except Jupiter, all

planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Author of the book "Bande Mataram" Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-

Except Saturn, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Adi Shankaracharya- Except Saturn, all are between Rahu & Ketu.

4) Swami Ramanujacharya- Except Jupiter, all planets are between

Rahu & Ketu.

5) Singer Hemanta Mukhopadhayay (better known as Hemant Kumar)-

Except Mars, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

The list is endless.


Thus we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". I have a number

of horoscopes where there is presence of Kal Sarpa Yoga, but those

persons have felt the height of success in their life, but inclusion

of those examples will unnecessarily make this work pretty large.

I have tried my best to support my article with relevent sources.

Please forgive the shortcomings, if any.

I am dedicating this article to my dear lord "Shree Salagram Sila

rupi Shree NarasimhaNarayanji"….



Wish u all success,



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Your Article regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga is very realistic,,Am also having Purna Kala Sarpa Yoga,,Rahu,Jupiter,Mars posited in 5th house(Simha) and ketu in 11th(Kumba),,,Many astrologers had scared me by telling that i will have many hurldes due to Kala Sarpa Yoga,,,but i always feel and have seen that i had luck in everything,,,I have achieved what ever i had desired till now,,,Had Got both Medical And Engineering Seat,I opted for Computer Science Engineering,Completed without any hicups,then got the job in a One of the Largest Company in india that too in my first interview,,,,Iam working in a very good project,,,,,,,Am getting success in everything,,,,But one thing was a shocking disaster in my life,,,Had got married in 2004 Dec 24th,,,,,Had to divorce because the person whom i had got married was a psychic.........Astrologers are telling this is due to Debilitated Sun in my 7th house Libra,,,,,,,No one related it to Kal Sarpa Yoga....If any one wants can

take the reference of my horoscope.

My DOB-15-nov-1979


place of birth:Bellary


Thanks & Regards,





The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"



In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point

of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous

combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the

native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering

through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his

hardship doesn't yield any good result.

Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal Sarpa yoga?

It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu & Ketu, then it

becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous combination.

However, books are being published under this name, with suggested

remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy by discussing

about this topic in newspapers, television & internet with the

relevant information they have about the effects of this yoga.

The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as the "Kal" (meaning

a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) & troubles the

native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today are talking

about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Some of the

results, which they opine are, the native's fate is damned, he

cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not get a job or

his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may suffer from

financial problems, problems in having offspring etc. all such craps.

According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga, if all the

planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one or more planets

are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in between, then it

is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga). However if six

planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another one is located in

the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal Sarpa Yoga (Partial

Kal Sarpa Yoga).

Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga lead

more disastrous life than people having Total Kal Sarpa Yoga.


Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics of Vedic

astrology, but in this case the problem is that we don't find

anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra,

Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita, Phaladeepika, Jatak

Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar, Jatakabharanam,

Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati, even the modern

Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak anything about this

Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa Yoga in the

Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in the volume of

December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While discussing about

KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention about its root.

However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY. The sloka he

quoted is as under:-

agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

-the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front & ketu is at last

while all other planets are in between, then this combination is

called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king of destruction of


It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has nothing to do with

personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to mundane astrology

(Rashtriya Jyotish).

In that same magazine, another writer supported this combination by

refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by Varahamihira & he

wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is Sun, Mars & Saturn

in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses other than

kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the chapter of nabhas

Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, & in the texts of

Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the existence of Sarpa

Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas). According to

him, if malefics are in Kendras then that combination is known

as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi Parasara to

support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat Jatakam, also

named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga didn't include

Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu or Ketu hasn't

been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made it clear about

the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu triñu kendreñu

päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre bhabati saumya

graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means if Sun, Saturn &

Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other planets are not in

kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the Astrological

magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu has got nothing

to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference in classical

texts, nor supported by any astrological texts, because Maharshi

Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya, Kalidas, Baidyanath

Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj or famous

astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

Results of Rahu & Ketu

It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa Yoga will have

a ruined life will devastating results, as all other planets start

acting as malefics as they lose their potential to do good--- thus

violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi Parasara. In his

book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara has told us how

to analyse the results of Rahu & Ketu-"yad yad bhävagato rähuù

ketuçca janane nåëäm

yad yad bhäbeçasaàyuktastat falaà pradiçedalam" , Rahu & ketu will

give results according to their houses they are placed & according

to the conditions the lord of those houses that are placed in a

given chart. If rahu & ketu, who do not have any power of their won

to give results, then how the good results of planets placed between

Rahu & Ketu will nullify does not have any reasonable answer.

It is clear according to Maharshi Parasara, that Rahu & Ketu does

not have anything of their own(as they are Nodes).

So we cant agree that presence of all planets between Rahu & ketu

will nullify all the good results of the planets placed, & results

into Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Without any doubt, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefics and in Brihat

Parasara Hora sastra we find many yogas formed by Rahu & Ketu

alongwith any other malefics, but no yogas are mentioned, which is

formed by Rahu & Ketu. We know that a planet's role (both as a

benefic & a melefic) depends upon its natural, according to

lordships, according to its position, according to combinations

formed.As for Rahu & Ketu, they can't give results according to

lorshipd, but they have a major role to play according to their

placements. If Rahu & Ketu is posited in a benefic's house or

related to any benefic, then definitely it will give good results,

which has been seen in many of the charts.

Now let us discuss on Rahu & ketu according to various classical

literatures. In Laghu Parasari, in 2nd Chapter, 8th sloka, it is

clearly said that if Rahu or Ketu are posited in Kendras or Trikonas

& if they are related to lords of Kendras or Trikonas, then they

become Rajyogakaraks.

As you know, malefics if occupy Upachayas(3,6,10,11 houses from

Lagna) then they give good results. So if Rahu & Ketu occupies the

above said houses, no doubt they will give good results.

In Manasagari Paddhati, a very similar sloka is very appropriate in

the current context of discussion. In that very text, presence of

Rahu in Brishabh, Kark, Simha & in Kanya have been eulogised & it is

said that Rahu acts as a Rajyoga karaka. The results have been seen

in many natives life, where Rahu is posted in any of the above signs

of zodiac.

In Bhavarthratnakar by Shree Ramanujacharya, we find that presence

of Rahu in 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, & in Kendras & konas & presence of

ketu in 3rd bhava is considered to be auspicious & there it is said

that Rahu & ketu in their own dasas will give results of similar to

rajyoga (9th Chapter, Sloka-3-4). In the same text, Shree

Ramanujacharya has considered Rahu to be a Rajyoga Karak, even if he

occupies the 7th bhava.

As said earlier in the same text viz., Laghu Parasari it is said

that Rahu & ketu if occupies the kendras & konas & even if they are

not related to kendra or trikona lords, still in their own antar

dasas will give results similar to Raj Yogas (chapter 4, sloka 8).

While discussing about Rahu bhukti under Rahu dasa, Maharshi Parasar

says in his book that it is always auspicious to have Rahu in Kark,

Dhanush, Kanya or Brischik (chapter 41 sloka 1) & in Shani Dasa Rahu

Bhukti, he says that it is auspicious to have Rahu in Mesh,

Brishabh, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Dhanush or in Meen (chapter 43 sloka


As you all know that Sarbarth Chintamani is a good reference while

analysing dasa results. In the same text the dasa results of rahu

has been said to be good, provided it is posted in Mesh, Brishabh,

Karkata, Kanya, Dhanu or in Meen (chapter 16, sloka 21 & 22).

According to Phaladeepika dasa of Rahu is good when it is posted in

signs like Kanya, Brischik or Meen (chapter 19, sloka 16).

Moreover according to Maharshi Parasara, one should predict about

ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14 sloka 19). It is

expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a well-placed Rahu

in his dasa gives wealth.

While speaking about the dasa results of Rahu when it is well

placed, he says- All are beneficial for the native, be it regarding

to Kingdom, begetting son, money, wealth, vehicles, construction of

new home, patronised by the king etc. (chapter 36 sloka 42,46-49).

Both Parasara & Jaimini are of the opinion that when Ketu is

auspiciously placed it might result into Moksha.

All these above said conditions are stated to prove that Rahu & Ketu

are not always inauspicious & not at all inauspicious to minimise

all the good effects of planets posted between them. So, Kal Sarpa

Yoga is not established by the astrological writings & none of the

classics mention about it.

Predicting ones future using this Yoga

Many of the Astrologers, who all believe this Yoga, tries to prove

their prediction while using his yoga & if those natives have

experienced anything ominous, then they rule out that Kal Sarpa Yoga

is responsible for such ill effects. If one yoga is enough to

nullify all good results & if ones relies upon a single yoga, then

there is no point in talking about such yoga which is irrelevent.

All the charts published in the "Astrological Magazine" regarding

Kal Sarpa Yoga, was gone through by another learned astrologer & in

the same Magazine, he said that all the ill results caused to those

concerned persons are not due to Kal Sarpa Yoga, but due to the

presence of planets in inauspicious places.

