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What Parasara Advocates...ishta devata indicators

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, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr>



> Namaste,

> In this case, you take the lord of Taurus. Venus shows ishta devata.

Venus shows a female deity, but not a taamasik form like Durga or Kaali.

> Mahalakshmi is one possibility. Mother Amriteswari worshipped by

Mata Amritanandamayi is a good fit too. Venus is the rishi of Amrita

Mrityunjaya mantra and Amriteswari is perhaps shown by a combination

of Venus and/or Moon.

Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!!




Dear Narasimha:


that is what i had thought, that you could take the Lord of Taurus to

show ishta devata...


what is interesting about this further, is that Amma's given birth

chart shows Moon in Krittika, in Taurus....and also shows Amma's Lagna

to be in Libra along with Saturn. This would make Her Lagnesha to be

Venus....Also, in my birth chart, Venus is placed in Libra....So,

given that many of Amma's devotees are inclined to view Her as an

incarnation of Divine Mother, could this not indicate that the Venus

referred to as my Ishta devata might indeed be referring to that

Divine Mother, of Whom Amma is said to be an incarnation? Also, with

Saturn placed in her Lagna, in Libra, this could be said to be

colouring the Venus ishta devata...perhaps with Saturn there in Her

lagna, one might infer that this is referring to Goddess Kaali?

Perhaps this is meant to show that Amma is personifying both different

energies of the Divine Mother...Mahalaksmi, and Kaali too, depending

upon what is needed by the devotees? This is how many of Her devotees

see Her...that She will manifest whichever Bhava of Divine Mother that

is appropriate to their needs....Mother Herself says that ALL of the

Deities are within Her....and too, within US...and we have merely to

tune in properly with that Divine Energy to manifest whichever Bhava

is necessary for the moment...


This would very much fit in with the story of the

DasaMahavidyas...wherein Mother appeared before Siva in 10 forms, some

fierce and others lovely and charming...i take that to mean

figuratively, that All women have all ten Mahavidyas within them,

being daughters of Divine Mother...and that which ever Bhava is

appropriate to the moment will manifest...thus sometimes you will see

your wife or daughter, as Laksmi, or Kamala, and other times you may

see her as Kali, or Tara, or Bhairavi....depending upon whether she is

feeling happy, or outraged.


just a thought that i wanted to share...but i would appreciate your

input as to what you might think of my ideas above... i was impressed

with your exposition re: Sri Ramakrsna, and His Beloved Kaali!!...

but when i look at his chart i cannot see Kaali indicated at all in

the navamsha in reference to his AK...wait..in Navamsha, i see that

Mars is in Cancer, with Ketu...indicating that Mercury could be the

Ishta Devata...and one finds Mercury with Ju and Sa in Aquarius....i

wonder if this could be indicating the several different Ishta Devatas

that He worshipped in His sadhana, wherein after having the Darshan of

Kaali, He undertook the sadhana of the Vaishnavas as if He were a gopi

or Radha, and after that, the sadhana of the Christians, until He got

Darshan of Jesus Christ...and then finally the Islamic sadhana until

He got realisation according to the Muslim methods...


Each time He utterly forsook the former ways of being, and worship,

and totally became a devotee of the new faith, until He got Siddhi of

the faith...so perhaps one could suggest that He had several Ishta

Devatas...because He wanted to show us that the TRUTH IS ONE, and THE



Also He reportedly said that He would have to take birth as a woman

next time, just so that He could properly undertake the Gopi

sadhana...(even though, while He was doing the Gopi sadhana, for all

intents and purposes, He appeared to become like a woman, such that

the women of His acquaintance were quite happy to have Him come and

visit them in their women's apartments...


in the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,

as ever,




Om Namah Sivaya!!

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