Some examples

Still, we are ready to accept such yoga, which is not supported by

any classics. But for general belief, we need to give examples for

proving what we decide, as we do in Science & in Arts. It is

generally considered that one having Kal Sarpa Yoga suffers

throughout his life, while "Ardha" Kal Sarpa Yoga is much

more "poisonous" than "Purna" Kal Sarpa Yoga. Is it relevent to the

present situation?? Or is it possible?? But we are surprised to find

horoscopes of many famous personalities who had Kal Sarpa Yoga

according to the "present" astrologers, still they had no problem in

achieving success.

Some example of Purna Kal Sarpa yoga:-

1) Shree Shree Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev- Simha Lagna, Moon & Ketu in

Lagna, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Rahu in 7th, rest of the planets

between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- Karkata lagna, Rahu in 12th, Jupiter with

Ketu in 6th, rest of the planets between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Scientist Dr. K.S. Krishnan- Mesh Lagna, Mercury & Rahu in 9th,

Ketu in 3rd, rest of the planets between rahu & Ketu.

There are plenty of examples but I don't want it to be unnecessarily

large, so have refrained from giving more examples of Purna Kal

Sarpa Yoga.

Now, some examples of Ardha Kal Sarpa yoga or "Bhanga Kal Sarpa

Yoga": -

1) "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi- Except Jupiter, all

planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Author of the book "Bande Mataram" Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-

Except Saturn, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Adi Shankaracharya- Except Saturn, all are between Rahu & Ketu.

4) Swami Ramanujacharya- Except Jupiter, all planets are between

Rahu & Ketu.

5) Singer Hemanta Mukhopadhayay (better known as Hemant Kumar)-

Except Mars, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

The list is endless.


Thus we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". I have a number

of horoscopes where there is presence of Kal Sarpa Yoga, but those

persons have felt the height of success in their life, but inclusion

of those examples will unnecessarily make this work pretty large.

I have tried my best to support my article with relevent sources.

Please forgive the shortcomings, if any.

I am dedicating this article to my dear lord "Shree Salagram Sila

rupi Shree NarasimhaNarayanji"….



Wish u all success,

















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BTW famous cricketer Kapil Dev, UK's former Prime Minister Margret Thacher had kala Sarpa Yoga.


regards / Prafulla Gang


" It took two thousand generations to make a man from a monkey, but only two to make a monkey out of man "




> ps_harsha2004

> Mon, 5 Jun 2006 02:19:57 -0700 (PDT)

> vedic astrology

> Re: [vedic astrology] My research work on Kal Sarpa Yoga


> Sir,

>                Your Article regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga is very

> realistic,,Am also having Purna Kala Sarpa Yoga,,Rahu,Jupiter,Mars

> posited in 5th house(Simha) and ketu in 11th(Kumba),,,Many astrologers

> had scared me by telling that i will have many hurldes due to Kala Sarpa

> Yoga,,,but i always feel and have seen that i had luck in everything,,,I

> have achieved what ever i had desired till now,,,Had Got both Medical And

> Engineering Seat,I opted for Computer Science Engineering,Completed

> without any hicups,then got the job in a One of the Largest Company in

> india that too in my first interview,,,,Iam working in a very good

> project,,,,,,,Am getting success  in everything,,,,But one thing was a

> shocking disaster in my life,,,Had got married in 2004 Dec 24th,,,,,Had

> to divorce because the person whom i had got married was a

> psychic.........Astrologers are telling this is due to Debilitated Sun in

> my 7th house Libra,,,,,,,No one related it to Kal Sarpa Yoga....If any

> one wants can

> take the reference of my horoscope.

>   My DOB-15-nov-1979

>   Time:16:14

>   place of birth:Bellary

>   State:Karnataka.

>   Thanks & Regards,

>   Harsha.

> wrote:

>   The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

> The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"

> Introduction

> In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point

> of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous

> combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the

> native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering

> through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his

> hardship doesn't yield any good result.

> Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal Sarpa yoga?

> It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu & Ketu, then it

> becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous combination.

> However, books are being published under this name, with suggested

> remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy by discussing

> about this topic in newspapers, television & internet with the

> relevant information they have about the effects of this yoga.

> The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as the "Kal" (meaning

> a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) & troubles the

> native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today are talking

> about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Some of the

> results, which they opine are, the native's fate is damned, he

> cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not get a job or

> his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may suffer from

> financial problems, problems in having offspring etc. all such craps.

> According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga, if all the

> planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one or more planets

> are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in between, then it

> is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga). However if six

> planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another one is located in

> the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal Sarpa Yoga (Partial

> Kal Sarpa Yoga).

> Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga lead

> more disastrous life than people having Total Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

> Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics of Vedic

> astrology, but in this case the problem is that we don't find

> anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra,

> Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita, Phaladeepika, Jatak

> Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar, Jatakabharanam,

> Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati, even the modern

> Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak anything about this

> Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa Yoga in the

> Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in the volume of

> December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While discussing about

> KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention about its root.

> However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY. The sloka he

> quoted is as under:-

> agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

> yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

> -the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front & ketu is at last

> while all other planets are in between, then this combination is

> called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king of destruction of

> grains.

> It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has nothing to do with

> personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to mundane astrology

> (Rashtriya Jyotish).

> In that same magazine, another writer supported this combination by

> refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by Varahamihira & he

> wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is Sun, Mars & Saturn

> in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses other than

> kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the chapter of nabhas

> Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, & in the texts of

> Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

> We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the existence of Sarpa

> Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas). According to

> him, if malefics are in Kendras then that combination is known

> as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi Parasara to

> support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat Jatakam, also

> named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga didn't include

> Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu or Ketu hasn't

> been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made it clear about

> the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu triñu kendreñu

> päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre bhabati saumya

> graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means if Sun, Saturn &

> Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other planets are not in

> kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the Astrological

> magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu has got nothing

> to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

> We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference in classical

> texts, nor supported by any astrological texts, because Maharshi

> Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya, Kalidas, Baidyanath

> Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj or famous

> astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

> Results of Rahu & Ketu

> It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa Yoga will have

> a ruined life will devastating results, as all other planets start

> acting as malefics as they lose their potential to do good--- thus

> violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi Parasara. In his

> book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara has told us how

> to analyse the results of Rahu & Ketu-"yad yad bhävagato rähuù

> ketuçca janane nåëäm

> yad yad bhäbeçasaàyuktastat falaà pradiçedalam" , Rahu & ketu will

> give results according to their houses they are placed & according

> to the conditions the lord of those houses that are placed in a

> given chart. If rahu & ketu, who do not have any power of their won

> to give results, then how the good results of planets placed between

> Rahu & Ketu will nullify does not have any reasonable answer.

> It is clear according to Maharshi Parasara, that Rahu & Ketu does

> not have anything of their own(as they are Nodes).

> So we cant agree that presence of all planets between Rahu & ketu

> will nullify all the good results of the planets placed, & results

> into Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Without any doubt, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefics and in Brihat

> Parasara Hora sastra we find many yogas formed by Rahu & Ketu

> alongwith any other malefics, but no yogas are mentioned, which is

> formed by Rahu & Ketu. We know that a planet's role (both as a

> benefic & a melefic) depends upon its natural, according to

> lordships, according to its position, according to combinations

> formed.As for Rahu & Ketu, they can't give results according to

> lorshipd, but they have a major role to play according to their

> placements. If Rahu & Ketu is posited in a benefic's house or

> related to any benefic, then definitely it will give good results,

> which has been seen in many of the charts.

> Now let us discuss on Rahu & ketu according to various classical

> literatures. In Laghu Parasari, in 2nd Chapter, 8th sloka, it is

> clearly said that if Rahu or Ketu are posited in Kendras or Trikonas

> & if they are related to lords of Kendras or Trikonas, then they

> become Rajyogakaraks.

> As you know, malefics if occupy Upachayas(3,6,10,11 houses from

> Lagna) then they give good results. So if Rahu & Ketu occupies the

> above said houses, no doubt they will give good results.

> In Manasagari Paddhati, a very similar sloka is very appropriate in

> the current context of discussion. In that very text, presence of

> Rahu in Brishabh, Kark, Simha & in Kanya have been eulogised & it is

> said that Rahu acts as a Rajyoga karaka. The results have been seen

> in many natives life, where Rahu is posted in any of the above signs

> of zodiac.

> In Bhavarthratnakar by Shree Ramanujacharya, we find that presence

> of Rahu in 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, & in Kendras & konas & presence of

> ketu in 3rd bhava is considered to be auspicious & there it is said

> that Rahu & ketu in their own dasas will give results of similar to

> rajyoga (9th Chapter, Sloka-3-4). In the same text, Shree

> Ramanujacharya has considered Rahu to be a Rajyoga Karak, even if he

> occupies the 7th bhava.

> As said earlier in the same text viz., Laghu Parasari it is said

> that Rahu & ketu if occupies the kendras & konas & even if they are

> not related to kendra or trikona lords, still in their own antar

> dasas will give results similar to Raj Yogas (chapter 4, sloka 8).

> While discussing about Rahu bhukti under Rahu dasa, Maharshi Parasar

> says in his book that it is always auspicious to have Rahu in Kark,

> Dhanush, Kanya or Brischik (chapter 41 sloka 1) & in Shani Dasa Rahu

> Bhukti, he says that it is auspicious to have Rahu in Mesh,

> Brishabh, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Dhanush or in Meen (chapter 43 sloka

> 67).

> As you all know that Sarbarth Chintamani is a good reference while

> analysing dasa results. In the same text the dasa results of rahu

> has been said to be good, provided it is posted in Mesh, Brishabh,

> Karkata, Kanya, Dhanu or in Meen (chapter 16, sloka 21 & 22).

> According to Phaladeepika dasa of Rahu is good when it is posted in

> signs like Kanya, Brischik or Meen (chapter 19, sloka 16).

> Moreover according to Maharshi Parasara, one should predict about

> ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14 sloka 19). It is

> expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a well-placed Rahu

> in his dasa gives wealth.

> While speaking about the dasa results of Rahu when it is well

> placed, he says- All are beneficial for the native, be it regarding

> to Kingdom, begetting son, money, wealth, vehicles, construction of

> new home, patronised by the king etc. (chapter 36 sloka 42,46-49).

> Both Parasara & Jaimini are of the opinion that when Ketu is

> auspiciously placed it might result into Moksha.

> All these above said conditions are stated to prove that Rahu & Ketu

> are not always inauspicious & not at all inauspicious to minimise

> all the good effects of planets posted between them. So, Kal Sarpa

> Yoga is not established by the astrological writings & none of the

> classics mention about it.

> Predicting ones future using this Yoga

> Many of the Astrologers, who all believe this Yoga, tries to prove

> their prediction while using his yoga & if those natives have

> experienced anything ominous, then they rule out that Kal Sarpa Yoga

> is responsible for such ill effects. If one yoga is enough to

> nullify all good results & if ones relies upon a single yoga, then

> there is no point in talking about such yoga which is irrelevent.

> All the charts published in the "Astrological Magazine" regarding

> Kal Sarpa Yoga, was gone through by another learned astrologer & in

> the same Magazine, he said that all the ill results caused to those

> concerned persons are not due to Kal Sarpa Yoga, but due to the

> presence of planets in inauspicious places.

> Some examples

> Still, we are ready to accept such yoga, which is not supported by

> any classics. But for general belief, we need to give examples for

> proving what we decide, as we do in Science & in Arts. It is

> generally considered that one having Kal Sarpa Yoga suffers

> throughout his life, while "Ardha" Kal Sarpa Yoga is much

> more "poisonous" than "Purna" Kal Sarpa Yoga. Is it relevent to the

> present situation?? Or is it possible?? But we are surprised to find

> horoscopes of many famous personalities who had Kal Sarpa Yoga

> according to the "present" astrologers, still they had no problem in

> achieving success.

> Some example of Purna Kal Sarpa yoga:-

> 1) Shree Shree Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev- Simha Lagna, Moon & Ketu in

> Lagna, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Rahu in 7th, rest of the planets

> between Rahu & Ketu.

> 2) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- Karkata lagna, Rahu in 12th, Jupiter with

> Ketu in 6th, rest of the planets between Rahu & Ketu.

> 3) Scientist Dr. K.S. Krishnan- Mesh Lagna, Mercury & Rahu in 9th,

> Ketu in 3rd, rest of the planets between rahu & Ketu.

> There are plenty of examples but I don't want it to be unnecessarily

> large, so have refrained from giving more examples of Purna Kal

> Sarpa Yoga.

> Now, some examples of Ardha Kal Sarpa yoga or "Bhanga Kal Sarpa

> Yoga": -

> 1) "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi- Except Jupiter, all

> planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

> 2) Author of the book "Bande Mataram" Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-

> Except Saturn, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

> 3) Adi Shankaracharya- Except Saturn, all are between Rahu & Ketu.

> 4) Swami Ramanujacharya- Except Jupiter, all planets are between

> Rahu & Ketu.

> 5) Singer Hemanta Mukhopadhayay (better known as Hemant Kumar)-

> Except Mars, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

> The list is endless.

> Conclusion

> Thus we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

> a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

> astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

> whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

> position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". I have a number

> of horoscopes where there is presence of Kal Sarpa Yoga, but those

> persons have felt the height of success in their life, but inclusion

> of those examples will unnecessarily make this work pretty large.

> I have tried my best to support my article with relevent sources.

> Please forgive the shortcomings, if any.

> I am dedicating this article to my dear lord "Shree Salagram Sila

> rupi Shree NarasimhaNarayanji"Â….

> Thanq,

> Wish u all success,


> [http://gauravastro.blogspot.com]


> [vedic astrology]


> [vedic astrology/info.html]


> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> ||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||


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KSY has been hyped for not MUCH of a real reason .

I have done some work using Rahu centric principles and it is not always that KSY is bad.

I found that its goodness or badness solely depends upon dasa bhukti a person is undergoing.

I checked up many charts including Bush's and latest is that of Bangalore boy Harsha with disastrous marriage.

Now I can safely say that It would be possible to say good KSY and Bad KSY using Rahu centric principles easily.

Anyone interested , may write to me privately.



KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham > wrote:


> .......we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". ......


Your above conclusions seems to be reasonably true to my experience.I know a person born in "Kal Surpa yoga" born on 5th February 1938 @ 10.04 hrs - 79 E 39 , 12 N 15

[ + 5.30 East of GMT] He was born in a middle class family,from the day one of his birth seen lot of improvements, no brothers,he had education up to ' ESSLC '[8TH STANDARD] , in business amassed wealth for several crores , now happily settled.

Please keep it up, done a good job! good job!!


wrote: The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"



In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point

of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous

combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the

native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering

through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his

hardship doesn't yield any good result.

Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal Sarpa yoga?

It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu & Ketu, then it

becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous combination.

However, books are being published under this name, with suggested

remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy by discussing

about this topic in newspapers, television & internet with the

relevant information they have about the effects of this yoga.

The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as the "Kal" (meaning

a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) & troubles the

native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today are talking

about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Some of the

results, which they opine are, the native's fate is damned, he

cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not get a job or

his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may suffer from

financial problems, problems in having offspring etc. all such craps.

According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga, if all the

planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one or more planets

are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in between, then it

is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga). However if six

planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another one is located in

the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal Sarpa Yoga (Partial

Kal Sarpa Yoga).

Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga lead

more disastrous life than people having Total Kal Sarpa Yoga.


Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics of Vedic

astrology, but in this case the problem is that we don't find

anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra,

Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita, Phaladeepika, Jatak

Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar, Jatakabharanam,

Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati, even the modern

Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak anything about this

Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa Yoga in the

Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in the volume of

December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While discussing about

KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention about its root.

However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY. The sloka he

quoted is as under:-

agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

-the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front & ketu is at last

while all other planets are in between, then this combination is

called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king of destruction of


It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has nothing to do with

personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to mundane astrology

(Rashtriya Jyotish).

In that same magazine, another writer supported this combination by

refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by Varahamihira & he

wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is Sun, Mars & Saturn

in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses other than

kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the chapter of nabhas

Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, & in the texts of

Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the existence of Sarpa

Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas). According to

him, if malefics are in Kendras then that combination is known

as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi Parasara to

support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat Jatakam, also

named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga didn't include

Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu or Ketu hasn't

been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made it clear about

the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu triñu kendreñu

päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre bhabati saumya

graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means if Sun, Saturn &

Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other planets are not in

kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the Astrological

magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu has got nothing

to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference in classical

texts, nor supported by any astrological texts, because Maharshi

Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya, Kalidas, Baidyanath

Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj or famous

astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

Results of Rahu & Ketu

It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa Yoga will have

a ruined life will devastating results, as all other planets start

acting as malefics as they lose their potential to do good--- thus

violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi Parasara. In his

book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara has told us how

to analyse the results of Rahu & Ketu-"yad yad bhävagato rähuù

ketuçca janane nåëäm

yad yad bhäbeçasaàyuktastat falaà pradiçedalam" , Rahu & ketu will

give results according to their houses they are placed & according

to the conditions the lord of those houses that are placed in a

given chart. If rahu & ketu, who do not have any power of their won

to give results, then how the good results of planets placed between

Rahu & Ketu will nullify does not have any reasonable answer.

It is clear according to Maharshi Parasara, that Rahu & Ketu does

not have anything of their own(as they are Nodes).

So we cant agree that presence of all planets between Rahu & ketu

will nullify all the good results of the planets placed, & results

into Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Without any doubt, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefics and in Brihat

Parasara Hora sastra we find many yogas formed by Rahu & Ketu

alongwith any other malefics, but no yogas are mentioned, which is

formed by Rahu & Ketu. We know that a planet's role (both as a

benefic & a melefic) depends upon its natural, according to

lordships, according to its position, according to combinations

formed.As for Rahu & Ketu, they can't give results according to

lorshipd, but they have a major role to play according to their

placements. If Rahu & Ketu is posited in a benefic's house or

related to any benefic, then definitely it will give good results,

which has been seen in many of the charts.

Now let us discuss on Rahu & ketu according to various classical

literatures. In Laghu Parasari, in 2nd Chapter, 8th sloka, it is

clearly said that if Rahu or Ketu are posited in Kendras or Trikonas

& if they are related to lords of Kendras or Trikonas, then they

become Rajyogakaraks.

As you know, malefics if occupy Upachayas(3,6,10,11 houses from

Lagna) then they give good results. So if Rahu & Ketu occupies the

above said houses, no doubt they will give good results.

In Manasagari Paddhati, a very similar sloka is very appropriate in

the current context of discussion. In that very text, presence of

Rahu in Brishabh, Kark, Simha & in Kanya have been eulogised & it is

said that Rahu acts as a Rajyoga karaka. The results have been seen

in many natives life, where Rahu is posted in any of the above signs

of zodiac.

In Bhavarthratnakar by Shree Ramanujacharya, we find that presence

of Rahu in 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, & in Kendras & konas & presence of

ketu in 3rd bhava is considered to be auspicious & there it is said

that Rahu & ketu in their own dasas will give results of similar to

rajyoga (9th Chapter, Sloka-3-4). In the same text, Shree

Ramanujacharya has considered Rahu to be a Rajyoga Karak, even if he

occupies the 7th bhava.

As said earlier in the same text viz., Laghu Parasari it is said

that Rahu & ketu if occupies the kendras & konas & even if they are

not related to kendra or trikona lords, still in their own antar

dasas will give results similar to Raj Yogas (chapter 4, sloka 8).

While discussing about Rahu bhukti under Rahu dasa, Maharshi Parasar

says in his book that it is always auspicious to have Rahu in Kark,

Dhanush, Kanya or Brischik (chapter 41 sloka 1) & in Shani Dasa Rahu

Bhukti, he says that it is auspicious to have Rahu in Mesh,

Brishabh, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Dhanush or in Meen (chapter 43 sloka


As you all know that Sarbarth Chintamani is a good reference while

analysing dasa results. In the same text the dasa results of rahu

has been said to be good, provided it is posted in Mesh, Brishabh,

Karkata, Kanya, Dhanu or in Meen (chapter 16, sloka 21 & 22).

According to Phaladeepika dasa of Rahu is good when it is posted in

signs like Kanya, Brischik or Meen (chapter 19, sloka 16).

Moreover according to Maharshi Parasara, one should predict about

ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14 sloka 19). It is

expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a well-placed Rahu

in his dasa gives wealth.

While speaking about the dasa results of Rahu when it is well

placed, he says- All are beneficial for the native, be it regarding

to Kingdom, begetting son, money, wealth, vehicles, construction of

new home, patronised by the king etc. (chapter 36 sloka 42,46-49).

Both Parasara & Jaimini are of the opinion that when Ketu is

auspiciously placed it might result into Moksha.

All these above said conditions are stated to prove that Rahu & Ketu

are not always inauspicious & not at all inauspicious to minimise

all the good effects of planets posted between them. So, Kal Sarpa

Yoga is not established by the astrological writings & none of the

classics mention about it.

Predicting ones future using this Yoga

Many of the Astrologers, who all believe this Yoga, tries to prove

their prediction while using his yoga & if those natives have

experienced anything ominous, then they rule out that Kal Sarpa Yoga

is responsible for such ill effects. If one yoga is enough to

nullify all good results & if ones relies upon a single yoga, then

there is no point in talking about such yoga which is irrelevent.

All the charts published in the "Astrological Magazine" regarding

Kal Sarpa Yoga, was gone through by another learned astrologer & in

the same Magazine, he said that all the ill results caused to those

concerned persons are not due to Kal Sarpa Yoga, but due to the

presence of planets in inauspicious places.

Some examples

Still, we are ready to accept such yoga, which is not supported by

any classics. But for general belief, we need to give examples for

proving what we decide, as we do in Science & in Arts. It is

generally considered that one having Kal Sarpa Yoga suffers

throughout his life, while "Ardha" Kal Sarpa Yoga is much

more "poisonous" than "Purna" Kal Sarpa Yoga. Is it relevent to the

present situation?? Or is it possible?? But we are surprised to find

horoscopes of many famous personalities who had Kal Sarpa Yoga

according to the "present" astrologers, still they had no problem in

achieving success.

Some example of Purna Kal Sarpa yoga:-

1) Shree Shree Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev- Simha Lagna, Moon & Ketu in

Lagna, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Rahu in 7th, rest of the planets

between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- Karkata lagna, Rahu in 12th, Jupiter with

Ketu in 6th, rest of the planets between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Scientist Dr. K.S. Krishnan- Mesh Lagna, Mercury & Rahu in 9th,

Ketu in 3rd, rest of the planets between rahu & Ketu.

There are plenty of examples but I don't want it to be unnecessarily

large, so have refrained from giving more examples of Purna Kal

Sarpa Yoga.

Now, some examples of Ardha Kal Sarpa yoga or "Bhanga Kal Sarpa

Yoga": -

1) "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi- Except Jupiter, all

planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Author of the book "Bande Mataram" Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-

Except Saturn, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Adi Shankaracharya- Except Saturn, all are between Rahu & Ketu.

4) Swami Ramanujacharya- Except Jupiter, all planets are between

Rahu & Ketu.

5) Singer Hemanta Mukhopadhayay (better known as Hemant Kumar)-

Except Mars, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

The list is endless.


Thus we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". I have a number

of horoscopes where there is presence of Kal Sarpa Yoga, but those

persons have felt the height of success in their life, but inclusion

of those examples will unnecessarily make this work pretty large.

I have tried my best to support my article with relevent sources.

Please forgive the shortcomings, if any.

I am dedicating this article to my dear lord "Shree Salagram Sila

rupi Shree NarasimhaNarayanji"….



Wish u all success,















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Harsha Vardhini,


Your chart does not have KSY. Your Lagna is clearly

outside and Kuja and Guru are with Rahu. Hence, KSY is

defunct in your chart.


Hi all,


I am neither for KSY nor against KSY. And, by looking

at one chart, one can not conclude whether it is

effective or not. Many of us could easily find at

least one or more Rajayogas or Vipareeta Rajayogas.

However, we will not see the results at par with what

Rajayogas are supposed to give. The intensity could be

different based on other planetary positions. It could

be same with KSY also.


And, if something is not mentioned in any classical

text is not a good enough reason for rejecting it.

Though our great Rishis have given us immense wealth

of knowledge I am sure they would agree that it is not

the end of all knowledge.


I am of the opinion that before accepting or rejecting

something we should have enough data points to prove

the case one way or the other clearly.


My intention here is not hurt anyone's feeling or

ignore the effort that Gourav has put in. He

definitely deserves a pat on back for his efforts.

However, before coming to conclusions we should have

concrete data points. Numbers never lie!





--- Harsha vardhini <ps_harsha2004 > wrote:


> Sir,

> Your Article regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga

> is very realistic,,Am also having Purna Kala Sarpa

> Yoga,,Rahu,Jupiter,Mars posited in 5th house(Simha)

> and ketu in 11th(Kumba),,,Many astrologers had

> scared me by telling that i will have many hurldes

> due to Kala Sarpa Yoga,,,but i always feel and have

> seen that i had luck in everything,,,I have achieved

> what ever i had desired till now,,,Had Got both

> Medical And Engineering Seat,I opted for Computer

> Science Engineering,Completed without any

> hicups,then got the job in a One of the Largest

> Company in india that too in my first

> interview,,,,Iam working in a very good

> project,,,,,,,Am getting success in

> everything,,,,But one thing was a shocking disaster

> in my life,,,Had got married in 2004 Dec

> 24th,,,,,Had to divorce because the person whom i

> had got married was a psychic.........Astrologers

> are telling this is due to Debilitated Sun in my 7th

> house Libra,,,,,,,No one related it to Kal Sarpa

> Yoga....If any one wants can

> take the reference of my horoscope.


> My DOB-15-nov-1979

> Time:16:14

> place of birth:Bellary

> State:Karnataka.



> Thanks & Regards,

> Harsha.



> wrote:

> The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

> The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"


> Introduction

> In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the

> most common point

> of discussion in the country. It is said that this

> is most ominous

> combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are

> destroyed & the

> native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to

> be suffering

> through all kind of hardships throughout his life,

> while his

> hardship doesn't yield any good result.

> Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal

> Sarpa yoga?

> It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu

> & Ketu, then it

> becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous

> combination.

> However, books are being published under this name,

> with suggested

> remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy

> by discussing

> about this topic in newspapers, television &

> internet with the

> relevant information they have about the effects of

> this yoga.

> The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as

> the "Kal" (meaning

> a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) &

> troubles the

> native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today

> are talking

> about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Some of the

> results, which they opine are, the native's fate is

> damned, he

> cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not

> get a job or

> his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may

> suffer from

> financial problems, problems in having offspring

> etc. all such craps.

> According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga,

> if all the

> planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one

> or more planets

> are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in

> between, then it

> is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga).

> However if six

> planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another

> one is located in

> the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal

> Sarpa Yoga (Partial

> Kal Sarpa Yoga).

> Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal

> Sarpa Yoga lead

> more disastrous life than people having Total Kal

> Sarpa Yoga.


> Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

> Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics

> of Vedic

> astrology, but in this case the problem is that we

> don't find

> anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara

> Hora Sastra,

> Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita,

> Phaladeepika, Jatak

> Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar,

> Jatakabharanam,

> Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati,

> even the modern

> Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak

> anything about this

> Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa

> Yoga in the

> Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in

> the volume of

> December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While

> discussing about

> KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention

> about its root.

> However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY.

> The sloka he

> quoted is as under:-

> agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

> yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

> -the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front &

> ketu is at last

> while all other planets are in between, then this

> combination is

> called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king

> of destruction of

> grains.

> It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has

> nothing to do with

> personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to

> mundane astrology

> (Rashtriya Jyotish).

> In that same magazine, another writer supported this

> combination by

> refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by

> Varahamihira & he

> wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is

> Sun, Mars & Saturn

> in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses

> other than

> kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the

> chapter of nabhas

> Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, &

> in the texts of

> Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

> We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the

> existence of Sarpa

> Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas).

> According to

> him, if malefics are in Kendras then that

> combination is known

> as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi

> Parasara to

> support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat

> Jatakam, also

> named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga

> didn't include

> Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu

> or Ketu hasn't

> been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made

> it clear about

> the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu

> triñu kendreñu

> päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre

> bhabati saumya

> graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means

> if Sun, Saturn &

> Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other

> planets are not in

> kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the

> Astrological

> magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu

> has got nothing

> to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

> We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference

> in classical

> texts, nor supported by any astrological texts,

> because Maharshi

> Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya,

> Kalidas, Baidyanath

> Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj

> or famous

> astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

> Results of Rahu & Ketu

> It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa

> Yoga will have

> a ruined life will devastating results, as all other

> planets start

> acting as malefics as they lose their potential to

> do good--- thus

> violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi

> Parasara. In his

> book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara

> has told us how


=== message truncated ===







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Dear gaurav saw ur research sir see lot of horoscope who have ksy i dont

wanna go very far my father himself have ksy and in rahu dasha he went tyo

the top post of his job and got married and had best of his time my dear had

best i mean best of his time wat i think no horoscope is good or bad no

planets is good or bad it gives balanced result to every body on this earth

wit his or her karma but niced work yaar MAY GOD bless u for it thanxs bye



>Tatvam-Asi <nameisego >

>vedic astrology

>vedic astrology

>Re: [vedic astrology] My research work on Kal Sarpa Yoga

>Mon, 5 Jun 2006 07:43:02 -0700 (PDT)




> KSY has been hyped for not MUCH of a real reason .

> I have done some work using Rahu centric principles and it is not always

>that KSY is bad.

> I found that its goodness or badness solely depends upon dasa bhukti a

>person is undergoing.

> I checked up many charts including Bush's and latest is that of

>Bangalore boy Harsha with disastrous marriage.

> Now I can safely say that It would be possible to say good KSY and Bad

>KSY using Rahu centric principles easily.


> Anyone interested , may write to me privately.


> Tatvam-Asi


>KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham > wrote:

> Namaste,

> > .......we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

>a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

>astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

>whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

>position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". ......


>Your above conclusions seems to be reasonably true to my experience.I know

>a person born in "Kal Surpa yoga" born on 5th February 1938 @ 10.04 hrs -

>79 E 39 , 12 N 15

>[ + 5.30 East of GMT] He was born in a middle class family,from the day one

>of his birth seen lot of improvements, no brothers,he had education up to '

>ESSLC '[8TH STANDARD] , in business amassed wealth for several crores , now

>happily settled.

>Please keep it up, done a good job! good job!!


> wrote: The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

>The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"



>In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point

>of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous

>combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the

>native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering

>through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his

>hardship doesn't yield any good result.

>Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal Sarpa yoga?

>It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu & Ketu, then it

>becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous combination.

>However, books are being published under this name, with suggested

>remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy by discussing

>about this topic in newspapers, television & internet with the

>relevant information they have about the effects of this yoga.

>The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as the "Kal" (meaning

>a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) & troubles the

>native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today are talking

>about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Some of the

>results, which they opine are, the native's fate is damned, he

>cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not get a job or

>his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may suffer from

>financial problems, problems in having offspring etc. all such craps.

>According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga, if all the

>planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one or more planets

>are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in between, then it

>is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga). However if six

>planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another one is located in

>the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal Sarpa Yoga (Partial

>Kal Sarpa Yoga).

>Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga lead

>more disastrous life than people having Total Kal Sarpa Yoga.


>Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

>Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics of Vedic

>astrology, but in this case the problem is that we don't find

>anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra,

>Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita, Phaladeepika, Jatak

>Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar, Jatakabharanam,

>Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati, even the modern

>Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak anything about this

>Kal Sarpa Yoga.

>Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa Yoga in the

>Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in the volume of

>December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While discussing about

>KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention about its root.

>However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY. The sloka he

>quoted is as under:-

>agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

>yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

>-the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front & ketu is at last

>while all other planets are in between, then this combination is

>called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king of destruction of


>It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has nothing to do with

>personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to mundane astrology

>(Rashtriya Jyotish).

>In that same magazine, another writer supported this combination by

>refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by Varahamihira & he

>wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is Sun, Mars & Saturn

>in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses other than

>kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the chapter of nabhas

>Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, & in the texts of

>Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

>We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the existence of Sarpa

>Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas). According to

>him, if malefics are in Kendras then that combination is known

>as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi Parasara to

>support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat Jatakam, also

>named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga didn't include

>Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu or Ketu hasn't

>been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made it clear about

>the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu triñu kendreñu

>päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre bhabati saumya

>graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means if Sun, Saturn &

>Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other planets are not in

>kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the Astrological

>magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu has got nothing

>to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

>We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference in classical

>texts, nor supported by any astrological texts, because Maharshi

>Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya, Kalidas, Baidyanath

>Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj or famous

>astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

>Results of Rahu & Ketu

>It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa Yoga will have

>a ruined life will devastating results, as all other planets start

>acting as malefics as they lose their potential to do good--- thus

>violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi Parasara. In his

>book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara has told us how

>to analyse the results of Rahu & Ketu-"yad yad bhävagato rähuù

>ketuçca janane nåëäm

>yad yad bhäbeçasaàyuktastat falaà pradiçedalam" , Rahu & ketu will

>give results according to their houses they are placed & according

>to the conditions the lord of those houses that are placed in a

>given chart. If rahu & ketu, who do not have any power of their won

>to give results, then how the good results of planets placed between

>Rahu & Ketu will nullify does not have any reasonable answer.

>It is clear according to Maharshi Parasara, that Rahu & Ketu does

>not have anything of their own(as they are Nodes).

>So we cant agree that presence of all planets between Rahu & ketu

>will nullify all the good results of the planets placed, & results

>into Kal Sarpa Yoga.

>Without any doubt, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefics and in Brihat

>Parasara Hora sastra we find many yogas formed by Rahu & Ketu

>alongwith any other malefics, but no yogas are mentioned, which is

>formed by Rahu & Ketu. We know that a planet's role (both as a

>benefic & a melefic) depends upon its natural, according to

>lordships, according to its position, according to combinations

>formed.As for Rahu & Ketu, they can't give results according to

>lorshipd, but they have a major role to play according to their

>placements. If Rahu & Ketu is posited in a benefic's house or

>related to any benefic, then definitely it will give good results,

>which has been seen in many of the charts.

>Now let us discuss on Rahu & ketu according to various classical

>literatures. In Laghu Parasari, in 2nd Chapter, 8th sloka, it is

>clearly said that if Rahu or Ketu are posited in Kendras or Trikonas

>& if they are related to lords of Kendras or Trikonas, then they

>become Rajyogakaraks.

>As you know, malefics if occupy Upachayas(3,6,10,11 houses from

>Lagna) then they give good results. So if Rahu & Ketu occupies the

>above said houses, no doubt they will give good results.

>In Manasagari Paddhati, a very similar sloka is very appropriate in

>the current context of discussion. In that very text, presence of

>Rahu in Brishabh, Kark, Simha & in Kanya have been eulogised & it is

>said that Rahu acts as a Rajyoga karaka. The results have been seen

>in many natives life, where Rahu is posted in any of the above signs

>of zodiac.

>In Bhavarthratnakar by Shree Ramanujacharya, we find that presence

>of Rahu in 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, & in Kendras & konas & presence of

>ketu in 3rd bhava is considered to be auspicious & there it is said

>that Rahu & ketu in their own dasas will give results of similar to

>rajyoga (9th Chapter, Sloka-3-4). In the same text, Shree

>Ramanujacharya has considered Rahu to be a Rajyoga Karak, even if he

>occupies the 7th bhava.

>As said earlier in the same text viz., Laghu Parasari it is said

>that Rahu & ketu if occupies the kendras & konas & even if they are

>not related to kendra or trikona lords, still in their own antar

>dasas will give results similar to Raj Yogas (chapter 4, sloka 8).

>While discussing about Rahu bhukti under Rahu dasa, Maharshi Parasar

>says in his book that it is always auspicious to have Rahu in Kark,

>Dhanush, Kanya or Brischik (chapter 41 sloka 1) & in Shani Dasa Rahu

>Bhukti, he says that it is auspicious to have Rahu in Mesh,

>Brishabh, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Dhanush or in Meen (chapter 43 sloka


>As you all know that Sarbarth Chintamani is a good reference while

>analysing dasa results. In the same text the dasa results of rahu

>has been said to be good, provided it is posted in Mesh, Brishabh,

>Karkata, Kanya, Dhanu or in Meen (chapter 16, sloka 21 & 22).

>According to Phaladeepika dasa of Rahu is good when it is posted in

>signs like Kanya, Brischik or Meen (chapter 19, sloka 16).

>Moreover according to Maharshi Parasara, one should predict about

>ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14 sloka 19). It is

>expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a well-placed Rahu

>in his dasa gives wealth.

>While speaking about the dasa results of Rahu when it is well

>placed, he says- All are beneficial for the native, be it regarding

>to Kingdom, begetting son, money, wealth, vehicles, construction of

>new home, patronised by the king etc. (chapter 36 sloka 42,46-49).

>Both Parasara & Jaimini are of the opinion that when Ketu is

>auspiciously placed it might result into Moksha.

>All these above said conditions are stated to prove that Rahu & Ketu

>are not always inauspicious & not at all inauspicious to minimise

>all the good effects of planets posted between them. So, Kal Sarpa

>Yoga is not established by the astrological writings & none of the

>classics mention about it.

>Predicting ones future using this Yoga

>Many of the Astrologers, who all believe this Yoga, tries to prove

>their prediction while using his yoga & if those natives have

>experienced anything ominous, then they rule out that Kal Sarpa Yoga

>is responsible for such ill effects. If one yoga is enough to

>nullify all good results & if ones relies upon a single yoga, then

>there is no point in talking about such yoga which is irrelevent.

>All the charts published in the "Astrological Magazine" regarding

>Kal Sarpa Yoga, was gone through by another learned astrologer & in

>the same Magazine, he said that all the ill results caused to those

>concerned persons are not due to Kal Sarpa Yoga, but due to the

>presence of planets in inauspicious places.

>Some examples

>Still, we are ready to accept such yoga, which is not supported by

>any classics. But for general belief, we need to give examples for

>proving what we decide, as we do in Science & in Arts. It is

>generally considered that one having Kal Sarpa Yoga suffers

>throughout his life, while "Ardha" Kal Sarpa Yoga is much

>more "poisonous" than "Purna" Kal Sarpa Yoga. Is it relevent to the

>present situation?? Or is it possible?? But we are surprised to find

>horoscopes of many famous personalities who had Kal Sarpa Yoga

>according to the "present" astrologers, still they had no problem in

>achieving success.

>Some example of Purna Kal Sarpa yoga:-

>1) Shree Shree Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev- Simha Lagna, Moon & Ketu in

>Lagna, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Rahu in 7th, rest of the planets

>between Rahu & Ketu.

>2) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- Karkata lagna, Rahu in 12th, Jupiter with

>Ketu in 6th, rest of the planets between Rahu & Ketu.

>3) Scientist Dr. K.S. Krishnan- Mesh Lagna, Mercury & Rahu in 9th,

>Ketu in 3rd, rest of the planets between rahu & Ketu.

>There are plenty of examples but I don't want it to be unnecessarily

>large, so have refrained from giving more examples of Purna Kal

>Sarpa Yoga.

>Now, some examples of Ardha Kal Sarpa yoga or "Bhanga Kal Sarpa

>Yoga": -

>1) "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi- Except Jupiter, all

>planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

>2) Author of the book "Bande Mataram" Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-

>Except Saturn, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

>3) Adi Shankaracharya- Except Saturn, all are between Rahu & Ketu.

>4) Swami Ramanujacharya- Except Jupiter, all planets are between

>Rahu & Ketu.

>5) Singer Hemanta Mukhopadhayay (better known as Hemant Kumar)-

>Except Mars, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

>The list is endless.


>Thus we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

>a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

>astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

>whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

>position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". I have a number

>of horoscopes where there is presence of Kal Sarpa Yoga, but those

>persons have felt the height of success in their life, but inclusion

>of those examples will unnecessarily make this work pretty large.

>I have tried my best to support my article with relevent sources.

>Please forgive the shortcomings, if any.

>I am dedicating this article to my dear lord "Shree Salagram Sila

>rupi Shree NarasimhaNarayanji"….



>Wish u all success,







>....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......







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Guest guest

Concepts like Kaal-Sarpa yoga help only the quacks. See your 7th lord in the

8th with retrograde 6th lord aspected by first rate malefics mars and

Saturn. Then see that Venus is Karaka too. What does it signify ?

Please let me know the source of your TOB.





"Harsha vardhini" <ps_harsha2004 >

<vedic astrology>

Cc: ""

Monday, June 05, 2006 2:51 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] My research work on Kal Sarpa Yoga




Your Article regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga is very realistic,,Am

also having Purna Kala Sarpa Yoga,,Rahu,Jupiter,Mars posited in 5th

house(Simha) and ketu in 11th(Kumba),,,Many astrologers had scared me by

telling that i will have many hurldes due to Kala Sarpa Yoga,,,but i always

feel and have seen that i had luck in everything,,,I have achieved what ever

i had desired till now,,,Had Got both Medical And Engineering Seat,I opted

for Computer Science Engineering,Completed without any hicups,then got the

job in a One of the Largest Company in india that too in my first

interview,,,,Iam working in a very good project,,,,,,,Am getting success in

everything,,,,But one thing was a shocking disaster in my life,,,Had got

married in 2004 Dec 24th,,,,,Had to divorce because the person whom i had

got married was a psychic.........Astrologers are telling this is due to

Debilitated Sun in my 7th house Libra,,,,,,,No one related it to Kal Sarpa

Yoga....If any one wants can

take the reference of my horoscope.


My DOB-15-nov-1979


place of birth:Bellary




Thanks & Regards,





The Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"



In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point

of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous

combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the

native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering

through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his

hardship doesn't yield any good result.

Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal Sarpa yoga?

It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu & Ketu, then it

becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous combination.

However, books are being published under this name, with suggested

remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy by discussing

about this topic in newspapers, television & internet with the

relevant information they have about the effects of this yoga.

The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as the "Kal" (meaning

a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) & troubles the

native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today are talking

about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Some of the

results, which they opine are, the native's fate is damned, he

cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not get a job or

his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may suffer from

financial problems, problems in having offspring etc. all such craps.

According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga, if all the

planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one or more planets

are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in between, then it

is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga). However if six

planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another one is located in

the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal Sarpa Yoga (Partial

Kal Sarpa Yoga).

Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal Sarpa Yoga lead

more disastrous life than people having Total Kal Sarpa Yoga.


Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics of Vedic

astrology, but in this case the problem is that we don't find

anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra,

Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita, Phaladeepika, Jatak

Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar, Jatakabharanam,

Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati, even the modern

Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak anything about this

Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa Yoga in the

Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in the volume of

December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While discussing about

KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention about its root.

However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY. The sloka he

quoted is as under:-

agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

-the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front & ketu is at last

while all other planets are in between, then this combination is

called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king of destruction of


It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has nothing to do with

personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to mundane astrology

(Rashtriya Jyotish).

In that same magazine, another writer supported this combination by

refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by Varahamihira & he

wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is Sun, Mars & Saturn

in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses other than

kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the chapter of nabhas

Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, & in the texts of

Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the existence of Sarpa

Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas). According to

him, if malefics are in Kendras then that combination is known

as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi Parasara to

support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat Jatakam, also

named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga didn't include

Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu or Ketu hasn't

been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made it clear about

the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu triñu kendreñu

päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre bhabati saumya

graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means if Sun, Saturn &

Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other planets are not in

kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the Astrological

magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu has got nothing

to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference in classical

texts, nor supported by any astrological texts, because Maharshi

Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya, Kalidas, Baidyanath

Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj or famous

astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

Results of Rahu & Ketu

It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa Yoga will have

a ruined life will devastating results, as all other planets start

acting as malefics as they lose their potential to do good--- thus

violating the basic rule as prescribed by Maharshi Parasara. In his

book Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Maharshi Parasara has told us how

to analyse the results of Rahu & Ketu-"yad yad bhävagato rähuù

ketuçca janane nåëäm

yad yad bhäbeçasaàyuktastat falaà pradiçedalam" , Rahu & ketu will

give results according to their houses they are placed & according

to the conditions the lord of those houses that are placed in a

given chart. If rahu & ketu, who do not have any power of their won

to give results, then how the good results of planets placed between

Rahu & Ketu will nullify does not have any reasonable answer.

It is clear according to Maharshi Parasara, that Rahu & Ketu does

not have anything of their own(as they are Nodes).

So we cant agree that presence of all planets between Rahu & ketu

will nullify all the good results of the planets placed, & results

into Kal Sarpa Yoga.

Without any doubt, Rahu & Ketu are natural malefics and in Brihat

Parasara Hora sastra we find many yogas formed by Rahu & Ketu

alongwith any other malefics, but no yogas are mentioned, which is

formed by Rahu & Ketu. We know that a planet's role (both as a

benefic & a melefic) depends upon its natural, according to

lordships, according to its position, according to combinations

formed.As for Rahu & Ketu, they can't give results according to

lorshipd, but they have a major role to play according to their

placements. If Rahu & Ketu is posited in a benefic's house or

related to any benefic, then definitely it will give good results,

which has been seen in many of the charts.

Now let us discuss on Rahu & ketu according to various classical

literatures. In Laghu Parasari, in 2nd Chapter, 8th sloka, it is

clearly said that if Rahu or Ketu are posited in Kendras or Trikonas

& if they are related to lords of Kendras or Trikonas, then they

become Rajyogakaraks.

As you know, malefics if occupy Upachayas(3,6,10,11 houses from

Lagna) then they give good results. So if Rahu & Ketu occupies the

above said houses, no doubt they will give good results.

In Manasagari Paddhati, a very similar sloka is very appropriate in

the current context of discussion. In that very text, presence of

Rahu in Brishabh, Kark, Simha & in Kanya have been eulogised & it is

said that Rahu acts as a Rajyoga karaka. The results have been seen

in many natives life, where Rahu is posted in any of the above signs

of zodiac.

In Bhavarthratnakar by Shree Ramanujacharya, we find that presence

of Rahu in 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, & in Kendras & konas & presence of

ketu in 3rd bhava is considered to be auspicious & there it is said

that Rahu & ketu in their own dasas will give results of similar to

rajyoga (9th Chapter, Sloka-3-4). In the same text, Shree

Ramanujacharya has considered Rahu to be a Rajyoga Karak, even if he

occupies the 7th bhava.

As said earlier in the same text viz., Laghu Parasari it is said

that Rahu & ketu if occupies the kendras & konas & even if they are

not related to kendra or trikona lords, still in their own antar

dasas will give results similar to Raj Yogas (chapter 4, sloka 8).

While discussing about Rahu bhukti under Rahu dasa, Maharshi Parasar

says in his book that it is always auspicious to have Rahu in Kark,

Dhanush, Kanya or Brischik (chapter 41 sloka 1) & in Shani Dasa Rahu

Bhukti, he says that it is auspicious to have Rahu in Mesh,

Brishabh, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Dhanush or in Meen (chapter 43 sloka


As you all know that Sarbarth Chintamani is a good reference while

analysing dasa results. In the same text the dasa results of rahu

has been said to be good, provided it is posted in Mesh, Brishabh,

Karkata, Kanya, Dhanu or in Meen (chapter 16, sloka 21 & 22).

According to Phaladeepika dasa of Rahu is good when it is posted in

signs like Kanya, Brischik or Meen (chapter 19, sloka 16).

Moreover according to Maharshi Parasara, one should predict about

ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14 sloka 19). It is

expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a well-placed Rahu

in his dasa gives wealth.

While speaking about the dasa results of Rahu when it is well

placed, he says- All are beneficial for the native, be it regarding

to Kingdom, begetting son, money, wealth, vehicles, construction of

new home, patronised by the king etc. (chapter 36 sloka 42,46-49).

Both Parasara & Jaimini are of the opinion that when Ketu is

auspiciously placed it might result into Moksha.

All these above said conditions are stated to prove that Rahu & Ketu

are not always inauspicious & not at all inauspicious to minimise

all the good effects of planets posted between them. So, Kal Sarpa

Yoga is not established by the astrological writings & none of the

classics mention about it.

Predicting ones future using this Yoga

Many of the Astrologers, who all believe this Yoga, tries to prove

their prediction while using his yoga & if those natives have

experienced anything ominous, then they rule out that Kal Sarpa Yoga

is responsible for such ill effects. If one yoga is enough to

nullify all good results & if ones relies upon a single yoga, then

there is no point in talking about such yoga which is irrelevent.

All the charts published in the "Astrological Magazine" regarding

Kal Sarpa Yoga, was gone through by another learned astrologer & in

the same Magazine, he said that all the ill results caused to those

concerned persons are not due to Kal Sarpa Yoga, but due to the

presence of planets in inauspicious places.

Some examples

Still, we are ready to accept such yoga, which is not supported by

any classics. But for general belief, we need to give examples for

proving what we decide, as we do in Science & in Arts. It is

generally considered that one having Kal Sarpa Yoga suffers

throughout his life, while "Ardha" Kal Sarpa Yoga is much

more "poisonous" than "Purna" Kal Sarpa Yoga. Is it relevent to the

present situation?? Or is it possible?? But we are surprised to find

horoscopes of many famous personalities who had Kal Sarpa Yoga

according to the "present" astrologers, still they had no problem in

achieving success.

Some example of Purna Kal Sarpa yoga:-

1) Shree Shree Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev- Simha Lagna, Moon & Ketu in

Lagna, Sun, Mercury, Venus & Rahu in 7th, rest of the planets

between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru- Karkata lagna, Rahu in 12th, Jupiter with

Ketu in 6th, rest of the planets between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Scientist Dr. K.S. Krishnan- Mesh Lagna, Mercury & Rahu in 9th,

Ketu in 3rd, rest of the planets between rahu & Ketu.

There are plenty of examples but I don't want it to be unnecessarily

large, so have refrained from giving more examples of Purna Kal

Sarpa Yoga.

Now, some examples of Ardha Kal Sarpa yoga or "Bhanga Kal Sarpa

Yoga": -

1) "Father of the Nation" Mahatma Gandhi- Except Jupiter, all

planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

2) Author of the book "Bande Mataram" Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay-

Except Saturn, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

3) Adi Shankaracharya- Except Saturn, all are between Rahu & Ketu.

4) Swami Ramanujacharya- Except Jupiter, all planets are between

Rahu & Ketu.

5) Singer Hemanta Mukhopadhayay (better known as Hemant Kumar)-

Except Mars, all planets are between Rahu & Ketu.

The list is endless.


Thus we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is nothing but

a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come to seek

astrological advice. As the examples given above it is true that

whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due to planetary

position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga". I have a number

of horoscopes where there is presence of Kal Sarpa Yoga, but those

persons have felt the height of success in their life, but inclusion

of those examples will unnecessarily make this work pretty large.

I have tried my best to support my article with relevent sources.

Please forgive the shortcomings, if any.

I am dedicating this article to my dear lord "Shree Salagram Sila

rupi Shree NarasimhaNarayanji"..



Wish u all success,

















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Dear Tatvam-Asi,


I have also read that KSY can be either good or bad.

And, the good KSY is called as Kala Amruta Yoga.





--- Tatvam-Asi <nameisego > wrote:


> Friends,


> KSY has been hyped for not MUCH of a real reason .

> I have done some work using Rahu centric

> principles and it is not always that KSY is bad.

> I found that its goodness or badness solely

> depends upon dasa bhukti a person is undergoing.

> I checked up many charts including Bush's and

> latest is that of Bangalore boy Harsha with

> disastrous marriage.

> Now I can safely say that It would be possible to

> say good KSY and Bad KSY using Rahu centric

> principles easily.


> Anyone interested , may write to me privately.


> Tatvam-Asi



> wrote:

> Namaste,

> > .......we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is

> nothing but

> a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come

> to seek

> astrological advice. As the examples given above it

> is true that

> whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was due

> to planetary

> position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa Yoga".

> ......


> Your above conclusions seems to be reasonably true

> to my experience.I know a person born in "Kal Surpa

> yoga" born on 5th February 1938 @ 10.04 hrs - 79 E

> 39 , 12 N 15

> [ + 5.30 East of GMT] He was born in a middle class

> family,from the day one of his birth seen lot of

> improvements, no brothers,he had education up to '

> ESSLC '[8TH STANDARD] , in business amassed wealth

> for several crores , now happily settled.

> Please keep it up, done a good job! good job!!


> wrote: The

> Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

> The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"


> Introduction

> In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the

> most common point

> of discussion in the country. It is said that this

> is most ominous

> combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are

> destroyed & the

> native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to

> be suffering

> through all kind of hardships throughout his life,

> while his

> hardship doesn't yield any good result.

> Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal

> Sarpa yoga?

> It is said that if all the planets are between Rahu

> & Ketu, then it

> becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an ominous

> combination.

> However, books are being published under this name,

> with suggested

> remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves busy

> by discussing

> about this topic in newspapers, television &

> internet with the

> relevant information they have about the effects of

> this yoga.

> The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as

> the "Kal" (meaning

> a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) &

> troubles the

> native. For no reason, even the astrologers of today

> are talking

> about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Some of the

> results, which they opine are, the native's fate is

> damned, he

> cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not

> get a job or

> his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may

> suffer from

> financial problems, problems in having offspring

> etc. all such craps.

> According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa Yoga,

> if all the

> planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if one

> or more planets

> are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in

> between, then it

> is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga).

> However if six

> planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another

> one is located in

> the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal

> Sarpa Yoga (Partial

> Kal Sarpa Yoga).

> Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal

> Sarpa Yoga lead

> more disastrous life than people having Total Kal

> Sarpa Yoga.


> Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

> Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics

> of Vedic

> astrology, but in this case the problem is that we

> don't find

> anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat Parasara

> Hora Sastra,

> Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita,

> Phaladeepika, Jatak

> Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar,

> Jatakabharanam,

> Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati,

> even the modern

> Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak

> anything about this

> Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa

> Yoga in the

> Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in

> the volume of

> December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994. While

> discussing about

> KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention

> about its root.

> However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY.

> The sloka he

> quoted is as under:-

> agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

> yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

> -the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front &

> ketu is at last

> while all other planets are in between, then this

> combination is

> called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king

> of destruction of

> grains.

> It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has

> nothing to do with

> personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to

> mundane astrology

> (Rashtriya Jyotish).

> In that same magazine, another writer supported this

> combination by

> refering it to classics like Brihat Jatakam by

> Varahamihira & he

> wrote about Sarpa Yoga, the condition of which is

> Sun, Mars & Saturn

> in kendras while the rest of the planets in houses

> other than

> kendras, & this combination is mentioned in the

> chapter of nabhas

> Yoga of Brihat Jatakam, Saravali by KalyanVarma, &

> in the texts of

> Badarayan, Manish & garga etc.

> We know that Varahamihira has discussed about the

> existence of Sarpa

> Yoga in his Brihat Jatakam(chapter of Nabhas Yogas).

> According to

> him, if malefics are in Kendras then that

> combination is known

> as "Sarpa Yoga", & he has taken the name of Maharshi

> Parasara to

> support this yoga. Bhattotpal, commentator of Brihat

> Jatakam, also

> named Mahrshi Manish & Badarayan. However, this yoga

> didn't include

> Rahu & Ketu, as in the texts of Varahamihira, Rahu

> or Ketu hasn't

> been accepted or any importance. Bhattotpal has made

> it clear about

> the condition for Sarpa Yoga, he says, "yeñu keñu

> triñu kendreñu

> päpakñaya süryabhaumasaurä tabanti na kaçcit kendre

> bhabati saumya

> graha tadä sarpo näm yogo bhabiçyati"---that means

> if Sun, Saturn &

> Mars occupy then it is Sarpa Yoga (while other

> planets are not in

> kendras). Dr. P.S. Shastri has said the same in the

> Astrological

> magazine of June, 1994. So we can see rahu or ketu

> has got nothing

> to do with this ominous yoga viz., Sarpa Yoga.

> We can deduce that Kal Sarpa Yoga has no reference

> in classical

> texts, nor supported by any astrological texts,

> because Maharshi

> Parasar, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Ramanujacharya,

> Kalidas, Baidyanath

> Dixit, Benkateswar Daivajna, Mantreswar, Chuntiraj

> or famous

> astrologers didn't accept this yoga.

> Results of Rahu & Ketu

> It is generally considered that one having Kal sarpa

> Yoga

=== message truncated ===







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Dear Navindran Nair,


I don't think your definition of Kala Amruta Yoga is

correct, at least according to B V Raman. Let me quote

from B V Raman's book:


"...But what if all the planets are hemmed in between

Ketu and Rahu? According to some, this does not

constitute KSY. But in our view irrespective of

whether the planets are between Rahu and Ketu or Ketu

and Rahu the yoga technically exists...."





--- "A. Ravindran Nair" <rain13club > wrote:


> Dear All,


> Can I intrude !!!


> Kala Amrita Yoga is not a good Kala Sarpa Yoga.


> When Rahu leads the yoga it is Kala Sarpa Yoga and

> when Kethu leads the yoga it is Kala Amrita Yoga

> which does not cause much harm.


> Movement of Rahu/Kethu is in reverse. Suppose

> the KSY is on 1/7 axis means Rahu in 1st and Kethu

> in 7th, in reverse direction Rahu is leading this

> Yoga and it is KSY.


> At the same time if Kethu is in 1st and Rahu in

> 7th, then in reverse direction Kethu is leading this

> Yoga and it is Kala Amrita Yoga.


> Regards



> Ravi Nair



> Krishnamurthy Seetharama <krishna_1998 >

> wrote:

> Dear Tatvam-Asi,


> I have also read that KSY can be either good or bad.

> And, the good KSY is called as Kala Amruta Yoga.


> Regards,

> Krishna


> --- Tatvam-Asi <nameisego > wrote:


> > Friends,

> >

> > KSY has been hyped for not MUCH of a real reason .

> > I have done some work using Rahu centric

> > principles and it is not always that KSY is bad.

> > I found that its goodness or badness solely

> > depends upon dasa bhukti a person is undergoing.

> > I checked up many charts including Bush's and

> > latest is that of Bangalore boy Harsha with

> > disastrous marriage.

> > Now I can safely say that It would be possible to

> > say good KSY and Bad KSY using Rahu centric

> > principles easily.

> >

> > Anyone interested , may write to me privately.

> >

> > Tatvam-Asi

> >

> > KARUNAAKARAM RAAGHAVAM <munisevitham >

> > wrote:

> > Namaste,

> > > .......we can deduce, that Kal Sarpa Yoga is

> > nothing but

> > a "cultivated" yoga, only to scare people who come

> > to seek

> > astrological advice. As the examples given above

> it

> > is true that

> > whatever incomplete they felt in their life, was

> due

> > to planetary

> > position, not due to the so called "Kal Sarpa

> Yoga".

> > ......

> >

> > Your above conclusions seems to be reasonably true

> > to my experience.I know a person born in "Kal

> Surpa

> > yoga" born on 5th February 1938 @ 10.04 hrs - 79 E

> > 39 , 12 N 15

> > [ + 5.30 East of GMT] He was born in a middle

> class

> > family,from the day one of his birth seen lot of

> > improvements, no brothers,he had education up to '

> > ESSLC '[8TH STANDARD] , in business amassed wealth

> > for several crores , now happily settled.

> > Please keep it up, done a good job! good job!!

> >

> > wrote: The

> > Myth of Kal Sarpa Yoga

> > The Mystery of Kal Sarpa Yoga "unveiled"

> >

> > Introduction

> > In the recent times, Kal Sarpa Yoga has become the

> > most common point

> > of discussion in the country. It is said that this

> > is most ominous

> > combination, all the beneficial roles of planets

> are

> > destroyed & the

> > native having Kal Sarpa yoga in his chart is said

> to

> > be suffering

> > through all kind of hardships throughout his life,

> > while his

> > hardship doesn't yield any good result.

> > Now let's see what is the combination of this Kal

> > Sarpa yoga?

> > It is said that if all the planets are between

> Rahu

> > & Ketu, then it

> > becomes Kal Sarpa Yoga, giving result to an

> ominous

> > combination.

> > However, books are being published under this

> name,

> > with suggested

> > remedies etc. while astrologers keep themselves

> busy

> > by discussing

> > about this topic in newspapers, television &

> > internet with the

> > relevant information they have about the effects

> of

> > this yoga.

> > The word, "Kal Sarpa" itself frightens anybody as

> > the "Kal" (meaning

> > a bad period) takes the form of "Sarpa" (Snake) &

> > troubles the

> > native. For no reason, even the astrologers of

> today

> > are talking

> > about the frightening effects of Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> > Some of the

> > results, which they opine are, the native's fate

> is

> > damned, he

> > cannot earn name & fame in his/hers life, may not

> > get a job or

> > his/hers work atmosphere will never be good, may

> > suffer from

> > financial problems, problems in having offspring

> > etc. all such craps.

> > According to the modern "orators" of Kal Sarpa

> Yoga,

> > if all the

> > planets are within the half of Rahu & Ketu or if

> one

> > or more planets

> > are with Rahu or Ketu, while the others are in

> > between, then it

> > is, "Purna Kal Sarpa Yoga" (Total Kal Sarpa yoga).

> > However if six

> > planets are in between Rahu & Ketu, while another

> > one is located in

> > the other half, then it is termed as, "Ardha Kal

> > Sarpa Yoga (Partial

> > Kal Sarpa Yoga).

> > Some of them say that people born with Partial Kal

> > Sarpa Yoga lead

> > more disastrous life than people having Total Kal

> > Sarpa Yoga.

> >

> > Searching the classics for the existence of KSY

> > Whenever a problem arises, we consult the classics

> > of Vedic

> > astrology, but in this case the problem is that we

> > don't find

> > anything regarding Kal Sarpa Yoga in Brihat

> Parasara

> > Hora Sastra,

> > Jaiminisutram, Brihat Jatakam, Uttar Kalamrita,

> > Phaladeepika, Jatak

> > Parijat, Sarbartha Chintamani, Bhabartharatnakar,

> > Jatakabharanam,

> > Sanketnidhi, Bhabakutuhalam, Manasagari Paddhati,

> > even the modern

> > Astro books like, jataktatwa etc. don't speak

> > anything about this

> > Kal Sarpa Yoga.

> > Pundit Shree P.S. Sastri discussed about Kal Sarpa

> > Yoga in the

> > Astrological magazine published from Bangalore in

> > the volume of

> > December 1965, October 1987 & September 1994.

> While

> > discussing about

> > KSY, Mr. Sastri quoted a sloka, but didn't mention

> > about its root.

> > However he admitted that classics don't talk KSY.

> > The sloka he

> > quoted is as under:-

> > agre rähuù ante ketu sarbe madhyagatä grahäù

> > yogam kälasarpäkhyam nåpa çasya binäçanam

> > -the meaning is quite clear. If rahu is at front &

> > ketu is at last

> > while all other planets are in between, then this

> > combination is

> > called Kal Sarpa Yoga & results into death of king

> > of destruction of

> > grains.

> > It is clear that the above mentioned sloka has

> > nothing to do with

> > personal astrology (Jatak Jyotish) & is related to


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